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Beauties in Bondage: What's New
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Beauties in Bondage: What's New

Cadence Lux
The Psychic 3: Accomplice
The Psychic 3: Accomplice
Time: 29 minutes 43 seconds
A year has passed since Cadence last encountered the bank robber. In that time, she has built a solid reputation working with the police as a psychic to help them track down perpetrators. During an interview, Cadence is asked about "the one that got away", and admits that it still haunts her. She can't work out why her senses always seem to fail her when she is hunting the infamous "bank robber". The interviewer points out that it has been almost a year since he robbed any banks, and she asks Cadence if she thinks he might have stopped. Cadence says that she doubts it. This is one prediction that turns out to be true, because that very night, the bank robber sneaks into her home and grabs her. With a profound sense of deja vu, Cadence soon finds herself out in the woods, naked, handcuffed and gagged, and turned loose in the wilderness. After hours of wandering, she comes to a clearing where she sees a vehicle parked. Thinking she has been saved, she hurries towards it, only to find the bank robber waiting for her. How can her instincts have led her back to him? He doesn't make any sense. Soon, he has Cadence hogtied in the back of the vehicle. After letting her struggle for a while, he finally starts the engine and drives her to his current lair. Here, Cadence finds herself handcuffed and shackled to a bed, still naked, her skin criss-crossed by chains. When the bank robber comes to see her, it soon becomes clear what he wants; he wants her help with future bank robberies. Cadence refuses, and is later alarmed to discover that the bank robber has planted evidence in her house suggesting that she is his accomplice. Horrified, Cadence pleads with him to let her go, but he counters, "Are you sure you want that?" and shows her the articles that indicate she is now a wanted woman!

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,659.2 MB
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
You're Supposed To Help Me
You're Supposed To Help Me
Time: 17 minutes 36 seconds
Lily sees what looks like a burglar entering the home of her friend Amber. She is about to call the police, but then she hesitates. She’s always had a Bit of a thing for Amber, and she images how heroic she would look entering the house and saving her friend after the burglar has departed. First things first though: She needs to drive home to arm herself before going in, just in case. On the way back, she seems unaware that she has passed the burglar driving in the other direction.

The situation at the house is just as she hoped. She finds Amber tied to a chair and gagged. Upon removing the gag, Amber asks her to untie the ropes pinning her to the chair, but instead Lily starts talking about how close their friendship is, and muses that maybe it could be a little more than that. Amber, getting annoyed now, demands to be released from her bonds, but Lily continues to prevaricate, touching her friend and suggesting things they could do together, if they were closer. It is a serious mistake. Unnoticed by the two women, the burglar returns. He gets the drop on Lily and makes her sit on a chair next to Amber. He proceeds to tie her up in the same way he did her friend, finally gagging both women before departing once more, taking Lily’s phone with him. Lily tries to persuade Amber to try to untie her first, but Amber doesn’t trust her. The girls are left in a bit of a quandary.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,001.5 MB
Cadence Lux
Unwelcome Visitor
Unwelcome Visitor
Time: 20 minutes 08 seconds
Cadence is busy in her kitchen washing glasses when she hears an unusual sound somewhere in the house. She goes to investigate. Looking around in confusion, she is oblivious to the masked man approaching from behind. He grabs her and presses a chloroform-soaked cloth over her nose and mouth, holding it there until she can no longer resist inhaling and passes out. When she wakes up, she finds herself tied to a chair with the intruder about to gag her. She tries to protest but only has a few seconds before she is silenced. She is left alone in her bonds while the intruder explores the house, looking for whatever takes his fancy. Cadence tries to get free, longing to get to a phone and raise the alarm, but the ropes are too tight and she can't escape. Eventually, the intruder returns and tells her, in a quiet, sinister voice, that he is going to make a few changes before he leaves. First and foremost, he wants to see her wearing a lot less clothes before re-tying her and leaving her to fend for herself.

Now Cadence is naked and tied up on the floor. The intruder pushes a cloth into her mouth before gagging her again, then seemingly departs. Once again, Cadence struggles to free herself but to no avail. Finally, she decides to see help. She makes her way to the back door and tries to open it with her feet, but it's locked. She decides to head for the front door where she is more likely to be spotted by a passerby anyway. She slides through the kitchen and into the hallway. Almost at the door, she stands up to hop the last few steps, intending to opening the door with her bound hands. To her horror, the door opens before she can reach it, and once again she is confronted by the intruder.

3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 1,140.5 MB

Keri Spectrum
The Thief (4K upscaled)
The Thief (4K upscaled)
Time: 8 minutes 40 seconds
Keri is a thief who dresses in every day street clothes so that she will blend in and not be noticed when entering and leaving houses. She has burgled a house where she knows there is a valuable statue which will fetch a lot of money, but just as she is about to leave with her spoils, the door opens and a man steps into the foyer. On seeing Keri, he demands to know what she is doing in his house. Then he sees the statue in her hand and snatches it from her. He grabs hold of the girl and marches her through to the kitchen, telling her he is going to call the police and have her arrested. In the meantime, he says, he is going to restrain her to make sure she doesn't make a run for it. He zip ties Keri's wrists together behind her back, then makes her kneels down and cross her ankles. he zip ties these too before pushing her down onto her stomach and using a third zip tie to place her in a brutally-tight hogtie. Keri can barely move now, but she still tries to persuade the man not to call the cops. He produces a cloth from a drawer and is about to gag her when she asks where he is getting all this stuff from. When he explains that this is a hobby of his, Keri gets scared and decides she would rather be arrested by the cops after all. The man gags her to keep her quiet, telling her that he is going to delay calling the cops so that he can keep her trussed up like this for a while.

3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 978.6 MB
Cadence Lux
Snip & Rip (4K upscaled)
Snip & Rip (4K upscaled)
Time: 12 minutes 35 seconds
Cadence is standing in a grimy old garage, her wrists handcuffs above her head and a gag in her mouth. She has no idea how she got there; the last thing she remembers is being at a party and drinking something that tasted a little strange... then waking up here. She struggles, knowing that there is no way out of the tightly-closed handcuffs. Her level of alarm increases when a masked man enters the garage brandishing a pair of scissors. She watches in horror as her begins to cut off her dress. The scissors are blunt and it takes some time, snipping, tearing, and more snipping, until finally no part of the dress is attached to her. The man takes the remains of the dress off her shoulder and throws it on the floor. Now the scissors move down to Cadence's panties, and she watches helplessly as the man cuts through them, first one side and then the other, pulling them from between her legs and leaving her wearing nothing but heels and stockings. After a while, he retrieves a zip tie and secures her ankles. Clearly, this cute blonde is going to remain his house guest for some time to come.

3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 1,461.7 MB
Madison Grey
Prisoner In Her Bedroom (2K upscaled)
Prisoner In Her Bedroom (2K upscaled)
Time: 9 minutes 37 seconds
Madison has been grabbed, bound and gagged in her own bedroom. She struggles on the floor trying to escape from her bonds, but the ropes are too tight and the knots are out of reach. All she can do is lay there and wait to see what happens to her next. After a while, she decides to work her way to the door and try to open it with her feet, but her efforts go unrewarded; the door is locked. Madison leans against the door, resting her head against the wood, trapped and helpless. Now she must wait to see what happens to her next.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 526.8 MB

Ramona Vixen
Why The Hell Are You Here?
Why The Hell Are You Here?
Time: 10 minutes 49 seconds
Ramona is busy at work, looking relaxed as she gets things done. She leaves the room for a few minutes to retrieve a document, and when she returns, a man is standing in her office. She looks very startled to see him. Transition to where Ramona is tied to a chair and tape gagged, the intruder having taken what he wanted, leaving his victim bound and gagged, stuck there until someone drops by and finds her. Ramona tried to free herself, but the ropes are tight and she has no success. Looks like it's going to be a very long day at the office.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 610.4 MB
Vonka Romanov
In A Dark Place
In A Dark Place
Time: 15 minutes 16 seconds
Vonka has been taken and transported in the back of a vehicle, her wrists and ankles bound with zipties, her mouth cleave gagged. She struggles in the back of the vehicle trying to free herself, but it's hopeless. Soon, her captor arrives and cuts the ziptie from her ankles, ordering her to get out of the vehicle and walk into a dark garage. Once inside, her hands are freed and she is permitted to remove her gag. She is ordered to remove all of her clothes before locking her wrists in handcuffs hanging from a chain on a pole. She complies before she is tape gagged and has her ankles secured with a ziptie once more. Her captor departs, closing the garage door on his way out, leaving her there to await his eventual return.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 864.4 MB
Mura Suru
Time: 17 minutes 46 seconds
Mura has been obsessed with the modus operadii of a bank robber who has remained at large for years. She has a social media page where she reports on each of his robberies, and displays her fanatical passion for him. She admires how he always takes a bank teller hostage during a robbery to ensure his safe getaway, deeming this a very smart move. Mura has even taken jobs in various banks, hoping to encounter him in the process of one of his robberies. Finally, to her delight, he not only robs the bank she is working in, but also takes her as the hostage. She is not a hundred percent sure this is the same guy until he takes her into the forest and orders her to strip. That triggers her fangirl response and she gushes about how she admires him and has longed for this meeting. She is surprised when he still insists that she strip, telling him that she would never turn him in. She is a bit alarmed when he still insists on making her strip, and she reluctantly does so, while he walks around her taking photographs on her own phone. She is even more disturbed when he says he will post these photos on her social media page. He finally takes her shoes and clothes and departs, suggesting that maybe one of her followers will figure out her situation and come looking for her. Left alone in the woods, naked, tied to a tree and gagged, Mura begins to regret her obsession, appreciating for the first time that it really isn't a game after all.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,003.1 MB

Nikki Brooks, Tina Lee Comet, Madison Grey
Taylor, Anna Lee and Hannah Perez

Bondage Archives: Volume 1
Bondage Archives: Volume 1
Time: 36 minutes 02 seconds
Six different girls tied up with ropes and struggling to get free, selected from the Beauties in Bondage archives.

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Sarah Brooke
Costly Mistake
Costly Mistake
Time: 30 minutes 32 seconds
Sarah entered a house to locate some incriminating evidence, but she has been caught in the act. The man residing there decides not to call the police, but to deal with this intruder himself. First of all, he tapes her wrists together, then wraps tape around her body, pinning her arms to her sides. He unbuttons her shirt and pulls her bra aside, before getting some scissors to destroy her shirt further. Finally, he makes her sit down on the floor so that he can tape up her legs and gag her, leaving her to struggle and unable to escape. The following morning, Sarah is made to put on a pair of short before she is tied up again, this time with ropes. She is also silenced with a ball gag. Left in a hogtie, she rolls around on the floor, still unable to free herself. By the time the second night comes, she finds herself stripped down to her bra and panties, cleave gagged and tied to a chair in a dingy room. Entering this man's house was turning out to be a costly mistake.

(This video has been assembled from two previous releases - Please Don't Do This and The French Tourist).

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Lily Anna
Forcibly Disrobed (2K upscaled)
Forcibly Disrobed (2K upscaled)
Time: 17 minutes 00 seconds
Secretary Lily has been taken for ransom. She is tied to some studs in the basement of a house, her wrists and ankles tightly secured and with rope around her neck to prevent her sitting down on the floor. While waiting for the ransom to be paid, her captor decides to have some fun with her. First, her puts a cloth in her mouth and keeps it there by tying a cleave gag around her head. The proceeds to rip open her blouse, the buttons popping off and lying everywhere, then rips her skirt up the back until it is held on by only the waistband. With a pair of sharp scissors, he cuts off the skirt, then cuts through the straps holding Lily's bra in place, exposing her breasts. Now he cuts the top of her pantyhose before tearing them apart with his bare hands, leaving the tattered remains on her feet. Finally, he takes great relish in cutting off Lily's panties, leaving her standing there completely naked. Before he can think what fun to have next, her captor hears his phone ringing and he departs to answer it, leaving poor Lily to struggle against the ropes holding her, wondering what will happen to her when the man has finished his phone call.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 998.6 MB

Amber Wells
I Need Your Clothes 4 Remastered
I Need Your Clothes 4 Remastered
Time: 23 minutes 01 seconds
Amber has just arrived home after a long day at work when she encounters an intruder. Instead of simply robbing her, he asks her to strip down to her bra and panties, then makes her sit on the floor and duct tape her ankles and thighs together. He then takes over, securing her wrists and gagging her with the same tape. To finish off, he uses the tape to place her in a hogtie before he gathers up her discarded clothes and departs. Amber is left struggling to get free, and while it is far from easy, she makes some progress, even getting so far as retrieving a pair of scissors to cut the tape, at least when she can reach it.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,361.4 MB
Lydia Lael
Cease And Desist & You Must Tie Yourself Up
Cease And Desist & You Must Tie Yourself Up
Time: 39 minutes 10 seconds
1. Cease & Desist
Lydia is visiting the home of a Mr. Ford who owns a construction company of the same name. She has taken time off work to deliver a petition signed by all the local residents complaining about Ford's encroachment on their land. Lydia tells him he must cease and desist all activities or she will take the petition to a judge and get an injunction against him. After establishing that Lydia has come to see him alone, Ford grabs her and carries her into the house, binding her wrists and ankles. Lydia objects vehemently but can't get the ropes off. She decides to make her escape while still tied up, and hops to the front door and out onto the deck, hoping that someone will see her dire situation and come to help. Ford sees what she is doing and quickly grabs her for a second time. He takes her to his basement and suspends her from the ceiling to ensure she will not be hopping out of the house again. He tells her that he has a construction company to attend to, as well she knows, and leaves her suspended there for the day. Later, Ford comes up with a more permanent solution for this busy body; he will make her part of the foundations of his latest project. He seals her inside a box, bound and gagged, and she is transported to the construction site. (The video concluded with 3 minutes of behind the scenes content).
19 minutes 04 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 894.7 MB

2. You Must Tie Yourself Up
Lydia has arrived home to discover a burglar who has taken possession of her cash and jewelry. In order to make a clean getaway, the intruder needs to ensure that Lydia will not be able to raise the alarm and alert the police. To this end, he hands her rope and tells her to tie herself up. She is made to tie her ankles and her thighs, then pass rope from the bath of the chair around her body, securing her to the seat. Next, to prevent Lydia calling for help, he makes her push a cloth into her mouth, then seat it in with several layers of duct tape. The intruder has secured handcuffs to the back of the chair, and his final instruction to Lydia is for her to close the bracelets around her own wrists. He checks that the cuffs are tight enough, then departs the house with his spoils, leaving Lydia bound and gagged and unable to free herself.
18 minutes 39 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 871.9 MB

Rachel Adams
Victim Of Theft & Captive In Tape
Victim Of Theft & Captive In Tape
Time: 39 minutes 10 seconds
1. Victim Of Theft
Rachel arrives home from a day at the office, unaware that a thief is lurking in her house, searching for valuables. When he realizes Rachel is home, he grabs her and hand gags her, warning her not to scream. He pushes a stocking into her mouth and sets about tying her wrists together behind her back. He lowers Rachel to the floor and secures rope around her ankles and thighs, then fully gags her with a black cloth. He goes off to continue collecting her valuables, leaving Rachel to struggle. He returns after a few minutes, removing the cloth from her mouth and tying a pair of pantyhose around her head instead, then sets about securing her legs more tightly. To make sure she doesn't wriggle around and finally get herself outside where she might find help, he decides he should leave her in a hogtie before he departs with his ill-gotten gains.
20 minutes 17 seconds - 3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 2,648.4 MB

2. Captive In Tape
Rachel is relaxing at home when a masked man enters her house and sneaks up behind her. He grabs her, duct tapes her wrists together behind her back and gags her. He further wraps tape around her body, pinning her arms to her sides. Planning to take her away with him to his basement where he can have fun with her, the intruder goes to position his car for easy access when loading her into it. In his brief absence, Rachel remembers an old flip phone she has in the kitchen which is still working. She using the kitchen counter to peel the tape from her mouth and manages to key in 911. She is in the process of asking for help when the intruder returns and grabs her again. He pushes a cloth into her mouth and gags her with duct tape once more, before marching her out to his vehicle. He sits her on the edge of the trunk to duct tape her ankles and thighs together before pushing her inside. Rachel squirms and protests as the trunk is closed on her.

After a long journey, the car stops moving and Rachel is lifted from the trunk. She is carried over the man's shoulder to the back of his house and inside through its basement door. Rachel is seated on a chair and the man departs to find some more duct tape. In his absence, she hops to the door and tries to escape, but he comes back in time to stop her. While he searches for more tape, he shuts her inside his storage cupboard. Rachel quickly tries the cupboard door and finds it unlocked, so she hops out into the basement. She spots a pair of scissors resting on a box and lowers herself to the floor to reach them. She is in the act of trying to cut the tape binding her ankles when she is caught in the act once more. The man now has more tape and secures her to a chair to stop her moving around. Soon after he leaves, however, Rachel begins sliding the chair towards the door, determined to escape whatever it takes.
18 minutes 53 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 882.1 MB


The New Realtor (4K)
The New Realtor (4K)
Time: 23 minutes 13 seconds
As a beginner in the real estate business, Violet is anxious to please her clients and also quite naive about how to conduct herself. In the hope of satisfying one of her first clients, she promises that she can arrange for him to rent a house in the country. Indeed, the client is interested in a particular house, but when she approaches the owner, he is not interested in vacating his property for a year, regardless of the incentive offered. Violet looks a little lost, and is wondering how to get herself out of this situation when the owner makes her an offer. He says that he will consent to renting out his property is Violet will submit to a day in bondage. At first, she is affronted by the idea and starts to leave, insisting that she can't do such a thing. Before she steps through the front door, however, she reconsiders, realizing just how important it is for her to make this arrangement happen. With some trepidation, she agrees to the owner's terms, and soon finds herself being tied to a pole in his basement. Even if she decided to change her mind, a cloth in her mouth and duct tape covering her lips soon ensures that she won't be raising any objections. A whole day tied up and gagged. Surely, being a real estate agent could not get any more challenging than this.

3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 2,648.4 MB
Ramona Vixen
Unsuccessful Thief & Have We Met Before?
Unsuccessful Thief & Have We Met Before?
Time: 26 minutes 16 seconds
1. Unsuccessful Thief
Ramona enters a house looking for evidence that the owner is involved in some nefarious activities, but she barely gets started in her search before she is discover. She tries to kick her opponent, but he manages to grab and overpower her. Soon, he has her tied to a pole, the ropes tightly secured, ensuring that she cannot escape. To shut her up, he cleave gags her and goes about his business, leaving here to struggle. For some time, Ramona attempts to free herself and get away, but she makes no progress at all before her opponent returns to taunt her.

2. Have We Met Before?
After Ramona pulls up at a remote house, her car refuses to start again. With her phone not getting a signal, she has no choice but to visit the nearby house and ask if she can use a phone to call for a breakdown truck. The man who answers the door looks immediately familiar, but Ramona cannot place where she has seen him before... not at first. Then it dawns on her and she tries to leave, but the man realizes she has recognized him. He grabs her before she can get away and carries her into his house. Here, he secures her wrists and ankles with plastic cuffs, thinking this will stop her escape. To stop her making so much noise, he pushes a cloth into her mouth and coils vet wrap around her head. Left unattended, Ramona makes her way to the front door and is soon hopping across the lawn. Her absence is detected almost at once and the man comes after her, carrying her back into the house for the second time. He zip ties her wrists and ankles to a chair, her feet off the ground, making sure there will be no repeat performance.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,493.5 MB
Mura Suru
Mura Suru: The Stolen Documents: Part 2
The Stolen Documents: Part 2
Time: 19 minutes 58 seconds
Mura's ordeal continues as she persists in holding out against questioning. She has not been placed out in the forest, tied to a tree and gagged. Her captor promises her she will be spending the night there. Mura struggles to get away but it's no good; the ropes are too tight on her wrists and she cannot free them. By the following morning, she is exhausted. When her captor returns, he declares that he needs to go to work, but he has found a nice secure location to keep her while he is away, a dingy cellar where all kinds of crawling creatures may lurk.. She is secured to a stool with zip ties, leaving her barely able to move, again! A large ball gag is pushed into her mouth to keep her quiet throughout the day.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,028.8 MB

Mura Suru
Mura Suru: The Stolen Documents: Part 1
The Stolen Documents: Part 1
Time: 23 minutes 37 seconds
We join Mura, a nightclub hostess, during a phone call to a collaborator informing him that she has acquired the documents needed to bring her boss to justice. She arranges a meet up for the next day when they will take the next steps. She is unaware that her boss has hired a fixer to recover the stolen documents, and that his man is closing in behind her. As she ends the call, she is grabbed from behind and hand-gagged. The fixer says he appreciates hearing her confirm that she is the one who stole the documents. Now all he needs to know is where she hidden said documents. With so much at stake, the last thing Mura wants to do is give up her only advantage. Unfortunately for her, that means she will have to endure a lot of bondage in the days ahead.

Her first bondage ordeal is to be hogtied on a bed and cleave gagged. She is quizzed for information before the gag is applied, and then she is left to struggle and try to free herself. She manages to stretch the rope to relax the hogtie a little, but she is completely unable to get her hands free to untie herself. She remains completely defiant, so the fixer decides he needs to make her a lot less comfortable to loosen her tongue.

In her next predicament, Mura is bound to a pole by a series of tight zipties, her wrists linked together by two ties and in front of her. This relative comfort does not last long, because the fixer attached a long ziptie to the top of the pole, pulls her arms up and loops the tie between her wrists. He asks her repeatedly to tell him when the stolen documents are hidden, and each time she refuses to answer, her shortens the long ziptie, pulling her arms up further with each tightening. Fully extended, and still not talking, Mura is gagged with a wide strip of gorilla duct tape and left there to experience this discomfort for a long time.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,320.8 MB
Cheyenne Jewel
Exposed Remastered
Exposed Remastered
Time: 17 minutes 54 seconds
Cheyenne has been overpowered in her own home, and is now sitting on the floor with ropes tied around her wrists, ankles and thighs. She is asking her assailant why he is doing this, and what does he want? At the moment, it seems he wants her to call one of her work colleagues and ask her to come over to the house as soon as she can. Trembling and whimpering, Cheyenne obeys. Once she has made the call, her assailant produces a pair of her panties he took from her bedside drawer. She demands to know what he is doing with them before he thrusts them into her mouth. Before he can apply duct tape to finish gagging her, Cheyenne spits out the panties. Her captor retrieves them and pushes them back into her mouth, adding three layers of duct tape to make sure they stay there this time. Left on her own, Cheyenne begins to roll around and struggle with her bonds. However, she makes too much noise, bringing her captor back into the room. He tells her she is not behaving herself, and asks the gagged girl if she knows what happens to girls who misbehave. He produces a pair of scissors and cuts open her top and her skirt, exposing her breasts and panties and embarrassing her. Unable to do anything about this, Cheyenne soon resumes trying to get free, but the ropes are tight.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,058.6 MB
Jamie Daniels
Jamie Daniels Cuffed And Chained
Jamie Daniels Cuffed And Chained
Time: 15 minutes 12 seconds
Jamie Daniels has been abducted and chained to a chair, her wrists locked in handcuffs to ensure that she cannot escape. As she comes to after being drugged, she discovers her predicament and starts to panic. When her captor arrives, she demands that he release her at once! Naturally, he has no intention of doing that. What he does intend to do is gag her to shut her up. He pushes a cloth into her mouth and seals it shut with duct tape. Completely helpless, Jamie continues to pull against the restraints until she realizes that it is hopeless. She is going to stay chained up for as long as her captor desires.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 851.1 MB

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