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Movies by Model: Jennifer
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Movies by Model: Jennifer

Jennifer: In Transit (4K upscaled)
In Transit (4K upscaled)
Time: 18 minutes 19 seconds
Jennifer has been arrested for white collar crime and is being transported from her local police station to a penitentiary on the opposite side of the state. The police force has access to a property around the half way point of the journey where they can overnight to avoid traveling in the dark. Regulations regarding the treatment of prisoners under this circumstances are clear; they must be handcuffed, chained and shackled to prevent them attempting an escape. When left unattended, Jennifer, who is very prepared to give up, manages to make her way outside to the police transport with a view to stealing it and making a getaway. The cop transporting her catches her before she can get very far. As punishment for her misconduct, Jennifer is attached to a coffee table with an additional pair of handcuffs. Even this does not thwart her; with considerable effort, she begins crawling towards the back door of the property, towing the table with her. She gets about half way there fore the cop comes back to check on her. He can't believe that she is still trying to escape. To make her life a little more difficult and to constraint her hands a little more, her adds another pair of handcuffs, this an antique pair which belongs to him, a pair with no center chain, allowing far less flexibility. Even this is not enough to deter Jennifer from her futile attempts to get away, although now she is tiring badly. Looks like she will be spending the night chained up on the floor.

3840x2160 pixels - MP4: 2,083.2 MB
Jennifer: The Psychic: The Bitch in HR Fired Him & Rough Landing enhanced (MP4)
The Bitch in HR Fired Him & Rough Landing enhanced (MP4)
Time: 33 minutes 20 seconds
1. The Bitch in HR Fired Him
Jennifer works in Human Resources at her company, and has the unenviable job of firing people when they don't make the grade with their work. Today is a particular trying encounter when she tries to fire Dave, an employee who has been with the company for years and resents these HR people for passing judgment on him. At the end of the interview, he storms our hurling insults and threatening to get even. This reaction is not all that unusual and Jennifer thinks nothing more of it, at least not until she arrives home and finds that Dave has broken into her house. He rants at her about how humiliating it is to be fired for a job, and he now plans to turn the tables. He puts Jennifer in plastic cuffs, tightened on her wrists and ankles, then gags her to shut her up. He also decides to blindfold her before unbuttoning her sweater and pulling up her skirt. He promises that tomorrow he will make her call in sick to work so that they can spend days together like this. Jennifer struggles when left alone but the cuffs are thick and tight so there is no way to break them or wriggle out of them.

2. Rough Landing
Flight Attendant Jennifer is just arriving home after a long, international trip when she encounters an intruder in her house. He secures a long zip tie around her waist, then crosses her wrists and zip ties these together, passing this tie under the one encircling her waist so that she cannot move her arms. Finally, he makes Jennifer sit on the floor and zip ties her ankles together. He uses her own scarf to cleave gag her, explaining that he needs to ensure she stays out of the way. Once the man is gone, she tries to slide out of the zip ties, but they are tight and grip her wrists firmly. She is about to despair when she remembers she left her cell phone on the kitchen table. She cranes her head to make sure it is still there. She starts working her way over to the table, with no idea how she is going to reach the phone. She can't push herself up with her hands! She uses a chair to help her lift her legs, then stretching as far as she can with her feet on the table, but the phone is just out of reach. She tries again and again, stretching a little further each time. At last, she feels the phone with her foot and manages to drag it to the edge of the table. She pulls it over and it falls on the floor. Jennifer works her way around until her hands can reach the phone. She presses the buttons but nothing happens. The phone must have broken when the fall.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,958.8 MB
Maci Wilde, Carissa Montgomery, Jessica
Hannah Perez, Shauna Ryanne & Jennifer

Maci Wilde, Carissa Montgomery, Jessica, Hannah Perez, Shauna Ryanne & Jennifer: Tied Up & Tickled (MP4)
Tied Up & Tickled (MP4)
Time: 71 minutes 57 seconds

Six girls (all appearing separately) are tied up and tickled, and in one instance groped. Watch them squirm as they try to avoid those tickling fingers, but of course they can't.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 3,378.9 MB

Jennifer, TerraMizu, Hannah Perez & Jessica
Jennifer, TerraMizu, Hannah Perez & Jessica: Four Handcuffs Clips in One: Volume 2 (MP4)
Four Handcuffs Clips in One: Volume 2 (MP4)
Time: 44 minutes 34 seconds

Jennifer - Excerpt from "Removal"
Jennifer serves on the member of the board of a company that the original founder wishes to sell to a competitor. The board is hung which blocks the sale, so the founder has decided to adopt a drastic decision to prevent this happening in the final meeting where the vote will set the sale in motion. The most vociferous objector in Jennifer, and without her in the room it is likely that things will run a lot more smoothly. On the big day, the founder goes to Jennifer's home and catches her just as she is about to go into the office. To keep her out of circulation, he sets up a bed in the basement and makes her chain herself to it with handcuffs and shackles. He gags Jennifer with a large ball gag, and unable to pull it free, Jennifer must lie there for the entire day.

TerraMizu - Excerpt from "Dangerous Inspection"
TerraMizu is an inspector sent to investigate some odd goings on reported at a remote property. She persuades the owner to let her in and insists on inspecting what he is up to, despite his warnings that she really doesn't want to know. When Terra looks inside a room off the basement, she is shocked by what she finds. Before she can do anything about it, she is secured to a bed with handcuffs and shackles. The man unbuttons her blouse, pulls her bra aside to expose her breasts, and slides the hem of her skirt up to her hips as she thrashes helplessly against her restraints. She is totally at his mercy. When he leaves her alone, Terra struggles frantically against the handcuffs and shackles but it's hopeless. All she can do is lie there and wait to see what her captor will do to her when he returns.

Hannah Perez - "Lock Me To A Bed"
Hannah has always enjoyed a fantasy about being tied up and unable to escape, so she finally plucks up the courage to hire the services of a professional rigger. To put her at her ease, the rigger talks to Hannah about what is going to happen to her, then tells her to lie down on the bed. She is handcuffed to the bed frame and her ankles are secured with straps. She grows anxious as she is gagged and blindfolded, then left alone to savor the experience. Hannah lies there unable to get up, unable to see and unable to speak. She is helpless and can only wait for someone to release her, but that might be hours away...

Jessica - "The Handcuffed Detective"
Jessica is a detective sent to arrest a jewel thief at his home. She knocks on the door like any visitor might and gets the suspect to let her in. At that point, Jessica tells him he is under arrest and tries to handcuff him, but he spins quickly around and disarms her, grabbing her and forcing her to sit down on a chair. He immediately begins to pull off her clothes, so violently that he almost tears them. Jessica resists but he is too strong and can do nothing to prevent him stripping her. Once she is completely naked and humiliated, he takes up the handcuffs she tried to use on him and places them on the detective's wrists, making her his prisoner. He touches her legs and breasts, telling her that he is going to invite some of his buddies over and that they are going to have some fun with her. When he leaves the room, not realizing he has left his cellphone on the table, Jessica slides over to it and tries to call for help. Alas, the phone is locked and she can't get a call out. Moments later, the suspect discovers what she is doing and takes the phone away, leaving the naked detective sitting on the chair in her own handcuffs, struggling but helpless. This is one arrest that went horribly wrong; all she can do now is hope that her colleagues will notice her absence and come looking for her.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,060.6 MB
Jennifer: The Jennifer Collection (MP4)
The Jennifer Collection (MP4)
Time: 54 minutes 57 seconds

1. The Bitch in HR Fired Him
Jennifer works in Human Resources at her company, and has the unenviable job of firing people when they don't make the grade with their work. Today is a particular trying encounter when she tries to fire Dave, an employee who has been with the company for years and resents these HR people for passing judgment on him. At the end of the interview, he storms our hurling abuse and threatening to get even. This reaction is not all that unusual and Jennifer thinks nothing more of it, at least not until she arrives home and finds that Dave has broken into her house. He rants at her about how humiliating it is to be fired for a job, and he now plans to turn the tables. He forces Jennifer into plastic cuffs, tightened on her wrists and ankles, then gags her to shut her up. He also decides to blindfold her before unbuttoning her sweater and pulling up her skirt. He promises that tomorrow he will make her call in sick to work so that they can spend days together like this. Jennifer struggles when left alone but the cuffs are thick and tight so there is no way to break them or wriggle out of them. Perhaps a little more compassion would have been a good idea, but it's too late now.
15 minutes 31 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 596.0 MB

2. Skill Set
Stephanie, who has undergone an acrimonious divorce from her husband, is annoyed that he has kept the necklace he supposed bought her as a gift. Determined to get it back, Stephanie approaches her friend Jennifer whom, she knows, makes a side living as a burglar. She asks Jennifer to steal the necklace for her, promising to share to proceeds when it is sold. Jennifer, happy that her friend has finally made the break, ready agrees. When Jennifer enters the ex-husband's property, believing it to be empty, she finds the necklace exactly where Stephanie said it would be. That is when she is caught red-handed by her ex who recognizes Jennifer at once, saying that he always suspected she was a thief. He fully intends to turn her in to the cops, but to make sure she stays put, he makes her sit on a chair and he sets about tying her up. Jennifer calls him various names including "asshole" as he adds more and more rope, making the prospect of escape ever more remote. To shut her up, he stuffs a cloth into Jennifer's mouth, first holding her nose to make her inhale through her mouth, then wraps microfoam tape tightly around her head. Since her still has a few pieces of rope left, he ties Jennifer up even more, making her increasingly uncomfortable. When she is thoroughly secure, he tells her that he needs to go to work, and that he will call the cops when he gets back. In the meantime, she can just sit there, bound and gagged and unable to summon help from her friend Stephanie. (11 minutes of screen time are spent tying Jennifer to the chair, followed by 5.5 minutes of her struggling alone in a hopeless attempt to get free).
20 minutes 31 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 794.1 MB

3. In Peril
Jennifer is an investigative reporter who has stumbled onto a big story. She has photographed a congressman taking money from a well-known mobster and she is about to write up the story. However, the congressman has called on a "fixer" to take the girl out of circulation and dispose of her. He grabs Jennifer and tells her that she will never write that story exposing the congressman. He ties her up, placing her in a tight hogtie so that she can't possibly escape. He gags her with duct tape, wrapping it around her head to silence her. Finally, he shows her the device that will be used to take her out and blow her home to smithereens. He places it on top of a piece of cat furniture where she can't reach it and prepares to leave, informing her that when he is a safe distance away he will use his cellphone to detonate the device. Knowing that she is in peril and may only have minutes to act, Jennifer struggles frantically, pulling against the ropes binding her, but she can't make any headway. She will never get free in time! In desperation, she positions herself and kicks at the cat furniture, trying to dislodge the device. At first it does not look as if she will succeed and she almost gives up, but then she renews her efforts and brings it crashing to the floor. The device does not detonate on impact. There is still a chance. Jennifer wriggles around and feels the wiring with her bound hands, seeking anything she can disconnect in the hope of stopping it. She finds a plug and pulls it from its socket. Is that enough? She can't be sure. One thing she is sure about, however; if the device does not detonate the fixer will be back to deal with her in some other way. She simply must get free!
18 minutes 55 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 892.7 MB

Jennifer: Removal From the Board of Directors Remastered & Bonus Video (MP4)
Removal From the Board of Directors Remastered & Bonus Video (MP4)
Time: 32 minutes 28 seconds

Remastered to 1920x1080 pixels and with picture enhanced. An additional 9-minute movie has been added to the end showing Jennifer being tickled while helplessly tied to the same bed used in the main video.

Jennifer serves on the member of the board of a company that the original founder wishes to sell to a competitor. The board is hung which blocks the sale, so the founder has decided to adopt a drastic decision to prevent this happening in the final meeting where the vote will set the sale in motion. The most vociferous objector in Jennifer, and without her in the room it is likely that things will run a lot more smoothly. On the big day, the founder goes to Jennifer's home and catches her just as she is about to go into the office. He makes her drive to his home where he plans to keep her prisoner until the final and deciding meeting is over. He keeps her covered as he ties her up with ropes, placing her in a hogtie and cleave gagging her. He has tied the ropes tight and is sure Jennifer will not be able to escape, but while he is showering ready to change for the office, he comes back to find her partially free. Realizing that he will have to take more drastic steps to keep her out of circulation, he sets up a bed in the basement and makes her chain herself to it will handcuffs and ankles cuffs. To make sure she doesn't start shouting and attract the attention of his neighbors, he gags Jennifer with a large ball gag which fills her mouth. She is unable to reach it to pull it free, so she must lie there chained to the bed and gagged for the entire day until the man comes back. What then? He warns her that if she goes to the police her job with the company will end in disgrace. Maybe she will just have to keep quiet when all this is over... maybe.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,489.1 MB

Jennifer: Captured & Humiliated (MP4)
Captured & Humiliated (MP4)
Total Time: 24 minutes 19 seconds
Jennifer is a hedge fund manager who has been insider trading for quite some time. She is extremely good at covering her tracks and no one has caught on, no one that is except for one man who lost everything because of vital market information she suppressed until she had sold her shares in his company, now in liquidation. He hasn't been able to prove anything against her, so he decides to take the law into his own hands. He grabs Jennifer and keeps her a prisoner, initially determined to make her confess on camera. Jennifer refuses to cooperate and is left in an uncomfortable hogtie with a gag in her mouth, and he plans to keep her like this until her resolve weakens. Eventually, it becomes clear to him that Jennifer is not going to cooperate with him and confess her wrong-doing, so he decides to settle for humiliating her instead. He makes her remove her clothes in front of them, then forces her to sit on a chair with her legs apart. He secures her wrists with plastic cuffs and uses zip ties to secure her ankles to the side struts supporting the chair legs. Now Jennifer cannot close her legs, meaning she cannot hide her vagina or even her breasts. With a cloth in her mouth sealed in with duct tape, Jennifer can't object to this humiliating treatment, or even negotiate with this guy. She had her chance, but now the time for talking is over.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,128.0 MB
Jennifer: The Other Woman (MP4)
The Other Woman (MP4)
Total Time: 24 minutes 50 seconds
Jennifer has been having an affair and her husband has found out about it. He is not at all happy, but he doesn't plan to confront her in the normal way of these things. Instead, he asks a friend of his, a man who fixes problems in an unconventional way, to grab her and keep her prisoner until he decides what to do about her infidelity. The man duct tapes her to a chair and leaves her in a dingy garage. Determined not to go down without a fight, Jennifer works her way over to a table bearing several tools. She manages to disconnect her legs from the frame of the chair and reach up with her feet to retrieve a claw hammer. She manages to maneuvre the hammer to cut through the duct tape and free herself. Before she can get out of the house, however, she is intercepted, made to strip, and forced to stand on a stool in order to handcuff herself to a ring on the ceiling. All she can do now is stand there, because if the stool topples, she will be suspended by metal cuffs her wrists.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 925.1 MB
Jennifer: Out Of The Office
Out Of The Office
Total Time: 13 minutes 08 seconds
Several people have called into the office today asking to speak to Jennifer, only to be told that she is out of the office at the moment. No one is quite sure where she is, but she's a long time employee so she must have a good reason for her absence. It does not cross anyone's mind that Jennifer can't come in to work because she is stuck at home, tied to a chair and unable to free herself from the ropes holding her there. When the man who stopped her going to work must depart for the office himself, he approaches his captive with a ball gag, explaining that he has to keeper quiet in case there any any postal deliveries while he is out. Jennifer tries to resist having the gag forced into her mouth, but given that she is tightly tied up, her resistance is short-lived. The strap is tightened and secured at the back of her neck, rendering her almost silent. Confident that Jennifer will not be able to escape from the mesh of ropes binding her limbs, the man departs. Jennifer immediately increases her struggles to free herself, but it soon becomes apparent that she is making no headway. She is trapped and at her captor’s mercy.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 503.7 MB

Jennifer: I Need The Use Of Your Home
I Need The Use Of Your Home
Total Time: 18 minutes 26 seconds
Jennifer is just cleaning up the kitchen, a routine she follows every day, except that today is not just another day. A man bursts in and he is armed. He forces Jennifer to sit on a stool and proceeds to handcuff her then tie her up with rope, securing her to the stool so that she can barely move. He gags her with a red bandana, then pulls down the kitchen window blind to make sure Jennifer's neighbors cannot see in. He disappears from view, doing who knows what in her house, and Jennifer is powerless to stop him. There is absolutely no way for her to get to a phone to call for help; she can't even put her feet on the floor. Clearly, she is going to stay tied up and gagged until the man decides to release her, but that might not be for many hours.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 707.7 MB
Jennifer: Unwitting Victim
Unwitting Victim
Total Time: 25 minutes 46 seconds
Jennifer just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. She passed a store just as a robbery was going down, and then became an unwitting victim as the men grabbed her to take her hostage. Having got clean away, the men no longer need her for collateral, but one of the gang decides to hold on to her rather than dispose of her. The problem is, he has to make sure Jennifer does not escape to alert the authorities, and the only way to restrict her activities is to keep her tied up and gagged. When join Jennifer as she is hauled from the trunk of a car and marched to a bedroom where she is hogtied on the bed, and cleave gagged. The ropes are tight, but after a long struggle Jennifer manages to get free. She looks for the key to the car that brought her here, finds it and almost makes her escape, but the man holding her has been on the alert in case this should happen, and stops her just before she can close the car door. This escape attempt earns her stricter restraints in the form of thick plastic cuffs that won't yield at all. Her wrists and ankles are attached to a chair using these cuffs, and then she is tape gagged to make sure she stays quiet. Alone again, Jennifer struggles against her restraints, but it is futile.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 993.7 MB
Jennifer: The Sentence
The Sentence (MP4)
Total Time: 23 minutes 35 seconds
Jennifer has been arrested for embezzling funds while working as a hedge fund manager for a large financial institution. Her trial is over, and now it is time for the judge to pass sentence. He gives her eighteen years, and orders that her sentence begin immediately. So begins Jennifer's journey to prison. She is handcuffed and led from the courtroom. In a back room in the same building, she is more heavily restrained and then walked to a police station nearby. There, she is made to undress, is search and ordered to put on an orange prison suit. She is handcuffed, chained and shackled once more and marched to the unmarked police car which will convey her to the penitentiary where she will serve out her sentence. Knowing that this was the outcome of her trial, Jennifer is compliant throughout, and shows signs of being a model prisoner. Who knows, perhaps she will be out in only ten years.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 908.0 MB

Girls in Handcuffs Compilation: Volume 5
Girls in Handcuffs: Volume 5 (MP4)
Total Time: 58 minutes 05 seconds
  1. TerraMizu: Failed Escape
  2. Hannah Perez: Psychopath
  3. Jessica: Stripped & Handcuffed
  4. Linh & Tilly McReese: At My Mercy
  5. Tara: Mistaken Identity
  6. Becky LeSabre & Sara Liz: Last Day On the Job
  7. Jasmine: Scoop
  8. Tilly McReese: Speeding
  9. Gianna: She Locked Herself in Handcuffs & Chains
  10. Carissa Montgomery: Naked & Restrained
  11. Jennifer: In Transit
  12. Sarah Brooke: Sarah Restrained
  13. Dakkota Grey: Happy To Be Handcuffed
  14. Jasmine: Jasmine Restrained
  15. Hannah Perez: Lock Me to a Bed
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,019.5 MB
Jennifer: The Lost Contract
The Lost Contract
Total Time: 13 minutes 21 seconds
Jennifer is a secretary very efficient at marketing for her company and her boss is happy to let her negotiate with important clients. When he permits her to negotiate with an Arabian Prince, however, this backfires. The Prince does not appreciate doing business with a woman, a practice forbidden in his country. He calls the company boss and insists on an apology, not in the conventional sense, but in a way that will satisfy him. He demands that Jennifer be tied to her office chair with zipties, and for her mouth the be gagged with duct tape to ensure that she stays silent and respectful. Of course, Jennifer is outraged by this suggestion, but she has to go along with the Prince's wishes or risk losing her job. When the boss receives a call and goes out, Jennifer is left alone, bound and gagged and being watched by the Prince via webcam. There is no escape from her restraints, but that does not prevent Jennifer trying to get free, every now and again casting a baleful look towards the camera on her computer.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 516.4 MB
Jennifer: Don't Move
Don't Move
Total Time: 20 minutes 11 seconds
A man has grabbed Jennifer and driven her to a house she does not recognize. As she climbs to the car, she demands to know where she has been taken, and why, but she receives no answers. Inside the house, the man ties her to a chair, refusing to explain what it is she has done to make him do this to her. He tells her that if she can't remember, then she will perish without knowing the truth. Once she is securely tied, he cuts holes in her tights and attaches a piece of cord to each thigh using duct tape. The two cords leads to a device sitting on a nearby coffee table, and if the tension on either one of them grows too great, or even if there is too much vibration, the device with explode. He warns Jennifer not to move, advising her to sit very still. He gags her with duct tape to ensure that she can't call for help, then leaves her to her fate. Her only hope of survival is if she sits still long enough for someone to find her, but that might take days, and she dare not fall asleep. Her only other hope is if she can get her hands free and carefully remove the tape from each thigh.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 782.2 MB

Jennifer: In Transit
In Transit
Total Time: 18 minutes 13 seconds
Jennifer has been arrested for white collar crime and is being transported from her local police station to a penitentiary on the opposite side of the state. The police force has access to a property around the half way point of the journey where they can overnight to avoid traveling in the dark. Regulations regarding the treatment of prisoners under this circumstances are clear; they must be handcuffed, chained and shackled to prevent them attempting an escape. When left unattended, Jennifer, who is very prepared to give up, manages to make her way outside to the police transport with a view to stealing it and making a getaway. The cop transporting her catches her before she can get very far. As punishment for her misconduct, Jennifer is attached to a coffee table with an additional pair of handcuffs. Even this does not thwart her; with considerable effort, she begins crawling towards the back door of the property, towing the table with her. She gets about half way there fore the cop comes back to check on her. He can't believe that she is still trying to escape. To make her life a little more difficult and to constraint her hands a little more, her adds another pair of handcuffs, this an antique pair which belongs to him, a pair with no center chain, allowing far less flexibility. Even this is not enough to deter Jennifer from her futile attempts to get away, although now she is tiring badly. Looks like she will be spending the night chained up on the floor.

1920x1080 pixels - WMV: 706.5 MB
Jennifer: Skill Set
Skill Set
Total Time: 20 minutes 31 seconds
Stephanie, who has undergone an acrimonious divorce from her husband, is annoyed that he has kept the necklace he supposed bought her as a gift. Determined to get it back, Stephanie approaches her friend Jennifer whom, she knows, makes a side living as a burglar. She asks Jennifer to steal the necklace for her, promising to share to proceeds when it is sold. Jennifer, happy that her friend has finally made the break, ready agrees. When Jennifer enters the ex-husband's property, believing it to be empty, she finds the necklace exactly where Stephanie said it would be. That is when she is caught red-handed by her ex who recognizes Jennifer at once, saying that he always suspected she was a thief. He fully intends to turn her in to the cops, but to make sure she stays put, he makes her sit on a chair and he sets about tying her up. Jennifer calls him various names including "asshole" as he adds more and more rope, making the prospect of escape ever more remote. To shut her up, he stuffs a cloth into Jennifer's mouth, first holding her nose to make her inhale through her mouth, then wraps microfoam tape tightly around her head. Since her still has a few pieces of rope left, he ties Jennifer up even more, making her increasingly uncomfortable. When she is thoroughly secure, he tells her that he needs to go to work, and that he will call the cops when he gets back. In the meantime, she can just sit there, bound and gagged and unable to summon help from her friend Stephanie. (11 minutes of screen time are spent tying Jennifer to the chair, followed by 5.5 minutes of her struggling alone in a hopeless attempt to get free)

1920x1080 pixels - WMV: 795.3 MB
Jennifer: The Bitch in HR Fired Him
The Bitch in HR Fired Him
Total Time: 15 minutes 30 seconds
Jennifer works in Human Resources at her company, and has the unenviable job of firing people when they don't make the grade with their work. Today is a particular trying encounter when she tries to fire Dave, an employee who has been with the company for years and resents these HR people for passing judgment on him. At the end of the interview, he storms our hurling abuse and threatening to get even. This reaction is not all that unusual and Jennifer thinks nothing more of it, at least not until she arrives home and finds that Dave has broken into her house. He rants at her about how humiliating it is to be fired for a job, and he now plans to turn the tables. He forces Jennifer into plastic cuffs, tightened on her wrists and ankles, then gags her to shut her up. He also decides to blindfold her before unbuttoning her sweater and pulling up her skirt. He promises that tomorrow he will make her call in sick to work so that they can spend days together like this. Jennifer struggles when left alone but the cuffs are thick and tight so there is no way to break them or wriggle out of them. Perhaps a little more compassion would have been a good idea, but it's too late now.

1920x1080 pixels - WMV: 894.9 MB

You're Coming With Me Jennifer
You're Coming With Me Jennifer
Time: 15 minutes 01 seconds
Jennifer has been causing more trouble for her boss and he has been compelled to take more drastic action this time. He marches her to the back of his car, tapes her wrists, arms, thighs and ankles with duct tape, stuffs a cloth into her mouth and seals it in by wrapping microfoam tape around her head, then dumping her in the trunk of the car. Jennifer is driven somewhere quiet, then left in the trunk with the door open. She struggles against the tape but it is unyielding; she is trapped. All she can do is hang her head out of the back of the car hoping someone will spot her and come to her aid.

1920x1080 - WMV: 363.8 MB
Jennifer: Removal (From the Board of Directors)
Removal (From the Board of Directors)
Time: 22 minutes 20 seconds
Jennifer serves on the member of the board of a company that the original founder wishes to sell to a competitor. The board is hung which blocks the sale, so the founder has decided to adopt a drastic decision to prevent this happening in the final meeting where the vote will set the sale in motion. The most vociferous objector in Jennifer, and without her in the room it is likely that things will run a lot more smoothly. On the big day, the founder goes to Jennifer's home and catches her just as she is about to go into the office. He makes her drive to his home where he plans to keep her prisoner until the final and deciding meeting is over. He keeps her covered as he ties her up with ropes, placing her in a hogtie and cleave gagging her. H has tied the ropes tight and is sure Jennifer will not be able to escape, but while he is showering ready to change for the office, he comes back to find her partially free. Realizing that he will have to take more drastic steps to keep her out of circulation, he sets up a bed in the basement and makes her chain herself to it will handcuffs and ankles cuffs. To make sure she doesn't start shouting and attract the attention of his neighbors, he gags Jennifer with a large ball gag which fills her mouth. She is unable to reach it to pull it free, so she must lie there chained to the bed and gagged for the entire day until the man comes back. What then? He warns her that if she goes to the police her job with the company will end in disgrace. Maybe she will just have to keep quiet when all this is over... maybe.

1920x1080 - WMV: 866.1 MB
Jennifer: Jennifer Retied
Jennifer Retied
Time: 27 minutes 31 seconds
Having succeeded in escaping the first time we tied up Jennifer and asked her to try to get free, it seemed only fitting that she should let us have another go at restraining her and keeping her tied up! The ropes are applied tightly and she is placed in a hogtie, and finally gagged just to finish things off. The tie up takes almost ten minutes, after which it is all down to Jennifer. Can she escape this time or will she concede? Either way, you know it's going to be an entertaining struggle.

1920x1080 - WMV: 1,067.1 MB

Jennifer: Bad Hotel
Bad Hotel
Time: 15 minutes 00 seconds
A guest at a hotel has had a bad experience - dirty room, broken facilities - and the hotel had the cheek to bill him for the damage after he checked out. These damned hoteliers! Now the guy is back and he want revenge, starting with getting the security guard out of the way while he makes his demands. Jennifer is the unfortunate guard on duty on the day he returns, and he drags her off to the hotel's storage room, dumps her down on the kind of cheap and nasty bed they use their guest rooms, and ties her up with white duct tape. He uses plenty of tape to make sure this guard won't be causing him any trouble. He slides his hands up her thighs to push her skirt up to make sure he can wrap plenty of tape around her muscular thighs. Ever job has its perks! Finally, he leaves her to struggle, knowing that she won't be getting out of that sticky stuff for a very long time. That doesn't stop Jennifer trying of course, but it's unlikely that she'll be able to discharge her duties today.

1920x1080 - WMV: 580.8 MB
Jennifer: Don't Lie To Me
Don't Lie To Me
Time: 18 minutes 34 seconds
Jennifer works on a military base and she has been grabbed by a man who needs to gain access. He locks his captive in handcuffs, secures a rope to the handcuffs chain, passes the rope through a ring on a collar around her neck and finally ties it off on a ceiling ring. Now Jennifer is forced to stand there, unable to sit down. When her captor adds plastic cuffs to her ankles, she realizes she must maintain her balance at all times or things could get very nasty for her. The man takes her security pass and demands that she tell him the six-digit code that will open doors with relatively low security. Reluctantly, Jennifer supplies the code and the man leaves, warning her what he will do to her if she is lying. As soon as he has departed, Jennifer begins to struggle because she did lie, and she only has so much time before he comes back to deal with her. She tries everything she can think of but she can't get out of the handcuffs, and she can't reach up to release the rope making her stand in her heels. She is growing tired from her efforts when her captor returns, annoyed because she gave him the wrong code. He decides that she is too comfortable after all. He sits her on a fold-out chair and zip ties her ankles to the chair legs, elevating them off the floor so that the ties support the weight of her legs. He zip ties her wrists to the chair back and once again demands the code, warning her that she had better give him the right one this time or the consequences will be severe. Jennifer gives in and is promptly cleave gagged. Left alone for the second time, she tries to get free but her situation is hopeless; she will be sitting there is discomfort, her legs aching, until someone finds her. But how long with that be?

1280x720 - WMV: 579.4 MB
Jennifer: Restrained
Time: 16 minutes 11 seconds
Jennifer likes going out and spending money even though her credit cards are almost maxed out and her husband has asked to cut back on spending. She is about to go out and buy yet more clothes when her husband stands in her way. She tells him to move, that he is not stopping her going shopping, so he tells her that she must refrain or be restrained. When Jennifer tries to push past him, he grabs her arm and leads her to a chair, forcing her to sit down on it. He immediately begins tying Jennifer's wrists behind her back. She tries to fight, stunned that he would do something like this, but once her hands are secured to the back of the chair she really isn't going anywhere. After that, her husband takes him time about tying her up thoroughly, attached her ankles and body to the chair, even binding her thighs and keeping that rope in place by attaching it to the chair back. He warns Jennifer that she is going to have to stay like this for the night to prevent her going out, and that it will happen again if she doesn't mend her ways. She doesn't lose her defiant attitude, however, so her husband sticks duct tape over her mouth to shut her up. He leaves her alone as he goes away to cut up all the credit cards. Jennifer struggles but she is tightly tied; there is no way out of this bondage. (All tying is done on screen and the camera circles around Jennifer to show her restraints from every angle).

1280x720 - WMV: 505.0 MB

Jennifer: Tying Up Jennifer
Tying Up Jennifer
Time: 32 minutes 40 seconds
It's Jennifer's turn to take up the challenge of trying to escape once she has been thoroughly tied up and gagged. The tying sequence is shown in its entirety, during which Jennifer talks about her thoughts on bondage and her chances of getting out. Rather than a chair tie, Jennifer is placed in a hogtie, has a cloth pushes into her mouth and is further gagged with duct tape wrapped around her head. Is she able to free herself or is she trapped?

1280x720 - WMV: 1,020.1 MB
Jennifer: Rough Landing
Rough Landing
Time: 18 minutes 04 seconds
Flight Attendant Jennifer is just arriving home after a long, international trip when she encounters an armed man outside her house. All she wants is to get inside, take a hot bath and shake off the fatigue of travel, but it is not to be. He takes her inside and secures a long zip tie around her waist. He then crosses her wrists and zip ties these together, passing this tie under the one encircling her waist so that she cannot move her arms. Finally, he makes Jennifer sit on the floor and zip ties her ankles together. He uses her own scarf to cleave gag her, explaining that he needs to ensure she stays out of the way while his colleague impersonates her at work. He promises to return to free her after five or six hours, but Jennifer is not planning to hold her breath. Once the man is gone, she tries to slide out of the zip ties, but they are tight and grip her wrists firmly. She is about to despair when she remembers she left her private cell phone on the kitchen table before leaving for work several days ago. She cranes her head to make sure it is still there. She sees it and starts working her way over to the table. The problem is, how to reach it? She can't push herself up with her hands! She uses a chair to help her lift her legs, stretching as far as she can with her feet on the table, but the phone is just out of reach. She tries again and again, stretching a little further each time. At last, she feels the phone with her foot and manages to drag it to the edge of the table. She pulls it over and it falls on the floor, heavily. Jennifer works her way around until her hands can reach the phone. She presses the on button but nothing happens. The phone has been broken by the fall. It is useless, and she is trapped for hours.

1280x720 - WMV: 563.6 MB
Jennifer: She Wasn't Planning On This
She Wasn't Planning On This
Time: 23 minutes 20 seconds
Jennifer is a county official who works in the planning regulatory office. She has recently denied a resident permission to put up a telescope dome on his property on the grounds that it will spoil the view for his neighbours. She doesn't think any more of it until the morning the man turns up on her doorstep. He pushes his way into the house and ties her up, telling her that she is going to stay tied up in a hogtie until she reverses her decision and gives approval for his planning application. Jennifer refuses point blank, so the man stuffs a cloth into her mouth and uses duct tape to gag her. He leaves her to think things over while he has a look around her house. Later when he returns, he finds that Jennifer has managed to get the gag off, and that some of her defiance has evaporated. She agrees to reverse her decision, so the man takes her to her home office. He lets her sit at her computer but with her ankles tied and instructs her to remotely log on to her work account. Once there, he makes her approve the application. Once she has done what he asks, he ties her to the chair and gags her with a ball gag, leaving her restrained to prevent her calling in to the office and reversing her approval of the project. Jennifer struggles to escape from her bonds after he leaves, but they are tight. She may have no choice but to wait there until he returns, always assuming that he does.

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Jennifer: In Peril
In Peril
Time: 18 minutes 59 seconds
Jennifer is an investigative reporter who has stumbled onto a big story. She has photographed a congressman taking money from a well-known mobster and she is about to write up the story. However, the congressman has called on a "fixer" to take the girl out of circulation and dispose of her. He grabs Jennifer and tells her that she will never write that story exposing the congressman. He ties her up, placing her in a tight hogtie so that she can't possibly escape. He gags her with duct tape, wrapping it around her head to silence her. Finally, he shows her the device that will be used to take her out and blow her home to smithereens. He places it on top of a piece of cat furniture where she can't reach it and prepares to leave, informing her that when he is a safe distance away he will use his cellphone to detonate the device. Knowing that she is in peril and may only have minutes to act, Jennifer struggles frantically, pulling against the ropes binding her, but she can't make any headway. She will never get free in time! In desperation, she positions herself and kicks at the cat furniture, trying to dislodge the device. At first it does not look as if she will succeed and she almost gives up, but then she renews her efforts and brings it crashing to the floor. The device does not detonate on impact. There is still a chance. Jennifer wriggles around and feels the wiring with her bound hands, seeking anything she can disconnect in the hope of stopping it. She finds a plug and pulls it from its socket. Is that enough? She can't be sure. One thing she is sure about, however; if the device does not detonate the fixer will be back to deal with her in some other way. She simply must get free!

1280x720 - WMV: 592.8 MB
Jennifer: The Victim
The Victim
Time: 24 minutes 23 seconds
Jennifer is busy doing the dishes when a man bursts into her kitchen. She instinctively starts to back away from him but he closes the gap quickly and grabs her, pinning her arms to her sides. He tells her he just needs a place to stay for a while but she resists. Clearly he needs to subdue her. He produces a vial and a handkerchief, manages to get some of the contents of the vial onto it then presses the cloth over Jennifer's nose and mouth. She struggles but it is only a few seconds before the world recedes and she sinks limply to the floor. When she wakes, she finds herself tied to one of her kitchen chairs. She is both frightened and angry and calls out, bringing the man back into the room. He gags her to keep her quiet and tells her he only needs to stay for a day or so. Jennifer is left struggling on the chair, but she calms down as the hours pass, realizing that she can't escape.

In the evening, the man comes back and removes her gag, giving her a few sips of water. He tells her he has arranged for her to spend the night more comfortably. Jennifer is transferred to her bed where she is secured to the head board with two pairs of handcuffs. Leather straps have been fastened around her booted ankles, straps that have been linked together and which are secured to the base of the bed by rope. Jennifer pulls and the handcuffs and tries to free her legs, but it's no good; she is again securely fastened and escape is impossible. The man comes in to the room and she is dismayed to see that he has found her stash of play things, and has her own ball gag in his hands. He climbs on the bed beside her and forces the ball into her mouth, then secures the strap at the back of her head. He leaves her alone and wishes her a good night's sleep. Jennifer continues trying to get free but it really is no good; she is there for the entire night. She finally manages to fall asleep, and when morning comes the man enters for the last time, telling her that he will be leaving soon. He takes off the ball gag and lets Jennifer drink more water before putting the ball gag back in her mouth. He apologizes for leaving her tied up but promises to make an anonymous call to someone later in the day, once he is far away and safe. That way, someone will come and rescue her. He warns her that he won't make the call until late afternoon so she is going to be tied up for most of the day. After he leaves, Jennifer renews her futile attempts to get free. Her frustration rises when she leans her head over and sees that the man has left all the keys to the handcuffs on the bedside cabinet, so near but impossible to reach. Jennifer lays back. There is nothing for it but to lie there until help arrives.

1280x720 - WMV: 760.5 MB

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