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Beauties in Bondage: Lily Anna
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Beauties in Bondage: Lily Anna

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
You're Supposed To Help Me
You're Supposed To Help Me
Time: 17 minutes 36 seconds
Lily sees what looks like a burglar entering the home of her friend Amber. She is about to call the police, but then she hesitates. She’s always had a Bit of a thing for Amber, and she images how heroic she would look entering the house and saving her friend after the burglar has departed. First things first though: She needs to drive home to arm herself before going in, just in case. On the way back, she seems unaware that she has passed the burglar driving in the other direction.

The situation at the house is just as she hoped. She finds Amber tied to a chair and gagged. Upon removing the gag, Amber asks her to untie the ropes pinning her to the chair, but instead Lily starts talking about how close their friendship is, and muses that maybe it could be a little more than that. Amber, getting annoyed now, demands to be released from her bonds, but Lily continues to prevaricate, touching her friend and suggesting things they could do together, if they were closer. It is a serious mistake. Unnoticed by the two women, the burglar returns. He gets the drop on Lily and makes her sit on a chair next to Amber. He proceeds to tie her up in the same way he did her friend, finally gagging both women before departing once more, taking Lily’s phone with him. Lily tries to persuade Amber to try to untie her first, but Amber doesn’t trust her. The girls are left in a bit of a quandary.

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Lily Anna
Forcibly Disrobed (2K upscaled)
Forcibly Disrobed (2K upscaled)
Time: 17 minutes 00 seconds
Secretary Lily has been taken for ransom. She is tied to some studs in the basement of a house, her wrists and ankles tightly secured and with rope around her neck to prevent her sitting down on the floor. While waiting for the ransom to be paid, her captor decides to have some fun with her. First, her puts a cloth in her mouth and keeps it there by tying a cleave gag around her head. The proceeds to rip open her blouse, the buttons popping off and lying everywhere, then rips her skirt up the back until it is held on by only the waistband. With a pair of sharp scissors, he cuts off the skirt, then cuts through the straps holding Lily's bra in place, exposing her breasts. Now he cuts the top of her pantyhose before tearing them apart with his bare hands, leaving the tattered remains on her feet. Finally, he takes great relish in cutting off Lily's panties, leaving her standing there completely naked. Before he can think what fun to have next, her captor hears his phone ringing and he departs to answer it, leaving poor Lily to struggle against the ropes holding her, wondering what will happen to her when the man has finished his phone call.

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Lily Anna
Lily Anna: The Dream Remastered (MP4)
The Dream Remastered (MP4)
Time: 26 minutes 45 seconds
Lily finds herself tied up and gagged on the back seat of a car in a remote wooded location. She can't remember how she got there, but she is determined to escape. She opens the car door with her feet and climbs out. Her shoes have disappeared, so she must hop bare foot through the woodland, looking for a road or a gas station where someone can free her wrists and ankles. She hops for a long time, landing on twigs and stones and grunting with the pain, but she is determined not to give up. As she tires, her balance becomes less certain, and finally she falls... Only to wake with a start to find herself in her office at home! What a dream! What could have prompted it? She looks at her computer screen and sees that she was viewing pages on a bondage website. No wonder! She laughs at her own foolishness and is just starting to relax again when she hears a noise in the house. She goes to investigate, descending into the basement where she encounters an intruder. She screams and the picture goes to black. When it returns, Lily is laying on the floor in handcuffs anchored to her waist with a heavy chain, the chain secured in place with a padlock. Lily is gagged with duct tape and her ankles are bound with rope. It's a nightmare made real! After a few minutes Lily manages to untie her feet, allowing her to get up and get out of the house. There is nothing she can do about the cuffs and the padlocked chain, or even her gag, so she makes her escape wearing these. She hobbles barefoot through the woods, trying to get to a neighbor’s house to summon help, but it is not long before she is hopelessly lost. She desperately tries to reach the duct tape sealing her mouth so she can call out for help, but it lies just beyond the reach of her stretching fingers. Lily has no choice but to keep going in case the man who chained her up should find her. Too late - he is already rushing through the woods in pursuit.

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Lily Anna (with Amber Wells)
Lily Anna (with Amber Wells): Secretaries In Trouble Remastered (MP4)
Secretaries In Trouble Remastered (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 35 seconds
Lily and Amber used to work together as Waitresses, but after an encounter with an intruder in their home (see the movie "Waitresses in Trouble"), they decide to change professions, just in case their assailant had found them through the restaurant. Now working as a pair of secretaries, they are stunned when the same man turns up in their office. He forces Lily to zip tie Amber to the leg of her desk, then zip her ankles together. He then makes Lily lay down in front of an adjacent desk and zip ties her too. For good measure, he gags the women with duct tape before raiding the petty cash and departing. The girls are soon able to peel off their gags, but there is nothing they can do about the zip ties rightly binding their wrists and ankles. They fall out as Amber blames Lily for making her work late and leading to them being tied up in an empty office building. Eventually, Lily is able to knock a cell phone onto the floor and call for help.

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Lily Anna
Lily Anna: Bank Teller Hostage Remastered (MP4)
Bank Teller Hostage Remastered (MP4)
Time: 7 minutes 20 seconds
Lily has been taken by a bank robber and tied up in the trunk of his car. We join her in her last few minutes of a journey to a remote spot, then witness her trying to get away by climbing from the back of the car. Tightly bound, she can hardly move, but she makes an escape attempt anyway. She doesn't get far at all before she falls and lies struggling on the woodland floor, helplessly awaiting her captors return.

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Lily Anna
Lily Anna: Her Boyfriend's Had Enough Remastered (MP4)
Her Boyfriend's Had Enough Remastered (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 52 seconds
Lily's boyfriend is working outside, stacking wood for winter fires that will help to save them money. Lily, on the other hand, just wants to go out and spend, spend, spend! When she rebukes him for not working fast enough, he finally snaps and ties her up with duct tape, making sure she doesn't go out and squander the last of their money. Lily is furious and protests vehemently, but a gag soon silences her. She is heavily duct taped to a pole so that escape is completely impossible, so Lily is there to stay until someone cuts her free.

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Lily Anna (with Beverly Bacci)
Lily Anna (with Beverly Bacci): To Catch a Thief Remastered (MP4)
To Catch a Thief Remastered (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 47 seconds
Lily is convinced that her new neighbour Beverly is responsible for a recent spate of home robberies, and goes to introduce herself to see what she can find out. When Beverly repels her friendly advances, Lily calls her husband and says she is planning to gather evidence and then call in the police. While searching the house, however, Beverly catches her and ties her up on the basement floor. Later, after calling her boss, Beverly returns to free Lily's feet, explaining that she is going to take her nosy neighbour some place she will not be found. Before Beverly can drive off with her prisoner in the back of her car, Lily's husband arrives and frees her. When Beverly comes back to drive away, Lily surprises her, and she had her husband march Beverly back into the house and tie her up instead. Lily taunts the bound Beverly for a while, but when she is gone Beverly works on her bonds. She is almost free and about to turn the tables again when she hears the sound of an approaching police siren. The game is up!

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Lily Anna
Lily Anna: Investigative Reporter Remastered (MP4)
Investigative Reporter Remastered (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 49 seconds
Lily is an investigative reporter who is looking into a series of robberies from clothing stores. She has discovered that many of the stolen items are showing up for sale on the Internet, and that the return address is always the same. She tries to interview the occupant of the property but he slams the door in her face. Like all good reporters, Lily decides to snoop around and gets into the basement of the house where she finds racks of clothes and shoes. She is about to call in her discovery to the news desk when she has a cloth pressed over her nose and mouth and she passes out. When she wakes, she is bound and gagged, the criminal saying that he will now sell her on the Internet too, to white slave traders who especially favour blondes.

1472x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,458.4 MB
Lily Anna
Lily Anna Remastered: Volume 1 (MP4)
Lily Anna Remastered: Volume 1 (MP4)
Time: 92 minutes 33 seconds

1. Secretaries In Trouble Remastered
2. Bank Teller Hostage Remastered
3. Her Boyfriend's Had Enough Remastered
4. To Catch a Thief Remastered
5. Investigative Reporter Remastered

Lily Anna, Amber Wells, Lola Lynn, Ten Amorette & Carissa Montgomery
Lily Anna, Amber Wells, Lola Lynn, Ten Amorette & Carissa Montgomery: The Mercenary: 2022 Remaster (MP4)
The Mercenary: 2022 Remaster (MP4)
Time: 34 minutes 16 seconds

I have wanted to revisit this project for some time, and after acquiring software for cleaning up the picture and upscaling it (Topaz Video Enhance AI), I felt it was time to go back to the original data and get to work on it. The first step was deinterlacing and upscaling the original from 720x480 pixels to 1472x1080 pixels, a job Topaz did extremely well. The upscaled sequences were then imported into Final Cut Pro where the movie was re-edited, and the color was properly balanced, and the sound enhanced. The end result is a dramatic improvement over the 2014 enhanced version, and way better than the first release. This version is only available through our own store owing to the use of a gun and a knife in various sequences.

The plot:
It's Ten Amorette's (a.k.a. Rachael's) birthday! She and her friend Carissa are just finishing the preparations for her party. Rachael's closest friends will be arriving any minute and she is so excited. When a knock comes on the front door, the girls grin with delight as Carissa goes to greet the first guest. But when she opens the door, a man in an army camouflage uniform forces his way in and grabs her. He is a rogue mercenary who needs this location for a hit and the girls are just an incidental nuisance. Rachael comes to investigate Carissa's squeals, only to be told to go and find some rope and a bed sheet. The mercenary makes Rachael tie up Carissa and gag her; then it's Rachael's turn to be bound and gagged. She is no sooner trussed up and secure when another knock comes on the door; the first of Rachael's party guests has arrived. The mercenary hides behind the front door, and as he opens it jumps Amber as she enters. He repeats this with Lily Anna and finally Lola Lynn, until five women and tied up on the floor, mmmphing and struggling as the mercenary taunts them. When he leaves the room for a few minutes, the girls try to free one another and Ten makes a bid to reach the telephone in the kitchen, but the mercenary discovers her before she can raise the alarm. He throws her down on the floor and resumes his vigil from the window, not caring that he has five women bound and gagged at his feet.

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Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber Wells & Lily Anna: Bored Housewives Remastered (MP4)
Bored Housewives Remastered (MP4)
Time: 34 minutes 27 seconds

Lily and Amber are bored. They are waiting for their partners to arrive home from a sports event to take them out for the evening, but they are always late getting back from these things. The girls start to talk about bondage, and Lily asks Amber if she has ever been tied up. When Amber agrees to try it, Lily takes her into the bedroom, gets her to take off her dress, then binds her hands and begins massaging her legs. After a while, she ties Amber's ankles and then places her in a hogtie. The girls are having fun together when someone bursts into the room, startling the two women. Lily can't believe it when this intruder tells her to undress and lay down beside her friend. He ties Lily up and explains to the women that someone will be along soon to transport them away to be held as hostages, while he intercepts their partners. He departs, leaving the girls to struggle and try to free one another.

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Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber Wells & Lily Anna: Office Rivals & Rider's Revenge enhanced (MP4)
Office Rivals & Rider's Revenge enhanced (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 07 seconds
1. Office Rivals
Lily has been able to keep her job at her office for a long time because she will not allow any competition to steal her thunder. Whenever someone new shows signs of usurping her, she finds a way to remove them discretely. The latest acquisition by the company is Amber, to whom the boss has taken a shine. Lily sees red. We join her at Amber's home where Lily has already grabbed her rival, secured her wrists with a zip tie and gagged her, and is now leading Amber to her car for a little trip to someone quiet. Amber tries to escape before Lily can push her into the car, but with her hands tied and high heels on her feet, she does not get far before Lily catches her and drags her back. Once she has Amber on the back seat of the car, Lily zip ties the girl's ankles together, then starts the engine and drives her away.

2. Rider's Revenge
Lily is secretary of the riding school where she works, and she has discovered that Amber, a spoiled rich girl, has been bribing members of the board to vote her into the position of Club President. Lily confronts Amber and tells her she must withdraw from consideration or she will blow the whistle on her activities. Amber first mocks Lily, criticizing her inappropriate boots and lack of proper riding jacket, but when Lily threatens to expose her she tries to negotiate. Lily is furious, saying angrily that she cannot be bought. When she tries to leave to report Amber's illicit activities, Amber grabs her and wrestles her to the floor. Amber ties up Lily, wrists and ankles before placing her in a hogtie. To stop Lily's mouth, Amber gags her with duct tape. Standing with one foot on the bound Lily, as if it were a tiger she had bagged, Amber puts on her jacket and says she must go out for her two o-clock ride. As she tries to leave the house, however, she comes face to face with a stable hand whom she had reported for groping girls as he helped them to mount their horses. When Amber tries to dismiss him, he makes her go back into the house and binds her wrists and ankles with zip ties, gagging her with her own duct tape. He threatens to burn the house down with both of the women still inside, and departs to make arrangements. Amber, never one to pass up an opportunity, unties Lily's ropes, assuming that the club secretary will now side with her against this new common enemy. She can't believe it when Lily pushes her to the floor and walks out, leaving Amber zip tied and gagged.

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Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber Wells & Lily Anna: Imposter enhanced (MP4)
Imposter enhanced (MP4)
Time: 11 minutes 09 seconds
Lily and Amber believe they are being interviewed for a job by a restaurateur, but during the interview Lily receives a phone call warning her that the real restaurateur has been found and that the man with them is an imposter. Lily gets up and tries to leave with Amber, but the imposter stops them. He is annoyed that they have discovered the truth because now he will have to find two other girls to take their places. He instructs them to remove their uniforms, and reluctantly the girls do so. He then makes Amber secure Lily's wrists and ankles with zip ties, followed by her own ankles. The imposter puts a zip tie around Amber's wrists and gags them both before collecting up their clothes and leaving. The girls head for the kitchen and find some scissors and cut one another loose before running to a land line and calling the cops.

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Lily Anna, Carissa Montgomery
Melanie, Madison Grey & Tina

Lily Anna, Carissa Montgomery, Melanie, Madison Grey & Tina: Foreclosure enhanced (MP4)
Foreclosure enhanced (MP4)
Time: 31 minutes 02 seconds
Lily's husband has left her and she has been unable to meet mortgage payments alone. The mortgage company is foreclosing on her home and two representatives from the bank have come to talk to her because she has not been returning their calls. They explain that real estate agents will be arriving shortly to appraise the house for sale. The two bank employees push their way into the house, and Lily, furious and at the end of her fuse, confronts them. Worried now, the bank clerks try to reason with her but Lily is having none of it. She makes one woman restrain the other in a hogtie on the floor, then sets about securing the second woman to a chair. She gags them both with duct tape to shut them up, telling them: "I'm in charge!" Lily then awaits the arrival of the real estate agents. When they show up, Lily confronts them too and again, makes one pf the women tie up the other. Lily finishes the job by tying up the fourth woman herself, binding the two real estate agents back to back. After a little thought, Lily decides that she will have to get rid of them all, and starts by freeing the woman on the chair, leaving her wrists and ankles bound and the duct tape firmly over her mouth, then picking her up and carrying her out to her car. By the time she comes back for her next victim, the remaining three women have managed to get free and they jump Lily, restraining her instead.

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Lily Anna
Lily Anna: Failed Arrest & Security Problem enhanced (MP4)
Failed Arrest & Security Problem enhanced (MP4)
Time: 36 minutes 09 seconds
1. Failed Arrest
Investigator Lily Anna is closing in on a man who has skipped bail and is hiding in a remote house. Her plan is to arrest him and collect a fee for taking him in. As she enters in search of him, however, she does not hear him sneak up behind her. He grabs her and presses a cloth over her nose and mouth, and in a few seconds the struggling stops. She is dragged across the floor to a chair and tied up, her wrists secured with zip ties to prevent escape. By the time Lily stirs, she is already pinned to the chair with rope and her captor is working on her feet. She tries to fight him off but quickly realizing she can't break free, Lily tries to talk him down, to reason with him. All the thanks she gets for that is a cleave gag. Tightly bound to the chair and with movement severely restricted, Lily is left alone so struggle in futility.

2. Security Problem
Lily Anna has summoned her security guard in order to dismiss him from her services for repeatedly showing up late or taking time off without authorization. The security guard does not take the news well and asks Lily to reconsider. When she refuses, he decides to show her how much she needs good security. He grabs her arms and marches her into her living room, pushes her down onto the floor and proceeds to tie her wrists together behind her back. Lily protests and warns him that she has powerful connections and this will not end well for him. He ignores her and ties her ankles together before putting her in a hogtie. Finally, he duct tapes his former employer's mouth shut. He instructs her to think about her position and to consider hiring him back with a pay rise, now that she appreciates what can happen without his protection. Lily still refuses to countenance the idea of giving this mercenary back his job, and is tape gagged for her trouble and left helplessly bound. Later, the security guard ties Lily to a chair with a considerable amount of rope, giving her another chance to change her mind. When she continues to refuse, he cleave gags her and leaves her again to think on her situation. If she doesn't come to her senses, he will leave her tied up and gagged and go off to find himself other employment.

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Lily Anna
Lily Anna: You Don't Need To Do This enhanced (MP4)
You Don't Need To Do This enhanced (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 02 seconds

Lily has been captured and taken to a quiet spot in the country. She is ordered out of the vehicle and into the garage where she is instructed to secure a collar around her neck, the collar being attached to a pole by a zip tie. Next, Lily is handed a pair of handcuffs and ordered to put the on her wrists, securing her hand behind the pole. Now that she is unable to escape, her captor takes his time tying her up with plenty of rope, wrapping it around her chest, waist, hips, knees and ankles. She tells her captor that he doesn't need to do this, that she is not going anywhere, but he wants to make really sure. Finally, Lily is gagged with three strips of duct tape to keep her quiet, then leaves her to struggle helplessly in her inescapable bondage.

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Lily Anna, Amber Wells, Paige Turner, Becky LeSabre
Carissa Montgomery & Shauna Ryanne

From the Archives: Four Arrests Volume 1 (MP4)
From the Archives: Four Arrests Volume 1 (MP4)
Time: 37 minutes 39 seconds

This movie contains four complete movies from the period 2010-2011, all remastered from the original recordings. These videos were recorded with aspect ratio 4x3, and this has been upscaled to fit a 1920x1080 pixel frame. Filters have been applied to smooth the data while sharpening pixels; color has been balanced and sound has been augmented. There are in fact three arrests and one failed arrest where poor Carissa ends up handcuffs and zipped in the snow, while it was snowing. She could only stand it for a few minutes (it was very cold that day).

1. Pulled Over (Lily Anna & Amber Wells)
Lily Anna is pursued by a cop and made to pull over. The cop, Amber, comes to the window and explains that she ran Lily's plate and the results came back showing that she has a large number of unpaid parking tickets. She demands the girl's license, registration and proof of insurance. After running the paperwork, the cop informs Lily that her driver's license is forged. She instructs Lily to get out of the vehicle, reading her her rights as she puts her in handcuffs, then loads her into her police vehicle. It looks like Lily is in a lot of trouble.

2. Late For Her Flight (Paige Turner & Becky LeSabre)
Paige is an flight attendant who is anxious to get to the airport before her flight departs without her and she gets fired. In her haste, she speeds and gets pulled over by a cop (Becky). When it transpires that Paige's driver's license has lapsed, the cop makes her step out of the car. When she starts to argue, Becky decides to arrest her and turns her around, kicking her legs apart before she applies handcuffs to Paige's wrists and reads the woman her rights. When Paige is still confrontational, Becky decides to show her what getting frisked is really all about.

3. Officer in the Snow (Carissa Montgomery)
Officer Montgomery is investigated the reported disappearance of a woman, and goes to interview her boyfriend. The boyfriend says he has not seen her for weeks, but when the officer sees women's clothing in a bag on the floor, she tries to arrest the boyfriend. He manages to get the upper hand and locks the police woman in her own handcuffs. He gags her with duct tape, marches her outside into the snow and zip-ties her ankles together, leaving her there to freeze.

4. Taken Into Custody (Shauna Ryanne)
Shauna is pursued by a cop car because she has been speeding. The clip opens with Shauna still driving and the cop car following behind her, siren blaring. Rather than stop on the roadside and because she is so close to home, Shauna keeps going, hoping that she is mistaken and the cop simply wants to get past. When he follows her into her driveway she knows she is in trouble. She acts innocent as he asks for her driving license and registration documents. When it turns out that Shauna's license has just expired, the cop makes her step out of the vehicle where he handcuffs the indignant woman. She keeps challenging his right to treat her this way, then foolishly decides to make a run for it on foot. The cop chases her and brings her back, securing her ankles in leg irons now to prevent her running off again. After waiting for another police car to come and take her in to the station, Shauna decides to try getting into her house where she plans to lock the door on the cop. Unfortunately, her keys are still in her car and the door to the house is locked. The cop makes her get into his vehicle where he warns her not to make things worse for herself. After he shuts the door on her, Shauna goes on struggling with her handcuffs and leg irons, but her efforts to get free are futile, condemning her to a night in jail.

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Lily Anna
Lily Anna: Captured Thief enhanced (MP4)
Captured Thief enhanced (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 49 seconds
Lily has broken into a house and is about to steal a laptop computer when the house owner walks in and catches her. He tells her he will call the cops, but first he must tie her up to ensure that she does not try to escape justice. He makes her sit on a chair and then ties her to it, applying rope after rope until she can barely move at all. When she keeps trying to reason with him, he finally gags her with three strips of black duct tape. When he goes away for a while, Lily struggles with her bonds, and then tries to reach the telephone on the desk next to the computer she had tried to steal, but she just can't reach it. When the man returns with a camera in his hand, he unplugs the phone and takes it away, then begins taking photographs of Lily in bondage which he tells her he plans to post on the Internet. Lily is mortified but there is nothing she can do to stop him.

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Amber Wells, Lily Anna & Jasmine St James
Amber Wells, Lily Anna & Jasmine St James: Getaway Guest House Remastered (MP4)
Getaway Guest House Remastered (MP4)
Time: 38 minutes 17 seconds
Remastered from the original recording. Noise reduction using "Neat".

Lily and Amber are on their way to a weekend retreat called the Getaway Guest House. It is a place with no TV, no phones, no internet. Truly, a place to get away from it all. Lily stays outside trying to get a signal on her cellphone, but the proprietor explains that there is reception. Looking around, Lily says she will walk up to the top of a nearby ridge to see if she can get a signal there. The proprietor says she can try as he leads Amber into the house. Lily starts off up the hill and gets a weak signal part way up. She tries to make her call but the signal is fading in and out. Before she can establish a good connection, a man runs out of the trees behind her, grabs her and presses a cloth over her nose and mouth. Soon, Lily is lying in the grass and the man begins dragging her towards the house. From the living room of the guest house, Amber sees what is happening to her friend and exclaims to the proprietor, only to have a cloth pressed over her nose and mouth too. The women recover in the basement where the proprietor and his sidekick are in the process of tying them up, Lily to a pole and Amber to a stool. They both protest, and when this does not work they try pleading with the men to let them go. This only leads to them both being gagged with duct tape. They hear the proprietor say to his colleague that another one is expected the following day, a redhead, which will complete the order. The girls are horrified as they realize they are to be sold as slaves. They are so securely tied that escape seems almost impossible. All they can do is wait for the following day and hope that whoever arrives next will manage to get away from the Getaway Guest House and raise the alarm. The following morning, Lily and Amber have been untied and permitted to use the bathroom. Now the proprietor of this shady guest house now makes them change into sexy clothing (on screen) before they are marched back down to the basement and both tied to chairs (tying is performed on screen). The two men have almost finishing tying up their victims when they hear a loud hammering on the front door of the house. Both Amber and Lily, not yet gagged, both cry out to attract attention. The men clamp hands over their mouths to silence them, gagging them with duct tape to keep them quiet before the proprietor goes to investigate. He expects that this will be his latest guest, a redhead who booked a weekend away from it all, but instead it turns out to be a Detective Jasmine who is asking about a missing woman named Lily.

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Lily Anna
Lily Anna: Tying Up Lily With Eighty Yards Of Rope (MP4)
Tying Up Lily With Eighty Yards Of Rope (MP4)
Time: 33 minutes 30 seconds

It was right at the beginning of our HD era when Lily was tied to a chair with a small mountain of rope. A perfect choice to be remastered (color enhanced, white balance... balanced, picture sharpened by a few percent, and so on), and the end product looks good, like it could have been filmed yesterday. Originally released in two parts ("Watch Lily Being Tied Up" and "Eighty Yards Of Rope"), this was also the perfect opportunity to merge them into one. It was clear from the early stages pf tying her that Lily was very unlikely to get out of this, which made it all the more fun. It took about 20 minutes to tie her up completely, which is to say use all the available rope, much to Lily's consternation. When this task was complete, Lily started talking about how gags in Hollywood movies were so inadequate they practically fell off. This led to her being asked if she advocated really serious gags. She said, "No, no, no, I was just saying..." Too late. Her mouth was stuffed with a rather large cloth before an OTM gag was applied and tied firmly at the back of her head, despite Lily's heavily-muted objections. At this stage, the poor girl was seriously beginning to wonder what she had let herself in for. Watching her struggle against her bonds was a lovely experience, knowing that she couldn't get out.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,556.9 MB
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber Wells & Lily Anna: Diplomatic Immunity Remastered (MP4)
Diplomatic Immunity Remastered (MP4)
Total Time: 25 minutes 20 seconds
This movie has been remastered from the original recording, presented here in 1920x1080 pixels and with a bit rate of 6 Mbps (the original was 1280x720 pixels with a bit rate of 4 Mbps). Color and white balance have both been adjusted, and sound has been augmented.

Original Description: Agent Lily has been on the track of Russian spy Natasha Pavlova for some time but she cannot convince her boss that a meek and respectable embassy employee calling herself Amber Wells is in reality Pavlova. Determined to prove her suspicions correct. Lily waits for Amber to return home from work and then confronts her. Lily proffers a photograph of Natasha Pavlova wearing a catsuit and says she knows the truth. Amber insists that this is a case of mistaken identity, that she is not the woman in the photograph. Lily doesn't believe her and the exchange grows heated. A fight breaks out where Lily gains the upper hand, and she secures Amber with zip ties. When Amber adamantly refuses to admit that she is a spy, Lily decides to search the house for proof. She gags Amber and departs, returning a few minutes later with a catsuit which looks exactly like the one worn by the woman in the photo. Lily frees Amber and orders her to put on the catsuit. Muttering curses about "stupid Americans", Amber complies. Lily then holds up the photo and says, "Identical." When Amber continues to insist that Lily is mistaken, Lily threatens to resort to more drastic interrogation measures. She locks Amber in handcuffs which are attached to the woman's waist by a chain, then lays her down on the floor. She fills a jug with water and grabs a towel. Placing the towel over Amber's face, Lily begins to water-board her. After two or three sessions, Amber finally admits that she is Natasha Pavlova. Later, now secured again with zip ties, Pavlova is further interrogated by Lily who demands to know the details of her mission. When she threatens the spy with more water-boarding, Pavolva gives up a little information and then appears to faint. Lily scoffs at the weakness of character of Russian spies. She contacts her boss to tell him she has Pavlova in custody and that she is bringing her in for a full interrogation. Lily departs to bring her car closer to the house in order to transport Pavlova, but as soon as the door closes, Pavlova's eyes spring open. She recovers a knife hidden in her boot and cuts herself free, just in time to ambush Lily when she returns. Overpowered by Natasha, Lily finds herself tied to a chair and gagged. The Russian spy decides to leave her with a parting gift of some Composition C-4 hooked up to a timer. She presses the button to start the timer counting down and then departs, leaving Lily to struggle desperately to free herself in time.

(1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,177.5 MB)
Amber Wells, Lily Anna
Shauna Ryanne & Jasmine St James

Amber Wells, Lily Anna, Shauna Ryanne & Jasmine St James: Colombian Ambush Remastered (MP4)
Colombian Ambush Remastered (MP4)
Total Time: 36 minutes 20 seconds
This 2014 movie was enhanced in 2016 by stretching the 1280x720-pixel recording to make it look 1920x1080 pixels. It worked well and that might very well have been that. However, the chance discovery of the original master allowed for Colombian Ambush to finally be presented at full HD. Re-edited, re-balanced and sharpened, this is the definitive version of this amazing story where, unusually, everything went exactly right on the day of the shoot. This version also contains an additional 12 minutes showing what happened to Shauna when a CIA agent turns up and interrogates her about her resistance group.

Original description: Lily, Amber and Jasmine are three female diplomats who have just finished attending a summit in Bogota, Colombia and are being driven back to the airport by a local driver. The vehicle begins bouncing over rough, wooded terrain, and the women as the driver where he is going. He explains that he is taking a short cut. The women want to believe him but their are uneasy in such a volatile country. After a while, they grow so concerned that they ask the driver to turn back. Instead, he stops the vehicle just as a member of the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia emerges from the woods with some heavy duty fire power. The rebel orders the women out of the vehicle and very roughly zip ties their hands behind their backs before gagging them with duct tape. They are marched through the woods in their high heels over quite a distance until they arrive at one of the group's hideouts. Here, the zip ties are removed and the diplomats are bound with rope, Lily sitting on the floor tied to a pole, Amber tied to a chair and Jasmine forced to stand with her wrists tied above her head. Amber is forced to read a statement into a cellphone camera telling the U.S. authorities that she and her fellow diplomats will be executed if incarcerated members of the Revolucionarias are not released immediately. Now they have to wait for a response. The lead rebel tells the driver to fetch supplies because they will be here for some time.

After he leaves, Jasmine declares that she needs to use the bathroom. Initially the rebel tells her to just go in her clothes, but when Jasmine pleads with the rebel, she relents and takes her to a bathroom in the main house, leaving Amber and Lily unattended. In her absence, the two women work on their bonds. Jasmine manages to open a window in the bathroom and escape, but she does not get far before her absence is discovered and the rebel quickly catches up to her. She is marched back to where her fellow diplomats are being held. When they arrive, however, Shauna discovers that both Amber and Lily have manages to free themselves. She doesn't think to look behind her, and the two grab their captor from behind. Jasmine joins in, and between them they manage to restrain the rebel with zip ties, gagging her with duct tape. Amber retrieves a phone and calls the CIA, reporting what happened to them and asking them to send agents to capture the rebel. The diplomats make a run for it. Hours later, an agent arrives and starts interrogating the rebel, handcuffing her, making her stand in a tray of water and torturing her with an electrical current to make her talk. It is only a matter of time before she will break.

(1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,695.6 MB)

Amber Wells, Jasmine St James & Lily Anna
Amber Wells, Jasmine St James & Lily Anna: The Italian Job
The Italian Job
Time: 20 minutes 05 seconds
Enrico Scarpelli is a well-know collector of ancient swords and daggers. He has an impressive collection, some of which he keeps on display in his home. Today he is being visited by Amber Wells, an Insurance Agent who is trying to persuade him to insure his collection with her company. What she is really doing is keeping Scarpelli and his bodyguard occupied while her colleagues, Lily Anna and Jasmine St. James, break into another part of the house and steal the most precious dagger in the collection. Amber, a collector herself, has been coveting this particular dagger for years and can see no other way to acquire it. During the interview, Scarpelli grows a little suspicious. He vaguely recognizes Amber and is sure he has heard her voice somewhere before. She does her best to reassure him that they have never met, but Scarpelli is uneasy and sends his bodyguard to check on the swords. At this, Amber starts to panic, announcing that she has another appointment and that she must leave. Scarpelli prevents her leaving, making her sit back down and await the return of the bodyguard. In the sword room, the bodyguard catches the two girls in the act of stealing the dagger. He takes them to Scarpelli whose fears were clearly justified. While Scarpelli keeps them covered, he begins to interrogate the three women as his bodyguard ties them up. He works out that Amber is the daughter of one of his rivals and he knows that she too has an impressive collection of swords. In particular, she has the Selim Sword, something Scarpelli has been after for a long time. By threatening her two companions, Scarpelli makes Amber tell him where to find this Selim Sword. He then holds the three women hostage while his bodyguard goes to check out her story. Did she lie, and if she did, what will happen to she, Lily and Jasmine when the truth is discovered?
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber & Lily: Crossing the Mafia
Crossing the Mafia
Time: 34 minutes 22 seconds
Lily and Amber are flight attendants who work the trans-Atlantic route between New York and Milan in Italy. For months, they have been smuggling small gems into the United States, unaware that they have been stealing in an area controlled by one of the mafia families. Their small-time activities were ignored until they manage to steal a bejeweled platinum cat which, unknown to them, is worth a fortune. The girls arrive at Amber's home after a flight and Amber invites Lily in for coffee before she resumes her journey to her own house. As Lily leaves and climbs into her car, things start going badly wrong for the two thieves. A man grabs Lily from the back seat of her car and presses a cloth over her nose and mouth. Inside the house, Amber is brewing herself a second cup of coffee when a man sneaks up behind her and grabs her too. The women wake to find themselves in bondage. The manage to work the ropes off their legs and make a run for it, but one of the two men intercepts them and brings them back inside the house. Now they are both tied to chairs and interrogated. When Amber is threatened, Lily blurts out that they have been stashing their loot in her safety deposit box, and despite Amber's protests, she agrees to take them to retrieve the items. Lily is freed and taken away by one of the men who re-ties her and forces her into the trunk of his car. Inside, the second man warns Amber that if Lily is lying and they don't return with the gems, things will go very badly for them. Left alone, Amber again manages to free herself, but it's a bad mistake. As she runs from the house, the second man catches her again. Now he is angry. He takes her into her basement and ties her wrists, attaching her to an overhead beam. He ties Amber's ankles together and removes her shoes, then pulls the rope to raise her feet off the floor. He leaves Amber swinging and begging to be released. Meanwhile, Lily has been making so much noise in the trunk of the car that her captor stops the vehicle and opens the trunk to gag her with duct tape. Soon, the sounds of the city can be heard as the car draws closer to the bank. Amber keeps asking to be let down, so the second man returns and gags her with duct tape, then pushes her to make her swing. Finally, he walks away and leaves her to await Lily's return.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber & Lily: Doctor's Dilemma
Doctor's Dilemma
Time: 17 minutes 29 seconds
Amber is a doctor who is called to a house to treat an injury. She does not know that she is walking into a house occupied by a pair of criminals, Lily and Raimondo. The latter has been shot in the arm. Lily admits the doctor to the house and leads her to where Raimondo is seated in a chair, a cloth stuck over the wound on his bleeding arm. When Amber examines the wound, she recognizes it for what it is and says she is obligated to report this to the authorities. Lily tries to convince the doctor that she has made a mistake, but Amber insists that she is right, forcing Lily to hold her up and force her to treat Raimondo's wound. Once Amber has dressed the wound, Lily takes the doctor through to another room and ties her up to prevent her reporting what she has seen to the authorities. Lily then helps the wounded Raimondo from the house, leaving Amber bound and gagged and struggling to get free so that she can contact the police.

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber & Lily: Office Rivals
Office Rivals
Time: 6 minutes 38 seconds
Lily has been able to keep her job at her office for a long time because she will not allow any competition to steal her thunder. Whenever someone new shows signs of usurping her, she finds a way to remove them discretely. The latest acquisition by the company is Amber, to whom the boss has taken a shine. Lily sees red. We join her at Amber's home where Lily has already grabbed her rival, secured her wrists with a zip tie and gagged her, and is now leading Amber to her car for a little trip to someone quiet. Amber tries to escape before Lily can force her into the car, but with her hands tied and high heels on her feet, she does not get far before Lily catches her and drags her back. Once she has Amber on the back seat of the car, Lily zip ties the girl's ankles together, then starts the engine and drives her away.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber & Lily: Lily Ties Amber
Lily Ties Amber
Time: 18 minutes 42 seconds
Over the years, Lily has become rather good at tying, which is great news for Amber who absolutely adores being tied up. Never one to disappoint a friend, Lily sets about binding Amber's legs (ankles, above and below knees), wrists together behind her back, some waist rope and then some chest rope until Amber is seriously trussed up. Lily tells her that it just wouldn't be complete without a gag, so she applies a cleave gag and informs Amber that she must now try to free herself. Amber squirms around on the floor trying to get out of her bonds as Lily sits looking on with a smug smile on her face.

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber & Lily: What Are You Doing Here?
What Are You Doing Here?
Time: 16 minutes 18 seconds
Lily and Amber are both burglars who are both robbing the same house, each without the other knowing. They move from room to room collecting valuables until they finally come face to face. Then a fight breaks out as they argue over whose turf this is. The fight lasts for some time and is quite intense until Lily gets the upper hand. To keep the competition out of the way, she uses a roll of duct tape to bind Amber's wrists, ankles, thighs and chest. Amber, awake again now, is struggling against Lily, earning herself a duct tape gag. Lily takes Amber's bag and resumes working her way through the house, collecting whatever takes her fancy. Amber works her way over to the coffee table and uses the corner of a table leg to saw through the duct tape holding her wrists. Once free, she goes after Lily and attacks her. At first, it looks as if Lily has the upper hand again, but then Amber manages to get on top and bang Lily's head on the floor, rendering her senseless. She takes Lily's duct tape and ties her up with with. She gathers up both bags, bids the now conscious Lily a fond farewell and departs, leaving the girl to struggle.

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Hannah: Dangerous Infatuation
Dangerous Infatuation
Time: 17 minutes 35 seconds
Amber is being stalked by Lily, a neighbour who has a crush for her and makes many visits using various pretexts. On one occasion, Lily sees what looks like a burglar entering Amber's house. Instead of calling the police, Lily decides to rescue Amber herself, hoping that this will cement their friendship which in turn may lead to a more intimate relationship. She goes home to fetch a means of defending herself, expecting to be in time to save the day. On her way back, however, she passes a vehicle which she hardly notices, but the driver certainly notices her. Lily arrives at Amber's house, opening the front door as she calls out "And don't come back!" as if she has just frightened away the burglar. Inside, she finds Amber tied to a chair and gagged. Lily ungags Amber who expresses her gratitude, but Lily seems in no hurry to untie her. Amber grows alarmed since she already knows of Lily's infatuation with her. She asks to be untied but Lily says she wants them to get to know one another better, and begins fondling Amber's breasts. Amber struggles, trying to resist. This makes Lily angry. Amber thinks things couldn't get much worse when the burglar returns - he has decided to come back to prevent Lily freeing Amber and raising the alarm too soon. He ties Lily to a chair next to Amber and gags both women before departing. Lily still tries to forge a relationship with Amber who does her best to move her chair away from this crazy woman.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Hannah & Monica: The Hunt For Natasha Pavlova
The Hunt For Natasha Pavlova
Time: 22 minutes 09 seconds
At the end of Diplomatic Immunity, we left Lily tied to a chair in Natasha's house, with a device counting down and the threat of the entire building being razed to the ground. As it turned out, the device did not explode and Lily managed to escape unharmed. Unfortunately, her failure to capture Russian spy Natasha Pavlova because she decided to go in without backup, led to her being suspended by the FBI. Determined to salvage her career, Lily tracks Pavlova's movements and discovers she has re-entered the country and is on her way across country to the house she formerly occupied. Lily follows her and enters the house behind her, getting the drop on the spy. During the ensuing conversation, Pavlova tries to disarm Lily and a fight ensues, a fight which Lily wins. She ties the spy up with rope, putting her in a hogtie before demanding to know why this spy risked coming back and getting caught. It turns out that Pavlova expected all evidence to be destroyed when the house blew up, but because that failed to happen, she had to recover a flash drive which contained some very sensitive documents. Claiming not to know where the flash drive is, Pavlova is gagged before Lily searches the house. In her absence, Pavlova attempts to reach her cell phone to call for help, but Lily comes back before she can reach it. Lily has found the drive and has called the FBI to dispatch agents to finally arrest Pavlova. Lily now has everything she needs to vindicate herself. To make sure the spy does not try to call for help again. Lily ties her to a chair (tying done off-screen) and after gagging her, leaves Pavlova to await her fate with the authorities.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Rider's Revenge
Rider's Revenge
Time: 13 minutes 09 seconds
Lily is secretary of the riding school where she works, and she has discovered that Amber, a spoiled rich girl, has been bribing members of the board to vote her into the position of Club President. Lily confronts Amber and tells her she must withdraw from consideration or she will blow the whistle on her activities. Amber first mocks Lily, criticizing her inappropriate boots and lack of proper riding jacket, but when Lily threatens to expose her she tries to negotiate. Lily is furious, saying angrily that she cannot be bought. When she tries to leave to report Amber's illicit activities, Amber grabs her and wrestles her to the floor. Amber ties up Lily, wrists and ankles before placing her in a hogtie. To stop Lily's mouth, Amber gags her with duct tape. Standing with one foot on the bound Lily, as if it were a tiger she had bagged, Amber puts on her jacket and says she must go out for her two o-clock ride. As she tries to leave the house, however, she comes face to face with a stable hand whom she had reported for groping girls as he helped them to mount their horses. When Amber tries to dismiss him, he forces her back into the house and binds her wrists and ankles with zip ties, gagging her with her own duct tape. He threatens to burn the house down with both of the women still inside, and departs to make arrangements. Amber, never one to pass up an opportunity, unties Lily's ropes, assuming that the club secretary will now side with her against this new common enemy. She can't believe it when Lily pushes her to the floor and walks out, leaving Amber zip tied and gagged.

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
The Imposter
The Imposter
Time: 11 minutes 12 seconds
Lily and Amber believe they are being interviewed for a job by a restaurateur, but during the interview Lily receives a phone call warning her that the real restaurateur has been found and that the man with them is an imposter. Lily gets up and tries to leave with Amber, but the imposter stops them. He is annoyed that they have discovered the truth because now he will have to find two other girls to take their places. He instructs them to remove their uniforms, and reluctantly the girls do so. He then makes Amber secure Lily's wrists and ankles with zip ties, followed by her own ankles. The imposter puts a zip tie around Amber's wrists and gags them both before collecting up their clothes and leaving. The girls head for the kitchen and find some scissors and cut one another loose before running to a land line and calling the cops.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Excess of Confidence
Excess of Confidence
Time: 30 minutes 53 seconds
Detective Amber Wells has been tracking a known burglar called Lily for some time, and at last she has managed to catch her red-handed. Having already entered Lily's hideout, Amber arrests her and secures her with zip ties. Amber is gloating; apprehending a major criminal without backup has led to an excess of confidence, something that will later be her undoing. She orders Lily to call her Fence and persuade him to come to her because the painting she has acquired, a Brembrandt, is so valuable that she does not wish to enter his part of town with it in her possession. The Fence agrees to come, so Amber takes Lily to the basement and re-zips her wrists and ankles, placing her in a hogtie. When Lily starts calling out, Amber returns to gag her, making sure she does not alert the Fence when he arrives. Amber then lies in wait, unaware that, downstairs, Lily has found a chisel under the water tank and is busy sawing through the zip tie binding her wrists. She manages to free herself just as the Fence arrives, and while Amber is preparing to arrest him Lily sneaks up on the detective and grabs her from behind. Disarmed and defenseless, Amber is led down to the basement and tied to a chair. While the Fence is busy securing her, Lily goes to get a bomb the pair always keep ready for just such an eventuality, which will remove the house and any evidence it contains, including Amber. They set it running and depart, leaving Amber just five minutes to get free or somehow stop the bomb timer counting down. Will she succeed?
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Amber & Lily: Deadly Trap (enhanced)
Deadly Trap (enhanced)
Time: 23 minutes 10 seconds
One of our classic damsel in distress videos, the movie has been enhanced (color correction, brightness, sound) and re-presented at a bitrate of 6Mbps. Looks nice and sharp when expanded to full screen.

Description: Five years ago, Amber was a key witness in a trial that sent Lily Michaels to prison. Now, Lily wants revenge. She forces her way into Amber's home and overpowers her, tying her up (wrists & ankles at first, then gagging her and placing her in a hogtie). She torments Amber for a few minutes before saying she has to leave for a while to make preparations in the basement. Amber struggles desperately to free herself, afraid of what this psychotic woman may do to her. After a while, Amber is able to reach a critical knot and manages to get loose. She runs from the house but does not get far before Lily comes after her. Lily calls for Amber to stop, and glancing back Amber can see that she is armed. Amber squats down and uses the precious few seconds she has to scrawl a short message in the snow. Lily orders her back into the house and down to the basement. There, Amber is horrified to see the contraption Lily has assembled. Attached to the top of a pole and pointed at the stool where Lily forces Amber to sit is something perilous that makes Amber sit very still indeed. Lily ties Amber up again as she stares into the muzzle, daring not to move as Lily attached string to the garage door handle, passing it around the trigger before wrapping the other around Amber's neck. She warns Amber not to move or she may set off the trigger. Lily, gloating now, explains that she wants revenge but she can't be the one to shoot Amber, hence this elaborate device to ensure that Amber's husband will do the deed for her when he arrives home and opens the garage's inner door. Grinning with satisfaction, Lily climbs the stairs to take her leave while the helpless Amber looks on. Will her partner inadvertently blow her up, or will her message in the snow be seen in time?

Lily Anna
Failed Arrest
Failed Arrest
Time: 14 minutes 59 seconds
Investigator/bail bondswoman Lily Anna is closing in on a man who has skipped bail and is hiding in a remote house. Her plan is to arrest him and collect a fee for taking him in. As she enters in search of him, however, she does not hear him sneak up behind her. He grabs her and presses a cloth over her mouth, and in a few seconds the struggling Lily slips into oblivion. She is dragged across the floor to a chair and tied up, her wrists secured with zip ties to prevent escape. By the time Lily wakes, her body is already pinned to the chair back with rope, and her captor is working on her feet. She tries to fight him off, but quickly realizing she can't break free, Lily tries to talk him down, to reason with him. All the thanks she gets for that is a cleave gag. Tightly bound to the chair and with movement severely restricted, Lily is left alone so struggle in futility.
Lily Anna
Security Problem
Security Problem
Time: 21 minutes 30 seconds
Lily has summoned her security guard in order to dismiss him from her services for repeatedly showing up late or taking time off without authorization. The security guy does not take the news well and asks Lily to reconsider. When she refuses, he decides to show her how much she needs good security. He grabs her arms and marches her into her living room, pushes her down onto the floor and proceeds to tie her wrists together behind her back. As Lily protests and threatens, warning him that she has powerful connections and this will not end well for him, he ties her ankles and puts her in a hogtie. Finally, he duct tapes her mouth shut. He instructs her to think about her position, and to hire him back with a pay rise, now that she appreciates what can happen to her without protection. Lily still refuses to countenance the idea of giving this mercenary back his job. Later, he ties Lily to a chair with a considerable amount of rope, giving her another chance to change her mind. When she continues to refuse, he cleave gags her and leaves her again to think on her situation. Includes: on-screen tying, gagging (duct tape & cleave gag).
Lily Anna
Kept Away From Work
Kept Away From Work
Time: 15 minutes 00 seconds
Lily is in charge of a small company and she is about to implement some major changes which will affect her employees, some of them adversely. If she can be kept away from a crucial meeting, perhaps things might turn out differently. As Lily arrives home in the pouring rain, she does not suspect that some of her work colleagues have hired someone to take her out of circulation for a few days. She enters the house, oblivious to the shadowy figure behind the curtain. When he rushes forward and clamps a hand over her mouth, Lily looks terrified. She is too scared to resist as the man ties her up, placing her in a tight hogtie. She pleads with him not to gag her, promising to stay quiet, but he presses three strips of duct tape over her mouth and cheeks all the same. Alone now, Lily struggles to reach her cell phone on the coffee table. After tremendous effort, she manages to knock it to the floor and key the buttons with her nose. She begins a muffled cry for help when the call is answered, but her captor hears the noise and returns, taking the phone away and leaving Lily to struggle helplessly in her bonds.
WMV: $11.99

Lily Anna
Forcibly Disrobed
Forcibly Disrobed
Time: 16 minutes 54 seconds
Secretary Lily has been taken for ransom. She is tied to some studs in the basement of a house, her wrists and ankles tightly secured and with rope around her neck to prevent her sitting down on the floor. While waiting for the ransom to be paid, her captor decides to have some fun with her. First, her puts a cloth in her mouth and keeps it there by tying a cleave gag around her head. The proceeds to rip open her blouse, the buttons popping off and lying everywhere, then rips her skirt up the back until it is held on by only the waistband. With a pair of sharp scissors, he cuts off the skirt, then cuts through the straps holding Lily's bra in place, exposing her breasts. Now he cuts the top of her pantyhose before tearing them apart with his bare hands, leaving the tattered remains on her feet. Finally, he takes great relish in cutting off Lily's panties, leaving her standing there completely naked. Before he can think what fun to have next, her captor hears his phone ringing and he departs to answer it, leaving poor Lily to struggle against the ropes holding her, wondering what will happen to her when the man has finished his phone call.
WMV: $13.99
Lily (with Tina)
Psych Ward
Psych Ward
Time: 19 minutes 33 seconds
Lily is a patient in a psychiatric hospital. Nurse Tina enters with her medicine and a package which has been left for her. Alone, Lily spits out her medication and opens the package to find goodies that will aid her escape - a pistol, duct tape and rope. When the nurse returns to check that Lily's meds have taken effect, Lily threatens her and makes Tina take off her uniform. Lily puts Tina in a hogtie, forces the medication into the nurse's mouth, then gags her with duct tape. Lily, now dressed as a nurse, works her way along hospital corridors and down the stairs to the ground floor exit. Unfortunately, she meets an orderly who does not recognize her. He snatches away her weapon and checks her ID, realizing that Lily must be an inmate. He takes Lily back to her room where nurse Tina is still trussed up on the bed. The orderly places Lily's wrists and ankles in zip ties to make sure she is secure, but he refuses to release Tina. He tells her that this is not the first time she has messed up and that the hospital will be letting her go. He departs, leaving nurse and patient in bondage. After a while, the meds Tina was forced to ingest start to take effect and she starts to bather on like a drunk. Lily, irritated and despondent, tells the woman to shut up but to no effect.
WMV: $12.99
Lily (with Dixie)
Bondage Contest
Bondage Contest
Time: 15 minutes 38 seconds
Lily and Dixie are placed in identical hogties and each is given the challenge to escape before her opponent in order to win a bonus of $50. The tying is all done on-screen. The contest doesn't last long because one of these resourceful girls manages to find a fast way out of her bondage. Who is the winner and how does she manage to get free? There is only one way to find out :-)
WMV: $11.99

Lily (with Dixie)
Trying To Evade
Trying To Evade
Time: 11 minutes 47 seconds
The cop chasing the driver who won't stop scenario has been re-filmed, this time with two models, Lily and Dixie, with Lily as the victim. Lily admits to not carrying her driving license and refuses to explain why her license plate is blacked out, so the cop makes her get out of her car. Lily protests vehemently as she is handcuffed, so the cop decides to take her in and matches her back to the plain black police car. Lily is placed inside on the back seat, but while the cop is radioing in the situation, Lily slips out of the car and makes a run for it. She doesn't get far before the cop catches her and drags her back. Lily is now placed in leg irons to prevent her running away again, then made to get back into the police car where the cop belts her in. The cop starts the car and we ride along for a while watching Lily struggle futilely en route to the police station.
WMV: $11.99
Lily Anna
The Dream
The Dream
Time: 28 minutes 14 seconds
Lily finds herself tied up and gagged on the back seat of a car in a remote wooded location. She can't remember how she got there, but she is determined to escape. She opens the car door with her feet and climbs out. Her shoes have disappeared, so she must hop bare foot through the woodland, looking for a road or a gas station where someone can free her wrists and ankles. She hops for a long time, landing on twigs and stones and grunting with the pain, but she is determined not to give up. As she tires, her balance becomes less certain, and finally she falls... Only to wake up with a start in her office at home! What a dream! What could have prompted it? She looks at her computer screen and sees that she was viewing pages on a website called Beauties in Bondage. No wonder! She laughs at her own foolishness and is just starting to relax again when she hears a noise in the house. She goes to investigate, descending into the basement where she encounters an intruder. She screams and the picture fades out. When it returns, Lily is laying on the floor in handcuffs anchored to her waist with a heavy chain, the chain secured in place with a padlock. Lily is gagged with duct tape and her ankles are bound with rope. It's a total nightmare! After a few minutes, Lily manages to untie her feet, allowing her to get up and let herself out of the basement door. She hobbles barefoot through the woods, trying to get to a neighbour's house to summon help, but it is not long before she is hopelessly lost. She desperately tries to reach the duct tape sealing her mouth so she can call out for help, but it lies just beyond the reach of her stretching fingers. Lily has no choice but to keep going in case the man who chained her up should find her. Too late - he is already rushing through the woods towards her!!!
WMV: $13.99
Lily (with Carissa, Melanie, Madison & Tina)
Time: 31 minutes 05 seconds
Lily's husband has left her and she has been unable to meet mortgage payments alone. The mortgage company is foreclosing on her home and two representatives from the bank have come to talk to her because she has not been returning their calls. They explain that real estate agents will be arriving shortly to appraise the house for sale. The two bank employees practically force their way into the house, and Lily, furious and at the end of her fuse, holds them at gunpoint. The frightened women try to reason with her, but Lily is having none of it. She forces one woman to tie up the other in a hogtie on the floor, then she sets about securing the second woman to a chair. She gags them both with duct tape to shut them up, telling them: "I'm in charge!" Lily then awaits the arrival of the real estate agents. When they show up, Lily holds them at gun point too and again, makes one woman tie up the second. Lily then finishes the job by tying up the fourth woman, then binding the two real estate agents back to back. After a little thought, Lily decides that she will have to dispose of them all, and starts by freeing the woman on the chair, leaving her wrists and ankles bound and the duct tape firmly over her mouth, then pick picks up the woman and carries her out to her car. By the time she comes back for her next victim, the remaining three women have managed to get free and they jump Lily.
WMV: $18.99

Lily Anna
Lily Tied to a Chair
Tied to a Chair
Time: 10 minutes 20 seconds
Lily is tightly tied to a chair. She is completely unable to free herself. All she can do is probe with her fingers trying to locate the knots behind her back, but they are out of her reach. There is no way out until someone unties her.
WMV: $8.99
Lily Anna
Inescapable Hogtie
Inescapable Hogtie
Time: 16 minutes 17 seconds
Lily is placed in a hogtie on the office floor and gagged. She wriggles around all over the room and tries to get herself free, but she just can't reach those knots! She is trapped in a hogtie until someone lets her go... now I wonder how long that will be?
WMV: $11.99
Lily Anna
Bogus Claim
Bogus Claim
Time: 10 minutes
Lily is an insurance investigator who has come to check on a claim for a vehicle which has supposedly been in a head-on collision. When she finds that the claimant's vehicle has suffered no damage, Lily warns him that he is committing fraud and that he will be hearing from her office. The claimant takes matters into his own hands by overpowering Lily and tying her to the vehicle she came to inspect, using handcuffs for her wrists and a zip tie for her ankles.
WMV: $8.99

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Secretaries in Trouble
Secretaries in Trouble
Time: 16 minutes 26 seconds
Lily and Amber used to work together as Waitresses, but after an encounter with an intruder in their home (see the movie "Waitresses in Trouble"), they decide to change professions, just in case their assailant had found them through the restaurant. Now working as a pair of secretaries, they are stunned when the same man turns up in their office. He forces Lily to zip tie Amber to the leg of her desk, then zip her ankles together. He then makes Lily lay down in front of an adjacent desk and zip ties her too. For good measure, he gags the women with duct tape before raiding the petty cash and departing. The girls are soon able to peel off their gags, but there is nothing they can do about the zip ties rightly binding their wrists and ankles. They fall out as Amber blames Lily for making her work late and leading to them being tied up in an empty office building. Eventually, Lily is able to knock a cell phone onto the floor and call for help.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Bored Housewives
Bored Housewives
Time: 34 minutes 25 seconds
Lily and Amber are bored. They are waiting for their husbands to arrive home from a sports event to take them out for the evening, but they are always late getting back from these things. The girls start to talk about bondage, and Lily asks Amber if she has ever been tied up. When Amber agrees to try it, Lily takes her into the bedroom, gets her to take off her dress, then binds her hands and begins massaging her legs. After a while, she ties Amber's ankles and then places her in a hogtie. The girls are having fun together when someone bursts into the room, startling the two women. Lily can't believe it when this intruder tells her to undress and lay down beside her friend. He ties Lily up and explains to the women that someone will be along soon to transport them away to be held as hostages, while he intercepts the husbands. He departs, leaving the girls the struggle and try to free one another. They are just starting to make progress on their bonds when the second intruder arrives to take them away.
Lily Anna & Amber Wells
Cat Burglar
Cat Burglar
Time: 16 minutes 29 seconds
Lily is burgling a house and is surprised by the owner (Amber) who holds a weapon on her and makes her kneel with her hands on her head, then she zip ties the intruder. Amber secures Lily and is just leaving to call the police when a second burglar surprises her, taking her pistol and taking her back to where Lily is bound. The second burglar sits Amber of a chair and secures her there with zip ties. Lily expects her partner to release her, but instead he gags the two women and makes off with the jewellery. Amber peels the duct tape off Lily's mouth, then Lily gets to her feet and does the same for her. Amber tells Lily where to find some scissors, so Lily hops off in search of them. Lily manages to cut herself free. She returns to Amber, but instead of letting the woman go, she duct tapes her mouth again so that she can search the house for more valuables before leaving Amber to wait for rescue.
WMV: $12.99

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Frisked, Handcuffed & Arrested
Frisked, Handcuffed & Arrested
Time: 7 minutes 20 seconds
Lily is a detective sent to arrest Amber, a secretary who has been stealing from the company she works for. Lily orders the woman to stand and place her hands on the desk, whereupon she begins frisking Amber, VERY extensively. Amber becomes quite agitated by all this intimate attention. She seems almost relieved when Lily puts her in handcuffs, assuming the pat down is over, but Lily is just getting started.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Dog Nuisance (complete)
Dog Nuisance
Time: 36 minutes 44 seconds
Lily (with Bverly)
You Stole My Boyfriend
You Stole My Boyfriend
Time: 15 minutes 44 seconds
Lily has stolen Beverly's boyfriend, so she is very surprised when Beverly turns up and is friendly towards her, suggesting that since they are both going to the same party, a party where the boyfriend is also expected, they should ride together. Lily takes Beverly into the kitchen and offers her a drink, but as soon as her back is turned, Beverly puts her in a choke hold until she passes out. On recovering, Lily finds herself in the process of being tied to a chair. Once she is secure, Beverly departs for the party where, in Lily's absence, she hopes to win back her old boyfriend.
WMV: $12.99

Lily Anna
Her Husband's Had Enough
Her Husband's Had Enough
Time: 16 minutes 39 seconds
Lily's husband is working outside, stacking wood for winter fires that will help to save them money. Lily, on the other hand, just wants to go out and spend, spend, spend! When she rebukes her husband for not working fast enough, he finally snaps and ties her up with duct tape, making sure she doesn't go out and squander the last of their money. Lily is furious and protests vehemently, but a gag soon silences her.
WMV: $11.99
Lily Anna
Back in the Red
Back in the Red
Time: 10 minutes 08 seconds
As soon as Lily walks in the door, an intruder pounces and bangs her head against the door, knocking her out. When she wakes, Lily finds herself bound with rope and cleave gagged. She slides off the chair where the intruder has placed her and squirms on the floor, working on her bonds. After a while, she manages to free her hands and untie herself completely. The movie ends with Lily making the inevitable run for it in case the intruder is still lurking nearby.
WMV: $8.99
Lily Anna
I'll Be Your Server
I'll Be Your Server
Time: 17 minutes 13 seconds
Lily is a waitress in a restaurant, and she is trying to get the last customer to finish up his meal and leave so that she and the other staff can go home for the night. The customer seems in no hurry and is still eating and drinking when all the staff except Lily depart. Becoming a little annoyed now, Lily tries to persuade her troublesome customer to leave, but his response is to become even more troublesome. He produces a pistol and forces Lily to join him at his table, tying her to the chair and gagging her to keep her quiet. After tormenting her for a while, he departs from the restaurant leaving Lily still a captive. It looks like she will have to spend the night in bondage until her colleagues return to work in the morning.
WMV: $12.99

Lily Anna
Barely Hanging On
Barely Hanging On
Time: 15 minutes 35 seconds
Lily chases after a driver who has dinged her car and then driven off. When she confronts him, it turns out that he has no insurance. When Lily says she is going to involve the police, the man bangs her head on her car window and knocks her out. She recovers to find her wrists and ankles bound, and the man has a noose around her neck. He tightens to rope until she is forced to stand on tiptoe of strangle herself. Lily gasps for air and sways precipitously on the balls of her feet as she struggles th maintain her balance. After a while, her legs begin trembling from the effort, and this is when the man returns to tighten the rope even more and lift her higher so that she is now balancing on her toes. How much longer will she be able to stand there before she loses her balance and strangles herself? Additional comments: Lily was completely safe throughout the filming of this movie. A third person was standing close by to rush in and grab her if she fell. Lily's situation was nowhere near as precarious as it appears on film; the noose, while preventing her from relaxing her feet, was not tightly secured to the hook on the wall; we also gave Lily frequent rests where she sat down on a chair to recover before filming another few minutes. At the end of the movie, Lily provides a behind the scenes message to reassure the viewer that she is unhurt.
WMV: $12.99
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Pulled Over
Pulled Over
Time: 9 minutes 03 seconds
Lily finds herself being pulled over by a cop (Amber) who, it seems, has run her license plate and discovered that Lily has outstanding parking tickets, When she checks her license, the cop discovers that Lily's license is forged. Amber makes Lily step out of the vehicle and pats her down as she recites her Miranda rights. Lily is then handcuffed and placed in the back of the police vehicle, belted in for safety. Lily is really in a fix and must await punishment for her crimes.
Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Double Cross
Double Cross
Time: 31 minutes 01 seconds
Lily is a professional thief who obtains items on a regular basis and sells them on to a fence. Amber is Lily's apprentice, still learning the trade and therefore receives only 20% of the profits. Having carried out the most recent job on her own, she now demands a 50% cut. Lily dismisses her out of hand, saying maybe after a few more jobs, but not yet. Amber has had enough of being treated as a second-rate burglar and decides to take things into her own hands. She overpowers Lily, ties her up in a hogtie, then contacts the fence to negotiate a new deal. Foolishly, she tries to cross the fence when he arrives, but unbeknownst to Amber, Lily has managed to free herself and now creeps up behind Amber, disarms her, drags her to the floor and ties her up. Lily and the fence decide that they must dispose of Amber, so Lily takes her on a little drive into the middle of the country.

Amber Wells & Lily Anna
Taking Flight
Taking Flight
Time: 5 minutes 28 seconds
The girls have just escaped from a house where thewy have been held captive and they are taking flight through the woods, their wrists still handcuffed and with rope binding the cuffs to their waists. After running far enough to feel reasonably safe, they stop and untie each other's ropes. There is nothing they can do about the handcuffs, however, so they continue their flight still manacled.
Lily Anna
Rendezvous in the Park
Rendezvous in the Park
Time: 10 minutes 54 seconds
Backstory: Lily is meeting a new boyfriend in a wilderness park, but when he arrives, instead of enjoying a picnic with her, he overpowers her leaves her bound and gagged on the back seat of her car. We join Lily as she wakes to find herself in a predicament, and while there are a few other cars in the parking lot, they are all empty, the owners out hiking in the woods. Lily gets out of her car and hops from one vehicle to the next, looking for help. She even starts to hop away across the grass but can't get very far. In the end, she decides to return to the parks vehicles and sit down beside one of them to await rescue.
WMV: $9.99
Lily Anna & Amber Wells
Night Stalker
Night Stalker
Time: 16 minutes 11 seconds
Lily and Amber are peacefully asleep in bed. Amber has to get up to use the bathroom, and while she is gone a stalker creeps over to the bed and presses a cloth over Lily's face, knocking her out. When Amber returns she does not notice anything wrong, not until she is about to climb back into bed and feels the stalker cover her nose and mouth too. She passes out alongside her friend. By the time the girls wake up it is morning, and they are greeted by the realization that they are bound and gagged, Lily on the bed and Amber on the floor. Amber attempts to get up onto the bed, and when she fails Lily slides over the floor. The girls then spend a long time trying to untie the countless knots binding their wrists and ankles.
WMV: $13.99

Lily Anna & Amber Wells
Jealousy: Part 1
Jealousy: Part 1
Time: 17 minutes
Amber has stolen Lily's boyfriend, but Lily is not prepared to take this lying down. As Amber is on her way out to meet her new boyfriend when Lily grabs her. She overpowers Amber and carries her back into her house where she ties her ex-friend to a chair using cable ties to restrain her wrists, ankles, thighs and biceps. To keep Amber quiet, Lily sticks duct tape over her mouth and then begins to torment her captive. Poor Amber can't escape and must endure Lily's unwanted attentions.
WMV: $12.99
Lily Anna & Amber Wells
Jealousy: Part 2
Jealousy: Part 2
Time: 14 minutes
Amber's captivity is not over. Lily now has her in a tight hogtie and still gagged. Lily abuses Amber, slapping her butt and tickling her stocking-covered feet, enjoying this playful torture, although she is not feeling playful towards her boyfriend-stealing friend. After a while, Lily tires of the game and leaves the room. Amber is left trapped in tight ties and unable to speak. All she can do is struggle with her bonds in the hope of getting free, but she just can't reach those knots.
WMV: $10.99
Lily Anna & Amber Wells
Jealousy (complete)
Jealousy (complete)
Time: 31 minutes 17 seconds
Amber has stolen Lily's boyfriend, but Lily is not prepared to take this lying down. As Amber is on her way out to meet her new boyfriend when Lily grabs her. She overpowers Amber and carries her back into her house where she ties her ex-friend to a chair using cable ties to restrain her wrists, ankles, thighs and biceps. To keep Amber quiet, Lily sticks duct tape over her mouth and then begins to torment her captive. Poor Amber can't escape and must endure Lily's unwanted attentions. But Amber's captivity is not over yet. Lily next has her in a tight hogtie and still gagged. Lily abuses Amber, slapping her butt and tickling her stocking-covered feet, enjoying this playful torture, although she is not feeling playful towards her boyfriend-stealing friend. After a while, Lily tires of the game and leaves the room. Amber is left trapped in tight ties and unable to speak. All she can do is struggle with her bonds in the hope of getting free, but she just can't reach those knots.
WMV: $14.99

Lily Anna & Amber Wells
Waitresses in Trouble
Waitresses in Trouble
Time: 15 minutes 05 seconds
Lily and Amber are waitresses returning home after a bad day at work - lousy tips, both tired. Imagine their shock when they find an intruder in their house. He forces Lily to tied Amber up using zip ties, then gag her friend with duct tape. Next, he does the same thing to Lily, leaving the two women laying on the floor in bondage. The girls manage to peel their gags off one another, but they can't free themselves from the tightly-secured zip ties around their wrists and ankles. While Amber struggles on the floor, Lily manages to get to her feet and hop into the kitchen where she searches through drawers for a knife. She doesn't find anything that she can use to cut their bonds, so she next hops through to her office in search of a pair of scissors. In the end, she finds a pair and is able to cut Amber loose, who immediately returns the favour.
WMV: $11.99
Lily Anna
Investigative Reporter
Investigative Reporter
Time: 24 minutes 21 seconds
Lily is an investigative reporter who is looking into a series of robberies from clothing stores. She has discovered that many of the stolen items are showing up for sale on the Internet, and that the return address is always the same. She tries to interview the occupant of the property but he slams the door in her face. Like all good reporters, Lily decides to snoop around and gets into the basement of the house where she finds racks of clothes and shoes. She is about to call in her discovery to the news desk when she has a cloth pressed over her nose and mouth and she passes out. When she wakes, she is bound and gagged, the criminal saying that he will now sell her on the Internet too, to white slave traders who especially favour blondes.
Additional comment: Lily is tied in two positions during the movie, and escapes at the end, but still trapped in a pair of handcuffs.

Lily Anna & Beverly Bacci
Bail Jumper
Bail Jumper
Time: 15 minutes 32 seconds
Detective Beverly Bacci has tracked down Lily who has jumped bail. Bacci is about to handcuff her and take her in when Lily elbows the detective in the face, then locks her in her own handcuffs while she is down. Lily takes the woman into her living room and ties her up with ropes, leaving her in a hog tie while she, Lily, makes her escape. Beverly manages to get her legs free after a long struggle, then goes out to her car to retrieve her handcuff keys and release herself. Now the hunt for Lily is REALLY on.
WMV: $12.99

Lily (with Carissa, Madison, Tina & Melanie)
Bomb at the Office
Bomb at the Office
Time: 21 minutes 28 seconds
An office building has been the scene of a robbery, and all the secretaries have been herded into an area close to a stairwell. As the movie starts, three of the girls are already tied up; now the thief forces one of the two remaining free secretaries to tie up her companion. Once secretary number four is secure, the thief makes the remaining secretary to gag all of the others with duct tape. Now it is her turn: the thief ties her wrists and ankles, quickly secures some rope around her body, and concludes by gagging her. He warns the girls not to try escaping becaiuse he'll be watching on a closed-circuit TV system into which he and his cohorts have tapped. He warns them that if they misbehave, he will remotely detonate the bomb attached to the door behind them. Nevertheless, as soon as he leaves, secretary Melanie starts making attempts to reach the bomb and disconnect the wires before the thief has a chance to set it off. The other secretaries work to free one another from their bondage. They succeed in the end and make a run for it in case the thief returns to deal with them.
WMV: $14.99
Lily Anna & Beverly Bacci
The Missing Horse
The Missing Horse
Time: 25 minutes 26 seconds
Beverly has been our riding and left her horse unattended for a few minutes. When she returns, she finds the horse gone. She searches the woodlands and meadows, and then comes across a house. She asks the occupant (Lily) if she has seen a horse but she replies no. Just as Beverly is about to leave, she hears a horse heighing around the back of the house. Furious, she stomps off across the lawn in search of her mare, pursued by a desperate Lily. Just as Beverly locates her horse, Lily rushes up behind and punches Beverly in the back of the neck, rendering her unconscious. When Beverly recovers, she finds herself in bondage, with Lily still working on securing her. She screams angrily at Lily until the latter gags her, saying that she will sell the horse, and discuss with her husband what to do with its rightful owner. Beverly manages to free herself from her bondage just as Lily returns. The two women fight with Beverly gaining the upper hand. She secures Lily with duct tape and goes off to call the police, returning to watch over Lily and taunt her until the authorities arrive.
WMV: $15.99
Lily Anna & Beverly Bacci
To Catch a Thief
To Catch a Thief
Time: 28 minutes 01 seconds
Lily is convinced that her new neighbour Beverly is responsible for a recent spate of home robberies, and goes to introduce herself to see what she can find out. When Beverly repels her friendly advances, Lily calls her husband and says she is planning to gather evidence and then call in the police. While searching the house, however, Beverly catches her and ties her up on the basement floor. Later, after calling her boss, Beverly returns to free Lily's feet, explaining that she is going to take her nosy neighbour some place she will not be found. Before Beverly can drive off with her prisoner in the back of her car, Lily's husband arrives and frees her. When Beverly comes back to drive away, Lily surprises her, and she had her husband march Beverly back into the house and tie her up instead. Lily taunts the bound Beverly for a while, but when she is gone Beverly works on her bonds. She is almost free and about to turn the tables again when she hears the sound of an approaching police siren. The game is up!
WMV: $12.99

Lily Anna
Held in the Basement
Held in the Basement
Time: 11 minutes 19 seconds
Lily has been taken captive and tied to a chair in the basement. The movie opens with her arguing with her captor, but he soon slaps some duct tape over her move and leaves her to struggle. Lily could not movie very much because of the way she was tied, and was completely unable to work her bonds loose. Another success! :-)
WMV: $9.99
Lily Anna
The Repairman
The Repairman
Time: 12 minutes 43 seconds
Lily's cable TV connection is not working so she calls in a repairman to sort it out. He arrives just after she gets home from work, and she shows him where the cable box is located. He asks to use the bathroom, and when he returns he sneaks up behind her and presses a cloth over her mouth and nose. When she wakes up, Lily is bound with white zip ties and gagged with duct tape. After tormenting her for a minute, the repairman leaves on one last job for the day, telling her he will be back to watch TV with her later, now that he has fixed it. In his absence, Lily tries to struggle free. When this fails, she finds her cell phone, knocks it off the table with her feet and calls for help. She then wriggles her way into the kitchen where she manages to reach some scissors and cut her wrists free.
WMV: $10.99
Lily Anna

Security Leak
Time: 15 minutes 12 seconds
Lily works for a publishing house, and has been making money on the side by leaking information about upcoming titles to a journalist friend. She is at it again because the autobiography of a high profile public figure is due for launch after the weekend, and Lily calls her contact to set up a meeting. This time, however, the boss overhears her call. He is determined not to let her ruin the big launch on Monday, so he keeps her in bondage for the weekend to make sure she stays out of circulation. (There are two bondage scenes - in the first, Lily is hogtied on the floor of her office; in the second (two days later) she is seen handcuffed to a frame with her legs tied apart and a gag over her mouth. There is a brief, upskirt sequence towards the end of the movie).
WMV: $11.99

Lily Anna
The Rude Realtor
The Rude Realtor
Time: 15 minutes 30 seconds
Realtor Lily arrives to look over a property before agreeing to have her company try to sell it for the owner. The problem is, she's quite rude about his house and makes suggestions for expensive repairs before she will agree to represent him. Thoroughly annoyed by this, the owner overpowers Lily and leaves her tied up in his basement. Lily manages to stand and hop to the back door where she can hear a radio playing and voices in the distance, but she can't make enough noise to summon help. She hops back inside and tries a telephone that is not even connected. At last, she manages to slip her hands free of the rope holding her, unties her legs and makes a run for it. This is one house she definitely will not be selling!
WMV: $11.99
Lily Anna
Tied to the TV
Taken Bank Teller
Time: 9 minutes
Lily has been taken by a bank robber and tied up in the trunk of his car. We join her in her last few minutes of a journey to a remote spot, then witness her trying to get away by climbing from the back of the car. Tightly bound, she can hardly move, but she makes an escape attempt anyway. She doesn't get far at all before she falls and lies struggling on the woodland floor, helplessly awaiting her captors return.
WMV: $8.99
Lily Anna
Construction Site Secretary
Construction Site Secretary
Time: 10 minutes
No Teaser Available
A construction site has a lot of equipment stolen, and secretary Lily has to be got out of the way, so she is tied up with orange duct tape and put in a storage shed. This clip is a little unusual insofar as there is a heater running on the soundtrack, but you "hear" Lily's thoughts as she tries to deal with her captivity. She manages to work the tape off her wrists after a while and get free.
WMV: $8.99

Lily Anna
Made to Rest
Made to Rest
Time: 17 minutes
Lily has no choice but to lie down for a while. Held prisoner, she struggles to get free of her bonds and escape, but she can't work the knots loose. She does manage to push the duct tape off her mouth and call for help, but her captor soon arrives to re-gag her. There seems to be no way out of her predicament!
WMV: $11.99
Lily Anna
Tied to the TV
Tied to the TV
Time: 16 minutes
After an argument with her boyfriend, Lily has been left tied and handcuffed to her TV watching chair. The only contact she has with the outside world is her cell phone. She calls her boyfriend to apologize and ask him to come and untie her. He makes excuses, and she threatens to call the police She has been secured in such a way that Lily has no hope of freeing herself, leaving her no choice but to wait for help to arrive.
WMV: $11.99
Lily Anna
Under Lock & Key
Under Lock & Key
Time: 8 minutes
Lily has been a bad girl. She has been out celebrating just a little too much and has been arrested as a suspected DUI. Unfortunately for her, she is placed in a temporary holding cell without even a chair or bench to sit on, the main cells are that filled with holiday offenders. How long will she have to wait to be processed, and why didn't the cop who brought her in remove the handcuffs? Maybe he just likes to leave pretty girls in police bracelets!
WMV: $7.99

Lily Anna
Bondage Game
Bondage Game
Time: 12 minutes
Lily decides to let her boyfriend have some fun by leaving her handcuffed to her kitchen cabinets. Alas, time starts to drag by as she waits for him to come home and release her. She tries to remember what happened to the keys, and then realizes they are on the counter above her head. She manages to pull them down with her teeth, and despite dropping them and having to contort herself to pick them up again, she ingeniously manages to position the key in the lock of one of the handcuffs and turn it. (Lily couldn't believe that this manoeuvre would actually work!)
WMV: $10.99
Lily Anna
Eviction Notice
Eviction Notice
Time: 18 minutes
Lily has the unenviable job of delivering eviction notices on behalf of her law firm, Proffit, Leitch & Dunne. On this occasion, her reception is a little more hostile than usual. She is knocked out as soon as she enters the recipient's home. You see her being tied up (wrists, ankles, waist) and gagged with duct tape (this sequence is edited). Lily is alone when she comes to, and we watch as she struggles frantically to free herself before her captor returns. After a lot of squirming and struggling, she manages to liberate herself and makes a run for it. Her departure is observed by the house's occupant with satisfaction.
WMV: $12.99
Lily Anna
Taken For a Ride
Taken For a Ride
Time: 9 minutes
Lily has been kidnapped and is being driven to the hideaway where she will be kept prisoner. She is handcuffed and has a chain around her ankles secured with a padlock. She has black duct tape over her mouth, and while she could reach it, she feels it might be unwise to removed her gag while her captor seated right next to her. When he finally stops the vehicle, her climbs out and leaves Lily secured to the car seat.
WMV: $8.99

Lily Anna
A Binding Relationship
A Binding Relationship
Time: 13 minutes
A nice evening in by the fire. Lily is tied to a chair and initially gagged with duct tape. Her new boyfriend (who is silent throughout the clip) arrives and removes her gag, and she explains that she doesn't mind being tied up. Of course, she is thirsty and a little hungry, so he feeds her and holds a bottle to her mouth. Unfortunately, some of the water spills down her front and into her cleavage, tickling her skin and making it feel itchy. Lily finds she has many itches now that she cannot scratch them, so she has to keep asking her boyfriend to scratch them for her - the back of her hand, her nose, her calf, her thigh just under the hem of her short skirt. Her boobs are itching more now and she complains about it, but just as the boyfriend moves in to scratch those for her, she rotates herself away saying no. Will Lily be freed, or will she be spending the night tied up beside the woodstove with itchy boobs?
WMV: $10.99
Lily Anna
Lily Sees Red
Lily Sees Red
Time: 8 minutes
Lily has been from her place of work and is being held captive in a basement. She doesn't take this lying down - she struggles to her feet, hops to the window to call for help through her gag, and even makes a bid to reach a pair of scissors hanging high on the way. Whatever she tries, however, poor Lily is unable to escape.
WMV: $7.99
Lily Anna
Lingering in Lingerie
Lingering in Lingerie
Time: 16 minutes
Lily has been secured with duct tape while wearing only lingerie. She has been taped so thoroughly that she cannot escape, but that does not prevent her trying. Watch Lily roll around and struggle for freedom.
WMV: $11.99

Lily Anna
Late For Work
Late For Work
Time: 11 minutes
Lily is a video editor for a small bondage company. Unfortunately, she is late for work yet again and the boss is getting tired of her tardiness. He therefore decides that she should spend her lunch break at her desk, and just to make sure she doesn't leave, he ties her to her chair. Will the ingenious Lily manage to free herself this time?
WMV: $9.99

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