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Beauties in Bondage: Taylor's Movies
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Beauties in Bondage: Taylor's Movies

Nikki Brooks, Tina Lee Comet, Madison Grey
Taylor, Anna Lee and Hannah Perez

Bondage Archives: Volume 1
Bondage Archives: Volume 1
Time: 36 minutes 02 seconds
Six different girls tied up with ropes and struggling to get free, selected from the Beauties in Bondage archives.

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Taylor: The Masked Man Remastered (MP4)
The Masked Man Remastered (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 03 seconds
Taylor arrives home to be grabbed by a masked man. He clamps a gloved hand over her mouth and warns her not to scream or cry out when he takes it away. As soon as the hand is removed, Taylor starts to question him so he covers her mouth again. She learns. He zip ties her wrists behind her back, makes her kneel down and then zip ties her ankles too. To stop Taylor speaking, he stuffs a handkerchief into her out and ties it there with a black scarf (filmed in close up). He goes to look around her house for valuables, leaving Taylor on the floor to struggle in futility against the zip ties. When she spots her phone on the occasional table, she can't believe her luck. She grabs it and starts keying in a call for help, but the masked man returns before she can complete the call. He says he can't trust her to sit still, so he picks her up and carries her over his shoulder to a chair. He sits her on it and binds her to it with ropes. He notices Taylor is drooling through her gag, so he removes it and replaces it with some very sticky duct tape (also filmed in close up). Having got what he came for, he leaves Taylor trapped in bondage from which she could never escape on her own.

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Taylor & Codi
Taylor & Codi: Catching The Burglars enhanced (MP4)
Catching The Burglars enhanced (MP4)
Time: 26 minutes 10 seconds
Taylor and Codi are both cat burglars who go out on house robbery jobs most nights. They have just finished preparing themselves for their latest break in, clad in their clingy catsuits, and they are about to walk out the front door when the come face to face with an armed man, a man whose home they robbed several weeks before. His closed circuit television has enabled him to identify them and track down where they live; now he wants his possessions back. Codi asks if he is going to turn them in, but instead he says he will tie them up and take a look around to see if he can find what they stole from him. He makes Taylor bind Codi's wrists before ordering both women down onto the floor where he puts them both in a hogtie. He gags them and goes off to search the house, leaving the two women to struggle with their bonds. After a while, they make some progress towards getting free, but the man returns before they can finish the job and reties them. It seems he has found some of his possessions and he is now going to take them away with him, leaving both thieves bound and gagged.

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Taylor: Struggling to Call For Help Remastered (MP4)
Struggling to Call For Help Remastered (MP4)
Time: 11 minutes 25 seconds
Taylor is a secretary who knew a little too much about her boss's shady deals, and the time came for him to have her taken out of circulation. Taylor is bound by wrists, ankles and thighs, her mouth gagged with duct tape, and she has been left on the floor to struggle. This is day two of her captivity - the chair in the background, surrounded by rope, suggests where she spent the night. Taylor is determined to summon help, and manages to get her iPhone off the coffee table. She presses on the touch pad, trying to dial 911, but the phone's battery is flat. Taylor begins to cry in frustration. Then she realizes that not all is lost - her captor has left his iPad on the chair. Taylor maneuvres herself up onto her knees so that she can reach the iPad and drag it onto the floor. Touching the screen activates the device, but a lock pad appears - the iPad needs a code to be entered to permit access. Taylor is thwarted again. Unable to get out of the ropes keeping her tied up, she can do nothing more to help herself and must wait for her captor to return.

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The Taylor Collection: Volume 2
The Taylor Collection: Volume 2
Time: 79 minutes

Upscaled and enhanced. Presented as three movies in one video file.

1. A Client For Mr Roper
Taylor is a conservative secretary who has confided in a friend at work that she has always wanted to be tied up but has been afraid to ask any of her past boyfriends in case they thought her weird. Her friend points her to an advertisement in an adult magazine where a Mr. Roper, a professional rigger, is offering his services. The rates are pretty steep, but Taylor feels that if she is ever going to experience the sensation of real bondage, she must take the plunge. She arrives at Mr Roper's house feeling anxious and beginning to wonder if she has made a mistake. Roper is reassuring, although he does ask her to sign a waiver to confirm that she is consensual in the proceedings. She even negotiates a lower price for Roper's services and he agrees, if a little reluctantly. After the waiver is signed and dated, Roper sets to work tying Taylor to a chair. She soon discovers that the ropes are tight but not uncomfortable, and that she probably won't be able to escape. Roper adds more and more rope, ensnaring her ankles, upper calves, lower thighs, upper tights, waist and chest until she can barely move. When the job is finished, Taylor says that's fine but can he now let her go. Roper says that she signed for three hours of bondage and that is what she is going to receive. Before she can protest much more, Taylor finds herself gagged with white duct tape. To her alarm, Roper unbuttons the top button on her blouse before leaving her alone to fully experience the sensation of inescapable bondage. An hour later, Roper returns to check on her. Taylor is struggling and trying to ask him to free her, but he misinterprets her cries to mean that she is too hot, so he unbuttons her blouse further and pulls the panels aside to expose the black bra encasing her ample breasts. Roper also pulls her skirt up, perhaps because this too will help her to cool off, or perhaps because it shows off the tops of her thigh high stockings. Later, Roper releases the rope across her upper thighs and pulls her skirt up further, explaining that when the three hours are up, he might give Taylor an extra two hours of bondage for free. Taylor tries to protest but Roper just doesn't seem to understand her, so she has no choice but to sit it out because she absolutely cannot get free.

2. Tying Ordeal
Taylor is being held prisoner, her wrists and ankles secured by zip ties and she is gagged with duct tape. She can't wriggle out of her bonds so she tries first to reach a phone and call for help. She is placing the call when her captor enters the room and takes away the phone. Taylor then works her way to the kitchen and in on the verge of reaching a pair of scissors she might use to cut herself free when her captor interrupts er again. Because she can't stay out of trouble, Taylor is carried into the dining area and seated on a chair. For the next ten minutes, she endures the ordeal of being tied to the chair with rope, plenty of rope. Her captor decides to change her duct tape gag for a cleave gag, then leaves her to it. Taylor struggles in vain, still held by zip ties and now with the addition of a lot of rope. There would seem to be no escape... until she spots a box cutter on the wine rack. She works her way over to the rack but there is simply no way for her to reach it. She is trapped. (All tying is done on screen).

3. Watch Taylor Being Tied Up
Taylor asks to be tied to a chair. First her ankles are bound tightly together, then her legs just beneath her knees, her thighs just above her knees, her wrists behind her back, and finally rope above and below her breasts which secure her to the back of the chair. To finish off, a cloth cloth is stuffed into Taylor's mouth; she is prevented from spitting it out by three layers of black gorilla-strength duct tape. Following the tying sequence, Taylor struggles to get free for almost 8 minutes, but without success.

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Taylor: She Should Fetch A Good Price Remastered (MP4)
She Should Fetch A Good Price Remastered (MP4)
Time: 12 minutes 24 seconds

Taylor has been grabbed on her way home from work and kept tied up and gagged while she waits to be placed on the market. Her captor enjoys himself with her while they are waiting, but wouldn't you know it. He is just getting started when the phone rings and he is given instructions to take Taylor to the seller's premises. Reluctantly, he stops messing with her and frees her from her bondage. When she tries to resist, he applies a cloth to her nose and mouth to subdue her. Next we see Taylor being marched down the path to her captor's car, hands tied behind her back, gag in her mouth. He pushes her onto the back seat of the car and ties her legs together again, ankles and knees. When she starts kicking at the car door, he threatens to put her in the trunk unless she lays quietly. As the engine starts and the car backs up, Taylor begins to weep as she realizes there is no way out of her predicament.

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Taylor & Codi
Taylor & Codi: You Always Take What I Have
You Always Take What I Have (WMV)
Time: 24 minutes 27 seconds

Codi visits Taylor to confront her about taking things from her. Codi was on the verge of getting a job she really wanted but somehow Taylor managed to step in and snatch it away. Codi is angry and asks her why she always has to take everything from her. Taylor is dismissive, telling Codi she is better qualified and get any job she wants. The argument becomes heated and the women start to push one another around. Finally, Codi snapped and lands Taylor a blow to the head. When Taylor recovers, she finds Codi in the process of tying her up. She struggles against the ropes and tries to reason with Codi, but her one-time-friend won't listen and gags her to shut her up. Alone for a while, Taylor manages to escape from her bonds and lies in wait for Codi. When Codi returns, the roles are reversed and Codi ends up bound and gagged. Taylor takes great delight in tying her up, adding extra ropes and pulling them tight to make sure Codi cannot escape. To finish the job, she gags Codi with duct tape and leaves her to struggle. In spite of her desperate struggles, Codi just can't quite get to those vital knots to free herself.
Taylor & Codi
Taylor & Codi: Catching the Burglars
Catching the Burglars (WMV)
Time: 26 minutes 13 seconds

Taylor and Codi are both cat burglars who go out on house robbery jobs most nights. They have just finished preparing themselves for their latest break in, clad in their clingy catsuits, and they are about to walk out the front door when the come face to face with an armed man, a man whose home they robbed several weeks before. His closed circuit television has enabled him to identify them and track down where they live; now he wants his possessions back. Codi asks if he is going to turn them in, but instead he says he will tie them up and take a look around to see if he can find what they stole from him. He makes Taylor bind Codi's wrists before ordering both women down onto the floor where he puts them both in a hogtie. He gags them and goes off to search the house, leaving the two women to struggle with their bonds. After a while, they make some progress towards getting free, but the man returns before they can finish the job and reties them. It seems he has found some of his possessions and he is now going to take them away with him, leaving both thieves bound and gagged.
Taylor: Surprise Gone Horribly Wrong enhanced
Surprise Gone Horribly Wrong enhanced (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 25 seconds

Taylor has planned a treat for her husband when he arrives home from work. Knowing his penchant for handcuffs, she decides that she will handcuff herself to a ceiling ring by using a zip tie to connect handcuffs chain and ring. She calls her husband first to make sure that he will be home soon, then locks her wrists in the cuffs, keeping hold of a key just in case. She is happily waiting for her husband to turn up when a masked man enters through the door. At first she thinks it is one of her husband's friends playing a joke, but when he takes away the handcuffs key and laughs at her, Taylor begins to worry for the first time. The man confesses that he really is a burglar and that he had come along fully expecting to have to deal with her before committing the robbery... only to discover that she had already dealt with herself. As he begins to tease her for her stupidity, her cellphone rings. It's on speaker and so they both hear her husband saying that he will be later than expected. Taylor is horrified by the news and can do nothing as the burglars uses one of her zip ties to secure her ankles together. He searches around and finds a handkerchief and a roll of duct tape. He stuffs the handkerchief into Taylor's mouth to keep her quiet then stick several layers of duct tape over the top to prevent her spitting it out. The man then heads off up stairs to look for valuables, leaving Taylor completely helpless in bondage of her own making.

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Taylor: A Client For Mr Roper enhanced
A Client For Mr Roper enhanced (MP4)
Time: 32 minutes 00 seconds

Taylor is a conservative secretary who has confided in a friend at work that she has always wanted to be tied up but has been afraid to ask any of her past boyfriends in case they thought her weird. Her friend points her to an advertisement in an adult magazine where a Mr. Roper, a professional rigger, is offering his services. The rates are pretty steep, but Taylor feels that if she is ever going to experience the sensation of real bondage, she must take the plunge. She arrives at Mr Roper's house feeling anxious and beginning to wonder if she has made a mistake. Roper is reassuring, although he does ask her to sign a waiver to confirm that she is consensual in the proceedings. She even negotiates a lower price for Roper's services and he agrees, if a little reluctantly. After the waiver is signed and dated, Roper sets to work tying Taylor to a chair. She soon discovers that the ropes are tight but not uncomfortable, and that she probably won't be able to escape. Roper adds more and more rope, ensnaring her ankles, upper calves, lower thighs, upper tights, waist and chest until she can barely move. When the job is finished, Taylor says that's fine but can he now let her go. Roper says that she signed for three hours of bondage and that is what she is going to receive. Before she can protest much more, Taylor finds herself gagged with white duct tape. To her alarm, Roper unbuttons the top button on her blouse before leaving her alone to fully experience the sensation of inescapable bondage. An hour later, Roper returns to check on her. Taylor is struggling and trying to ask him to free her, but he misinterprets her cries to mean that she is too hot, so he unbuttons her blouse further and pulls the panels aside to expose the black bra encasing her ample breasts. Roper also pulls her skirt up, perhaps because this too will help her to cool off, or perhaps because it shows off the tops of her thigh high stockings. Later, Roper releases the rope across her upper thighs and pulls her skirt up further, explaining that when the three hours are up, he might give Taylor an extra two hours of bondage for free. Taylor tries to protest but Roper just doesn't seem to understand her, so she has no choice but to sit it out because she absolutely cannot get free.

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Watch Taylor Being Tied Up enhanced
Watch Taylor Being Tied Up enhanced
Time: 19 minutes 36 seconds
Taylor asks to be tied to a chair. First her ankles are bound tightly together, then her legs just beneath her knees, her thighs just above her knees, her wrists behind her back, and finally rope above and below her breasts which secure her to the back of the chair. To finish off, a cloth cloth is stuffed into Taylor's mouth; she is prevented from spitting it out by three layers of black gorilla-strength duct tape. Following the tying sequence, Taylor struggles to get free for almost 8 minutes, but without success.

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Tying Ordeal enhanced
Tying Ordeal enhanced
Time: 28 minutes 01 seconds
Taylor is being held prisoner, her wrists and ankles secured by zip ties and she is gagged with duct tape. She can't wriggle out of her bonds so she tries first to reach a phone and call for help. She is placing the call when her captor enters the room and takes away the phone. Taylor then works her way to the kitchen and in on the verge of reaching a pair of scissors she might use to cut herself free when her captor interrupts er again. Because she can't stay out of trouble, Taylor is carried into the dining area and seated on a chair. For the next ten minutes, she endures the ordeal of being tied to the chair with rope, plenty of rope. Her captor decides to change her duct tape gag for a cleave gag, then leaves her to it. Taylor struggles in vain, still held by zip ties and now with the addition of a lot of rope. There would seem to be no escape... until she spots a box cutter on the wine rack. She works her way over to the rack but there is simply no way for her to reach it. She is trapped. (All tying is done on screen).

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Taylor: The Mask
The Mask (WMV)
Time: 20 minutes 04 seconds

Taylor arrives home to be grabbed by a masked man. He clamps a gloved hand over her mouth and warns her not to scream or cry out when he takes it away. As soon as the hand is removed, Taylor starts to question him so he covers her mouth again. She learns. He zip ties her wrists behind her back, makes her kneel down and then zip ties her ankles too. To stop Taylor speaking, he stuffs a handkerchief into her out and ties it there with a black scarf (filmed in close up). He goes to look around her house for valuables, leaving Taylor on the floor to struggle in futility against the zip ties. When she spots her phone on the occasional table, she can't believe her luck. She grabs it and starts keying in a call for help, but the masked man returns before she can complete the call. He says he can't trust her to sit still, so he picks her up and carries her over his shoulder to a chair. He sits her on it and binds her to it with ropes. He notices Taylor is drooling through her gag, so he removes it and replaces it with some very sticky duct tape (also filmed in close up). Having got what he came for, he leaves Taylor trapped in bondage from which she could never escape on her own.

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Taylor & Codi
You Will Testify
You Will Testify (WMV)
Time: 15 minutes 23 seconds

Officer Taylor is escorting a criminal (Codi) who is turning state's evidence in exchange for immunity from prosecution. Taylor does not like the fact that this criminal will get off scott free and does not treat her with respect. Instead of making Codi comfortable in the safe house, she keeps her in handcuffs. Codi says she no longer wants to testify because of the danger this puts her in, but Taylor says she must. While Taylor is in the kitchen brewing coffee, Codi makes a run for it. Taylor sees her and drags her back to the living room, securing Codi's ankles with double-loop zipties to make sure she can't make another escape attempt. When even this does not stop Codi, Taylor places her in a hogtie and gags her to keep her quiet. She then makes Codi lay on her stomach while she sits on and watches her prisoner squirm.

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Taylor & Codi
Unexpected (WMV)
Time: 15 minutes 12 seconds

Taylor and Codi are returning home from an evening event. The girls both seem happy, but then Codi some something unexpected. She says she is going into the kitchen to get a drink, but instead she returns with a cloth soaked in chloroform and presses it over Taylor's nose and mouth until her eyes flutter and she sinks to the floor, unconscious. Codi grabs some rope and ties Taylor's ankles together, then her wrists behind her back. While this is going on, a groggy Taylor becomes aware of what is happening and demands to know what is going on. Codi merely chuckles and offers her friend no explanation. When Taylor continues to ask questions, Codi gags her with duct tape, then sits down to watch her friend squirm. t is not long before Codi pulls Taylor's dress up, exposing the tops of her stockings, her panties and finally her bare breasts. Codi seems to be having a very good time and Taylor can do nothing about it; a very unexpected end to her evening.

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Taylor & Codi
Careless Thief
Careless Thief (WMV)
Time: 24 minutes 37 seconds

Codi is a jewel thief who is turning over a house while the owner, Taylor, is working out at a local gym. Codi does not expect Taylor back for a while and is startled when she hears the front door open and close. She quickly hides as Taylor walks into the room, yawning as she removes her jacket. Codi jumps out at her and forces Taylor to the floor. Always prepared, Codi has brought along some heavy duty, police-issue zip ties, and she uses them on Taylor to immobilize her. She demands that Taylor tells her where to find the jewellery, and also demands the combination to the safe. Taylor gives it before she is gagged with duct tape. Taylor makes an aborted attempt to get out of the house, intercepted by Codi. Next, she finds a pair of scissors and tries to cut herself free, although scissors are not up to the job of cutting through the zip ties. Nevertheless, Codi takes the scissors away from her captive and drags her back across the floor. Codi decides that she must take Taylor with her and dispose of her since she has seen her face. But Codi is careless and makes the mistake of cutting Taylor's hands free first, because while she is working on the zip ties holding the woman's ankles, Taylor clocks her one over the head, stunning her. A struggle ensues and ends with Taylor taking Codi's pistol off her. Before calling the police, Taylor decides to secure the burglar and ties her to a chair with rope, gagging Codi when she refuses to stop trying to negotiate her freedom by inviting Taylor to go into business with her. When Codi is finally secured to Taylor's satisfaction, Taylor calls the police, tormenting Codi as she does so. In a matter of minutes, the bound and gagged Codi will be taken into custody.

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Determined to Escape
Determined to Escape (WMV)
Time: 15 minutes 16 seconds

Taylor has just made an escape attempt from captivity, but her captor has caught her and, as the video opens, he's dragging her back to the vehicle where he plans to keep her. He pushes her inside, ties her legs around the ankles and thighs, and then pins her arms by tying rope around her body. As he tries to close the back door of the vehicle, Taylor tries to stop him with her feet. Clearly, she is far from defeated. Left alone, she manages to get herself out of the vehicle and hops away across the garden. She sits on a wrought iron seat and uses its arms to work her ropes loose until she can slide out of them. As soon as she is free, she kicks off her shoes and runs away into the woods.

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The Detective's Mistake
The Detective's Mistake (WMV)
Time: 15 minutes 26 seconds

Detective Taylor has been tracking a criminal for some time and has finally found him at his country hideout. Thinking she will earn herself a promotion if she can make the arrest, she sneaks up on her target, planning to get some handcuffs on him and take him in right away. When the grabs the man, however, she makes the mistake of hesitating, talking too much. The man takes his chance, swings round and drags the detective to the ground. He quickly gets the upper hand, and after taking her weapon, he throws her over his shoulder and carries her into the house where he sets about tying her up. He binds Taylor's wrists and ankles, and then connects them into a hogtie (all done on camera) before gagging her with duct tape which he wraps around her head. While the man is outside looking for her car in order to move it under cover, Taylor does her best to find her cellphone which is beeping to say she has a message waiting. She still has not been successful when she sees the man returning and starts to panic. As he re-enters the room, he tells Taylor that his partner wants him to take her to his hideout, so he releases the rope keeping Taylor in a hogtie, then throws her over his shoulder once more to carry her outside and place her in the trunk of his car. Taylor squeals frantically through her gag, sobbing as the trunk door is closed and her fate seems sealed.

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Seriously Frisked
Seriously Frisked (WMV)
Time: 13 minutes 01 seconds

A man claiming to be an FBI agent turns up at Taylor's door. She can't believe it when he says she is under arrest and tries to resist as he turns her around and places handcuffs on her. He proceeds to frisk Taylor, ostensibly to search for concealed weapons. He feels her legs and presses under her bra for anything suspicious. When Taylor challenges him, he more or less admits he is not really an agent. He takes her into the house where he resumes groping her, now feeling her breasts. He forces her to kneel down and the groping continues until he decides to lock her ankles in bracelets, and even locks her thumbs in thumbcuffs. When he leaves the room, Taylor struggles for a minute or two but quickly realizes she can't escape. She remembers her phone and searches for it. She finds it and calls for help. We leave her as the phone rings and she is praying for someone to answer.

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Punishing His Personal Assistant enhanced
Punishing His Personal Assistant enhanced (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 28 seconds

Taylor is personal assistant to the boss of a chemical company. He has asked her to his house to discuss a matter of importance, but Taylor arrives late and rather flustered, blaming heavy traffic for her tardiness. Her boss is not in the best of moods to being with because he has suspected for some time that Taylor has been selling restricted chemical formulae to rival companies. Now he has the proof! He tells Taylor is informed that a PI has been following her for the past few weeks, providing photographs of Taylor's clandestine activities. He tells her that she is fired. Taylor, suddenly panicked, apologizes and asks if there is any way she can keep her job, offering to do anything. Her boss finally says there is a way - to keep her in check he needs something embarrassing he can use against her if she ever betrays his trust again. He tells Taylor that she can keep her job if she lets him tie her up and take compromising photographs which will be published if she falls from grace again. Reluctantly, Taylor agrees. She does not expect her boss to use quite so much rope, however, and she complains that there was no mention of gagging. (All tying is done on screen). Once Taylor is thoroughly trussed up, her boss takes a series of photographs and goes away to check them, informing her that she is going to stay tied up merely for him to take a few photos, but for the rest of the day and punishment for her misconduct.

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Left in the Woods
Left in the Woods (WMV)
Time: 14 minutes 44 seconds

Taylor is being held prisoner by a man keeping her tied up in the woods behind his house. Taylor has been struggling with her bonds for hours and cannot get free, so she finally decides to try working her way deeper into the woods to hide from her captor. She does not get far at all before she loses her balance and rolls down the hill. Her captor returns with more rope and with a pair of stockings to push into her mouth to keep her quiet, plus a menacing role of duct tape to keep those stockings inside her mouth. He ties Taylor to a tree to stop her trying to get away and leaves her to it, promises to return and attend to her the next day. After sitting in despair for a while, Taylor decides to try getting out of the ropes securing her to the tree. After a while she succeeds and manages to stand up. She hops a short distance in her heels but it is very hard going and she is forced to stop and lean again a tree for balance. With her ordeal never end?

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How Many Ways Can You Tie Me Up?
How Many Ways Can You Tie Me Up? (WMV)
Time: 47 minutes 47 seconds

Officer Taylor visits a house in response to a report of a disturbance. She finds the door open, and after announcing herself she goes inside to investigate. Finding the place apparently empty, she is just about to radio in when a man grabs her from behind and she is subdued. When she wakes, he has her in a hogtie and gags her when she starts threatening him. Taylor struggles to get her weapon from a nearby table, succeeds, and then waits for the man to return. She does not hear him sneak up behind her. He grabs her again, pressing a cloth to her mouth until she slips away into oblivion. So begins a cycle of torture where Taylor is stripped naked and told to dress herself in various outfits. Each time she is tied up in a different position, a pole tie with duct tape, a chair tie with zip ties, cleave gag and tape blindfold, then finally just her wrists and ankles. She is carried outside and set down on the lawn. Not to be defeated, Taylor tries to get away while still tied up, losing her balance and rolling down a hill into the garden behind the house. Here, she tries desperately to free herself from the rope binding her wrists, but she falls again and lies there exhausted from her efforts. Where is her backup when she needs it?

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Taylor Zip-Tied to a Chair
Taylor Zip-Tied to a Chair (WMV)
Time: 9 minutes 23 seconds

Taylor is a secretary at a construction company and is happily doing her job when an armed man bursts into her office. He is a disgruntled customer who claims that the work the company did on his house is well below standard and he is sick and tired of being fobbed off with excuses. He has therefore decided to take Taylor as a hostage and use her to force the company to make repairs to his home. He takes Taylor out into the garden at the back of the offices and uses zip ties to secure her wrists and ankles to the chair. He gags her with silver duct tape to keep her quiet and then leaves to contact the company boss to make his demands. Poor Taylor is left tightly zipped and barely able to move. It looks like she's going to be doing a lot of overtime.

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Struggling to Call For Help
Struggling to Call For Help (WMV)
Time: 11 minutes 22 seconds

Taylor is a secretary who knew a little too much about her boss's shady deals, and the time came for him to have her taken out of circulation. Taylor is bound by wrists, ankles and thighs, her mouth gagged with duct tape, and she has been left on the floor to struggle. This is day two of her captivity - the chair in the background, surrounded by rope, suggests where she spent the night. Taylor is determined to summon help, and manages to get her iPhone off the coffee table. She presses on the touch pad, trying to dial 911, but the phone's battery is dead. Talor begins to cry in frustration. Then she realizes that not all is lost - her captor has left his iPad on the chair. Taylor maneuvres herself up onto her knees so that she can reach the iPad and drag it onto the floor. Touching the screen activates the device, but a lock pad appears - the iPad needs a code to be entered to permit access. Taylor is thwarted again. Unable to get out of the ropes keeping her tied up, she can do nothing more to help herself and must wait for her captor to return.

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Remain Seated
Remain Seated (WMV)
Time: 13 minutes 39 seconds

School girl Taylor is being held hostage, tied to a chair with rope. She is forced to speak to her parents on the phone to beg them to do as the kidnapper says or they will never see her again. Taylor is gagged with duct tape and left alone. She struggles frantically as she tries to get free but she can't work the ropes loose. In her struggling, she even manages to tip the chair over and she ends up laying on the floor, waiting for the kidnapper to come back and help her. (Taylor's fall was not planned since it was very dangerous on the hard floor. She did not cry out after the fall or give any sign that she was hurt or in trouble, so the camera kept rolling. For her part, Taylor continued in her role as victim without so much as a pause. A very professional performance.

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Taylor & Codi
Tie Her Up
Tie Her Up (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 24 seconds

Taylor and Codi have just arrived home from a great evening out, both happy and chatting about their favorite subject - men - when they come face to face with an intruder who is in the act of robbing them. Annoyed at being interrupted, the burglar throws some rope to Taylor and orders her to tie up her friend. Taylor manages to tie Codi up well despite lack of experience at this kind of thing, and satisfied with her efforts, the burglar orders her to lay down beside her friend. He then ties up Taylor (off-screen). The two woman are gagged with duct tape (on-screen) and left to struggle with their bonds. After squirming around for a while, the women manage to extricate one another from their ropes. While Taylor finishes untying her legs, Codi rushes off to call the police. The two women then lock themselves in the bathroom in case the burglar should return.

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Taylor & Codi
Stealing Boyfriends
Stealing Boyfriends (WMV)
Time: 14 minutes 34 seconds

Taylor is dressing up in her sexiest lingerie because she is going on a date with a new boyfriend. Unexpectedly, ex-girlfriend Codi arrives and pushes her way into the house, grabbing Taylor by the hair and throwing her to the floor, clearly angry at this woman who has stolen her boyfriend of four years. To make sure Taylor does not keep her date, Codi ties her up, securing her in a hogtie. She stuffs a cloth into Taylor's mouth to shut her up, then applies layer after layer of duct tape. When she is finished, she storms out of the house leaving Taylor to struggle in bondage. As she fights to get free, Taylor's lingerie slips a little until her nipples are visible, adding embarrassment to her situation when someone finds her.

640x480 pixels - WMV: 234.8 MB

Frustrated Secretary
Frustrated Secretary (WMV)
Time: 15 minutes 28 seconds

A secretary, Taylor, is attacked by a masked man just as she arrives home. She struggles furiously against him but he is too strong, and after twenty seconds of fighting, Taylor ends up on the ground as she passes out. Her attacker picks her up and carries her into her house where he proceeds to put her in a tight hogtie. Taylor wakes as she is being bound and starts to struggle, pleading with the man to let her go. To silence her, he sticks duct tape over her mouth. After he leaves, Taylor wrestles with her bonds but she can't reach any of the knots; she is trapped. Her next action is to try to get to the telephone, but this is far from easy when hogtied. Taylor manages to get herself to a kneeling position several times, but she can't stay upright. By the time she reaches the table bearing the telephone, her skirt has slipped right up to her hips, but she can't reach to pull the hem back down over her exposed thighs. She tries desperately to get up onto her knees again in the hope of being able to reach the phone, but the effort is too great. She sinks back to the floor and lies there crying in frustration.

640x480 pixels - WMV: 249.5 MB
Abducted Stewardess
Abducted Stewardess (WMV)
Time: 7 minutes 11 seconds

Taylor has been abducted by a disgruntled passenger whom she humiliated on a flight several weeks before. He has kidnapped her and left her in her car on the edge of some woods, gagging her as he says that he will be on that evening's flight and she will not, denying her the opportunity to cause him further embarrassment. Left alone, Taylor starts to struggle with her bonds. She can't get the rope off her wrists and cannot quite reach the duct tape covering her mouth. She does manage to open the car door, so she climbs out and hops into the woods until she finds a fallen branch. She sits down beside it and uses it to pull at the rope binding her wrists. After a while, she manages to get her hands free. She removes her gag, unties her legs and runs back to her car. A quick search turns up the keys thrown into the grass by her assailant, and then she quickly drives away in case he is still lurking in the area.

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