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Beauties in Bondage: Vonka Romanov
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Beauties in Bondage: Vonka Romanov

Vonka Romanov
In A Dark Place
In A Dark Place
Time: 15 minutes 16 seconds
Vonka has been taken and transported in the back of a vehicle, her wrists and ankles bound with zipties, her mouth cleave gagged. She struggles in the back of the vehicle trying to free herself, but it's hopeless. Soon, her captor arrives and cuts the ziptie from her ankles, ordering her to get out of the vehicle and walk into a dark garage. Once inside, her hands are freed and she is permitted to remove her gag. She is ordered to remove all of her clothes before locking her wrists in handcuffs hanging from a chain on a pole. She complies before she is tape gagged and has her ankles secured with a ziptie once more. Her captor departs, closing the garage door on his way out, leaving her there to await his eventual return.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Worst Possible Timing
Worst Possible Timing (MP4)
Time: 38 minutes 18 seconds
Vonka has been asked to look after her friend Jasmine 's house while she is away on vacation. When Vonka arrives, she sees a man emerging from the front door. When she challenges him, he says he is house sitting, and Vonka immediately knows he is lying. When she calls his bluff and tries to call Jasmine, he grabs her and takes her into the house. Initially, he ties her to a chair, gagged and blindfolded, but after she escapes, he recaptures her and secures her with plenty of duct tape. When even this fails to stop the resourceful Ms. Romanov, he resorts to making her undress and tying her to a bed, gagging her with duct tape. Now, perhaps, he can make good his escape with any valuables he can find.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: The Unsatisfied Customer (MP4)
The Unsatisfied Customer (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 18 seconds
Vonka works for a bondage producer, and to finish off a long shoot, she and he are performing in a live stream to a customer. As the scene draws to a close, the customer calls the producer and offers to pay for an additional scene, where Vonka is secured with additional rope. This is what he wants, but it is still not enough, so he calls the producer again and asks for yet another scene with Vonka tied to a bed with a bit gag in her mouth. Vonka is getting tired, but the prospect of extra cash is welcome, so she agrees. She hesitates a little longer when the same customer asks for her to be tied in a strappado position and ballgagged, but she goes along with it. Things take an unexpected turn when the customer offers the producer a large sum of money to just walk out and leave Vonka tied up like this. Unable to resist, the producer apologizes and departs, leaving Vonka in a predicament. It's a good bet that she will not be working with him again.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Until You Love Me (MP4)
Until You Love Me (MP4)
Time: 46 minutes 45 seconds
Vonka arrives from work to find Rick, one of her colleagues, waiting in her kitchen. He is someone who has persistently asked her out, despite her repeated refusals. She is both surprised and annoyed to find him inside her personal space, and pushes back when he says he is only there because he believes they would be perfect together, if she would only give them a chance. Vonka asks him to leave, and that triggers him to grab her, zip tie her wrists together behind her back and march her outside. He takes her to his own house where he removes the zip tie, but then makes her sit on a chair. He ties her up with rope, warning her not to try anything stupid. Vonka goes along with him, waiting for an opportunity to get away. After he has finished binding her and goes shopping for groceries to cook them a dinner, she works on the ropes until she finally manages to free herself. She is just departing the house when Rick returns and catches her. This time, he ties her up more tightly and places her in a hogtie on the floor. He leaves her alone while he goes off to cook some food, and once again, Vonka works on the ropes holding her. It takes some time, but she eventually manages to get loose. This time, she is able to get outside the house and starts running away. Rick realizes she has escaped, however, and chases after her, picking her up and putting her over his shoulder. He carries her back into the house and down the stairs to the basement. Angry now, he makes her strip down to her bra and panties before compelling her to climb onto a bed and lock her ankles in metal cuffs. With her unable to get away now, Rick secures her wrists with more cuffs, attached to the frame of the bed. Now there can be no escape. Alone again, Vonka struggles for a while, realizes that she can't get free, and starts to call for help. This brings Rick back down the stairs, and now he gags her too to keep her quiet.

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Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov: The Personal Assistant (MP4)
The Personal Assistant (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 45 seconds
Jasmine owns a fashion company, and Vonka has only recently become an employee. Having recently lost her personal assistant to the competition, Jasmine is looking for a replacement and decides on Vonka. Before offering her the job, however, she needs to make sure that Vonka will do what she is told, whatever she is told, however bizarre. When Vonka shows enthusiasm for the position, Jasmine first all begins to grope her, and then makes her kneel down at her feet. Pushing the boundaries a little further, Jasmine produces rope in order to tie up her potential assistant. Being somewhat naive, Vonka remarks that she has not seen any of Jasmine's designs that feature a rope motif. Jasmine is deeply amused by this and sets about binding the girl's wrists and ankles, then folding her into a hogtie. She gags Vonka with duct tape and then confesses that the muse is upon her, and she must go and make notes immediately, leaving Vonka bound and gagged and wondering just how long she is going to be left in bondage.

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Vonka Romanov & Carissa Montgomery
Vonka Romanov & Carissa Montgomery: All In A Day's Work (MP4)
All In A Day's Work (MP4)
Time: 63 minutes 00 seconds
Carissa runs a small business and is finding the work load a little too great for her alone. She has therefore set up an interview with a potential employee, Vonka, but she needs the girl to arrive soon because she herself is scheduled to fly out for a business meeting in about half an hour. Before Vonka arrives, however, a man turns up intent on stopping Carissa from making that flight. To make sure she stays put and misses the plane, he ties her to her office chair and gags her. Carissa struggles to free herself without success, but when Vonka arrives, she can see a way out of her predicament. Once Vonka removes her gag, Carissa urges her to untie the ropes quickly, before the man who did this to her returns. Vonka seems almost reluctant to untie the woman, and while she is prevaricating, the man returns and, to make sure she cannot raise the alarm, he ties up Vonka next to Carissa. The two are left bound and gagged, and despite trying to untie one another, they cannot quite reach. Before they get anywhere with their escape attempt, the man returns carrying a couple of dresses. Now that his job is done, he just wants to have some fun. He unties the women and orders them to strip down to their bra and panties, then climb into the dresses he has brought. Faced with little choice, the women comply, only to have their hands tied again, re-gagged, and now blindfolded so that they cannot see where the man is now going to take them.

Taken to the assailant's lair, Vonka and Carissa find themselves hogtied on the floor and blindfolded. Finding comfort in each other's company, they find an attraction growing between them. They move close together, initially intending to try freeing themselves, but end up kissing. When their captor comes back, he pulls them apart and gags them both. This does not deter the two woman, however, and they are soon in close probity again. Unhappy with leaving them on the floor where they have just a little too much mobility, the man decides to tie them to chairs once more. He fails to tie Carissa's hand tightly enough and, after struggling for a while, she is able to free them. She unties herself, then goes to see if the coast is clear, leaving Vonka still tied up. When she returns, Carissa has a ball gag in her hands, and she pushes it into Vonka's mouth. She starts to grope the restrained girl, clearly enjoying herself. This does not last long because their captor returns to find one of his charges free. He takes Carissa away to secure her elsewhere, leaving Vonka alone and unable to escape her bonds.

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Vonka Romanov & Carissa Montgomery
Vonka Romanov & Carissa Montgomery: How The Mighty Fall (MP4)
How The Mighty Fall (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 33 seconds
Vonka is targeted by the villains she's been investigating - she is grabbed at home by one of the gang, and tied up. When boss-villainess Carissa arrives, she is displeased with Vonka's activities in thwarting her criminal activities, and also with her minions' handling of threats to her operation, such as Ms Romanov. After Vonka slips out of the ropes binding her, Carissa orders her tied and gagged in a more humiliating fashion. While our heroine struggles, Carissa is on the phone to another crime boss, bemoaning the quality of hired goons these days. She is overheard, and her own hired goon has had enough. He overpowers Carissa, and she joins Vonka in bondage.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: The Petulant Patient (MP4)
The Petulant Patient (MP4)
Time: 31 minutes 12 seconds
Vonka is a counselor who is about to change to a new practice, and because of insurance issues, this will leave behind some of her existing patients. When informed about this change, one of her patients is very unhappy indeed. He decides to take matters into his own hands by compelling Vonka to leave the office with him, after tying her wrists together behind her back. He takes her to his home where he ties her to a chair, telling her that they can continue their sessions like this. Vonka starts to call for help and gets herself gagged for her troubles. The patient leaves to remove her car from the parking lost at work, and in his absence, Vonka manages to free herself. She runs to the front door in an effort to escape, but the patient is standing there waiting for her. He now takes her to his bedroom, makes her strip down to her bra and panties, then ties her to the bed, tape gagging her again to keep her quiet while he makes another attempt to make her car disappear. Vonka struggles, but she is secured with slip knots, meaning the more she tries to pull free, the tighter the ropes become. There seems to be no way out of this situation, but that doesn't stop her trying.

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Vonka Romanov & Sinthia Bee
Vonka Romanov & Sinthia Bee: Discovery Of Malfeasance - Parts 1 & 2 together (MP4)
Discovery Of Malfeasance - Parts 1 & 2 together (MP4)
Time: 67 minutes 18 seconds
Part 1
Vonka and Sinthia share an office but work for different bosses. Sinthia has gone home for the day but has forgotten her phone. When it vibrates, Vonka mistakenly picks it up, thinking it hers, and sees a text message that surprises her. A moment later, Sinthia's boss walks in and catches her looking at her phone. He realizes at once that Vonka now knows more about his business than she should, and he has no choice but to take her out of circulation. In the recreation area of the building, he ties Vonka to a chair and gags her, then summons Sinthia to answer for her carelessness in leaving her phone at work. Sinthia tries to shrug it off but her boss is far from happy. He decides that Sinthia will have to be dealt with too and ties her to a chair next to Vonka. After he leaves, the women have a choice - help one another out of this predicament or just stay tied up and hope for the best. They finally decide to cooperate, or so it appears at first.

34 minutes 14 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,608.3 MB

Part 2
After Sinthia leaves Vonka still bound and gagged and tries to escape, she finds herself intercepted by her boss who decides to hogtie both the girls on the floor, cleave gagging them to shut them up. After he departs, Sinthia suggests they try to free themselves again. Having been betrayed once, Vonka is not so keen on the idea and insists on being to one who is untied first. Sinthia has to go along with her wishes, and sure enough, once Vonka is free, she abandons Sinthia to her fate. She has no more luck getting away than her co-worker, however, and soon both of them are again tied to chairs, this time blindfolded. After some acerbic back and forth, they finally agree to help one another. It's not so easy this time though; the ropes are much tighter and the knots far harder to reach. The girls are in even more trouble than they feared.

33 minutes 04 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,551.7 MB


Vonka Romanov & Syenite
Vonka Romanov & Syenite: The Evidence Speaks For Itself complete (MP4)
The Evidence Speaks For Itself complete (MP4)
Time: 47 minutes 50 seconds
Part 1:
Vonka is a private detective hired to collect evidence of Syenite's infidelity. When Vonka confronts her with photographic and video evidence of her affair, Syenite realizes that she is in trouble. Imagine her surprise when Vonka says that there might be a way out of her predicament. Whatever she reports to Syenite's husband, she will get paid for her work, so Vonka proposes telling him that she found no evidence that Syenite had strayed. In return, however, Syenite must agree to letting Vonka have some fun with her, in the form of tying her up and gagging her. Syenite is clearly uneasy about this idea, but she also recognizes that it is the best solution for her, going forward. Reluctantly, she agrees to let Vonka bind and gag her. Once Vonka has the girl restrained, it soon becomes clear that she has no intention of letting her victim go any time soon. (1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,148.2 MB)

Part 2:
Still exploiting the situation where Syenite has to do exactly what she wants or her life will be ruined, Vonka tells the girl to strip in front of her, leaving her embarrassed and trying to cover herself with her hands. Vonka mercilessly pulls Syenite's arms behind her back, tying her wrists together. She then makes Syenite get down on the floor so that she can tie the girl's ankles, added a chest harness and still more rope to place her victim in a hogtie. Vonka finishes the job by applying a tape gag to cover Syenite's mouth before leaving the poor naked girl to struggle helplessly, unable to get free. (1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,106.2 MB)

Vonka Romanov & Syenite
Vonka Romanov & Syenite: Middle Of Nowhere (MP4)
Middle Of Nowhere (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 21 seconds

Vonka and Syenite are two girls lost in the middle of nowhere and desperately trying to find their way. The finally chance upon a remote house and pull up in front of it, unaware that they are being monitored on CCTV by the occupant. They step from their vehicle in the pouring rain and enter the house through the open doorway leading into the basement. They call out to see if someone is there, but quickly find ropes and cuffs, and realize this is probably not a good place to be asking for help. As they try to leave, however, they trip a device which fires zipties, and these ensnare their ankles. Rather than try to get these off, the girls start hopping, intending to return to their car and leave. However, before they can exit the building, they are intercepted. The man is convinced they are after a collection of artifacts he has stashed at the house, so he decides to tie them up properly and call a colleague who will help him decide what to do with them.

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Cali Logan, Cadence Lux, Candle Boxxx
Autumn Bodell, Lea Hart, Vonka Romanov & Hannah Perez

Compilation: Naked Bondage: Volume 1 (MP4)
Naked Bondage: Volume 1 (MP4)
Time: 48 minutes 56 seconds

Cali Logan is hogtied with rope and double gagged in the back of a vehicle. It's a bit of a drop if she wants to try to escape.

Cadence Lux has her wrists and ankles secured with zip ties, and is soon gagged by Rick using duct tape. She's definitely not going anywhere.

Candle Boxxx and Autumn Bodell also experience the jobs of zip ties and duct tape, and do their best to escape by hopping into the woods.

Lea Hart is on the wrong side of the law, and the cop arresting her has made her strip before he cuffs and chains her to a chair. She is panel gagged with a ball in her mouth.

Vonka Romanov is naked and suspended in ropes, unable to touch the ground. She also has a ball gag in her mouth to stop her complaining.

Hannah Perez has been made to undress and her naked body has been bound with duct tape. She is silenced with a duct tape gag.

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Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov
Lea Hart & Vonka Romanovx: Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov Collection (MP4)
Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov Collection (MP4)
Time: 1 hour 57 minutes
1. The Pokemon Hunters Remastered (40 minutes 11 seconds)
Lea and Vonka are searching for Pokemons with their iPhones, and this leads them to the garden of a man hiding from the authorities. When he sees the girls from the window, he immediately thinks they are connected with the police and are out to catch him.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,889.9 MB

2. Gathering of Spies Remastered (22 minutes 08 seconds)
A collaborative production between Captured Beauties and Beauties in Bondage, this story is full of intrigue and betrayal, and of course girls in bondage.
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3. Spy Catcher (15 minutes 23 seconds)
Hearing a rumour that the bomb she left to blow up the rendezvous house and the Russian spy with it failed to go off, Agent Lea Hart returns to the scene and discovers that the rumours are true.
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4. The Scam (22 minutes 13 seconds)
Vonka and Lea are realtor showing a man round a house, telling him this is exactly the property he has been looking for. The client seems a little unsure, so Lea informs him that another potential buyer is coming to make an offer on the property, but if he pays her $5,000, made out to her, she'll expedite matters for him.
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5. No Way Out (17 minutes 49 seconds)
Several years earlier, Lea found herself fired and constantly unemployed owing to the bad opinion of her former boss and company CEO Vonka. Finally, it is time to handle the situation as Lea seeks revenge.
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Vonka Romanov & Syenite
Vonka Romanov & Syenite: The Woman Who Would Be Mayor (MP4)
The Woman Who Would Be Mayor (MP4)
Time: 34 minutes 57 seconds

Syenite is campaigning to be mayor of the local city, and she is on the campaign trail trying to drum up support. The race looks very close and every vote may count, so Syenite is willing to go that extra mile to win over her potential constituents. When she visits the house of one Vonka Romanov, she gets a little more than she expected. Vonka, a sex worker, wants to know if Syenite would do to protect people in her position, were she to be elected. Syenite makes easy promises like all politicians, and recognizing this, Vonka essentially asks her to prove it by allowing herself to be tied up. That way, Vonka reasons, she will have a better insight into the profession. Syenite is not at all sure about this, but remembering that even one vote could make all the difference to her chances, she submits to Vonka's suggestion. Soon, she is bound and gagged, and it starts to become apparent that Vonka is enjoying this a little more than she should be. When she starts talking about keeping Syenite in bondage for as long as she likes, the woman starts to wonder if she might have made a terrible mistake.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Blackmail Backfired & Climbing The Corporate Ladder (MP4)
Blackmail Backfired & Climbing The Corporate Ladder (MP4)
Time: 42 minutes 42 seconds

1. Blackmail Backfired>
18 minutes 04 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 849.2 MB

Vonka has been working for a small company operating out of the owner's home. She was hired to manage the accounts, and while going through them, she has found a number of irregularities that suggest her boss is defrauding his customers, accumulating as much as a hundred thousand dollars in ill-gotten gains. Vonka decides to confront him and warn that she will notify the authorities about his conduct unless he is prepared to turn over all of the proceeds to her. If she gets the money, it buys her silence and he can avoid any unpleasant legal entanglements. He seems to take the news well, at first. Her surprises Vonka and gets the drop on her, and before she knows where she is, she is tied to a chair with her boss saying how much he regrets that she uncovered his little secret. Now he must make her disappear. The first step is to make her car disappear, so he gags her and departs, leaving Vonka tied to a chair and her wrists secured to the sides by zip ties. She struggles desperately, trying so hard to escape from her bonds, but it's hopeless. Her efforts turn to frustration as she realizes that she is completely trapped and at her boss's mercy.

2. Climbing The Corporate Ladder>

24 minutes 38 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,157.4 MB

Vonka is hungry for promotion and, after her six-month review, she asks to see her boss Dave to discuss her future. He makes time for her late in the day after all other employees have gone home. Vonka raising the issue of advancement, and is told that staff normally advance every few years, not every six months. Still, Dave admires her ambition. To his surprise, Vonka then mentions that she has heard rumors around the office that he is into bondage, and she offers to let him tie her up and gag her if that will encourage him to give further consideration her request. In fact, Dave is not into bondage at all, but he knows that his boss, George, is. He therefore agrees to the girl's suggestion. Once Vonka is hogtied and gagged on the office floor, Dave calls George and explains the situation. It turns out that George, would very much like to take advantage of the situation, and asks Dave to take Vonka to a house he is having done up, and to install her in the basement in a particular bondage position. Upon learning of this, and seeing a chance to jumping over several corporate rungs to become personal assistant to the company's CEO, Vonka willingly agrees. What she does not expect is to be tied standing up in nothing more than her lingerie, legs wide apart and a ball gag in her mouth. To make the situation still more intense, George's basement is still being renovated and is unheated! Dave says he has to get home now and leaves Vonka there for George, promising that it should not be more than an hour before he arrives. After he leaves, Vonka has no choice but to stand there shivering and waiting, hoping that she has not made a tactical mistake.

Syenite & Vonka Romanov
Syenite & Vonka Romanov: The Evidence Speaks For Itself: Part 1 (MP4)
The Evidence Speaks For Itself: Part 1 (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 35 seconds

Vonka is a private detective hired to collect evidence of Syenite's infidelity. When Vonka confronts her with photographic and video evidence of her affair, Syenite realizes that she is in trouble. Imagine her surprise when Vonka says that there might be a way out of her predicament. Whatever she reports to Syenite's husband, she will get paid for her work, so Vonka proposes telling him that she found no evidence that Syenite had strayed. In return, however, Syenite must agree to letting Vonka have some fun with her, in the form of tying her up and gagging her. Syenite is clearly uneasy about this idea, but she also recognizes that it is the best solution for her, going forward. Reluctantly, she agrees to let Vonka bind and gag her. Once Vonka has the girl restrained, it soon becomes clear that she has no intention of letting her victim go any time soon.

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Syenite & Vonka Romanov
Syenite & Vonka Romanov: The Evidence Speaks For Itself: Part 2 (MP4)
The Evidence Speaks For Itself: Part 2 (MP4)
Time: 23 minutes 33 seconds

Still exploiting the situation where Syenite has to do exactly what she wants or her life will be ruined, Vonka tells the girl to strip in front of her, leaving her embarrassed and trying to cover herself with her hands. Vonka mercilessly pulls Syenite's arms behind her back, tying her wrists together. She then makes Syenite get down on the floor so that she can tie the girl's ankles, added a chest harness and still more rope to place her victim in a hogtie. Vonka finishes the job by applying a tape gag to cover Syenite's mouth before leaving the poor naked girl to struggle helplessly, unable to get free.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Robbed And Left Tied Up (MP4)
Robbed And Left Tied Up (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 05 seconds

Vonka arrives home to find a man waiting for her in her living room. She is startled by his presence, but sees that he means business, so when he demands that she hand over her purse and cellphone, she complies without argument. The intruder is about to leave with his spoils when the thought occurs to him that this woman might go to her neighbor's house the moment he leaves, and call the police from there. He decides to make it far more difficult for her to raise the alarm. He makes her sit on a chair and proceeds to tie her up (all tying is done on screen), finally gagging her to stop her calling out for help. Satisfied with his acquisitions, the intruder leaves. Vonka immediately begins struggling against her restraints, but the ropes are tight and she cannot free herself. She is frustrated and even angry that she may be stuck tied to this chair for hours, perhaps even days, and she redoubles her efforts to get free. Eventually, when she fails to make any progress, she slumps in exhaustion and resignation.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: SWAT - complete (MP4)
SWAT - complete (MP4)
Time: 68 minutes 23 seconds
Vonka has tried to convince her commander that a terrorist is hiding out in a remote wooded area and that they should move in to investigate. Her commander is of the opinion that the intel is bad and declines to pursue it. Determined to prove him wrong, Vonka launches a solo assault, planning to bring in the man herself. She pulls up outside the house, circles round and gains ingress via an unlocked garage. Once inside though, she is momentarily distracted and her target catches her unawares. He clamps a hand over her mouth and forces her to sit down, prompting duct-taping her to the chair. A cloth is pushed into her mouth and tape covers her lips. Helpless now, she can't stop the man groping her breasts and leering over her. When he leaves to drive her vehicle away somewhere to dispose of it, Vonka struggles desperately to free herself. It takes time and effort, but she eventually manages to break the tape binding her wrists behind her back. She frees herself and is about to exit the house when the terrorist takes her by surprise for a second time.

After trying to escape and being recaptured, Vonka lies on the floor as her assailant undresses her, removing her SWAT outfit and boots, exposing surprisingly sexy lingerie beneath the outfit. Had she been planning on a date after work? Well, that certainly isn't going to happen now. Her wrists and ankles are bound and her mouth silenced with duct tape. Vonka pulls against the tape, hoping to break free again, but it is even more firmly applied this time and will not yield. She attempts to find items that may allow her to cut through the tape, but nothing is sharp enough. In her restrained state, she cannot stop her captor from groping her breasts, and squirms helplessly against his attentions. When he has had enough, he subdues her once more before changing her bondage position again.

Vonka's ordeal continues. She wakes to find herself hogtied with ropes. She starts to call out for help, and her captor immediately arrives to hand gag her and keep her quiet. He has decided to take advantage of the situation. Rather than just confine Vonka to stop her summoning help, he now wants information about access to the armory at her headquarters. Vonka refuses to give up the information he wants, so he starts twisting her nipples, hoping that torture will loosen her tongue. When Vonka still refuses to talk, he pushes a ball gag into her mouth and tightens the strap at the back of her neck, then leaves her bound and gagged for a while to reconsider her position. Vonka struggles to get free but the ropes binding her are too tight. She is trapped and helpless. When her captor comes back again, he twists both of her nipples at the same time, and finally she gives him information. It may not be accurate information, but at least it makes him stop the nipple torture. He warns he that if she lied, he will be back to punish her further. For her part, Vonka hopes the asshole will get caught and her team will come to rescue her.

Still unable to escape captivity, Vonka wakes naked except for her panties, and is forced to put on new lingerie before locking her wrists and ankles in metal cuffs, securing her to a bed frame. Her captor retrieves her discarded panties and pushes them into her mouth, wrapping microfoam tape around her head to prevent her spitting them out. Gagged and helpless, Vonka shakes the bed frame, trying to break it to give herself one more chance to escape, but it would budge. It does not look as if her ordeal will end any time soon.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Surprising An Intruder (MP4)
Surprising An Intruder (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 11 seconds
Vonka arrives home after a run and encounters an intruder in her bedroom. Intimidated by his presence, she obeys when she is told to gag herself with duct tape. She is then bound hand and foot and left to struggle while the intruder continues raiding her valuables. Vonka manages to free herself and almost escapes from the house, but the intruder catches her before she can leave and, this time, makes her strip down to her panties before tying her up again, tighter this time and in a hogtie. Before he leaves, he decides to immobilize Vonka still more by tying her to a chair, after allowing her to put her sports bra back on. He cleave gags her to prevent calling out for help and departs, leaving her firmly secured and unlikely to escape again.

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Jasmine St James (with Vonka Romanov)
Jasmine St James (with Vonka Romanov): Her Only Option (MP4)
Her Only Option (MP4)
Time: 35 minutes 10 seconds
Jasmine is working from her home office, when she takes a call telling her that her friend Vonka has been taken and is being held prisoner. The villain is with Vonka during the call and allows Jasmine to hear her friend’s muffles cries. Jasmine is told she must follow the instructions he will now give her in order to save her friend's life, starting by copying some sensitive information from her company's computers and taking it to an address she is given.

Upon arrival, Jasmine confronts the villain and demands to see Vonka. He refuses, threatening dire consequences if Jasmine doesn't cooperate. She is compelled to hand over the data, and is then tied up while he checks out the information she has given him. Her wrists and ankles are bound and she is taped to a chair. A cloth is pushed into her mouth and duct tape is wrapped around her head to fully gag her. Alone now, Jasmine struggles to escape, and while it may take a while, she manages to free her hands, break the tape and go in search of Vonka.

Just as she finds her friend, Jasmine is grabbed from behind and dragged into an adjacent room. Here, after being warned of what will happen to Vonka if she does not comply, Jasmine is made to strip down to her bra and panties before being secured to a bed with zip ties. It seems the flash drive she brought is password protected, and the villain demands to know what it is or Vonka will suffer the consequences. Realizing it is her only option, Jasmine surrenders the password and is then gagged.

After recovering the information he sought, the villain says he now plans to leave the girls bound and gagged rather than let them go, while he makes good his escape to a non-extradition country, from where he will sell the information and become a very rich man. Jasmine struggles desperately after he leaves, but faced with tight zipties, this time she cannot free herself. In the adjacent room, a hogtied Vonka also struggles with the ropes restraining her, but she is having no luck either. It seems the girls are trapped in bondage until someone finds them.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,651.1 MB

Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Climbing The Corporate Ladder (MP4)
Climbing The Corporate Ladder (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 38 seconds
Vonka is hungry for promotion and, after her six-month review, she asks to see her boss Dave to discuss her future. He makes time for her late in the day after all other employees have gone home. Vonka raising the issue of advancement, and is told that staff normally advance every few years, not every six months. Still, Dave admires her ambition. To his surprise, Vonka then mentions that she has heard rumors around the office that he is into bondage, and she offers to let him tie her up and gag her if that will encourage him to give further consideration her request. In fact, Dave is not into bondage at all, but he knows that his boss, George, is. He therefore agrees to the girl's suggestion.

Once Vonka is hogtied and gagged on the office floor, Dave calls George and explains the situation. It turns out that George, would very much like to take advantage of the situation, and asks Dave to take Vonka to a house he is having done up, and to install her in the basement in a particular bondage position. Upon learning of this, and seeing a chance to jumping over several corporate rungs to become personal assistant to the company's CEO, Vonka willingly agrees. What she does not expect is to be tied standing up in nothing more than her lingerie, legs wide apart and a ball gag in her mouth. To make the situation still more intense, George's basement is still being renovated and is unheated! Dave says he has to get home now and leaves Vonka there for George, promising that it should not be more than an hour before he arrives. After he leaves, Vonka has no choice but to stand there shivering and waiting, hoping that she has not made a tactical mistake.

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Angelica Vee & Vonka Romanov
Angelica Vee & Vonka Romanov: The Convict (MP4)
The Convict (MP4)
Time25 minutes 31 seconds
Vonka has escaped from a work detail and fled through the woods, evading capture so far. However, she won't stay at liberty long if she can't find a change of clothing! She comes across a house in the woods and finds the front door unlocked. Inside, she overpowers Angelica, the girl who lives there, and ties her up, placing her in a hogtie on the floor. She tape gags Angelica after the girl tries calling for help, then goes in search of clothes to wear. Angelica's body size is much smaller than Vonka's and she can find nothing to fit her. She quizzes Angelica about her neighbors, then makes the girl more secure with a chair tie before going off in search of clothes that will actually fit her. She leaves Angelica tied up and gagged as she flees up the driveway, her ass hanging out of her pants.

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Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov: Failure To Appear (MP4)
Failure To Appear (MP4)
Time: 33 minutes 04 seconds
Detective Vonka Romanov has arrived to arrest Jasmine for failing to make a court appearance in response to a subpoena, and immediately places her in handcuffs. Vonka's phone rings, and while she is taking the call, Jasmine retrieves a bobby pin from her hair and picks the lock of her cuffs. Just as Vonka ends her call, Jasmine slaps the handcuffs on her wrists, then looks through the detective's purse to find more cuffs. She makes Vonka sit down on a chair and locks shackles around her ankles, planning then to leave before Vonka's backup arrives. However, when Vonka taunts her about how easily she will be caught, Jasmine goes off to find some rope to attach the detective to the chair. While she is away, Vonka extracts a handcuffs key from her shoe and gets the drop on Jasmine when she returns, re-cuffing her and tying her to the chair instead. She informs the station that Jasmine is guilty of far more than skipping a court appearance, and asks for more backup to take her in.

Vonka Romanov & Sinthia Bee
Vonka Romanov & Sinthia Bee: Discovery Of Malfeasance: Part 1 (MP4)
Discovery Of Malfeasance: Part 1 (MP4)
Time: 34 minutes 14 seconds
Vonka and Sinthia share an office but work for different bosses. Sinthia has gone home for the day but has forgotten her phone. When it vibrates, Vonka mistakenly picks it up, thinking it hers, and sees a text message that surprises her. A moment later, Sinthia's boss walks in and catches her looking at her phone. He realizes at once that Vonka now knows more about his business than she should, and he has no choice but to take her out of circulation. In the rec area of the building, he ties Vonka to a chair and gags her, then summons Sinthia to answer for her carelessness in leaving her phone at work. Sinthia tries to shrug it off, but her boss is far from happy. He decides that Sinthia will have to be dealt with too and ties her to a chair next to Vonka. After he leaves, the women have a choice - help one another out of this predicament or just stay tied up and hope for the best. They finally decide to help one another, or so it appears.

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Vonka Romanov & Sinthia Bee
Vonka Romanov & Sinthia Bee: Discovery Of Malfeasance: Part 2 (MP4)
Discovery Of Malfeasance: Part 2 (MP4)
Time: 33 minutes 04 seconds
After Sinthia leaves Vonka still bound and gagged and tries to escape, she finds herself intercepted by her boss who decides to hogtie both the girls on the floor, gagging them with blue cloths. He leaves them alone, and Sinthia suggests they try to free themselves again. After being betrayed once, Vonka is not so keen on the idea and insists on being to one who is untied first. Sinthia has to go along with her wishes, and sure enough, once Vonka is free, she abandons Sinthia to her fate. She has no more luck getting away than her co-worker, however, and soon both of them are again tied to chairs, this time blindfolded. After some acerbic back and forth, they finally agree to help one another. It's not so easy this time though; the ropes are much tighter and the knots far harder to reach. The girls are in even more trouble than they feared.
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Daydreaming (MP4)
Daydreaming (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 27 seconds
Vonka lives in a house once occupied by a drug dealer, and she has experienced a number of break-ins where people are looking for controlled substances, not believing that she knows nothing whatsoever about it. These break-ins happen so often that Vonka is no longer frightened but just irritated by repeatedly being assailed and tied up by people wanting to search the premises. So it is on this Saturday where she is ready to go out and has another intruder enter the house. With a resigned sign, she allows him to tie her up and gag her, knowing that once he comes up empty, he will just leave. All she has to do is get herself free. This can take some time and can becoming quite boring. Part way through struggling with her bonds this time, Vonka's imagination takes her off into a daydream where she is dressed as Jessica Rabbit and has been tied up by an arch criminal. She gives him plenty of mouth until he gags her and leaves her helplessly trussed up, secured to a chair. When she finally emerges from her daydream, Vonka finishes getting herself free in the real world. Incredibly, just as she is untying her ankles, she hears a sound and looks up to see another intruder. She mutters, "Oh, not again," and reflexively puts her hands up, knowing what is coming next.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Blackmail Backfired (MP4)
Blackmail Backfired (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 04 seconds
Vonka has been working for a small company operating out of the owner's home. She was hired to manage the accounts, and while going through them, she has found a number of irregularities that suggest her boss is defrauding his customers, accumulating as much as a hundred thousand dollars in ill-gotten gains. Vonka decides to confront him and warn that she will notify the authorities about his conduct unless he is prepared to turn over all of the proceeds to her. If she gets the money, it buys her silence and he can avoid any unpleasant legal entanglements. He seems to take the news well, at first. Her surprises Vonka and gets the drop on her, and before she knows where she is, she is tied to a chair with her boss saying how much he regrets that she uncovered his little secret. Now he must make her disappear. The first step is to make her car disappear, so he gags her and departs, leaving Vonka tied to a chair and her wrists secured to the sides by zip ties. She struggles desperately, trying so hard to escape from her bonds, but it's hopeless. Her efforts turn to frustration as she realizes that she is completely trapped and at her boss's mercy.

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Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov: The Intern (MP4)
The Intern (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 56 seconds

Jasmine is annoyed that her intern Vonka has taken one of Jasmine's major clients for herself. Vonka counters that she assumed she was encouraged to think for herself and be autonomous, but Jasmine explains that she should not do so at the expense of her boss. Vonka shrugs and says she no longer wants to be Jasmine's intern, that she will branch out on her own. At this, Jasmine sees red. She had already been prepared for a confrontation and seizes a pair of handcuffs, slapping them on the struggling Vonka. The girls verbally abuse one another as Jasmine pushes Vonka down onto a bed, handcuffs both wrists to the bed frame. She gags Vonka with microfoam tape to shut her up, then ties the girl's ankles with rope. While doing this, Jasmine admits that she expected things to go badly, but perhaps not quite like this. Still, she feels better for taking action. Once Vonka is completely helpless and silenced, Jasmine departs and leaves her ex-intern alone to deal with the situation for herself. She did, after all, claim that she wanted complete autonomy.

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Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart
Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart: The Pokemon Hunters Remastered (MP4)
The Pokemon Hunters Remastered (MP4)
Time: 40 minutes 11 seconds

Lea and Vonka are searching for Pokemons with their iPhones, and this leads them to the garden of a man hiding from the authorities. When he sees the girls from the window, he immediately thinks they are connected with the police and are out to catch him. He goes to intercept them, demanding to know what they are doing on his property. Th girls try to explain that they are hunting a Pokemon, but the man does not know what they are talking about. Unable to risk just letting them go now that they have seen him, he makes them enter the house where he checks them for wires and then secured their wrists behind their backs with plastic cuffs. The girls keep insisting that he is making a mistake, so the man uses more zip ties to secure them to chairs, then gags them to keep them quiet. While he goes to hide their car, the girls desperately try to free themselves, but there is no way to wriggle out of plastic cuffs. Vonka takes the daring step to tip her chair forward, then wriggles along the ground heading for the fireplace tools, hoping one of them will be sharp enough to use to cut themselves free. Vonka runs into trouble when she realizes the gap she needs to get through while secured to the chair is too narrow. At this point, Lea realizes their cellphones are still on the table where the man made them put them, she she begins working her way across the floor to retrieve one of them, encouraged by a now totally incapacitated Vonka. Lea just manages to get to her phone when the man returns and takes it away from her. By way of punishment, he warns them that they will now spend a very cold and uncomfortable night in the basement. The girls are marched to the basement, their wrists still secured by plastic cuffs. They are made to stand back to back and a zip tie is used to connect their cuffs. Their ankles are restrained by more zip ties. Finally, both girls are cleave gagged and blindfolded. The man leaves them, informing them that the blindfolds are a blessing because then they won't see the rats coming. After a long, cold, sleepless night, the man returns and says he has checked out the phones, and now he believes that they were indeed just hunting a Pokemon. The problem now is that he can't let them go because they will run straight to the authorities. He explains that he has made arrangements for them to be shipped somewhere warm, a welcome change from the cold they are currently experiencing, and freeing the girls (except for their wrists), he makes them walk back upstairs. Here, both girls are placed in a tight hogtie and gagged with duct tape. They must stay restrained until their transport arrives to take them to the dock and the shipping container where they will spend the next few weeks. The girls struggle desperately to get free, trying to help one another, but the ropes are tight and the knots difficult to reach. They hardly make any progress at all before the sound of a big truck is heard pulling up outside, and the girls are informed that their transport has arrived.

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Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart
Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart: Gathering of Spies Remastered (MP4)
Gathering of Spies Remastered (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 08 seconds

This movie has been re-edited from scratch and several filters have been applied to remove most of the video noise present in the recording, owing to insufficient lighting.

A collaborative production between Captured Beauties and Beauties in Bondage, this story is full of intrigue and betrayal, and of course girls in bondage. Vonka plays a Russian spy who delivers an amazing Russian accent! When Leah arrives at a rendezvous house to meet her buyer and sell classified data she has stolen from her agency, she encounters Vonka who has been waiting for her. Vonka overpowers the girl and cradle carries her up the stairs to the upper part of the house. There, she locks Leah in handcuffs and leg cuffs, then asks her for the data. When Leah claims to have no idea what she is talking about, Vonka waterboards her until she gives up the location of the SD card housing the stolen data. Vonka retrieves this and lies in wait for Leah's buyer, disposing of him when he shows up. No spy story would be complete without an escape from restraints, a fight scene where the two girls wrestle for supremacy, and the loser is tied to a chair and forced to watch the countdown on a device that will explode when the timer reaches zero, taking her and the whole building with it. Can she get free in time to save herself? With less than ten minutes left, there is only one way to find out!

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: It Should Have Been A Steal (MP4)
It Should Have Been A Steal (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 29 seconds

It should have been an easy job to locate and steal some precious stones. Vonka thought she had all the time in the world to find the safe and retrieve them, not realizing that the owner was actually in the house when she gained entry. He catches her in the act and ties her to a chair, intending to keep her restrained until the police arrive. When Vonka points out that the optics of the situation, having her tied up in his house, will look worse for him than for her, he decides not to call the cops after all, but to deal with her himself. When she asks what he means by that, she is told that she will just be held prisoner for an indefinite period. Vonka is gagged to shut her up and left to struggle. It takes her some time and plenty of effort, but she does manage to free her legs, intending to use her feet to retrieve something from a drawer to help her complete her escape. When the house owner catches her in the act for a second time, he decides to make her even more secure by placing her in a tight hogtie on the floor, switching her gag from duct tape to cleave gag. Vonka struggles again, hoping to get herself out of this mess, but this time the ropes are a lot tighter and she can't gain any traction.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: SWAT: Part 4 (MP4)
SWAT: Part 4 (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 48 seconds

Still unable to escape captivity, Vonka wakes naked except for her panties, and is forced to put on new lingerie before locking her wrists and ankles in metal cuffs, securing her to a bed frame. Her captor retrieves her discarded panties and pushes them into her mouth, wrapping microfoam tape around her head to prevent her spitting them out. Gagged and helpless, Vonka shakes the bed frame, trying to break it to give herself one more chance to escape, but it would budge. It does not look as if her ordeal will end any time soon.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: SWAT: Part 3 (MP4)
SWAT: Part 3 (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 22 seconds

Vonka's ordeal continues. She wakes to find herself hogtied with ropes. She starts to call out for help, and her captor immediately arrives to hand gag her and keep her quiet. He has decided to take advantage of the situation. Rather than just confine Vonka to stop her summoning help, he now wants information about access to the armory at her headquarters. Vonka refuses to give up the information he wants, so he starts twisting her nipples, hoping that torture will loosen her tongue. When Vonka still refuses to talk, he pushes a ball gag into her mouth and tightens the strap at the back of her neck, then leaves her bound and gagged for a while to reconsider her position. Vonka struggles to get free but the ropes binding her are too tight. She is trapped and helpless. When her captor comes back again, he twists both of her nipples at the same time, and finally she gives him information. It may not be accurate information, but at least it makes him stop the nipple torture. He warns he that if she lied, he will be back to punish her further. For her part, Vonka hopes the asshole will get caught and her team will come to rescue her.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: SWAT: Part 2 (MP4)
SWAT: Part 2 (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 32 seconds

After trying to escape and being recaptured, Vonka lies on the floor as her assailant undresses her, removing her SWAT outfit and boots, exposing surprisingly sexy lingerie beneath the outfit. Had she been planning on a date after work? Well, that certainly isn't going to happen now. Her wrists and ankles are bound and her mouth silenced with duct tape. Vonka pulls against the tape, hoping to break free again, but it is even more firmly applied this time and will not yield. She attempts to find items that may allow her to cut through the tape, but nothing is sharp enough. In her restrained state, she cannot stop her captor from groping her breasts, and squirms helplessly against his attentions. When he has had enough, he subdues her once more before changing her bondage position again.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: SWAT: Part 1 (MP4)
SWAT: Part 1 (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 48 seconds

Vonka has tried to convince her commander that a terrorist is hiding out in a remote wooded area and that they should move in to investigate. Her commander is of the opinion that the intel is bad and declines to pursue it. Determined to prove him wrong, Vonka launches a solo assault, planning to bring in the man herself. She pulls up outside the house, circles round and gains ingress via an unlocked garage. Once inside though, she is momentarily distracted and her target catches her unawares. He clamps a hand over her mouth and forces her to sit down, prompting duct-taping her to the chair. A cloth is pushed into her mouth and tape covers her lips. Helpless now, she can't stop the man groping her breasts and leering over her. When he leaves to drive her vehicle away somewhere to dispose of it, Vonka struggles desperately to free herself. It takes time and effort, but she eventually manages to break the tape binding her wrists behind her back. She frees herself and is about to exit the house when the terrorist takes her by surprise for a second time.

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Lydia Lael & Vonka Romanov
Lydia Lael & Vonka Romanov: Please Let Us Go & Follow The Money (MP4)
Please Let Us Go & Follow The Money (MP4)
Time: 58 minutes 49 seconds

1. Please Let Us Go: Two girls have been grabbed off the street by a man who enjoys tying up women and keeping them as his play things. As the girls are forced into their captor's lair, they are both locked in handcuffs, making escape difficult. The man locks Lydia's arms around a pole, leaving him free to work on tying up Vonka, placing her in a hogtie on the floor. As soon as she is secure, he removes the cuffs from Lydia's wrists and forces her down onto the floor next to her friend. In less than two minutes, she two is bound in a hogtie. Their captor they gags both girls with duct tape and leaves the room. Lydia and Vonka struggle against the ropes holding them, but getting out alone seems hopeless, The girls position themselves so that they can untie one another. It takes an agonizing length of time, or so it seems to them, but free at last, they make a run for the metal doors via which they entered. The lift the door, only to find the man on the other side, armed, as if ready for them. He makes the girls re-enter his lair, once again securing Lydia to a pole with handcuffs while he re-ties Vonka. Because they tried to escape, the girls are now to be punished. Their captor ties each of them in such a way that they are forced to kneel with their feet off the floor. Ropes attached to the ceiling hold them upright, leaving them in a very uncomfortable predicament. This time, the girls are cleave gagged before their captor begins groping them, advising them to get used to this because "We're going to be together for a very long time." When he finally leaves them alone again, the girls cannot possible reach one another to untie any of the ropes, not this time. All they can do is kneel and moan through their gags, desperately uncomfortable and helpless.

32 minutes 42 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,263.0 MB

2. Follow The Money: Rookie FBI agents Lydia Lael and Vonka Romanov have been tracking a international money launderer for some time by following the trail of money. This has finally led them to his hideout, and rather than requesting back up, the girls decide they want the glory of finally arresting this guy and bringing him in. They tackle him, but the encounter does not go well. He gets the drop on Vonka and forced Lydia to disarm. He ties the girls wrists and ankles with zip ties before carrying them both to his basement where, for now at least, he is going to keep them prisoner. He starts by stripping down to their bra and panties before suspended them off the floor, rendering them completely powerless. He gropes the girls as they hang in the air, unable to ward off his attention. He gags the two agents and leaves for a while, but although the girls struggle, there is no way for them to escape. When he returns, their captor decides to change things up and have a little more fun with his captives. He moves them from basement to garage and ties them back to back on chairs, stuffing their mouths and gagging them before departing for a second time. Once again, the agents try to escape, but the only rope Lydia can reach is not going to help them very much. As if their situation could not get any worse, their captor comes back again. He tells them that, rather than continue with his plans, he is putting them on hold in order to spend time with the girls, feeling their bodies as they sit helpless in their underwear. Maybe they should have called for backup after all.

26 minutes 07 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,013.0 MB
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: The Last Target (MP4)
The Last Target (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 46 seconds

Vonka has made a nice living dating married men and recording their activities, later extorting money from them in exchange for her discretion. She is just finishing a coaxing call to her present mark, setting him up for the fall. No sooner does she hang up when she received a call from a former target, a man now trying to put an end to her blackmailing him. Vonka merely taunts him, telling him he has no choice but to pay up. After this call ends, she gets up to go pour herself a drink. That's when she comes face to face with a man hired by her last target to recover whatever photographs or video she has of him, and then to deal with Vonka herself to make sure she never does this again. The man ties Vonka up on the floor and gags her before searching the house for the evidence she holds against so many of her victims. When he returns, he finds Vonka on her feet and trying to hop from the house to escape, but now that plan is over. The man offers Vonka one last chance to tell him where the recordings are. Rather than cooperate, she says she has multiple copies, and tells him he will never find them all. "I was afraid you would say that," he tells her. Soon, Vonka finds herself tied to a chair in her own basement. She watches as the man brings a table closer and places a case on top of it. He asks her if she wants to know what's inside. Regardless of her answer, he opens it to show her a block of C4 and another of Cemtex, both hooked up to a timer which he starts counting down from five minutes before he leaves. There's enough explosive there to take out the whole house, and Vonka is desperate to stop it. The way she is tied up, however, prevents her from reaching the device. It looks like her last target will indeed be her very last target. She watches in helpless horror as the seconds count down, and then the minutes. With less than a minute to go, she hears a door being smashed in and voices shouting. Is this help, or did her situation just get even worse?

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Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov: Faux Friendship (MP4)
Faux Friendship (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 26 seconds

They were good friends, or so Jasmine believed, so she had no misgivings when Vonka invited her over to her house before they headed out to an event. Vonka offers Jasmine a glass of iced tea, and a minute later Jasmine falls to the floor. When she recovers, she finds herself secured to a bed frame with plastic cuffs, and pads are stuck to her temples. What is going on? Vonka sits down beside Jasmine and explains that she is in a very tight spot financially, that banks won't loan her money, that she has called in every favor, and still she is fifty thousand dollars short of what she needs. She can see only one option available to raise the capital - she must sell Jasmine. Not the feisty, confident girl she is now, but one a lot more compliant who will do as she is told, whatever she is told to do. Vonka has devised some therapy to break Jasmine, including some shock treatment followed by waterboarding, before she drives the girl to the drop-off point for her buyer to collect, once the bitcoin transaction has been safely performed of course.

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Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov
Jasmine St James & Vonka Romanov: Phobias (MP4)
Phobias (MP4)
Time: 39 minutes 36 seconds

Vonka is lost on a country track, but gets lucky when a car comes along behind her and the driver stops. She thanks the driver, Jasmine, for stopping, and asks if she can be taken to a phone. Jasmine offers to let her use one at her house, which is not far. In exchange for her generosity, Jasmine asks Vonka to fill in a questionnaire on phobias on her iPad, explaining that she is a researcher investigating this subject. Vonka agrees readily enough. When she is finished, she notices that Jasmine has completed a questionnaire herself, but before Vonka can read it, Jasmine snatches away the iPad.

At the house, Jasmine brings Vonka a drink and a cellphone, then leaves her alone. After drinking half the glass of tea, Vonka starts to fell a little strange, dizzy, then feels the world slip away. When she recovers, she finds herself hogtied and gagged on the floor, and Jasmine is explaining how she wants to use Vonka as a test subject for her experiments into reactions to phobias. She explains that it is fortuitous that Vonka suffers from arachnophobia because she just happens to have some specimens on the premises. Vonka is transported to the basement and tied to a bed where her nightmare is unleashed. Jasmine looks on in a clinic manner, noting the subject's reactions to the stress. She does not realize that, later on, Vonka will turn the tables on her and subject Jasmine to a phobia of her own.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Caught in a Trap (MP4)
Caught in a Trap (MP4)
Time: 23 minutes 18 seconds

Vonka works for a local authority, in the office to which the public may report illegal traps. She receives one such call shortly before leaving work for the day, and agrees to investigate right away because it is o her way home. She drives to the edge of the woodland in question and changes out of her work dress and heels, settling instead for shorts and sneakers. Vonka explores the area where the trap is reported to be but cannot find it. When she does finally locate it, she does so by accidentally putting her foot in it! A zip tie closes around her ankle, a rock falls from a tree and a thin cord drags her leg up into the area. Vonka falls onto her side, startled and uncomfortable. She calls for help, but the person who comes in response is not there to help her. He owns the property and the trap is his. He dislikes officials who interfere in his activities, with their endless rules and regulations, so he decides to deal with this one in his own way. He tied her up and takes her to his house, there placing her in a hogtie with ropes very tightly secured.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: The Sacrifice (MP4)
The Sacrifice (MP4)
Time: 31 minutes 31 seconds

Vonka is a plain clothes detective investigating reports of women screaming in the woods in the vicinity of a secluded house. She goes to speak to the occupant who claims to have heard nothing at all, and is reluctant to let Vonka into his home to look around, capitulating only when she threatens to get a warrant and return with several police officers. She finds some odd things in the house, women's clothing, ropes and ballgags, and wants to know what these are used for. The owner tells her it's none of her business, but Vonka's suspicions are fully aroused now. She excuses herself to use the bathroom, giving the man an opportunity to look in her bag and check her cellphone. Realizing that she has information on him, he decides to take drastic action. When she returns and is preparing to leave, he gets the drop on her and ties her up. Vonka spends the rest of the day in a hogtie and a bed tie, until she is finally led into the woods and staked out on the ground, wearing on her bra and panties. At midnight, the man explains, his followers will come for and she will be sacrificed to the deity they worship. Vonka struggles frantically deep into the night but there is no escape. Soon, a group of hooded men will come for her.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Bad Contactm (MP4)
Bad Contact (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 58 seconds

Vonka is waiting in a discrete location to meet up with a man who has some vital information for her. He is late and she begins to worry that something has gone wrong. She is unaware of a man who sneaks up behind her, stands watching her for a few seconds, then presses a cloth over her nose and mouth to subdue her. When she recovers, Vonka finds herself in the process of being tied up on a floor of a house she has never been before. She starts to struggle and demands to know what is going on. She is tape gagged for her trouble, and the tying continues. After a while, Vonka is securely bound in a hogtie. Her captor removes her gag and asks her what information she was expecting to get from her contact, but she refuses to talk. She is re-gagged and left alone to struggle for a while. Later, the man returns and repeats his question. This time, Vonka gives him an answer, but he is not satisfied that she is telling him the truth and presses the tape back over her mouth once again. When left alone, Vonka does her best to free herself but she makes very little progress. It looks like she is going to stay this man's prisoner for some time to come.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: The Cab Driver (MP4)
The Cab Driver (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 35 seconds

Vonka discovers that her purse has been stolen and she is unable to pay the cab driver who has just driven her home. She doesn’t even have her house keys to go inside and write him a check, and she doesn't have any ID on her, making it impossible for the driver's company to invoice her. The driver suspects that Vonka is committing fraud and threatens to call the police. Vonka begs him not to, and it starts to become clear that she doesn't have a clean record, that she has done this kind of thing before, and another conviction could land her in prison. Seeing that the girl is desperate to avoid legal entanglements, the driver suggests a solution: He says that if Vonka is willing to go home with him and allow him to tie her up and keep her restrained for a few hours, he will forget the entire matter. Vonka is worried that she would be in a very vulnerable situation with this man she doesn't know at all, and hesitates. When the driver keys 911 into his cellphone, she quickly agrees to his terms. This results in her being duct taped to a chair and tape gagged. Only then does it start to become clear that the driver has no intention of letting her go after a few hours; her worst fears have been realized, and now she is his helpless prisoner.

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Compilation: Beauties in Bondage Compilation 17 (MP4)
Beauties in Bondage Compilation 17 (MP4)
Time: 52 minutes 46 seconds

A collection of excerpts from 12 different Beauties in Bondage movies. Each excerpt is approximately four minutes in length. It's a great way to sample our models and our style.
  1. Jasmine: Occupational Hazard
  2. Rachel Adams: What Were You Looking For?
  3. Vika: Cover Girl
  4. Claire Irons: Captured Claire
  5. Madison Swan: Waiting For The Buyer
  6. Becca: Becca Bound & Gagged
  7. Nikki Brooks: Jack The Stripper Returns
  8. Jessica: Kept In A Closet
  9. Violet: Helplessly Watching
  10. Vonka Romanov: The Widow
  11. Sarah Brooke: The French Tourist
  12. Cadence Lux & Juliette March: A Dangerous Trespass

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: The Rescue (MP4)
The Rescue (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 53 seconds

Vonka wakes up and finds herself duct taped to a chair with no recollection of how she got there. She looks around and does not recognize her surroundings. She struggles against the tape but it hardly yields at all, so she starts calling out for help. After a few minutes, a man appears and Vonka assumes he is there to help her. It was a foolish assumption. The man comes close, looking over her restrained body, and it finally dawns on her that this is the person responsible for her predicament. She starts shouting at him, angry now, demanding that he let her go. After several minutes of just looking her over, he walks away. Vonka calls after him as he departs the house, shouting, "Are you just going to leave me here?" Alone now, Vonka starts to sob. As she slips into despair, she hears a sound, and looking up, is confronted by a man she knows. She urges him to release her from all the duct tape. He doesn't hurry himself because he seems to be enjoying the sight of her trussed up like this, but at her repeated insistence, he retrieves a pair of scissors and cuts through the tape. Vonka thanks him profusely, offering him anything he wants in exchange for saving her.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Audition Tape (MP4)
Audition Tape (MP4)
Time: 26 minutes 52 seconds

Vonka is an aspiring actress who is desperate to land a good role in an upcoming movie. Her agent keeps getting her damsel in distress work, and while she is not happy about being typecast, she needs to eat and keep a roof over her head. In an effort to give herself an edge over other hopefuls for the part, Vonka decides to put together an audition tape showing what she can do in various damsel situations. She asks her friend Dave to help her, so he sets up a green screen so that they can simulate Vonka being tied to train tracks with a train approaching, or tied to lumber in a sawmill, destined to roll along a conveyor to s spinning saw. Vonka is doing a decent job, but Dave thinks she can do better. For her third scenario, he ties her to a chair and places a time bomb beside her. When he sets it beside her and sets it going, she is impressed by how authentic it looks. Admiration turns to horror when Dave says he has had enough of helping her out and that she never pays him for his time, and tells that the bomb is real. He backs away, leading Vonka to believe that he is serious. She panics, but she is tightly tied up and can do nothing to stop the count down.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: The Widow (MP4)
The Widow (MP4)
Time: 23 minutes 00 seconds

Vonka has just returned from her husband's funeral. The last she she expects is to be grabbed and tied up and soon as she enters her house. Her initial impression is that her attacker wants to immobilize her so that he can steal her belongings unimpeded, but, as soon transpires, there is more to it than that. Once Vonka is secured to a chair, the man produces a device and sets a timer. He places it on the floor near his victim and tells her she has ten minutes to live. When he leaves, Vonka immediately disarms the device. The man re-enters the room saying, "Now how did you know how to do that? Unless you were responsible for what happened to your husband." Tricked into revealing her secret, Vonka regards the intruder sternly, longing to give him a pieces of her mind. Instead, she is taken to another room and tied to a table top. The man places another device beside her and starts the countdown. This time, Vonka has no idea what she is doing as she is left to struggle for her life.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Negotiation (MP4)
Negotiation (MP4)
Total Time: 19 minutes 28 seconds

Vonka works for a shady group who perform various deals for their own enhancement without any real accountability. Now they have a problem: Dave, a somewhat high profile person whose absence would be noticed and investigated, knows just a little too much about what they so, so they basically want to buy his silence. The trouble is, he wants too much, so they send in Vonka to try to reason with him, to encourage him to settle for a smaller cut. After some back and forth, Dave finally agrees to be more accommodating, but only if Vonka will allow him to keep her tied up and gagged for the rest of the day. She is highly skeptical about this idea, but she too is answerable to these people and they expect her to secure an acceptable deal. If this is the only way to achieve that, at the same time saving her own skin, she really does not have many options. Reluctantly, she agrees to Dave's terms. He even makes her handcuff herself to a chair before he moves in to secure her ankles with zip ties and gag her with duct tape. Vonka is grateful that he leaves her alone, but now she faces hours of interminable boredom in restrains from which she cannot hope to escape.

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Cadence Lux, Vonka Romanov & Jasmine St James
Cadence Lux, Vonka Romanov & Jasmine St James: Deal Breaker (MP4)
Deal Breaker (MP4)
Total Time: 38 minutes 49 seconds
Dave has made a lucrative movie deal with a foreign dignitary of middle eastern origins, but the only way the dignitary is willing to go forward with negotiations is if he gets three American girls to clinch the deal. He has even picked them from the social media profiles: their names are Jasmine, Cadence and Vonka. Dave dispatches his assistant, Asher, to track down the girls and bring them to the house where the dignitary will send his men to collect them. At the start of the movie, we see Asher leading the three girls through the snow, their hands bound behind their back to maintain control of them. Jasmine decides to make a break for it but does not get far before she slips and falls in the snow. While Asher is securing her legs to prevent her running again, Cadence and Vonka run back the way they came, hoping to use Jasmine's distraction to escape themselves. Once Jasmine is secure, Asher gives chase and quickly catches up to the two girls. He carries them back together, one over each shoulder. he links the ropes used to lead them to make escape a little harder before picking up Jasmine and carrying her to the house where the boss lives. The other two girls try to escape again, but this time they are hampered by the additional tie. Asher catches them for a second time, throws Vonka over his shoulder and makes Cadence walk beside him.

With all three girls safely delivered, Asher unties them at Dave's behest and makes them change their clothes, dressing them to look more seductive for the buyer. The girls are then photographed before Asher places them all in hogties. A cloth is stuffed into each girl's mouth and secured there with a cleave gag. While the two men are busy with sending the photos, the girls all struggles against their bonds. After a few minutes, Cadence manages to free her hands. She releases the other two girls and they all make a run for it. As they open the door to the outside world, however, they find Asher standing on the other side, and he is armed. He makes the girls walk back to the living room, then while Dave keeps them covered he ties all three of them to chairs. To shut them up, the girls are gagged again, this time with knotted cleave gags. Now the ropes are a lot tighter, and struggle as they may, none of them are able to get loose. Their level of distress increases when a gloating Asher comes to tell them that the buyer is happy with the choice of girls and has closed the deal. He promises them a trip to somewhere very warm, very soon.

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Compilation: Girls in Handcuffs 7 (MP4)
Girls in Handcuffs 7 (MP4)
Total Time: 65 minutes 11 seconds

This compilation contains 13 excerpts from our video library, each lasting approximately five minutes.
  1. Lost in the Woods - Kendra James
  2. Shackled Walk - Cadence Lux
  3. Moment of Crisis - Vivian & Veronica Pierce
  4. Stopover - Jasmine St James
  5. Please Let Me Out - Vonka Romanov
  6. Shoplifter - Rachel Adams
  7. You Should Not Have Come Here - Jamie Daniels
  8. Prisoner Transporter - Dakkota Grey
  9. ICE - Monica Jade
  10. The Perverted Cop's Next Victim - TerraMizu
  11. Hit & Run - Autumn Bodell
  12. Jasmine Needs To Be Punished - Jasmine St James
  13. Anything To Save Her Sister - Lana Luxor

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Concerned Neighbor (MP4)
Concerned Neighbor (MP4)
Total Time: 20 minutes 11 seconds
Vonka knows her neighbor is away on vacation, and yet she is sure she she saw movement inside his house. She goes to investigate, using the spare key to unlock the front door. She calls out, asking if anyone is there. It's the classic mistake. As she starts to look around, an armed man comes up behind her and tells her to freeze. He walks Vonka to the master bedroom where he makes her strip down to her panties and lie on the bed. He proceeds to tie her wrists and ankles to the bed posts, finally gagging the girl to make sure she doesn't call out and alert any of the other neighbors. The intruder departs, leaving Vonka to struggle desperately to free herself. She pulls on the ropes, repeatedly trying to sit up and pull them away from the bed posts, but all she does is tighten the knots, ensuring that she will not be able to escape. How many days is it before her neighbor returns from vacation?

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: I Know I Can't Escape
I Know I Can't Escape (MP4)
Total Time: 19 minutes 06 seconds
Undercover Detective Vonka Romanov on the trail of man who snatches women from nightclubs and holds them prisoner for weeks before finally lets them go. They have never seen his face which is why he lets them live. Vonka is sure she has the right house and starts looking around. She gets overpowered and dragged along the floor. When she wakes she senses that she is in a different location, but she can't see it because she has been blindfolded. A voice warns her not to remove it, for her own good. As she stands there helpless, her hands are tied behind her back before she is forced to sit on a chair, arms over the back of the chair. She tries to keep up a conversation with her captor, hoping to make him see sense, that taking a police officer was only placing this guy in more danger, but he remains confident because he has always managed to get away with it in the past. Tired of Vonka's questioning, he stuffs a cloth in her mouth and gags her. Now she can neither see nor speak. When the tying process is over and she is securely bound to the chair, Vonka feels her captor grab hold of her breasts, and then slide a hand between her thighs and pushing it further and further up her skirt. Vonka tries to pull away but there is nothing she can do to stop him. When he finally leaves her alone, Vonka desperately tries to free her hands, but the ropes are tight and she can't find any knots. What comes next?

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Lydia Lael & Vonka Romanov
Lydia Lael & Vonka Romanov: Please Let Us Go (MP4)
Please Let Us Go (MP4)
Total Time: 32 minutes 42 seconds
Two girls have been grabbed off the street by a man who enjoys tying up women and keeping them as his play things. As the girls are forced into their captor's lair, they are both locked in handcuffs, making escape difficult. The man locks Lydia's arms around a pole, leaving him free to work on tying up Vonka, placing her in a hogtie on the floor. As soon as she is secure, he removes the cuffs from Lydia's wrists and forces her down onto the floor next to her friend. In less than two minutes, she two is bound in a hogtie. Their captor they gags both girls with duct tape and leaves the room. Lydia and Vonka struggle against the ropes holding them, but getting out alone seems hopeless, The girls position themselves so that they can untie one another. It takes an agonizing length of time, or so it seems to them, but free at last, they make a run for the metal doors via which they entered. The lift the door, only to find the man on the other side, armed, as if ready for them. He makes the girls re-enter his lair, once again securing Lydia to a pole with handcuffs while he re-ties Vonka. Because they tried to escape, the girls are now to be punished. Their captor ties each of them in such a way that they are forced to kneel with their feet off the floor. Ropes attached to the ceiling hold them upright, leaving them in a very uncomfortable predicament. This time, the girls are cleave gagged before their captor begins groping them, advising them to get used to this because "We're going to be together for a very long time." When he finally leaves them alone again, the girls cannot possible reach one another to untie any of the ropes, not this time. All they can do is kneel and moan through their gags, desperately uncomfortable and helpless.

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Lydia Lael & Vonka Romanov
Lydia Lael & Vonka Romanov: Follow The Money (MP4)
Follow The Money (MP4)
Total Time: 26 minutes 07 seconds
Rookie FBI agents Lydia Lael and Vonka Romanov have been tracking a international money launderer for some time by following the trail of money. This has finally led them to his hideout, and rather than requesting back up, the girls decide they want the glory of finally arresting this guy and bringing him in. They tackle him, but the encounter does not go well. He gets the drop on Vonka and forced Lydia to disarm. He ties the girls wrists and ankles with zip ties before carrying them both to his basement where, for now at least, he is going to keep them prisoner. He starts by stripping down to their bra and panties before suspended them off the floor, rendering them completely powerless. He gropes the girls as they hang in the air, unable to ward off his attention. He gags the two agents and leaves for a while, but although the girls struggle, there is no way for them to escape. When he returns, their captor decides to change things up and have a little more fun with his captives. He moves them from basement to garage and ties them back to back on chairs, stuffing their mouths and gagging them before departing for a second time. Once again, the agents try to escape, but the only rope Lydia can reach is not going to help them very much. As if their situation could not get any worse, their captor comes back again. He tells them that, rather than continue with his plans, he is putting them on hold in order to spend time with the girls, feeling their bodies as they sit helpless in their underwear. Maybe they should have called for backup after all.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Overstepping Her Authority
Overstepping Her Authority (MP4)
Total Time: 18 minutes 02 seconds
Vonka is a teacher who has disciplined a male student by giving him a spanking. The boy told his father who contacted the Dean to make a formal complaint. The Dean in turn has contacted Vonka and asked her to visit the boy's father to apologize, and try to persuade him to drop the complaint. If she refuses to do this, the school will begin disciplinary action which may culminate in her losing her job, and perhaps her future career owing to poor references. Faced with losing everything, Vonka goes to visit the father in question. Not unexpectedly, he is unwilling to back down from the complaint he filed. She repeatedly apologizes and tries hard to change his mind, but he remains adamant. Finally, Vonka swallows her pride and offers to do anything to make the complaint go away. The father decides to take advantage of her situation and tells her he will consider withdrawing the complaint if she allows him to tie her up. Vonka is wrong-footed for a moment, wondering what the man is talking about. Then the import of his words dawns on her. She hesitates, torn between turning around and getting the hell out of there which guarantees she will lose her job, or staying and trying to see it through, whatever this guy has in mind. Before she can even make a decision, the guy slaps in handcuffs. Things have gone too far to back out now. Vonka allows him to march her into the house where the handcuffs are removed and she is restrained with rope, rather a lot of rope, and it is pulled tight. She asks how long she must endure this discomfort and is told at least a few hours, a prospect she finds horrifying. Then again, what choice has she?

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Unable To Vote
Unable To Vote
Total Time: 15 minutes 01 seconds
Vonka has a position on a board of directories, and today they are voting on a bill proposed by the board to freeze hires and cap salaries for two years. Vonka vehemently disagrees with this decision, and there is a chance that she has enough support to sway the vote away from a positive result. The company's CEO is so concerned about this that he sends one of his hired goons to make sure Vonka does not make it in to cast her vote or influence anyone else. Indeed, her absence will be perceived as an act of concession. Vonka has dressed herself for work in a rather sexy way, fishnet tights, plus a low cut blouse with no bra underneath, not totally revealing (that would be inappropriate) but close enough to snag the attention of some of the men on the board. Her dress choice backfires when she is chained up in a hogtie on her bed, so well secured that she cannot stop her breasts falling out of her blouse. She can't call for help from her neighbors because the good has filled her mouth with a large red ballgag, and he has pulled the strap very tight so that Vonka has no hope of pushing the ball out of her mouth. Indeed, her entire predicament is inescapable, and when the goon says he will be back to let her out in the evening, she realizes with horror that she will have to lie like this all day, secured in such a way that it is impossible for her to get comfortable.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: The Cell
The Cell
Total Time: 22 minutes 52 seconds
Detective Romanov is in the house believed to have been occupied by a terrorist cell. Of course, her department should have notified Homeland Security about their findings, but over the years they have grown sick of the Feds always taking credit for their work. Detective Romanov is sent in to have a look around to determine if there is any need to send in a team, but she reaffirms that the place is empty, or so she believes. She says she'll be heading back to the station shortly, after taking just one more look around. It is a decision she is about to regret. As she enters an adjacent room, someone jumps her from behind. She feels a cloth soaked in some smelly chemical pressed hard against her nose and mouth. She fights to pull it away, but while she is struggling she also inhales. Moments later, the room starts to swim and darken. When she wakes up, she finds that her wrists and ankles and have bound with rope, and that the one remaining member of the cell has her prisoner. Just as the detective starts to realize what has happened, a cloth is stuffed into her mouth and a gag is tied around her head. When the terrorist leave her alone for a few minutes, the detective makes her way to what looks like a work area, finds a pair of cutters, and starts work on the rope binding her ankles. She manages to fray it, but she does not manage to break loose before the terrorist returns. He observes that he clearly did not secure her well enough, but promises that he has a solution for that. Suddenly, the chemical-soaked cloth is back. When she recovers for a second time, the detective finds herself handcuffed and chained to a chair, her range of motion highly restricted. Before leaving the house for good, the terrorist gags her with duct tape. Alone again, the detective scoots her chair back to the work area. Most of the tools have been removed. She looks disappointed, but then, she would have been unable to reach them anyway. Looking around for any further hope, she realizes that the terrorist forgot to take her cell phone; it's sitting on the kitchen counter. She can't possibly reach it with her hands, but if she can only nudge it onto the floor, there is a slight chances that she could use it to call for help.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: No Escape For You
No Escape For You
Total Time: 10 minutes 38 seconds
Vonka is trying to escape from a man who has been keeping her captive. She is leaving the house where she is being kept, walking through the cold and snow. A hundred yards from the house, she stops and hides behind a tree, looking back to see if she is being followed. It all seems too easy. Suddenly, her arms are grabbed from behind and plastic cuffs are zipped tight on her wrists. Her host is not at all pleased at her attempt to leave, and tells her so as he gags her with duct tape. He marches Vonka back to the house, makes her kneel and secures her ankles with plastic cuffs as well. He leaves Vonka alone, and she immediately starts heading for the back door of the house, determined to get away even though her movements are now severely restricted. She manages to get the door open and shuffles out onto the back deck. As she reaches the railing, she looks down in despair at the fifteen-foot drop. There is no way out here. Vonka re-enters the house and makes her way across the kitchen, searching drawers; there must be something she can use to cut through these heavy duty plastic cuffs. She finds a pair of scissors, and while it is unlikely they will be up to the task, she nevertheless tries to cut herself free. She barely gets started before her host discovers what she is doing...

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Bed Bound
Bed Bound (MP4)
Total Time: 9 minutes 21 seconds
Vonka arrives home to be grabbed and subdued by a man waiting behind the door. When she wakes up, she finds herself stretched out on her bed, her wrists and ankles tied to opposing bed posts, while rope around her waist is tied to the other set of bed posts, severely restricting her range of motion. Vonka struggles against the ropes for a few minutes, then decides to call out for help. This is a mistake. Soon afterwards, the same masked man enters the room and sticks several strips of duct tape over her mouth the silence her. Unable to move or call out again, Vonka and only struggle against the rope binding her wrists, but the more she fights with it, the tighter it gets. In the end, she is forced to simply lie still and wait to see what the masked man has planned for her.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Held in Suspension: Part 1
Held in Suspension: Part 1 (MP4)
Total Time: 25 minutes 52 seconds
Vonka is on her first date with Asher. They have enjoyed a nice meal together and they are supposed to be going on to a party, but Asher has driven Vonka to his home to show her where he lives. When he suggests that they go inside, Vonka is hesitant, especially after Asher runs his hand up her left thigh. Vonka suggests they should get going, worried that things are moving too fast. The last thing she expects is for Asher to grab her hair with one hand and press a cloth over her nose and mouth with the other. Vonka struggles, trying to hold her breath as she tries to break free, but finally she is forced to inhale. Darkness gathers around her and she becomes still. Asher lifts her from the car and carries her into his house. There, he has a frame set up in his living room, all ready to accommodate his latest victim. While Vonka is still out, Asher begins tying her up. She does not recover before she is tightly bound and unable to escape. She cries out as Asher raises her off the floor and suspends her on the metal frame, tying off the rope to make sure that she cannot possible reach the floor. He then cleave gags her with a bandana before he starts to grope her. Vonka objections and muffled and futile and she rotates helplessly from side to side. At last, Asher leaves her alone to slowly twist and turn in her tight suspension bondage. When Asher comes back to check on her later, she asks if she may use the bathroom. He agrees, and Vonka sees a slight chance of making and escape.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Held in Suspension: Part 2
Held in Suspension: Part 2 (MP4)
Total Time: 22 minutes 44 seconds
At the end of part one, Vonka had been freed from suspension to use the bathroom. Once in there, she looks for some she can use to fight off her attacker, but can find nothing suitable. After hesitating some moments, she makes a run for the front door, willing to flee naked to get away from her captor. He is waiting for her to try something and catches her before she can open the door, pressing a clothing over her nose and mouth to subdue her. He carries her back to his frame, lays her on the floor and starts encasing her in rope once more. He pulls her up to a standing position, soon after which Vonka wakes and starts to struggle against being tied up. She hits her captor a number of times, and even tries to untie the rope above her until her grabs her arms and ties her wrists to the poles of the frame. Vonka is lifted off the floor and once again suspended by ropes, this time almost upright and completely naked. She is ball gagged to keep her quiet, then her captor sits and watches her futile struggles until he must leave to get on with other things. Vonka tries to escape from her restraints, but she is caught like a fly in a spider's web; there is no way out. She hangs there helpless and waits.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Held in Suspension Part 3
Held in Suspension Part 3 (MP4)
Total Time: 28 minutes 26 seconds
In this final part of Vonka's ordeal, she starts out hogtied naked on the floor, unable to free herself. Her captor enters and unties her, then gives her clothing to put on (dress, garter belt, stockings and high heels) before tying her up and suspending her once again. Having been held captive for some time now, Vonka looks defeated and starts to cry. (Vonka actually managed to do this for real, a superb piece of acting). Hanging above the floor with a tape gag over her mouth, she must feel that her ordeal will never end.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Held in Suspension Complete
Held in Suspension Complete (MP4)
Total Time: 77 minutes
All three parts of the story sold together.
Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Don't Ask Any Questions
Don't Ask Any Questions (MP4)
Total Time: 18 minutes 49 seconds
Vonka arrives home from work, expecting a relaxing evening in front of the TV. The last thing she expects is to find a man waiting for her, a man who is armed and has a length of rope in his hand. He grabs Vonka and forces her to put her arms behind her back. He ties her wrists tightly together then makes her kneel. He ties ropes around her body and arms, passing it above and below her breasts. Well secured now, Vonka is pushed to the floor to have her ankles tied, and then feel her legs being bent and secured in a hogtie. She dare not struggle too much because this man clearly means business. He just ties her up, refusing to answer any of her questions, and finally gagging her with three strips of duct tape. Left unattended, Vonka first tries to locate any knots behind her back that she might be able to work on, but she has been tied in such a way that there no knots within reach of her probing fingers. Her next recourse is to look for something she can use to cut herself free. She sees a pairs of scissors resting on the coffee table, but snared in a hogtie there is no ways for her hands to reach them. Then she remembers her phone! But what happened to her purse? She spots in on the lounger across the room and wriggles her way over to it. She can just reach the lounger cushion and pulls on it until her purse falls to the floor. She recovers her cell phone and puts through a call, begging for help through her gag. That, of course, is when her captor returns.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: She Can't Get Comfortable
She Can't Get Comfortable (MP4)
Total Time: 14 minutes 40 seconds
Vonka is being kept prisoner in a man's basement, but he has decided that he does not want her to get too comfortable. He has set things up to place her a predicament where she has to support her weight on her wrists, unable to put her feet on the floor. Instead, she is forced to kneel, balanced on her knees. With all the weight pulling down on the ropes, Vonka cannot reach any of the knots or stand the slightest chance of freeing herself. To muffle her protests about how much it hurts, the man cleave gags her then goes back upstairs, leaving her to dangle there and suffer. The video concludes where Vonka is being released and is talking about various types of bondage, and we also see her shaking her hands to get the circulation back - she has pins and needles in her fingers. This emphasizes how someone should never be left in this type of bondage for long unless it is done by real professionals.

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Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart
Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov: No Way Out
No Way Out (MP4)
Total Time: 17 minutes 49 seconds
Several years earlier, Lea found herself fired and constantly unemployed owing to the efforts of her former boss and company CEO Vonka. Finally, it is time to handle the situation. With the aid of a professional, Lea has arranged for Vonka to be grabbed as she arrives home and taken to an undisclosed location. Here, Vonka is zip tied to a bed despite her protests. Once secured, Vonka has no choice but to try to reason with Lea, but her efforts are clearly not paying off. Lea cannot be deflected from her course of action. She forced Vonka to call her bank and authorize a large transfer of funds to Lea's account, and then gives permission to Lea to access her account. Given the large sums involved, the bank is going to go through some security checks first, which it seems may take about a day. Lea tells Vonka that she's going to stay tied to the bed until the situation is resolved. Part of the security check is that Vonka has to call the bank from her own phone which she claims to have left at home, so Lea gags her captive with duct tape and departs to Vonka's house. In her absence, Vonka struggles against her restraints, but zipties are inflexible and hold her firm.

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Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart
Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov: Spy Catcher
Spy Catcher (MP4)
Total Time: 15 minutes 23 seconds
Hearing a rumour that the bomb she left to blow up the rendezvous house and the Russian spy with it failed to go off, Agent Lea Hart returns to the scene and discovers that the rumours are true - the house is still there. Wondering if it might still be in use, she enters the property armed and wary, but her caution does not save her from a surprise attack by the woman she thought she had disposed of - Vonka Romanov. After a brief struggle, Romanov gains the upper hand and subdues the Chinese agent. While she is oblivious to the world, Romanov takes her time tying up the girl, making the ropes tight, uncomfortable. When Agent Hart finally recovers, she is quickly silenced by the Russian spy by means of duct tape pressed over her mouth. Romanov is so busy having fun with her captive that she does not notice someone else enter the house - Mr Snead of MI6. He holds all the cards and Romanov cannot even put up a fight. Forcing her to lie down beside Hart, Snead tightly zip ties her so that she can barely move, then gags her with the same roll of duct tape she herself had used on Hart. Snead does not release Hart, mentioning that there are doubts about her loyalties. Snead now calls in the cavalry to take care of the two spies while he departs on his next mission. Romanov suggests to Hart that maybe they should help one another, but Hart, speaking through her gag, tells the Russian spy to fuck off. Without cooperation, all they can do is lie there restrained and wait for the CIA agents to arrive.

(All tying is shown on screen).

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Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart
Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov: The Scam
The Scam (MP4)
Total Time: 22 minutes 13 seconds
Vonka and Lea are realtor showing a man round a house, telling him this is exactly the property he has been looking for. The client seems a little unsure, so Lea informs him that another potential buyer is coming to make an offer on the property, and if he would like to be given priority, he should make out a check for $5,000, made out to her. Vonka chips in to say it would be far better as cash. When asked by the client if this is legal, the girls dismiss the matter as something they can handle. This is the point where the potential buyer reveals himself to be a detective, and he informs the girls that he has been on to their little scam for some time, and now it is time for them to face justice for ripping off dozens of clients in this way. He pulls out a chair, orders Vonka to sit down, then throws Lea a bag containing rope and duct tape, and instructs her to tie her friend to the chair. Lea pretends that she does not know what to do, but under the detective's watchful eye she has no choice other than to do as instructed. With Vonka secure, the detective sets about tying up Lea, pointing out that he could have brought handcuffs, but this is so much more fun. When the girls are both tied up, he gags them with duct tape and tells them to sit tight until backup arrives to take them in. The girls struggle against their bonds and even try to move their respective chairs closer together in the hope of being able to untie one another and escape, but the thick pile on the carpet makes scooting the chairs together impossible. They are stuck, waiting to be formally arrested, helpless and cute in their realtor uniforms.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Overpowered
Total Time: 7 minutes 49 seconds
Vonka arrives home from work, not suspecting that she has an intruder in her home, at least not before he grabs her around the waist, pinning her arms to her sides. As she struggles, he releases one arm to press a chemical-soaked cloth over her nose and mouth. She struggles to pull the cloth away but her world is already growing indistinct. She feels the strength ebb from her muscles, and the intruder letting her sink to the floor, and then nothing. When she wakes, Vonka is immediately aware of ropes around her body, her wrists, her ankles, and the man tying her up is still working on it, pulling her legs back to place her in a hogtie. Vonka demands, "What are you doing to me? What the fuck are you doing in my house?" These questions earn her a gag, a black panel with a rubber penis shape attached, and the man is about to force it into her mouth. She tries to resist but she is tightly tied and unable to put up much opposition. The disgusting gag slides into her mouth and a buckle is secured at the back of her neck to stop her spitting it out. The intruder is now free to finish the job of stealing her things before leaving, safe in the knowledge that she won't be calling the authorities any time soon.

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Vonka Romanov
Vonka Romanov: Fundraiser
Total Time: 11 minutes 08 seconds
Vonka is waiting for a taxi to arrive to take her to a fundraiser for a charity she supports. She is making a final check of her makeup when the cab driver knocks on the door. She beckons him in, saying she will only be a minute. Just as she is about to collect her purse, however, the cab driver presses something cold and metallic against her back and tells her that her purse will not be necessary. Afraid and bewildered, Vonka wonders what is going on. The cab driver makes her sit down on a chair then uses zip ties to secure her wrists and ankles. Vonka wants to kow why he is doing this to her, but the only response she can illicit is that he is being paid to prevent her attending the fundraiser. To stop her asking further questions, he stuffs a cloth into the girl's mouth and wraps tape around her head to gag her. He has a look around Vonka's house and finds some more, longer zip ties. To make sure she stays seated on the chair, he passes one of these longer ties around her waist and around the back of the chair. Now she can hardly move at all, and the cab driver informs her that she is going to stay tied up like this for at least four hours.

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Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart
Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov: The Pokemon Hunters - Part 1
The Pokemon Hunters - Part 1
Time: 16 minutes 49 seconds
Lea and Vonka are searching for pokemons with their iPhones, and this leads them to the garden of a man hiding from the authorities. When he sees the girls from the window, he immediately thinks they are connected with the police and are out to catch him. He goes to intercept them, demanding to know what they are doing on his property. Th girls try to explain that they are hunting a pokemon, but the man does not know what they are talking about. Unable to risk just letting them go now that they have seen him, he makes them enter the house where he checks them for wires and then secured their wrists behind their backs with plastic cuffs. The girls keep insisting that he is making a mistake, so the man uses more zip ties to secure them to chairs, then gags them to keep them quiet. While he goes to hide their car, the girls desperately try to free themselves, but there is no way to wriggle out of plastic cuffs. Vonka takes the daring step to tip her chair forward, then wriggles along the ground heading for the fireplace tools, hoping one of them will be sharp enough to use to cut themselves free. Vonka runs into trouble when she realizes the gap she needs to get through while secured to the chair is too narrow. At this point, Lea realizes their cellphones are still on the table where the man made them put them, she she begins working her way across the floor to retrieve one of them, encouraged by a now totally incapacitated Vonka. Lea just manages to get to her phone when the man returns and takes it away from her. By way of punishment, he warns them that they will now spend a very cold and uncomfortable night in the basement.

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Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart
Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov: The Pokemon Hunters - Part 2
The Pokemon Hunters - Part 2
Time: 24 minutes 14 seconds
The girls are marched to the basement, their wrists still secured by plastic cuffs, and each has a noose placed around her neck, preventing her from sitting or lying down for the night. They are made to stand back to back and a zip tie is used to connect their cuffs, preventing them reaching up to the rope around their necks. Their booted ankles are restrained by more zip ties, and a little rope for Vonka whose tie keeps slipping. Finally, both girls are cleave gagged and blindfolded. The man leaves them, informing them that the blindfolds are a blessing because then they won't see the rats coming. After a long, cold, sleepless night, the man returns and says he has checked out the phones, and now he believes that they were indeed just hunting a pokemon. The problem now is that he can't let them go because they will run straight to the authorities. He explains that he has made arrangements for them to be shipped somewhere warm, a welcome change from the cold they are currently experiencing, and freeing the girls (except for their wrists), he makes them walk back upstairs. Here, both girls are placed in a tight hogtie and gagged with duct tape. They must stay restrained until their transport arrives to take them to the dock and the shipping container where they will spend the next few weeks. The girls struggle desperately to get free, trying to help one another, but the ropes are tight and the knots difficult to reach. They hardly make any progress at all before the sound of a big truck is heard pulling up outside, and the girls are informed that their transport has arrived.

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Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart
Lea Hart & Vonka Romanov: The Pokemon Hunters - complete
The Pokemon Hunters - complete
Time: 40 minutes 43 seconds
Lea and Vonka are searching for pokemons with their iPhones, and this leads them to the garden of a man hiding from the authorities. When he sees the girls from the window, he immediately thinks they are connected with the police and are out to catch him. He goes to intercept them, demanding to know what they are doing on his property. Th girls try to explain that they are hunting a pokemon, but the man does not know what they are talking about. Unable to risk just letting them go now that they have seen him, he makes them enter the house where he checks them for wires and then secured their wrists behind their backs with plastic cuffs. The girls keep insisting that he is making a mistake, so the man uses more zip ties to secure them to chairs, then gags them to keep them quiet. While he goes to hide their car, the girls desperately try to free themselves, but there is no way to wriggle out of plastic cuffs. Vonka takes the daring step to tip her chair forward, then wriggles along the ground heading for the fireplace tools, hoping one of them will be sharp enough to use to cut themselves free. Vonka runs into trouble when she realizes the gap she needs to get through while secured to the chair is too narrow. At this point, Lea realizes their cellphones are still on the table where the man made them put them, she she begins working her way across the floor to retrieve one of them, encouraged by a now totally incapacitated Vonka. Lea just manages to get to her phone when the man returns and takes it away from her. By way of punishment, he warns them that they will now spend a very cold and uncomfortable night in the basement. The girls are marched to the basement, their wrists still secured by plastic cuffs, and each has a noose placed around her neck, preventing her from sitting or lying down for the night. They are made to stand back to back and a zip tie is used to connect their cuffs, preventing them reaching up to the rope around their necks. Their booted ankles are restrained by more zip ties, and a little rope for Vonka whose tie keeps slipping. Finally, both girls are cleave gagged and blindfolded. The man leaves them, informing them that the blindfolds are a blessing because then they won't see the rats coming. After a long, cold, sleepless night, the man returns and says he has checked out the phones, and now he believes that they were indeed just hunting a pokemon. The problem now is that he can't let them go because they will run straight to the authorities. He explains that he has made arrangements for them to be shipped somewhere warm, a welcome change from the cold they are currently experiencing, and freeing the girls (except for their wrists), he makes them walk back upstairs. Here, both girls are placed in a tight hogtie and gagged with duct tape. They must stay restrained until their transport arrives to take them to the dock and the shipping container where they will spend the next few weeks. The girls struggle desperately to get free, trying to help one another, but the ropes are tight and the knots difficult to reach. They hardly make any progress at all before the sound of a big truck is heard pulling up outside, and the girls are informed that their transport has arrived.

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Vonka Romanov & Lea Hart
Leah Hart & Vonka Romanov: Gathering of Spies
Gathering of Spies
Time: 20 minutes 51 seconds
A collaborative production between Captured Beauties and Beauties in Bondage, this story is full of intrigue and betrayal, and of course girls in bondage. Vonka plays a Russian spy who delivers an amazing Russian accent! When Leah arrives at a rendezvous house to meet her buyer and sell classified data she has stolen from her agency, she encounters Vonka who has been waiting for her. Vonka overpowers the girl and cradle carries her up the stairs to the upper part of the house. There, she locks Leah in handcuffs and leg cuffs, then asks her for the data. When Leah claims to have no idea what she is talking about, Vonka waterboards her until she gives up the location of the SD card housing the stolen data. Vonka retrieves this and lies in wait for Leah's buyer, disposing of him when he shows up. No spy story would be complete without an escape from restraints, a fight scene where the two girls wrestle for supremacy, and the loser is tied to a chair and forced to watch the countdown on a device that will explode when the timer reaches zero, taking her and the whole building with it. Can she get free in time to save herself? With less than ten minutes left, there is only one way to find out!

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