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Beauties in Bondage: Madison Grey
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Beauties in Bondage: Madison Grey

Madison Grey
Prisoner In Her Bedroom (2K upscaled)
Prisoner In Her Bedroom (2K upscaled)
Time: 9 minutes 37 seconds
Madison has been grabbed, bound and gagged in her own bedroom. She struggles on the floor trying to escape from her bonds, but the ropes are too tight and the knots are out of reach. All she can do is lay there and wait to see what happens to her next. After a while, she decides to work her way to the door and try to open it with her feet, but her efforts go unrewarded; the door is locked. Madison leans against the door, resting her head against the wood, trapped and helpless. Now she must wait to see what happens to her next.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 526.8 MB
Nikki Brooks, Tina Lee Comet, Madison Grey
Taylor, Anna Lee and Hannah Perez

Bondage Archives: Volume 1
Bondage Archives: Volume 1
Time: 36 minutes 02 seconds
Six different girls tied up with ropes and struggling to get free, selected from the Beauties in Bondage archives.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,034.2 MB

Madison Grey
Madison Grey: Blackmailer enhanced (MP4)
Blackmailer enhanced (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 37 seconds
Madison has been blackmailing her ex-husband and he has finally had enough. He hires a fixer to retrieve the incriminating documents. The fixer sneaks into Madison's home and surprises her, clamping a hand over her mouth. He demands the documents she has been using for blackmail, and when she says she doesn't know what he is talking out, the fixer pushes her up against the wall and ties her wrists together behind her back. He gags Madison and then walks her from room to room as he searches the house. Having failed to find the documents, he decides to scare Madison into giving them up. He ties more rope to her wrists and secures it around her waist, then uses this as a leash to walk her up and road and into the woods where he ties her to a tree. He says he will leave her alone in the woods all night if she doesn't tell him where to find the papers. Madison relents and tells him they are hidden in a safe. She gives him the combination and he goes off to see if she is telling the truth. Madison struggles with her bonds while the fixer is absent but she can't get free. After a while, he returns and frees her from the tree, having found the documents exactly where she said they would be. He marches her back to the house, her wrists still bound, a gag still in her mouth. Back in her living room, he makes her get down on the floor. The rope used as a leash is now secured to her ankles, placing her in a hogtie. The fixer says he is going to leave her like this all night as punishment for not cooperating right away, then he departs.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,014.4 MB
Lily Anna, Carissa Montgomery
Melanie, Madison Grey & Tina

Lily Anna, Carissa Montgomery, Melanie, Madison Grey & Tina: Foreclosure enhanced (MP4)
Foreclosure enhanced (MP4)
Time: 31 minutes 02 seconds
Lily's husband has left her and she has been unable to meet mortgage payments alone. The mortgage company is foreclosing on her home and two representatives from the bank have come to talk to her because she has not been returning their calls. They explain that real estate agents will be arriving shortly to appraise the house for sale. The two bank employees push their way into the house, and Lily, furious and at the end of her fuse, confronts them. Worried now, the bank clerks try to reason with her but Lily is having none of it. She makes one woman restrain the other in a hogtie on the floor, then sets about securing the second woman to a chair. She gags them both with duct tape to shut them up, telling them: "I'm in charge!" Lily then awaits the arrival of the real estate agents. When they show up, Lily confronts them too and again, makes one pf the women tie up the other. Lily finishes the job by tying up the fourth woman herself, binding the two real estate agents back to back. After a little thought, Lily decides that she will have to get rid of them all, and starts by freeing the woman on the chair, leaving her wrists and ankles bound and the duct tape firmly over her mouth, then picking her up and carrying her out to her car. By the time she comes back for her next victim, the remaining three women have managed to get free and they jump Lily, restraining her instead.

1920x1080 pixels - picture aspect ratio 4:3 - MP4: 1,460.8 MB
Madison Grey
Madison Grey: Dangerous Game enhanced (MP4)
Dangerous Game enhanced (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 34 seconds
Madison is a personal secretary to a company director, and she has discovered that her boss has been siphoning money out of the company into off-shore accounts. Instead of reporting him, she goes to him and demands a raise, and even a pay off for her silence. It seems no one ever warned her that blackmail is a dangerous game to play. Her boss refuses to negotiate. Instead, he grabs Madison and ties her up, and when she won't stop arguing with him he stuffs a handkerchief into her mouth and then gags her with her own scarf. Madison struggles against her bonds for some minutes, then sees that the boss has left his cellphone on a nearby table. She works her way to the table, knocks the phone to the floor and starts calling for help. Her boss returns and discovers what she is doing. He snatches the phone away and manhandles his secretary, sitting her upright and snarling at her. In his rage, he rips open her blouse, the buttons flying everywhere. He picks Madison up and carries her into his bedroom, placing her on the bed and securing her in a hogtie to make sure she doesn't go anywhere, or make another attempt to summon help.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 922.6 MB

Madison Grey
Madison Grey: Uncooperative Secretary enhanced (MP4)
Uncooperative Secretary enhanced (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 53 seconds

Madison is working in her office when a thief rushes in and grabs her, clamping a hand over her mouth as he warns her not to cry out. He pushes a cloth into Madison's mouth and warns her not to spit it out, then he ties her up (on screen) - wrists, ankles and knees. Finally, Madison does spit out the cloth, so the thief pushes another cloth into her mouth and seals it there with duct tape. He departs to break into the office safe, leaving Madison to struggle. She remembers that she has scissors in her desk drawer and manages to retrieve them. She is attempting to cut the rope binding her wrists when the thief returns, taking the scissors away and telling her that the combination he had been given for the safe is wrong. He ungags her and demands that she tell him what it is, but Madison insists that she doesn't know it. The thief gags her again (this time a cleave gag with her own scarf) and goes away to try the safe again. Madison continues trying to free herself but does not succeed before an angry thief returns. He warns her that there is a price to pay for not cooperating with him. He blindfolds her and picks her up, carrying her from the office. In the next scene, Madison is lying bound, gagged and blindfolded on the back seat of a car bouncing along a remote track. At last, the car stops and the thief drags Madison out onto the grass. He drives away, leaving her there to think about that combination, saying he'll be back in a few hours to see if her ordeal has made her more cooperative.

Noise reduced using "Neat"

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 919.5 MB
Madison & Lydia
Madison & Lydia: She Gambled & Lost Remastered (MP4)
She Gambled & Lost Remastered (MP4)
Total Time: 10 minutes 01 seconds

This movie has been remastered from the original recording, presented here in 1920x1080 pixels and with a bit rate of 6 Mbps (the original was 1280x720 pixels with a bit rate of 4 Mbps). Color and white balance have both been adjusted, and sound has been augmented. This version is 30 seconds longer than the original.

Madison has been gambling at a casino where her house mate Lydia works as a croupier and has lost all her money, including the rent money. She is furious at Lydia who encouraged her to gamble in the first place, and she watches as Lydia arrives home from work, determined to teach the woman a lesson and make her reimburse Madison for her losses. When Madison challenges Lydia, the latter merely laughs at her and tells her she was stupid to gamble all her money away. Furious now, Madison attacks her and brings her down. Madison ties the girl up, intending to keep her a prisoner until such times as she coughs up the lost money. But things don't go as planned: Lydia manages to get free and turn the tables on Madison, so that Madison ends up bound and gagged while Lydia collects her bag and goes out for the evening, leaving Madison to struggle on the floor.

(1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 468.1 MB)
Madison Grey
Time: 21 minutes 39 seconds
Madison has been blackmailing her ex-husband and he has finally had enough. He hires a fixer to retrieve the incriminating documents. The fixer sneaks into Madison's home and surprises her, clamping a hand over her mouth. He demands the documents she has been using for blackmail, and when she says she doesn't know what he is talking out, the fixer pushes her up against the wall and ties her wrists together behind her back. He gags Madison and then walks her from room to room as he searches the house. Having failed to find the documents, he decides to scare Madison into giving them up. He ties more rope to her wrists and secures it around her waist, then uses this as a leash to walk her up and road and into the woods where he ties her to a tree. He says he will leave her alone in the woods all night if she doesn't tell him where to find the papers. Madison relents and tells him they are hidden in a safe. She gives him the combination and he goes off to see if she is telling the truth. Madison struggles with her bonds while the fixer is absent but she can't get free. After a while, he returns and frees her from the tree, having found the documents exactly where she said they would be. He marches her back to the house, her wrists still bound, a gag still in her mouth. Back in her living room, he makes her get down on the floor. The rope used as a leash is now secured to her ankles, placing her in a hogtie. The fixer says he is going to leave her like this all night as punishment for not cooperating right away, then he departs.

Madison Grey
Dangerous Game
Dangerous Game
Time: 19 minutes 39 seconds
Madison is a personal secretary to a company director, and she has discovered that her boss has been siphoning money out of the company into off-shore accounts. Instead of reporting him, she goes to him and demands a raise, and even a pay off for her silence. It seems no one ever warned her that blackmail is a dangerous game to play. Her boss refuses to negotiate. Instead, he grabs Madison and ties her up, and when she won't stop arguing with him he stuffs a handkerchief into her mouth and then gags her with her own scarf. Madison struggles against her bonds for some minutes, then sees that the boss has left his cellphone on a nearby table. She works her way to the table, knocks the phone to the floor and starts calling for help. Her boss returns and discovers what she is doing. He snatches the phone away and manhandles his secretary, sitting her upright and snarling at her. In his rage, he rips open her blouse, the buttons flying everywhere. He picks Madison up and carries her into his bedroom, placing her on the bed and securing her in a hogtie to make sure she doesn't go anywhere, or make another attempt to summon help.
Madison Grey
Let Me Go
Let Me Go
Time: 14 minutes 44 seconds
Madison is being held prisoner, bound hand and foot with rope connecting her wrists and ankles, black duct tape sealing her mouth. She struggles hard to get free and after considerable effort she finally succeeds. After untying her legs, she makes a run for it, out the front door and away towards the woods. She loses her balance, running in high heels, and as she is getting up her captor comes running towards her and grabs her. She struggles but he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder, carrying her back into the house. To stop her moving around, he now ties Madison to a chair with some thin, unforgiving cord. After gagging her with more duct tape, he leaves her alone to sit there now trapped and barely able to move.
Madison Grey
Forced to Stick Around
Forced to Stick Around
Time: 15 minutes 57 seconds
Madison is being held bound hand and foot in her living room, her attacker somewhere in the house. Determined not to be a victim, she works her way to the coffee table and reaches her cellphone to call for help. Unfortunately, the phone's batter is dead. Madison throws it aside and starts work in earnest on the rope binding her wrists. After a while she manages to free her hands. She peels off her tape gag, unties her ankles and makes a run for it. She is running towards the woods when something sharp hits her in the side, a dart with a powerful tranquilizer that drops her instantaneously. When she recovers, she finds herself back in the house but now tied to a chair. She struggles to get free again but this time cannot reach the knot holding her arms behind her. Later, Madison is moved to the basement where she is secured to a pole with handcuffs and a collar, the latter strapped tightly around her neck. Cleave gagged now, Madison bites down on her gag as she continues trying to get out of her predicament. Alas, the handcuffs hold her fast - there is no way out until someone releases her.

Madison Grey
Ready For Transport
Ready For Transport
Time: 12 minutes 01 seconds
Madison has been taken out of circulation by her boss who caught her uncovering irregularities in the company accounts. Rather than dispose of her, he has decided that she can be shipped out to foreign parts where she can be force to provide some entirely different services for whoever wants to pay for her. In preparation, Madison has been bundled up ready for transport. She does her best to get out of the ropes holding her, but she can't quite reach those illusive knots and time is running out.
Madison Grey
Not Safe Even at Home
Not Safe Even at Home
Time: 16 minutes 48 seconds
Madison arrives home from an afternoon of riding and goes upstairs to change, little suspecting that an intruder is lurking in her bedroom. As she walks from her closet, a masked man jumps out and grabs her, pressing a cloth to her mouth and dragging her to the floor. When she recovers she is already bound hand and foot. Before she can say anything much, the man gags her with a cleave gag and then ties her to the frame of her bed. He changes the gag to one of Madison's own scarves before going downstairs to look for food in the fridge. Madison tries to escape from captivity but she can't get free. Later, the man replaces the ropes with cable ties and leaves her on the bed where he says she can sleep the night. Instead, Madison gets up and hops to the window, planning to call through her gag for help. The man hears her hopping across the floor and rushes back up the stairs to grab her. He drags her to the bed and this time, secures her wrists together with her arms passing between the bars of the bed's wrought iron frame. Now there is no getting away, and all Madison can do is lay there and listen to the bells of a nearby church.
Madison Grey
I Want to Ride My Horse
I Want to Ride My Horse
Time: 15 minutes 05 seconds
Madison, dressed in her black johdpurs and riding boots, wants nothing more than to go to the stables to ride her horse, but some man has forced his way into her house and tied her up in her bedroom, silencing her with a cleave gag. Left on the floor bound and gagged, Madison moves around the room looking for something to help her get free, but there is nothing. She starts making a little progress on the rope binding her wrists together behind her back when the man re-enters the room, lifts her onto the bed and places her in a hogtie. This is much harder for Madison who struggles to reach the knot keeping her in the hogtie. Given enough time she might succeed in working the knot undone, although the constant pulling with her legs has seriously tightened it. She never gets the chance to find out if she could eventually get free because the man comes back again, picks her up and carries her through to her kitchen where he ties her to a chair. He decides now to remove the cleave gag and replace it with duct tape which he wraps around her head, snagging her hair as she fights against him. It doesn't look as if Madison will be able to go riding today.

Madison Grey
Madison Tries to Escape
Madison Tries to Escape
Time: 10 minutes 08 seconds
Madison has been tied to a chair and gagged, left alone because it seemed so unlikely she could escape. Determined to get away from her captor, Madison works at the ropes holding her to the chair, and after a long time succeeds in getting herself out of them. She can't free her hands or legs, so she has no choice but to make her escape attempt while still bound and gagged. She works her way along the floor to the front door, then stands and manages to get the door open. She hops across the stoop, slides down the steps on her backside, then stands and hops towards her car, all this in precariously high heels.
Madison Grey

Taken Equestrienne
Time: 9 minutes 00 seconds
Madison is just leaving work at the stables as we join her. On her way home through the woods, however, she clearly encountered a man who had a grievance with her, because we next see her gagged with duct tape and being pulled along by a rope binding her wrists together. The man drags her across country until they reach his car. He opens the trunk and puts Madison inside, binding her booted ankles together with the length of rope he had used to pull her along. Madison struggles inside the trunk of the car as the vehicle speeds along the highway, taking her who knows where. Upon arrival, the man lifts her out of the trunk and carries her into his house via the garage. In the basement, her secures Madison's wrists and ankles with cable ties, tying rope to the tie around her wrists and running it through a ceiling ring so that she is forced to stand. He has removed the duct tape covering her mouth and cleaved gagged her with a red cloth. He goes away for a minute and returns with a riding crop which he uses to whip Madison's bottom as she stands there helpless and unable to stop him.
Madison Grey
Madison is the Girl in the Basement
Madison is the Girl in the Basement
Time: 3 minutes 53 seconds
This is a short composite clip showing Madison tied to a chair in an unfamiliar basement. There is just one camera angle and Madison behaves as if she has been tied to the chair all day. Her struggles are few; she merely looks hopefully towards the stairs for her captor's return. (There are a few edge effects but they are not particularly noticeable. The background is of course a photograph rather than concurrent film).

Madison Grey
No More Riding Today
No More Riding Today
Time: 20 minutes 23 seconds
Madison has just returned from a morning at the stable where she has been giving riding lessons in the snow. Arriving home for lunch, she has just half an hour before she needs to be back at work. Her plans go awry when a masked man grabs her inside her house, clamping a gloved hand over her nose and mouth and lowering her to the floor. He presses his arm against her throat, applying justr enough pressure to make her lose consciousness. He picked up her limp form and carries her into the living room where he sets about tying her up - wrists, booted ankles, and knees. He then picks her up in a fireman's lift and carries her around the house looking for a suitable place to leave her. Finding nowhere secure, her returns her to the living room where he can keep an eye on her. As Madison starts to recover she realizes what has been done to her. Before she can issue many protests, the masked man pulls a cloth between her teeth to gag her, tying it tightly at the back of her head. He leaves the room briefly and Madison immediately makes her way to the kitchen door, hoping to be able to get it open with her feet. When this fails, she works her way across the house and almost makes it to the front door before the masked man discovers what she is up to. He picks her up and carries her back to the kitchen, sitting her on a chair and then tying her to it with more rope. Now Madison is trapped and can barely move. Clearly, there will be no more riding for her today.
Madison Grey
Got to Escape
Got to Escape
Time: 9 minutes 37 seconds
Madison is a secretary who has been sequestered to keep her away from the office. Her wrists are tied together behind her back, rope has been coiled around her thighs and ankles (feet crossed) to prevent her walking, and she has been cleave gagged with her own scarf. Not one to take her captivity lying down, Madison first tries her purse to see if she has left her phone in there. Finding the purse empty, she discards it and works her way towards the front door of the house where she is being held. She wrestles with the rope binding her wrists and feels it give a little. She continues working on her bonds until she is able to free her hands, then she quickly ungags herself, liberates her legs and makes a run for it.
Madison Grey
The Bridesmad Couldn't Make It
The Bridesmad Couldn't Make It
Time: 8 minutes 43 seconds
Madison is in the bathroom applying makeup and fixing her hair ready to attend a wedding as a bridesmaid. Her plans change in a matter of moments when a man bursts into her bathroom and covers her nose and mouth until she slips to the floor. When Madison recovers she finds herself tied to a chair with a lot of rope. She demands that the stranger let her go, but all he does is gag her with her own scarf, whispering that this is one wedding she will not be attending. After he leaves, Madison wrestles with her bonds, still hoping to get free in time to attend the wedding, but as time passes it looks increasingly as if the bridesmaid won't be able to make it.

Madison Grey
Prisoner in Leather
Prisoner in Leather
Time: 12 minutes 21 seconds
It's Madison's turn to be clad in leather and tied to a pole in the basement. Her wrists and ankles are secured with cable ties so there is no possibility of escape. She starts out protesting, demanding that her captor let her go, but he soon silences her with a piece of gorilla-strength duct tape. To add to Madison's discomfort, she has a collar around her neck which is attached by another cable tie to the pole, preventing her from bending forward. She may already be immobilized, but that does not stop her captor coiling rope around her body, from head to foot. Now she can hardly move at all as we view her from different angles, standing there trapped and helpless.
Madison Grey
Stable Girl
Stable Girl
Time: 12 minutes 40 seconds
Madison is arriving home from the stables where she works, mucking out the horses and giving them a work out. She breezes into the house, not for one moment suspecting that a man is lurking in her kitchen. As she passes the entrance, he jumps out and grabs her, wrestling her to the floor. He binds her wrists together behind her back, then her ankles and thighs. When Madison wakes and panics, the intruder gags her with duct tape and then leaves. Madison works her way over to the table and knocks her purse onto the floor to recover her cell phone, but when she tries to call for help she finds the battery is dead. Next, she works her way through to the kitchen to get some scissors from a drawer. The scissors are only small and it takes some effort to cut through the rope binding her wrists, but at last she manages to get free. She unties her legs and runs to the house phone to call the police.
Madison Grey
She Was Seriously Tied Up
She Was Seriously Tied Up
Time: 19 minutes 08 seconds
Madison is surprised by an attacker as she arrives home, and has a cloth pressed over her mouth until she sinks to the ground. The attacker lifts her onto his shoulder and carries her into the house. When she starts to come round, Madison finds herself being tied to a chair with a lot of rope coiled around her arms. The attacker gags her to keep her quiet as he continues tying her up, adding more and more rope as he savours the experience. When at last Madison is pinned to the chair so thoroughly that she can barely move, the attacker exits the room to go through her belongings in the rest of the house, leaving her to sit there helplessly waiting to see what might happen to her next.

Madison Grey
Captive Housewife
Captive Housewife
Time: 10 minutes 05 seconds
Madison has been unwillingly taken out of circulation. Her husband wants her kept on ice for a few days while he finalizes the disposal of a property Madison does not want him to sell. He asks a security consultant to deal with her, and this man is planning to drive her to a quiet spot where no one will find her. He carries and kicking and complaining Madison to his car, only to discover he has misplaced his car keys. He carries Madison back into the house and ties her up to keep her under control while he hunts for his missing keys. When she tries to get away, despite her wrists and ankles being bound, the consultant places her in a loose hogtie and gags her to stop her complaining. Madison fights to get free of her bonds before the man comes back, but she is still trapped when he returns with the news that he has found his keys. He picks Madison up and carries her from the room, once again heading for his car.
Madison Grey
Victim of Circumstances
Victim of Circumstances
Time: 12 minutes 29 seconds
Madison is grabbed by a stranger in her house when she arrives home, a cloth pressed over her mouth until she sinks to the floor. She is a victim of unfortunate circumstances, arriving home while someone was in her house. Now she is in trouble. As the stranger is tying her to a chair, she starts coming round but she is very groggy. As she begins to seem more cogent, the intruder gags her to prevent her asking questions, then resumes tying her up, adding rope around her chest and securing her to the back of the chair. He ties her legs at the ankles and just above the knees, then leaves the room to raid the property. After a while, he comes back. Feeling that poor Madison must be tired of sitting on the chair, he releases the rope binding her to the chair back and lifts her by her now-stiff arms, pushing her to the floor. Now he adds some more rope, connecting her bound wrists to her bound ankles before finally leaving with the spoils of his raid.
Madison Grey & Dakkota Gray
We've Got To Help Each Other
We've Got To Help Each Other
Time: 8 minutes 05 seconds
Dakkota and Madison have both been hogtied and gagged, then left to struggle on the bed in Madison's room. It seems they arrived home just as a burglar was leaving the house, and he was forced to leave them trussed up to prevent them raising the alarm before he can make good his escape. The two women struggle with their bonds for a while, then realize they will have to help each other if they are going to get free. They do manage to release themselves, and then run from the house in case the burglar is still around, planning to call the police from the safety of their car. (This clip contains a number of shots focused on stockinged feet).

Madison Grey & Dakkota Gray
Late With the Rent
Late With the Rent
Time: 15 minutes 23 seconds
Dakkota Grey is tired of her tenant Madison not paying the rent. Madison is four months behind, and Dakkota feels she must now take action. She goes to the house to confront Madison, demanding that she pay her the overdue rent immediately or face eviction. Madison invites her landlady in, agreeing to write a check, but when Dakkota's back is turned Madison picks up something from the table and hits her landlady over the head with it. While Dakkota is out, Madison ties her up, gagging the woman when she comes to and begins to protest. Madison has almost no experience with tying someone up and makes a poor job of it, enabling Dakkota to quickly free herself. Dakkota waits in hiding for Madison to return, then turns the tables on her tenant when she reappears. Later, as Madison recovers from the attack, she finds herself tied to a chair and starts to panic. Dakkota asks for Madison's bank card and demands to know the PIN. When Madison plays dumb, Dakkota helps herself to the card from Madison's purse, then threatens her in order to get the number. Madison surrenders the information and is then promptly gagged with duct tape to keep her quiet while Dakkota goes to the bank to collect her rent. During her absence, Madison tries to wriggle free, but Dakkota is better at tying ropes and Madison cannot escape. She is still bound and gagged when Dakkota returns, angry that Madison's account contained insufficient funds to cover the outstanding rent. Dakkota says she will leave Madison tied to the chair overnight, and maybe that will give her sufficient incentive to come up with a way to pay the overdue rent.
Madison Grey & Dakkota Gray
Robbed, Roped & Handcuffed
Robbed, Roped & Handcuffed
Time: 22 minutes 27 seconds
Dakkota and Madison have been the victims of a robbery, and the burglar has left them with their wrists handcuffed to each others, forced to sit on chairs by a network of ropes. Both women are gagged with duct tape. They struggle to reach the rope knots, attempting the seemingly impossible task of getting themselves free. After a long effort which involves cooperation, they do manage to get away from the ropes and remove their gags, but there is nothing they can do about the two pairs of handcuffs locking them together. Still chained then, they both make for the door to summon help from a neighbour's house.
Madison (with Lydia)
Medical Assistance
Medical Assistance
Time: 6 minutes 52 seconds
Madison has called for a doctor, and when she (Lydia) arrives, she is led to a bedroom where a sick man needs attention. To Lydia's horror, the man is an escaped convict and he is being helped by his girlfriend Madison. Lydia is forced to administer help at gunpoint and is then bound and gagged on the bed. As the man she has just helped gags the doctor, he thanks her for her help, then he and his accomplice depart for the airport, leaving Lydia to struggle against her bonds.

Madison Grey
Landing in Trouble
Landing in Trouble
Time: 12 minutes 03 seconds
Madison arrives home after several days away on an international flight, only to have an intruder sneak up behind her and chloroform her. When she come to, she finds herself tied to a stool and cleave gagged. The intruder does not talk to her, but leaves her tied up without explanation.
Madison Grey
Tied Up on the Bed
Tied Up on the Bed
Time: 8 minutes 06 seconds
A vignette where Madison is hogtied on a bed (the hogtie is not a tight one) and she squirms around attempting to untie herself. It may look easy, but those knots are beyond the reach of her probing fingers, which means she is stuck there until someone lets her go. I wonder if anyone will volunteer, or will she just have to continue laying there?
Madison Grey
Tied Up Wearing Jeans
Tied Up Wearing Jeans
Time: 13 minutes 19 seconds
A rare movie where Madison hands are tied in front of her. Normally, it would be an easy matter for the girl to reach up, peel off her gag and then use her teeth to untie the knots keeping her wrists bound, but Madison can't do this because other ropes restrict the movement of her arms, connecting them to her waist and ankles. She can't lean forward because of rope passing over her shoulders.

Madison (with Lydia)
Car Pool
Car Pool
Time: 12 minutes 42 seconds
Lydia and Madison car pool for their commute to the office to save money. This morning, however, things are not going as normal. Lydia is all ready for Madison to pick her up, but she has discovered a burglar in her house, and he has tied her to a chair. He is just demanding to know where Lydia keeps her valuables when a knock comes on the door. Lydia tries to warn Madison, but her gag muffles her cries. Madison practically forces her way in, pushing past the man as she hears something. The burglar has no choice - he hurries after Madison and overpowers her. When Madison wakes, she finds herself bound by wrists and ankles. She slithers across the floor to the foot of the chair where Lydia is tied up, but the burglar comes back and stops her. Madison is gagged and then dragged to the back of the chair where her hands are secured to the chair leg. The burglar leaves again in search of valuables, unaware that Lydia has managed to free her hands. She unties herself and then Madison. The two women are on the verge of making a run for it when the burglar intercepts them, ordering Lydia to tie Madison up again. (A brief postscript shows the two women laughing as the storyline falls apart).
Madison (with Lydia)
She Gambled & Lost
She Gambled & Lost
Time: 9 minutes 20 seconds
Madison has been gambling at a casino where her house mate Lydia works as a croupier and has lost all her money, including the rent money. She is furious at Lydia who encouraged her to gamble in the first place, and she watches as Lydia arrives home from work, determined to teach the woman a lesson and make her reimburse Madison for her losses. When Madison challenges Lydia, the latter merely laughs at her and tells her she was stupid to gamble all her money away. Furious now, Madison attacks her and brings her down. Madison ties the girl up, intending to keep her a prisoner until such times as she coughs up the lost money. But things don't go as planned: Lydia manages to get free and turn the tables on Madison, so that Madison ends up bound and gagged while Lydia collects her bag and goes out for the evening, leaving Madison to struggle on the floor.
Madison Grey
Restrained in a Pink Corset
Restrained in a Pink Corset
Time: 9 minutes 31 seconds
In this vignette, Madison is dressed in a tight pink, lace-up corset (which in fact belonged to her and which she donated to us for use, which is why it has been seen on other models). The fit on Madison is very snug! She is bound by wrists and ankles and knees on the floor, and cleave gagged with a pink cloth. Madison struggles with her bonds for a while and manages to slide out (the thicker rope is difficult to secure tightly), whereupon she gets up and makes a run for it, hoping to get away from the ever present bad guy. Note that this video contains a number of barefoot closeups, and was filmed with foot lovers in mind.

Madison Grey
Prisoner in Her Bedroom
Prisoner in Her Bedroom
Time: 9 minutes 36 seconds
Madison has been taken hostage , tied up and gagged. She is being held in her bedroom, and the door is locked. Madison struggles on the floor trying to escape from her bonds, but the ropes are too tight and the knots out of reach. All she can do is lay there and wait to see what happens to her next. After a while, she decides to work her way to the door and try to open it with her feet, but her efforts go unrewarded. Madison leans against the door, resting her head against the wood, trapped and helpless.
Madison Grey
Left Bound
Left Bound
Time: 10 minutes 23 seconds
Madison is being kept prisoner, her arms stretched out with the ropes holding her wrists secured to two door handles. Madison squirms and pulls at the ropes, finally loosening one side enough to reach the knots. She spends some minutes untying herself and then makes a run for it out of yet another door, this one leading to the outside world and freedom.
Madison Grey
The Package
The Package
Time: 9 minutes 36 seconds
Madison has been taken by a contractor under the orders of a crime boss whose business interests are being compromised by his now ex-secretary. The movie opens with the contractor carrying a bound and gagged Madison into the room over his shoulder while on the phone to the boss, telling him that he has the package, but he cannot keep her at his house for more than an hour. When the call is over, the contractor sits Madison on a chair and adds some extra rope to keep her in place. After he departs from the room, Madison struggles frantically to get loose, but alas, the ropes binding her are too well tied.

Madison Grey
Kept Hostage For Days
Kept Hostage For Days
Time: 14 minutes 27 seconds
Madison has been kidnapped and is being held hostage for money. We join her as she sits bound and gagged on a kitchen chair, but after a while, the kidnapper enters the room, picks her up and carries her outside for her daily breath of fresh air. He sits Madison on the front steps and leaves her for a little while. Later, he returns and throws her over his should again, carrying her across the lawn to a garden seat where he tells her to stay put. In his absence this time, Madison slides off the seat and moves a short distance on her knees. This does not please the kidnapper who carries a heavy pole from the woods, lays Madison on the ground and ties her to it, preventing the woman from slipping away any further from the house. Will her nightmare of captivity ever end?
Madison Grey
The Avenger
The Avenger
Time: 15 minutes 44 seconds
Madison is The Avenger, righting wrongs and bringing bad guys to book... except when it all goes wrong of course. While after a criminal, Madison enters his house and starts searching for him, but he appears behind her, masked to protect his identity from this avenging angel. When he grabs his nemesis, she throws him to the floor, and when he gets back up she drop kicks him. Only when he grabs a pistol does she stop. He forces her to let him bind her wrists behind her back, but even this does not stop The Avenger. She breaks away, hands bound, and delivers another kick. The bad guy finally keeps her under control, but still she challenges him verbally, forcing him to remove her sash and gag he with it. He takes her down to the basement, sits her on a stool and binds her booted legs together. Once she is secure, he calls his gang saying that they won't believe who just tried to take him down, and that they should come over and have some fun before they dispose of this troublesome woman. Left alone, Madison tries to get into a tool cupboard, hoping perhaps to cut herself free, but the criminal hears the noises she makes and comes back, picking her up and placing her back on the stool. Is this the end of The Avenger?
Madison Grey
Driving Without a Licence
Driving Without a Licence
Time: 8 minutes 58 seconds
Madison is pulled over just before she reaches home. She does not stop immediately, so the first thing the cop does is ask her if she saw the flashing lights behind her. When he asks to see Madison's driving licence and registration documents, she admits that she is not carrying them with her. The cop is now suspicious and makes her get out of the vehicle and place her hands on the roof of the car. He proceeds to handcuff Madison and tells her to stand still while he goes to run her licence plate. When he returns, he says the vehicle has been reported stolen. Explaining that he is enforcing new regulations, he orders Madison to sit on the back seat of her car while he applies leg irons to her ankles. Madison cannot believe this is happening. She gets up and tries to walk with considerable difficulty before the cop orders her to sit back down. Madison says she was just stretching her legs because everything is taking so long. She nevertheless obeys and lays on the seat to await the arrival of a squad car that will take her into the police station to be booked.

Madison Grey
Held Incommunicado
Held Incommunicado
Time: 11 minutes 01 seconds
Madison is being held prisoner in a house. The movie starts where she is sitting on a chair, already bound and gagged. Almost at once, a hooded man picks her up and throws her over this shoulder, then carries her outside. The camera follows his progress as he carries Madison around to the back of the house and then ties her to a support post for the back deck. Madison is left here safely out of the way lest any unwanted visitors should arrive at the house. Madison is filmed struggling from many different angles. (The movie concludes with an amusing behind the scenes snippet).
Madison Grey
She Thought It Was A Fashion Shoot
She Thought It Was A Fashion Shoot
Time: 12 minutes 08 seconds
Madison turned up at what she thought was a photographer's house, dressed in a vintage pink skirt and a corset, ready to start work. She didn't expect the job to involve bondage! She soon finds herself tied to a stool and gagged with duct tape. Then, to her horror, the photographer goes away and just leaves her there to struggle.
Madison Grey
Grabbed When She Got Home
Grabbed When She Got Home
Time: 8 minutes 28 seconds
Madison is attacked by a masked man as she arrives home from work. He throws her over his shoulder and carries her out into the back garden where he sets about tying her up and gagging her. Madison struggles but the man is too strong, and before long she is trussed up in rope and left to struggle on the ground.

Madison Grey
Tied Up With Her Own Skipping Rope
Tied Up With Her Own Skipping Rope
Time: 7 minutes 47 seconds
Madison is working out with her skipping rope when a masked man sneaks up behind her and half-strangles her with her own rope. Madison is out of it for a while, and when she wakes she finds she has been gagged and has her wrists and ankles bound with her own skipping rope. Let's hope she's fit enough to wriggle her way out of this predicament!
Madison Grey
Bound, Carried & Rolled
Bound, Carried & Rolled Downhill
Time: 9 minutes 40 seconds
Madison is doing her housework when a stranger sneaks up behind her and overpowers her. He binds her wrists and ankles with vet wrap and gags her with a scarf. She is then carried outside and placed on a garden chair for a few minutes. When the stranger returns, she kicks him in the leg. Having had enough of her, he picks up his captive, carries her to the top of a hill, lays her down and uses his foot to push her down the slope, sending her rolling.
Madison (with Carissa, Lily, Tina & Melanie)
Bound at the Office
Bound at the Office
Time: 21 minutes 28 seconds
An office building has been the scene of a robbery, and all the secretaries have been herded into an area close to a stairwell. As the movie starts, three of the girls are already tied up; now the thief forces one of the two remaining free secretaries to tie up her companion. Once secretary number four is secure, the thief makes the remaining secretary to gag all of the others with duct tape. Now it is her turn: the thief ties her wrists and ankles, quickly secures some rope around her body, and concludes by gagging her. He warns the girls not to try escaping becaiuse he'll be watching on a closed-circuit TV system into which he and his cohorts have tapped. He warns them that if they misbehave, he will remotely detonate the bomb attached to the door behind them. Nevertheless, as soon as he leaves, secretary Melanie starts making attempts to reach the bomb and disconnect the wires before the thief has a chance to set it off. The other secretaries work to free one another from their bondage. They succeed in the end and make a run for it in case the thief returns to deal with them.

Madison (with Lily, Carissa, Melanie & Tina)
Time: 31 minutes 05 seconds
Lily's husband has left her and she has been unable to meet mortgage payments alone. The mortgage company is foreclosing on her home and two representatives from the bank have come to talk to her because she has not been returning their calls. They explain that real estate agents will be arriving shortly to appraise the house for sale. The two bank employees practically force their way into the house, and Lily, furious and at the end of her fuse, holds them at gunpoint. The frightened women try to reason with her, but Lily is having none of it. She forces one woman to tie up the other in a hogtie on the floor, then she sets about securing the second woman to a chair. She gags them both with duct tape to shut them up, telling them: "I'm in charge!" Lily then awaits the arrival of the real estate agents. When they show up, Lily holds them at gun point too and again, makes one woman tie up the second. Lily then finishes the job by tying up the fourth woman, then binding the two real estate agents back to back. After a little thought, Lily decides that she will have to dispose of them all, and starts by freeing the woman on the chair, leaving her wrists and ankles bound and the duct tape firmly over her mouth, then pick picks up the woman and carries her out to her car. By the time she comes back for her next victim, the remaining three women have managed to get free and they jump Lily.
Madison Grey
Where's Your Boss?
Where's Your Boss?
Time: 16 minutes 19 seconds
When a man arrives at the door asking Madison where her boss is (the man is looking for him because he owes money), she claims she does not know. Given that she is his personal secretary, the caller does not believe her and forces his way into the house. Madison tries to get away from him, backing away, even running, but there is nowhere for her to go. She is soon seated on a chair, one wrist handcuffed to the frame of the chair, and being questioned. When she refuses to cooperate, her other wrist is tied with rope and she is gagged with duct tape. Madison fights so hard that the pieces of tape go on crooked. Later, the man questions her again, and when she still refuses to talk he applies some fresh duct tape to her mouth. He finally ties her legs together, she trying to kick him, and then leaves. Madison works on getting free and manages to get the rope off her right wrist. She can do nothing about the handcuffs, however, and runs from the house to get help carrying the chair with her.
Madison Grey
Anniversary Present
Anniversary Present
Time: 6 minutes
Madison is preparing a nice surprise for her husband on their anniversary. She wants him to arrive home from work to find her tied up and helpless because she knows he loves to see her like that. She even uses handcuffs to secure her wrists to make absolutely sure she cannot escape. But then disaster strikes: her husband calls to say he has been delayed at work and will not be home for several more hours, leaving Madison trapped in bondage. How long will she have to wait to be rescued from her self-imposed predicament?

Madison Grey
Packing For a Vacation
Packing For a Vacation
Time: 14 minutes 22 seconds
Madison is packing a suitcase with clothes, getting ready for a well-earned vacation. She is so much into the spirit of the trip that she has even tried on her new bikini which she plans to practically live in once she gets to the beach. Someone else has different plans for her, however. While she is busy with her packing, someone creeps up behind her and presses an ether-soaked cloth over her mouth and nose. Madison puts up a good fight, slapping her attacker's arm in an effort to make him let go, but she is soon forced to inhale and her consciousness leaves her. When she comes to, she has been bound hand and foot and a strip of duct tape is stuck over her mouth. Madison struggles, trying to free herself. When she calms down, she has the idea of trying to cut through the rope using the teeth of the zip on the lid of her suitcase. When this doesn't work, she picks up one of the coat hangers from her luggage and starts working on the knots restraining her using the hanger's metal hook.
Madison Grey
Kept Prisoner
Kept Prisoner
Time: 12 minutes 19 seconds
Madison is being held captive. At first, she is made to stand with handcuffs on her wrists and rope around her ankles. After a while, her captor decides that she can sit down, so he secures her wrists behind her back. Madison is starting to complain and become argumentative, so he now decides it is also time to apply a gag - out comes the red duct tape. Madison is left to struggle in futility since there is no way out of the handcuffs locking her arms behind her.
Madison Grey
Tricky Business
Tricky Business
Time: 11 minutes 29 seconds
Madison has been left gagged and tied to a chair in a business suit. She gradually manages to work her way free of her bonds and escape. We really will have to tie those ropes a little tighter!

Madison Grey
Getting to the Phone
Getting to the Phone
Time: 12 minutes 20 seconds
Madison has been left tied to a chair and gagged. She wrestles with the ropes holding her in place but she can't free her hands. When it becomes clear to her that her efforts to escape unaided are unlikely to succeed, she inches the chair across the room to the telephone. The problem is, she can't reach the phone with her bound hands, so she tugs on the phone cord to drag the instrument close enough for her to reach... with disastrous results.
Madison Grey
Interrupted Call
Interrupted Call
Time: 16 minutes 54 seconds
Madison is in the middle of a phone call when a masked man creeps up behind her and wrestles her to the floor, choking her until she passes out. When she recovers, she finds herself bound hand and foot with duct tape, with duct tape pressed over her mouth to silence her. Madison is then dragged across the room and finally left to struggle against her bonds as the intruder goes about his business in the house.
Madison Grey
Tied-Up Party Girl
Tied-Up Party Girl
Time: 12 minutes 53 seconds
Madison is dressed ready to go out and party, but before she left the house someone got to her and tied her up. Her wrists and ankles are bound with rope and duct tape stops her speaking. She tries to free herself and manages to loosen the rope wrapped around her body about and below her breasts, but she can't free her hands or feet. It looks as if poor Madison is going to miss the party. (There is no introductory scene in this movie; it features only Madison).

Madison Grey
Time: 17 minutes 50 seconds
Madison is enjoying a quiet day at home when a masked man attacked her from behind, wrestling her to the ground and then securing her wrists and ankles with duct tape while she tries to fight him off. He concludes by gagging her with duct tape and leaving her to squirm. It takes quite a lot time, but eventually Madison is able to break the duct tape binding her wrists. She ungags herself and releases her legs before running to get help.
Madison Grey
Black Dress Bondage
Black Dress Bondage
Time: 9 minutes 03 seconds
Madison is being held prisoner, bound in rope and gagged with duct tape. After making a futile attempt to get free, Madison works her way to her bag and retrieves her phone, but just as she is calling for help, her captor appears and takes the phone away, leaving Madison to go on helplessly struggling to escape.
Madison Grey
Caught Between Chairs
Caught Between Chairs
Time: 9 minutes 38 seconds
Madison has been tied to a chair and gagged. Her ankles are secured to a second chair so that her feet are easily accessible. During her ordeal, her kidnapped removes her shoes and then cuts away the feet of her pantyhose, exposing her feet. He then leaves her to struggle, wondering what is going to happen next. Additional information: Because of the slippery pants, Madison kept sliding forward on her chair and had to be lifted back into place four times during filming. She said afterwards that it was possibly the most uncomfortable position she has ever been tied up in.

Madison Grey
Secretary in Tape
Secretary in Tape
Time: 7 minutes 44 seconds
Secretary Madison has been left stuck to a chair with some very attractive duct tape. She pulls and quirms but the tape will not yield, so it looks as if she will be there a long time.
Madison Grey
Tied to the Vacuum Cleaner
Tied to the Vacuum Cleaner
Time: 12 minutes 37 seconds
Efficient secretary Madison is quickly cleaning the house before going to work, but her plans go awry when an assailant sneaks up behind her and chloroforms her. Madison fights back but the drug quickly takes effect, rendering her unconscious. When she comes to, she discovers she has been tied up with the power cord of her own vacuum cleaner. Her only hope of freedom is to reach her home office where she will find some scissors to cut through the binding flex, but to get there, she must tow the vacuum cleaner along behind her. When she wriggles around the corner into her office, she is dismayed to find that the vacuum cleaner has become stuck and that she can't reach her desk.
Madison Grey
Break In
Break In
Time: 12 minutes 37 seconds
Madison arrives home and settles down for a quiet evening. She switches on the TV and goes to get a banana to snack on. As she parts the curtains just enough to look outside (did she hear a strange noise?), a masked intruder creeps up behind her, grabbing her around the neck and dragging her to the floor where she passes out. When she wakes, she finds herself tied to a chair and gagged with duct tape. She works continuously on her bonds but can't seem to wriggle free, so it looks like being a very long night for Madison.

Madison Grey
Held in a Noose
Held in a Noose
Time: 11 minutes 45 seconds
Madison has encountered an intruder in her home, and he has left her standing with a noose around her neck to prevent her sitting down or moving around. He has also bound her wrists together in front of her and attached the rope between her thighs to her knees and ankles, preventing her from lifting her hands to remove the duct tape stuck over her mouth. Rendered almost completely immobile, all Madison can do is stand there and hope that someone will soon find her and free her, but she might have a long wait.
Madison Grey
The Surprise
The Surprise
Time: 12 minutes 36 seconds
Madison enters the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee, but just as she is about to start drinking, she notices a present under the Christmas tree that was not there earlier. Curious, she opens it and finds rope and a rope of duct tape inside. She leans forward to see if there is anything else in the box, like a card to explain who sent her these items, where a jet of gas is fired into her face and she passes out on the floor. When she comes to, she is bound and gagged. Madison works her way across the living room and into the kitchen in search of something to cut through her bonds. When she fails to find anything, she works on the knots until she finally manages to free herself, then she immediately rushes to the phone to call the police.
Madison Grey
Bad Timing
Bad Timing
Time: 14 minutes 29 seconds
Madison calls at a house to ask for directions and sees something she was not supposed to. The owner forces her inside and secures her with zip ties, gagging her with duct tape. He leaves to hide her car from prying eyes, and all Madison can do is wait helplessly for his return.

Madison Grey
Held Prisoner
Held Prisoner
Time: 12 minutes 47 seconds
Madison is tied to a pole in the basement, a cleave gag in her mouth. She squirms as she tries to loosen her bonds but without success.
Additional comment: There is no supporting storyline here; the movie simply shows Madison bound and gagged.
Madison Grey
Zipped Secretary
Zipped Secretary
Time: 10 minutes 53 seconds
Madison is the last secretary still working. When she thinks she hears a sound in an adjacent office, she goes to investigate, only to be jumped by an intruder. She quickly finds her mouth gagged with duct tape and her wrists and ankles snared by unforgiving zip ties. Madison manages to struggle from the floor up on to her office chair, but since she can't break free of the zip ties, there is little more she can do except wait for someone to find her and let her go.
Madison Grey
Caught Doing the Laundry
Caught Doing the Laundry
Time: 11 minutes 27 seconds
It's laundry day and Madison is quite happily loading the washing machine. What she doesn't know is that she has an intruder in the house! He sneaks up behind her, presses a cloth over her mouth, and the next thing she knows she is bound and gagged on her living room floor. Fortunately for her, the intruder is not the best rope expert in the world, and after a while Madison manages to wriggle free and make a run for it.

Madison Grey
One Survey Too Many
One Survey Too Many
Time: 14 minutes 00 seconds

Click Here For Photographs
Madison is conducting a survey about residents' shopping experiences, only this time she has come to the wrong house. The owner is seriously annoyed because survey people are always pestering him. When Madison persists, he invites her in, knocks her out and duct tapes her to a chair (off-camera). When she wakes, he tells Madison that he is conducting a survey to find out how many women like to be tied up and gagged in duct tape. He then leaves her alone to think this over, hoping that she might learn her lesson and give up this annoying profession.
Madison Grey
The Rescue
The Rescue
Time: 14 minutes 19 seconds
Madison's house has been burgled and the burglar has left her tied up and gagged on the floor. She struggles for a long time but cannot free herself. Then, salvation: a neighbour calls to see where she is (she was expected for morning coffee). The neighbour finds her in bondage and rescues her. Additional comment: The clip concludes with some behidn the scenes footage - Madison's bonds were so well tied that releasing her quickly proved impossible, and she had to be cut free using scissors.
Madison (with Beverly)
Unexpected Homecoming
Unexpected Homecoming
Time: 13 minutes 39 seconds
Madison arrives home early from a business trip, unaware that her husband is having an affair and that his mistress is in bed with him at that very moment. Hearing her arrival, the mistress (Beverly) hides in the wardrobe as Madison comes to see why her husband is still in bed. As Beverly tries to sneak out of the house, Madison sees her and an argument ensues, culminating in her husband accidentally knocking Madison out. While she is out cold, he ties her up to stop her going after Beverly in a rage. Madison wakes and starts ranting again, so her husband gags her and tells her she can stay like this until she calms down. Despite struggling, Madison cannot escape her bonds.

Madison Grey
Hell For Leather
Hell For Leather
Time: 13 minutes 08 seconds
Madison enjoys driving fast - VERY fast. She drives hell for leather, or like a bat out of hell. She can't escape the attentions of the law forever, and on this occasion she has been spotted by a traffic cop who follows her home, blue light flashing. Madison stops outside her house and waits for the cop to give her grief. When he arrives at her window, she asks innocently why she has been pulled over. The cop's reaction is the last thing she expects - he produces a small, white bottle and sprays something in her face. In a matter of seconds she is asleep. She wakes to find herself tied up and gagged on the back seat of her car with the police vehicle is still parked directly behind hers. What is going on?
Madison Grey
The Lady in Red
The Lady in Red
Time: 13 minutes 35 seconds
Madison is dressed to go out and is just walking through the house looking for her purse when an intruder rushes up behind her, hand gags her and drags her to the floor, using a choke hold to make her pass out. Madison wakes to find herself tied to a chair with zip ties and with duct tape pressed over her mouth to keep her quiet. She is alone in the house and unable to escape from her bonds... how long will she have to sit there until someone drops by and rescues her?
Madison Grey
Time: 15 minutes 20 seconds
Madison is placed in a hogtie but using duct tape instead of rope. She squirms around on the floor trying to get free but the tape holds her wrists and ankles firm. After quite some time, she manages to break the tape linking her wrists and ankles, but she still can't release her arms and legs, or peel of her gag to complain about it!

Madison Grey
Punishment For Spending Too Much
Punishment For Spending Too Much
Time: 14 minutes 20 seconds
Madison has been shopping and bought herself a $300 dress. This is way over budget, and it is not the first time she has gone spend crazy. This cannot go unpunished, and Madison soon finds herself in bondage to teach her to show more restraint. She spends some time standing tied to a pole, her head coiled in vet wrap, then she is moved to a kneeling position and the vet wrap replaced by duct tape. Is she learning yet?
Madison Grey
Subdued & Tied Up
Subdued & Tied Up
Time: 10 minutes 38 seconds
Madison arrives home from work, tired after a long day. she pulls off her shoes and takes off her pantyhose to relax, and on her way to her home office, she removes her jacket. She sits at her computer ready to catch up on her e-mail, but she has not read many messages before a hand comes around the side of her head bearing a cloth soaked in chloroform. The cloth is pressed over her nose and mouth and Madison passes out. When she wakes, she is gagged and tied to her chair. She struggles hard to get free, and while she succeeds in loosening the rope pinning her body to the chair, her wrists and ankles are firmly bound and she can't free herself. She will have to wait until someone calls round to see her, whenever that may be...
Madison Grey
Back in the Woods
Back in the Woods
Time: 9 minutes 25 seconds
Madison finds herself back in the woods and tied to a tree in her beige top and pants. There is no plot to this movie; you simply watch Madison struggling with her bonds and eventually succeeding in getting free. As soon as she has finished untying herself, she makes a run for it in case her captor should return.

Madison Grey
Nasty Surprise
Nasty Surprise
Time: 8 minutes 23 seconds
Madison calls at a house to collect survey information. The owner, having no wish to divulge information to her, knocks her to the floor. When she comes to, she is wrapped up in silver duct tape. The resourceful Madison manages to free her hands from the tape and then liberate the rest of her body. The survey is not that important after all, it seems, because she hastily flees from the house.
Madison Grey
Stopping Her Going Out
Stopping Her Going Out
Time: 17 minutes 10 seconds
Madison has had an argument with her boyfriend and has got dressed up to go out on her own. The thing is, her boyfriend doesn't want her to go. He tries to appease her with some new perfume, but after one sniff she declares that she doesn't like the smell of it. The perfume contained a little something more, and within moments, Madison lies passed out on the floor. When she wakes, Madison finds herself tied to a chair and gagged, and her boyfriend is gloating about making her comfortable. Apart from the occasional taunt, he leaves Madison tied up as punishment for planning to go out without him. Eventually, Madison manages to get free and leaves the house, saying "I'm not only going out, but I won't be coming back!"
Madison Grey
Madison Escapes
Madison Escapes
Time: 7 minutes
Madison is tied up with vet wrap (a self-adhesive material tape that is used for horses, etc.) and charged with the task of getting away. She gets herself outside the house and managed to work the tape off her wrists. She has to make a run for it in bare feet since she kicked off her shoes, and the ground was wet and cold. In reality, Madison did not run far. You'd think she would really want to run away by this time :-)

Madison Grey
Madison Escapes Again
Madison Escapes Again
Time: 8 minutes
We tied Madison to a chair and told her to do her best to escape. It took her only 8 minutes! She's getting far too good at this; those ropes will have to be tied tighter in future!!
Madison Grey
Zip It!
Zip It!
Time: 13 minutes
Wasn't there a teacher at your school that you fancied, one that you fantasized about tying up? Imagine one who looks like Miss Madison Gray telling you off over and over again for your bad behaviour, until eventually, late one Friday afternoon, she turns up at your home demanding to speak with your parents about your conduct. You invite her in, explaining that your parents are out but they will be back soon - in reality, they have gone away for a long weekend and left you home alone. You invite Miss Gray to take a seat and offer her tea or coffee. While her attention is directed elsewhere, you seize you chance ans snare one of her wrists with a zip tie. Now she's trapped. She protests and struggles, but is unable to stop you securing her other wrist and both ankles. Now she is thoroughly trapped with no way out until you decide to let her go. Miss Gray is in for a very long weekend indeed. Naturally, she threatens you with all manner of punishments, and simply will not be quiet. In the end, you have no choice but to stick duct tape over her mouth to shut her up. Just zip it, Miss Gray!
Madison Grey
What If We Were Burgled?
What If We Were Burgled?
Time: 11 minutes
It seems there has been a spate of burglaries in the area, and Madison and Maria are worried by stories of residents being left bound and gagged after they have been robbed. Wondering how they would cope if this happened to them, the girls decide that one of them should try it out to see how easy it is to escape. Maria volunteers a reluctant Madison, tying her to a chair and sticking duct tape over her mouth. Maria then informs her friend that she is going out for a few hours, and expects to see Madison free by the time she returns. Madison issues muffled protests but to no avail. Madison doesn't manage to get free, and she is absolutely furious with Maria when she gets back.

Madison Grey
Playing Truant
Playing Truant
Time: 13 minutes
Madison (playing out the role of a school girl, something she loves to do) has sneaked out of school to visit her boyfriend. When she arrives, she finds that, rather than take her to bed, he'd rather tie her to the bed post and then go out on some business which will keep him away from hours. Madison is secured by wrists, ankles and waist and forced to stand, unable to go back to school unless she can free herself. She squirms and struggles, and gradually manages to free herself, but it isn't easy. With her feet still tied to the bottom of the bed post, she falls over towards the end and has to untie her feet from a sitting position. (Madison had this outfit tailor made of a costume party, but owing to unforeseen circumstances, she never got the chance to wear it. She so wanted to be tied up in it and play the role of a school girl. How could we possibly refuse?)
Madison Grey
Bound in Her Gown
Bound in Her Gown
Time: 11 minutes
Madison, home from a function, has been tied up and gagged by persons unknown, and left to struggle on the floor in her evening gown. Will the resourceful woman manage to wriggle free?
Madison Grey
Home From the Office
Home From the Office
Time: 11 minutes
Madison arrives home after a long day at the office, only to be surprised by an intruder while she is opening her garage door. The intruder overpowers her and she finds herself tied to the steering wheel of her car, rope around her waist and neck preventing her from leaning forward to peel the duct tape covering her mouth.

Madison Grey
More Burglary Trouble
More Burglary Trouble
Time: 11 minutes
Madison just doesn't seem to have any luck with burglars. Just when she is dressed up and ready to go out for the evening, an intruder breaks in and ties her up before robbing the house. Madison struggles valiantly with her bonds, and after a while manages to break the tape holding her left wrist. Even then, it takes her some minutes to escape her bonds completely.
Madison Grey
Bedroom Bondage
Bedroom Bondage
Time: 12 minutes
Madison seems to be having a run of bad luck with burglars. She has discovered someone else ransacking her house, and this time he has left her tied to her own bed, spreadeagled and gagged. She may have to consider moving at this rate! (Madison was actually unable to get out of her bondage, and in the end the cameraman had to climb over her to loosen the rope around her right wrist (he could have done the left, but she wanted the right!). Even after getting hands free on film, she struggles briefly with the rope holding her right ankle, then declares, right at the end of the clip, that she can't get it off. This was the last clip of the session and Madison had spent a lot of time tied up; she was tired. At least she was on her bed and could just relax... sort of).
Madison Grey
Still Zipped
Still Zipped
Time: 10 minutes
It has been a very long weekend for Miss Gray, kept in bondage for almost the entire time, given leave only to use the bathroom and put on a change of underwear. You're keeping her prisoner until school on Monday morning. All hell will break loose then of course, but it has been worth it - keeping her tied up and muffling her endless complaints. You make coffee and offer Miss Gray a cup, but all she does is complain again, so you leave her gagged. At the end, she yells for you to let her go, but... no, not yet Miss Gray. You're going to stay zipped (well, taped anyway) for a little longer yet. (The tape used here is vet wrap (not zip ties, so we'll be had under the trade description act!!), and when one pulls on it, the effect is to make it stronger. Madison could not get out of her bondage at all. We very nearly didn't let her go, but she had to get home to feed her dog).

Madison Grey
A Different Kind of Workout
A Different Kind of Workout
Time: 10 minutes
Backstory: Madison was working out in her dining room, minding her own business, when an intruder overpowers her and leaves her bound and gagged on her exercise mat. The clip starts with Madison already bound and gagged, getting a different kind of workout to the one she had planned as she tries to wriggled out of her bonds. She does succeed in getting free.
Madison Grey
Trussed Up in Her Nightdress
Trussed Up in Her Nightdress
Time: 14 minutes
Madison is just getting ready for bed when an intruder breaks into her bedroom and ties her up so that he can ransack the house unimpeded. These things just keep happening to poor Madison! She works hard to free herself and after a long struggle she succeeds, but it is far from easy. Afterwards, she admitted to having doubts that she could free herself at all.
Madison Grey
A Christmas Gift
A Christmas Gift
Time: 14 minutes
It's Christmas, ans there is a new present under the Christmas tree. No need to unwrap it because this one unwraps itself. It seems that this is one little elf that Santa was willing to leave behind this year, just for you.

Madison Grey
Time: 14 minutes
Madison felt like taking a bath, but she didn't intend to end up in there with her clothes still on! Bound by her wrists and ankles, her only way out is to wriggle free of her bonds.
Madison Grey
Imprisoned in Pink
Imprisoned in Pink
Time: 12 minutes
Madison is taped up in the corner of the office, wearing her pink top and mini-skirt. Her assailant was even thoughtful enough to bring along some pink duct tape to match her outfit. After struggling futilely for a while, Madison rubs the duct tape securing her wrists against the corner of the filing cabinet and manages to break free.
Madison Grey
Grounded Supergirl
Grounded Supergirl
Time: 9 minutes
There must be a trace of kryptonite in those chains holding this supergirl because she can't seem to break free of them. Madison cuts a nice figure in her superheroine outfit and she struggles in vain for freedom. The handcuffs were a little tight and after almost 15 minutes wearing them, she was starting to feel the pressure. That was when we released her from her torment... not that you see her being freed. Oh no, that would never do :-)

A Good Vintage
A Good Vintage
Time: 20 minutes
Madison is bound and gagged beside boxes of Chateauneuf-du-Pape. She could certainly do with a bottle at the moment! She, like the wine itself, is a good vintage, mellow with a fruity taste and just a hint of a feisty bite. As with the wine, Madison is kept in fine fettle by limiting all unnecessary movement!
Madison Grey
She's Got It Taped
She's Got It Taped
Time: 7 minutes
Madison has been and left in the woods, secured to a tree by an entire roll of bright green duct tape. She has been there for a while, pulling against the tape in the hope of getting free. Will she succeed in breaking free of her bonds?
Madison Grey
All Taped Up Again
All Taped Up Again
Time: 11 minutes
Poor Madison, out for another walk, she has once again ended up snared in green duct tape, this time left to struggle in the back of a Jeep. This time, there is so much duct tape that she cannot wriggle free. It seems that going out into the woods is bad news for her!

Madison Grey
Miss Gray's Dilemma
Miss Gray's Dilemma
Time: 11 minutes
After you kept her prisoner for an entire weekend, Miss Gray was extremely upset and reported you to the school. This led to your expulsion. You can't let her get away with that, so you pay her a visit at her home early on a Monday morning. She is dressed ready for work and just about to go out the front door when you overpower her, drag her down to the basement and put her back in zip ties, this time securing her to the pipes above her head. The addition of some red duct tape from her own toolbox completes her ensemble. Have a nice day, Miss Gray!
Madison Grey
She's Been Framed
She's Been Framed
Time: 14 minutes
Madison has been secured to a garden seat frame with ropes and handcuffs, arms stretched, legs apart. She has no hope of getting free, but that does not prevent her trying. There are several shots up her dress to show her panties as she struggles for a freedom that may never come.
Madison Grey
Got To Stand
Got To Stand
Time: 12 minutes
Madison would like to sit down, but someone else had other ideas. She was tied to the back of a chair in such a way that she has simply got to stand up. Her only hope is to wriggle free of her bonds. Will she succeed?

Madison Grey
No Work Today
No Work Today
Time: 10 minutes
Madison thought she was in for a busy day at the office, but her boss had other ideas. Tired of her continual interruptions, calling his cell phone about every little thing, deferring every decision to him, he decides to leave her on ice until he gets back. We see Madison secured to her office chair with zip ties, and with tape wound all the way around her head to keep her quiet. Of course, Madison is never quiet for long - she manages to dial 911 on the phone using the heel of her shoe, then scoots around her desk to issue muffled calls for help. It looks like her boss may land up in trouble!
Madison Grey
Kitchen Catastrophe
Kitchen Catastrophe
Time: 11 minutes
Madison finds herself tied to a chair in the kitchen. Was her cooking so bad that her boyfriend tied her up as a punishment and just left her there for the day? Madison works on her bonds and manages to get free. Now there will be hell to pay when the boyfriend gets home!
Madison Grey
Bondage Cafe
Bondage Cafe
Time: 13 minutes
You've heard of cyber cafes. What about one where the customers are female and they spend their entire visit tied up and gagged. Madison does her best to place her order when the waitress arrives, but she can't quite articulate the words. Oh well, the waitress will just have to come back later.

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