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Movies by Model: Hannah Perez
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Movies by Model: Hannah Perez

Nikki Brooks, Tina Lee Comet, Madison Grey
Taylor, Anna Lee and Hannah Perez

Bondage Archives: Volume 1
Bondage Archives: Volume 1
Time: 36 minutes 02 seconds
Six different girls tied up with ropes and struggling to get free, selected from the Beauties in Bondage archives.

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Everything By The Book Remastered (MP4)
Everything By The Book Remastered (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 23 seconds
Detective Hannah Perez is chatting to her partner and mentor, Dave, who is just seven days away from retirement and looking forward to peace and sunshine in the Florida Keys. Hannah raises the subject of Dave being very close with some local crime lords in recent years and suggests that he has been taking bribes, and that he is about to retire on dirty money. Dave appeals to Hannah to let it go but the young detective does everything by the book. She tells her partner that she is sorry but she must take him in. All that changes when Dave goes to a small cabinet and produces a piece. He forces Hannah to lock herself in her own handcuffs, then Dave takes the keys from her jacket pocket to stop her getting free, and then zip ties her ankles and thighs. He wraps microfoam tape around Hannah's head, covering her mouth and shutting her up. He calls Pete, another of his colleagues, to explain that Hannah knows all about the situation and they will have to find a permanent solution to their problem. When Dave receives a call to attend a crime scene, he departs for what may well be his last case and leaves Hannah to the mercy of Pete. Much later, when Dave arrives home, he finds the handcuffs on the floor unlocked and the zip ties cut; it seems you can't trust anyone these days.

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Glimmer Of Hope & Self-Bondage Gone Wrong (MP4)
Glimmer Of Hope & Self-Bondage Gone Wrong (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 50 seconds
1. Glimmer Of Hope
Hannah has just discovered an intruder in her house. To stop her raising the alarm, he makes her to kneel down, cross her ankles and put her hands on her head. He locks handcuffs around her wrists, securing her arms behind her back. Lowering her all the way to the floor, he next applies a zip tie to her ankles, then loops a second zip tie through a link in the handcuffs chain and connects it to the tie around her ankles, putting Hannah in a tight hogtied position. Finally, he cleave gags her and leaves her to struggle while her robs her. Hannah sees him use some clippers to trim the ends of the zip ties, and knows her has dropped them onto an armchair. She wriggles across the floor to the chair and with some effort, manages to reach up and get the clippers. Before she can free her ankles with them, the intruder returns having realized his oversight. He takes the clippers away, leaving Hannah still securely bound. But there is still a glimmer of hope. Hannah remembers leaving her cellphone on the window ledge. She wriggles her way across the room until she is position directly below where she believes it is located. She cranes her head up far enough to confirm it is still there, but struggle as she may there is just no way she can reach it with her hands zip tied so close to her ankles. Accepting defeat at last Hannah flops down onto the floor, still struggling with her bonds but knowing now that it's futile.

2. Self-Bondage Gone Wrong
Hannah is preparing for a fun evening with her boyfriend. While on the phone to him, she secures a collar around her neck which she has attached to a pole with a ziptie. She has attached handcuffs in the same way, and locks her wrists in these above and behind her head. She is just closing the second bracelet when the phone slips from under her chin and lands on the floor at her feet, along with the handcuffs key. Hannah starts to panic and tries to continue the conversation with her boyfriend, hoping to ask him for help, but the call has been lost. A minute later she receives a text message asking "Where are you?" which she can reach by controlling the phone with her toe, but she can't do anything more. Locked in the handcuffs, Hannah realizes she is in trouble and quite helpless, so in the faint hope that someone will hear her she starts to call out for help. A few minutes later it seems as if all her problems are over; a man comes to the door, looks in through the window and then enters. Hannah is so relieved as she points out where the handcuffs key is resting on the floor, but the man merely regards her. He asks her if she did this to herself, and somewhat embarrassed Hannah has to admit that she did. She asks the man to let her go, but instead he decides that he will steal Hannah's valuables, starting with the cellphone at her feet. When she starts to object, he finds some duct tape and gags her with it. He then raids Hannah's stash of zipties and secures them around her ankles, thighs and waist, the last of them attaching her to the pole, as if she needed to be any more attached to it! The man heads off up stairs to see what else Hannah has that might interest him, leaving her to struggle.

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Keep Me Prisoner (full version) Remastered  (MP4)
Keep Me Prisoner (full version) Remastered (MP4)
Time: 30 minutes 31 seconds
Hannah has always enjoyed a fantasy about being tied up and unable to escape, so she finally plucks up the courage to hire the services of a professional rigger. To put her at her ease, the rigger talks to Hannah about what is going to happen to her, then tells her to lie down on the bed. She is handcuffed to the bedframe and her ankles are secured with straps. She grows anxious as she is gagged and blindfolded, then left alone to savor the experience. Later, the rigger returns and asks her if she is ready for the next stage up. Hannah feels that she is, and after being told to take off her dress, she lies face down on the bed and is secured with some elaborate ropework which leaves her unable to rest her arms on the bed. Finally, her mouth is filled with a ball gag and she is again left to enjoy the experience. After a while, Hannah wants out and tries to attract the rigger's attention. Eventually, he comes back and admires his handiwork. He tells Hannah that she looks so good in all those ropes that he is going to leave her tied up for a while longer. With a ball gag in her mouth Hannah cannot protest. In fact, there is nothing at all that she can do about it. She finds herself being kept prisoner a little more than she bargained for.

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Taken Down A Peg Remastered (MP4)
Taken Down A Peg Remastered (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 13 seconds
Hannah is the wife of a peered land owner and thinks highly of herself. She never speaks to the hired help, especially not the men who work the land. However, this all changes when one of them obtains some compromising photographs of her ladyship misbehaving. He summons her to his cottage, and soon a very indignant Hannah shows up demanding to know why she has been summoned in such an inappropriate manner. When the farm worker shows her the photos he has obtained, she is mortified but does her best to bluster her way out of the situation. The farm worker is having none of it and threatens to publish the pictures for all to see unless her ladyship is willing to take her clothes off in front of him. She refuses at first, but with those pictures poised to destroy her privileged lifestyle, she has no choice but to get naked in front of this man. To make the situation even worse, he decides he wants to tie her up once she is naked. Hannah tries to resist again, but she knows she really has no choice. She allows herself to be hogtied and gagged, and even has to endure a little bit of tickling, but there is absolutely nothing she can do about it.

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: On The Take Remastered (MP4)
On The Take Remastered (MP4)
Time: 21 minutes 18 seconds
Hannah is a tax accountant for Dave and for several years, she has fiddled he and numerous other clients out of a lot of money. After checking the most recent payment to the IRS and comparing it to the amount Hannah told him he needed to pay, through her office, Dave is now wise to her scheme. He confronts her and she flatly denies the accusation, as he expected she would. He says he has evidence and leaves the room to get it, or so he says. Hannah awaits his return, muttering to herself that she can't wait to see this. Instead, she gets a cloth pressed over the nose and mouth. She fights and tries to cry out, but Dave is too strong for her. As her vision clouds, she slowly slips to the floor in a comatose state. While she is out, Dave binds her wrists and ankles with electrical wire, a very unforgiving restraint. He decides to put her in a hogtie just to increase her discomfort when she wakes. At last, Hannah becomes aware of her situation and immediately tries to mitigate the circumstances, but Dave is tired of her bull shit and tightens a twisted cloth around her neck until she quiets down. He then uses the cloth to gag her, and finally adds more wire to her legs, just above the knees. He tells Hannah he will leave her tied up to think things over, and when she is ready to start telling the truth, he will listen to what she has to say. In his absence, Hannah struggles desperately but the wires won't yield at all. Her only hope is on the table where a drum of electrical wire sits, surely he must have used something sharp to cut it?

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Hannah Must Be Restrained Remastered (MP4)
Hannah Must Be Restrained Remastered (MP4)
Time: 14 minutes 02 seconds
Hannah has a big problem: She has tried repeatedly to stop smoking but she just doesn't have the self-discipline. In desperation, she visits her friend Dave and tells him: "At this stage I'm willing to try anything. Just tie me up." Dave is a little surprised but he agrees to help out a friend. He has her sit on a chair so that he can tie her up again. Hannah's attitude has now changed from abusive to pleading. As Dave ties her up, she begs for just one cigarette, or even just one drag. Her pleas are ignored but she won't give up, so Dave gags her once more, this time with three layers of duct tape. Firmly tied to the chair, Hannah is going nowhere and will simply have to continue with this cold turkey until her cravings subside, even if it takes a week! (This is the final scene in the longer video "Help Me Quit").

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Hannah Perez Remastered Set (MP4)
Hannah Perez Remastered Set (MP4)
Time: 84 minutes 04 seconds

1. Keep Me Prisoner (full version) Remastered
2. Taken Down A Peg Remastered
3. On The Take Remastered
4. Hannah Must Be Restrained Remastered

Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: The Dark Avenger enhanced (MP4)
The Dark Avenger enhanced (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 59 seconds
The only surviving version of this 2013 movie was in WMV format. To produce this enhanced copy, the file passed through three sets of software to convert, clean up and upscale. The result is not perfect, but it is surprisingly good. It was the very first bondage video we filmed with Hannah Perez, so it has a special place in our library. Hope you enjoy it.

Hannah is a girl with a strong sense of justice. Dressing all in black, she calls herself The Dark Avenger. She has vowed to enter the homes of criminals who have escaped justice on a technicality and make an arrest, using her combat skills to overpower them. On this her first mission, the criminal takes her by surprise by firing a dart into her butt. Hannah sways and her awareness recedes, but even so she does her best to reach the bad guy who stands watching smugly as she loses her coordination. Using the walls for support, Hannah almost reaches him but then drops to her knees and falls forward onto her face. The criminal drags her into his living room and sits her on a chair. By the time the effects of the dart are wearing off, Hannah has already been tied to the chair. She struggles against the last ropes being applied but it's too late. She threatens the criminal, saying that help will come and that law enforcement agencies would pay plenty to get her back. She is silenced when the criminal forces a rag into her mouth and wraps duct tape around her head. Will The Dark Avenger's first case also be her last, or will she be back again in the future to try taking down another baddie?

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Cali Logan, Cadence Lux, Candle Boxxx
Autumn Bodell, Lea Hart, Vonka Romanov & Hannah Perez

Compilation: Naked Bondage: Volume 1 (MP4)
Naked Bondage: Volume 1 (MP4)
Time: 48 minutes 56 seconds

Cali Logan is hogtied with rope and double gagged in the back of a vehicle. It's a bit of a drop if she wants to try to escape.

Cadence Lux has her wrists and ankles secured with zip ties, and is soon gagged by Rick using duct tape. She's definitely not going anywhere.

Candle Boxxx and Autumn Bodell also experience the jobs of zip ties and duct tape, and do their best to escape by hopping into the woods.

Lea Hart is on the wrong side of the law, and the cop arresting her has made her strip before he cuffs and chains her to a chair. She is panel gagged with a ball in her mouth.

Vonka Romanov is naked and suspended in ropes, unable to touch the ground. She also has a ball gag in her mouth to stop her complaining.

Hannah Perez has been made to undress and her naked body has been bound with duct tape. She is silenced with a duct tape gag.

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Tying Up Hannah enhanced (MP4)
Tying Up Hannah enhanced (MP4)
Time: 29 minutes 18 seconds

The first fifteen minutes of this clip show Hannah being tied up while she is chatting about her time in the industry and how she feels about being bound and gagged. There's plenty of humor and she is increasingly restrained and she starts wondering if she even stands a chance of getting free. When the time comes to gag her she has a choice of duct tape or ball gag, and she chooses the latter. Then the struggling begins with Hannah working hard on the ropes binding her wrists. She doesn't realize how far out of reach all the knots are and keeps working on folds in the rope that feel as if they might come undone. As an afterthought, her elbows are tied together, although not with the elbows actually touching. This makes things more difficult for her as she attempts to wriggle her wrists free but without any luck. As the time passes and it becomes clear that she can't get out, she asks if she can have a pair of scissors. Not an option, alas. In conclusion, Hannah looks straight into the camera and asks to be untied, please. She looks so cute all tied up that it is very tempting to leave her there, and just for a little while we did.

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Tilly McReese, Madison Swan, Jade Indica
Violet, Cadence Lux and Hannah Perez

Tilly McReese, Madison Swan, Jade Indica, Violet, Cadence Lux and Hannah Perez: Restrained & Stripped Set (MP4)
Restrained & Stripped Set (MP4)
Time: 75 minutes 00 seconds

Six complete movies combined into one file. Some of the titles have been upscaled, and several have only appeared previously as forced stripping videos.

  1. Tilly McReese - Up For Auction
  2. Madison Swan - Held & Humiliated
  3. Jade Indica - Clothing Adjustment
  4. Violet - Helplessly Watching
  5. Cadence Lux - Snip & Rip
  6. Hannah Perez - Restrained & Stripped

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Maci Wilde, Carissa Montgomery, Jessica
Hannah Perez, Shauna Ryanne & Jennifer

Maci Wilde, Carissa Montgomery, Jessica, Hannah Perez, Shauna Ryanne & Jennifer: Tied Up & Tickled (MP4)
Tied Up & Tickled (MP4)
Time: 71 minutes 57 seconds

Six girls (all appearing separately) are tied up and tickled, and in one instance groped. Watch them squirm as they try to avoid those tickling fingers, but of course they can't.

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Falling From Grace (MP4)
Falling From Grace (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 48 seconds

Hannah is the wife of a peered land owner and thinks highly of herself. She never speaks to the hired help, especially not the men who work the land. However, this all changes when one of them obtains some compromising photographs of her ladyship misbehaving. He summons her to his cottage, and soon a very indignant Hannah shows up demanding to know why she has been summoned in such an inappropriate manner. When the farm worker shows her the photos he has obtained, she is mortified but does her best to bluster her way out of the situation. The farm worker is having none of it and threatens to publish the pictures for all to see unless her ladyship is willing to take her clothes off in front of him. She refuses at first, but with those pictures poised to destroy her privileged lifestyle, she has no choice but to get naked in front of this man. To make the situation even worse, he decides he wants to tie her up once she is naked. Hannah tries to resist again, but she knows she really has no choice. She allows herself to be hogtied and gagged, and even has to endure a little bit of tickling, but there is absolutely nothing she can do about it.

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Cadence Lux & Hannah Perez
Cadence Lux & Hannah Perez: The Scarlet Avenger Returns Remastered (MP4)
The Scarlet Avenger Returns Remastered (MP4)
Total Time: 26 minutes 24 seconds

The Scarlet Avenger is back and hot on the trail of another wrong doer. This time that wrong doer is Hannah Perez and she knows someone is after her but she is not sure who. We join her as she arrives home and hurries nervously from vehicle to house. Once indoors, she goes straight to the window to see if she was being followed, unaware that her nemesis is already in the house and creeping up behind her. When a gloved hand is clamped over her mouth, she knows the game is up. When she sees she is up against the Scarlet Avenger, Hannah begins to plead for another chance, but this pillar of right and rectitude is not interested in hearing Hannah's excuses. That said, the Scarlet Avenger is not above having a little fun with her victims while they wait for the authorities to arrive. As soon as she has Hannah all tied up and gagged, she engages in a little groping for self-gratification.

Now it is time to call in the police, but The Scarlet Avenger is unable to get a signal on her phone. She leaves Hannah alone while she goes in search of reception, and naturally Hannah starts wrestling with her bonds in the hope of getting free and escaping justice. To her surprise. she does manage to loosen the ropes binding her wrists and quickly unties herself. Once free, she waits for the avenger to return, grabs her, overpowers her and ties her up. Now Hannah is free to make her escape, leaving her nemesis bound and gagged for the authorities to find.

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Secured in Plastic Cuffs Remastered (MP4)
Secured in Plastic Cuffs Remastered (MP4)
Time: 11 minutes 42 seconds
Hannah has been seized by a man who marches her into the kitchen, warning her not to try anything stupid as he slips plastic cuffs around her wrists and tightens them. He makes her kneel down and also attaches plastic cuffs to her ankles. Hannah is now helpless and can do nothing to stop him lowering her to the floor, pushing a cloth into her mouth and gagging her with duct tape. He has things to do but promises to come back and properly deal with her soon. After his departure, Hannah begins to struggle, looking for a way to free herself from the biting cuffs binding her wrists and ankles. She tugs at the cuffs but there is no hope of working them loose. Angry and frustrated, Hannah begins opening cupboard doors and looking for something she might use to cut through the thick plastic, but she finds nothing useful. She continues to struggle but gradually subsides into despair as she realizes she cannot escape.

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Keeping Her Captive enhanced (MP4)
Keeping Her Captive enhanced (MP4)
Time: 23 minutes 45 seconds
Hannah has been taken by a man who refuses to give her an explanation of why he has snatched her. He makes Hannah sit on a chair and proceeds to tie her to it, gagging her with silver tape to stop her asking questions and trying to persuade him to let her go. Later, he offers her a drink of water, and when he re-gags her he switches to pink duct tape. Girls look cute in pink, right? Hannah struggles hard for some time and manages to loosen the ropes around her thighs, but everything else is still holding her firmly against the chair. Seeing that she is starting to free herself, or is at least trying to, her captor decides it might be better to put her down on the floor and secure her more tightly. Before tying her legs, however, he pulls off her boots and slips heels that he has chosen onto her feet. Hannah protests but there is little she can do to stop him. Satisfied, her ties her ankles and thighs again, then secures fresh rope around her arms and body (her wrists have remained bound throughout). He then connects this to her ankles, making her lay on the floor in a hogtie. He also decides on another change of gag, opting this time for some microfoam surgical tape which he wraps all the way around Hannah's head, gagging her very effectively. Now he has her really secured and she isn't going anywhere. He retreats a contented man, while poor Hannah can only struggle helplessly, unable to reach any knots, unable to escape. (Previously titled "Just Because I Want You").

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Perils Of Hannah (MP4)
Perils Of Hannah (MP4)
Time: 42 minutes 16 seconds
Three stories where Hannah is taken captive and locked in handcuffs. In the first, she is hitching a ride and a man driving a large van stops. Hannah soon finds herself cuffed and shackled to the passenger seat and unable to get away. In the second story, Hannah has been pulled over by a cop for speeding, and he seems to arrest her. In reality, he takes her to his home and ties her to a chair before going back to work. In the final story, Hannah is investigating a man suspected of taking women, and she ends up a victim herself, cuffed and chained to a chair, restrained so heavily that escape is impossible. These stories have been drawn from the movies "Perils Of Hitchhiking", "Traffic Violation" and "Psychopath".

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Accommodating a Convict enhanced (MP4)
Accommodating a Convict enhanced (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 59 seconds
Hannah is returning home and is on the phone with a friend who warns her that a criminal has escaped from jail. Police have warned everyone in her area to stay at home and lock their doors. Hannah boasts that she's not worried; if the convict comes to her home, she is more than prepared. When she enters the house, however, she hears a noise. Despite her bravado of just moments before, she starts to panic and in her confusion does not see the man approaching behind her. She is hand-gagged and told not to move.

He learns from her that her husband is out of town for a few days and that she's not expecting any visitors. So begins Hannah's ordeal as she is first front-hogtied while the convict raids her husband's wardrobe for clothes, and is then made to cook a meal for him with her hands still bound and a gag in her mouth. The convict invites Hannah to join him in the meal but she says she cannot eat. At last the convict is ready to leave and puts Hannah in a conventional hogtie on the floor to prevent her calling the police when he is gone. He changes her gag, pushing a cloth between her teeth and duct-taping it in place. Hannah struggles but can't get free and resigns herself to having to wait for someone to find her. Then, to her horror, the convict returns saying that the police are everywhere and that he will have to wait until night to make good his escape.

Later, when he is ready to make a second attempt at escaping, he takes Hannah to her basement, sits her on a stool and handcuffs her to a pole. He secures a collar around her neck and ties her ankles to the stool before finally gagging her again. He finally makes his departure, leaving her restrained without any hope of escape.

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Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux
Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux: The Relic Remastered plus Bonus Video (MP4)
The Relic Remastered plus Bonus Video (MP4)
Time: 39 minutes 53 seconds
This remastered version is 1.5 minutes longer than the original.

Dave is a thief who has acquired an ancient relic on display at a local museum for the week. He knows the cops will come looking and is anxious to shift the piece; what he does not expect is for three of the museum's employees to track him down. He sees them arrive via CCTV and stop some distance from his house, getting out of their car and fan out. Evidently, they are planning to approach the house from different directions to optimize their chances of gaining access. Dave calls his employee Pete and asks him to round up the girls, then bring them to the house for interrogation. Pete manages to pick off the girls one by one, carrying them to the same spot in the woods before tying them up and gagging them. As the girls recover, they find their ankles secured in a hobble tie. Pete makes them to stand, links their waists with a rope to make them walk in single file, then wraps a rope around the lead girl's neck to act as a leash. He leads them through the woods towards the house, and the girls have no choice but to stumble along and desperately try not to fall. As they near the property, Pete hears a vehicle nearby and ties the leash rope to a tree which he goes to check that the coast is clear. The girls seize the opportunity to make an escape attempt. They untie the waist rope of the girl at the back and she hobbles away through the woods to get help. As her returns, Pete sees her and gives chance, lifting her up and bringing her back to her colleagues. He reattaches the waist rope and leads the girls into the house.

A little later, they are sitting on the floor lined up against a wall, and both Dave and Pete are asking them questions. It seems the girls were actually trying to recover the relic for the museum. The two men are amused. Dave sends Pete out to move the girls' car out of sight, and when he returns he is carrying dresses. The car owner seems to carry some spare wardrobe around with her, and Pete decides that they can put this to good use; by making the girls change into the dresses and enhance their sexuality, perhaps they will be able to interest the buyer in more than just the relic. The girls are made to change their clothes in front of the two men, and then suffer the indignity of being tied up and gagged again. This time they are bound in a lotus position and unable to move more than a few inches. In a while, Dave receives a text from the buyer saying that he will take the girls too. All three are placed back in hobble ties and marched around the house to the big white van waiting to whisk them away, probably never to be seen again

The bonus video was filmed immediately after The Relic and shows the girls in the same dresses. They are about to go out to dinner with some friends, but an intruder (played by the same bad guy as before) delays them and makes them strip naked and then sending them out to dinner without their clothes.

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Hush Money enhanced (MP4)
Hush Money enhanced (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 29 seconds

Hannah is a blackmailer with a number of "clients". The one she is facing down today, Dave, has already paid her a lot of hush money to prevent her revealing the fact that he has been employing illegal workers. The problem now is that Dave's finances have taken a turn for the worse and he can't meet Hannah's latest demand. Ruthless as ever, the blackmailer tells him this is very unfortunate and that he had better find a way to pay up, or else. Dave manages to get the drop on her and ties her up in a hogtie, gagging her with duct tape to stop all her threats about what she is going to do to him. While she struggles on the floor trying to get free, Dave goes down to the basement to pursue some arrangements to make her even more uncomfortable. Hannah has a noose placed around her neck and is made to stand up on her toes to avoid strangling herself. Her situation is not helped by Dave tugging on the rope, pulling the noose tighter. Finally, he climbs the stairs and leaves Hannah to her fate, bound, gagged and in a very precarious situaton.

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Jasmine St James & Hannah Perez
Jasmine St James & Hannah Perez: Out Of Her Depth (MP4)
Out Of Her Depth (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 08 seconds

Jasmine is an insurance investigator who has been following Hannah for some days, hoping she will lead her to her boyfriend. Hannah's boyfriend Duncan has stolen a priceless painting and the insurance company have no desire to pay out. What Jasmine does not realize is that Hannah has made her and manages to grab the investigator, tie her up and drive her to Duncan's location. The clip begins as Hannah pulls up outside the house and frees Jasmine's legs to get her out of the car. When Jasmine makes a run for it, Duncan springs into action and chases after her. He captures the fleeing girl and lifts her over his shoulder, carrying her back to the house and asking Hannah why she brought the girl here. They carry Jasmine into the basement of the house and zip tie her to an old bed, leaving her there while they decide what to do with her. Hannah carelessly leaves a pair of clippers just within Jasmine's reach, and the ingenious girl manages to get free. She runs back to the car Hannah used to transport her, searching for a spare ignition key. When she can't find one, she sets about hot-wiring the vehicle. Before she can get it started, Duncan finds her and carries her kicking and screaming back to the basement. This time, he and Hannah bind Jasmine to a chair with plenty of zip ties, pulling them tight. Jasmine is gagged once again and left to struggle helplessly while her fate is decided.

Originally titled "The Insurance Investigator", a title we have used too often over the years, this enhanced version has been renamed to give it a new lease of life. Noise reduction using "Neat".

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Trapped in Tape enhanced (MP4)
Trapped in Tape enhanced (MP4)
Time: 10 minutes 05 seconds

Hannah has tried to sell insurance to a man who is sick and tired of being pestered by such people. He decides to teach her a lesson. He takes her into his basement and uses duct tape to secure her wrists to the pole above her head, then winds duct tape around her body and legs until she is virtually immobilized. He gags her with the tape too, wrapping around her head and the pole to stop her moving. He leaves Hannah to stew for a while, leaving her feeling helpless and vulnerable with her skirt unzipped all the way to her hip.

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Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James
Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James: Three Remastered Videos Set (MP4)
Three Remastered Videos Set (MP4)
Time: 76 minutes 07 seconds

Tie Them Both Up Remastered - 31 minutes 02 seconds
Hannah and Jasmine are returning home from the cinema. As they walk into their kitchen, they are confronted by a man who holds them up. The girls raise their hands, looking frightened and trying to reason with the man. Instead of telling them anything, he throws rope to Hannah and orders her to tie up her friend. The girls protest but they have no choice but to do as they are told. Hannah ties Jasmines hands behind her back, then secures her ankles and knees before being made to gag Jasmine with duct tape. Hannah is now compelled to tie her own ankles together, and her knees before she is told to roll over and put her hands behind her back. The man binds her wrists and gags her with tape. Not yet satisfied, he ties Jasmine's elbows together before doing the same to Hannah. Finally, he joins their ankles and arms to stop them moving around. He departs, leaving the girls to struggle to untie each other. (All tying is done on screen).

Avenging Angel Remastered (MP4) - 19 minutes 48 seconds
Hannah works for an insurance company and she has been cheating retired people out of a percentage of their pension for some time. Charges have been brought against her by the police but she is very good at covering her tracks and nothing could be proved. When the law fails, it is time for the Avenging Angel (in the angelic form of Jasmine in a catsuit) to step in and right the wrong. She overpowers Hannah just as the girl is trying to leave for work, securing her wrists and ankles with heavy duty zip ties, the kind used by law enforcement. Hannah is indignant and protests her innocence, but Jasmine does not believe a word of it. She decides to humiliate Hannah, in repayment for the way she has humiliated her clients, and she uses a pair of scissors to cut off all of Hannah's clothing, leaving her stark naked. To shut Hannah up, Jasmine stuffs a cloth into her mouth and then gags her with the pair of leggings she has just cut off the girl's legs. Jasmine says she is now going to search the house for the evidence the police need to finally bring her to justice. In her absence, Hannah struggles frantically but there seems to be no way out of those very tight zip ties.

Changing Fortunes Remastered (MP4) - 25 minutes 17 seconds
Hannah and Jasmine are both actresses working on the same film. They both auditioned for the lead role and Hannah landed it, seriously upsetting Jasmine who had her heart set on playing the lead. She is furious at Hannah that Jasmine grabs her after the work day is over, ties her up and drives her to her house in the country. She pulls Hannah from the car and marches her inside, despite Hannah making an attempt to get away. Jasmine ties Hannah's ankles together and then sets about cutting off her clothes out of spite. She keeps going until Hannah is completely naked, then frees her feet and marches her back outside where she places her in a hogtie on the lawn, leaving her there for anyone to see should they happen by. Hannah struggles with her bonds and eventually gets free, gathers up the rope and lets herself into the house at the back. She creeps up behind Jasmine who is busy sending texts on her phone. Jasmine hears her at the last second and jumps up, so Hannah lands her a punch on the jaw and Jasmine goes down. When she recovers, Hannah is half way through tying her up.

1920x1080 pixels
Hannah Perez & Monica Jade
Hannah Perez & Monica Jade: Stripped, Cuffed & Taped enhanced (MP4)
Stripped, Cuffed & Taped enhanced (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 43 seconds

Hannah and Monica are just relaxing at home, exchanging girl chat before going out for the evening, when the front door of their house opens and closes. The girls look startled and call out to discover who's there. When a masked intruder enters the room, they jump up in panic, raising their hands and pleading with him not to hurt them. He orders the two girls to strip off their clothes, and aware that they have no choice they reluctantly comply. Once they are naked, the intruder gives Hannah a pair of handcuffs and instructs her to secure her friend's wrists together behind her back. He then makes Hannah handcuff herself, first looping the chain around Monica's cuffs so that the girls are compelled to stand back to back. The intruder orders them to sit on the floor and then proceeds to wrap duct tape around their shoulders, waists, thighs and ankles. He gags each girl with the duct tape to keep her quiet. He leaves them alone while he searches the house for valuables, during which time they struggle helplessly, completely unable to escape from their bonds. When the intruder returns, he duct tapes their ankles together to restrict their movements even more, making it impossible for them to reach the key to their handcuffs which he has left on the occasional table beside them. The intruder finally departs with his spoils, leaving his two naked victims in an inescapable predicament. (Noise reduction using "Neat").

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 865.8 MB
Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: The Serum (MP4)
The Serum (MP4)
Time: 10 minutes 43 seconds

Hannah has raised objections in company meetings relating to a serum being created by the research and development department; it is a serum that has the potential to control the mind and make it highly suggestible, and she disagrees with it on ethical grounds. When she and the lead scientist have a final showdown about her blocking his path, he decides to take drastic action. He disables Hannah and ties her to a chair, gagging her with duct tape. He then departs to retrieve a vial of the serum which he now plans to try out on his first human subject. (This is the opening of a somewhat patchy custom called "Justice Girl vs. The Dark Avenger". After this, the plot degenerates into nonsense, but this segment seemed worth saving and remastering. The Dark Avenger character was Hannah's very first bondage movie with Beauties in Bondage in 2012, and should itself be remastered one of these days).

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 496.4 MB

Jennifer, TerraMizu, Hannah Perez & Jessica
Jennifer, TerraMizu, Hannah Perez & Jessica: Four Handcuffs Clips in One: Volume 2 (MP4)
Four Handcuffs Clips in One: Volume 2 (MP4)
Time: 44 minutes 34 seconds

Jennifer - Excerpt from "Removal"
Jennifer serves on the member of the board of a company that the original founder wishes to sell to a competitor. The board is hung which blocks the sale, so the founder has decided to adopt a drastic decision to prevent this happening in the final meeting where the vote will set the sale in motion. The most vociferous objector in Jennifer, and without her in the room it is likely that things will run a lot more smoothly. On the big day, the founder goes to Jennifer's home and catches her just as she is about to go into the office. To keep her out of circulation, he sets up a bed in the basement and makes her chain herself to it with handcuffs and shackles. He gags Jennifer with a large ball gag, and unable to pull it free, Jennifer must lie there for the entire day.

TerraMizu - Excerpt from "Dangerous Inspection"
TerraMizu is an inspector sent to investigate some odd goings on reported at a remote property. She persuades the owner to let her in and insists on inspecting what he is up to, despite his warnings that she really doesn't want to know. When Terra looks inside a room off the basement, she is shocked by what she finds. Before she can do anything about it, she is secured to a bed with handcuffs and shackles. The man unbuttons her blouse, pulls her bra aside to expose her breasts, and slides the hem of her skirt up to her hips as she thrashes helplessly against her restraints. She is totally at his mercy. When he leaves her alone, Terra struggles frantically against the handcuffs and shackles but it's hopeless. All she can do is lie there and wait to see what her captor will do to her when he returns.

Hannah Perez - "Lock Me To A Bed"
Hannah has always enjoyed a fantasy about being tied up and unable to escape, so she finally plucks up the courage to hire the services of a professional rigger. To put her at her ease, the rigger talks to Hannah about what is going to happen to her, then tells her to lie down on the bed. She is handcuffed to the bed frame and her ankles are secured with straps. She grows anxious as she is gagged and blindfolded, then left alone to savor the experience. Hannah lies there unable to get up, unable to see and unable to speak. She is helpless and can only wait for someone to release her, but that might be hours away...

Jessica - "The Handcuffed Detective"
Jessica is a detective sent to arrest a jewel thief at his home. She knocks on the door like any visitor might and gets the suspect to let her in. At that point, Jessica tells him he is under arrest and tries to handcuff him, but he spins quickly around and disarms her, grabbing her and forcing her to sit down on a chair. He immediately begins to pull off her clothes, so violently that he almost tears them. Jessica resists but he is too strong and can do nothing to prevent him stripping her. Once she is completely naked and humiliated, he takes up the handcuffs she tried to use on him and places them on the detective's wrists, making her his prisoner. He touches her legs and breasts, telling her that he is going to invite some of his buddies over and that they are going to have some fun with her. When he leaves the room, not realizing he has left his cellphone on the table, Jessica slides over to it and tries to call for help. Alas, the phone is locked and she can't get a call out. Moments later, the suspect discovers what she is doing and takes the phone away, leaving the naked detective sitting on the chair in her own handcuffs, struggling but helpless. This is one arrest that went horribly wrong; all she can do now is hope that her colleagues will notice her absence and come looking for her.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,060.6 MB
Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Being Held Remastered (MP4)
Being Held Remastered (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 57 seconds

Hannah is being held prisoner, tied to a chair a loads and loads of rope which prevents her from moving much at all. As we join her in her predicament, her captor is adding rope around her waist and chest, pinning her ever more tightly to the back of the chair. Hannah says she can hardly breathe but the tying continues regardless. Finally, Hannah is cleave gagged with a bandana and left alone for a while. She struggles desperately but can't get free of her bonds. After a while, her captor returns with a bottle of water. He removes her cleave gag and asks her if she wants to drink. She says yes, looking very anxious for a few mouthfuls of water. When her captor deems she has had enough, he re-gags her, this time with duct tape. Again, Hannah is left alone. She resumes trying to get free, but with so many ropes pinning her to the chair and holding her legs and arms, she can't make any progress. She is going to stay a captive for as long as the guy wants to keep her.

Note: the original was filmed in poor lighting and had a snowy picture. This version is nice and clean, with noise reduced by "Neat".

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 785.9 MB
Hannah Perez & Carissa Montgomery
Hannah Perez & Carissa Montgomery: Stripped Of Their Assets enhanced (MP4)
Stripped Of Their Assets enhanced (MP4)
Time: 23 minutes 24 seconds

Hannah and Carissa arrive home from a day out to find an intruder in their house. Unwilling to let them go free and raise the alarm, he makes them take off all their clothes. He then gives Carissa some rope and forces her to put Hannah into a tight hogtie. With one girl secured, the intruder sets about tying up Carissa until she too is secured in a hogtie. Next he gags both women with duct tape and blindfolds them. Gathering up both their clothes and the items he has stolen from their home, he departs leaving two naked girls struggling on the floor. It takes a long time but eventually Carissa is able to free Hannah's wrists. She begins untying Carissa, then decides she ought to call the police. With her ankles still bound, she hops into the kitchen ans uses the phone while Carissa continues to struggle with her bonds.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,078.7 MB

Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Waiting For The Ransom enhanced (MP4)
Waiting For The Ransom enhanced (MP4)
Time: 13 minutes 41 seconds

Hannah is the daughter of a very successful business man. He gives Hannah a token job at his company and pays her a large salary, and she spends half her days sitting at streetside cafes drinking tea until the day the waiter sneaks up behind her and presses a cloth over her nose and mouth. For Hannah, day turns suddenly to night. She recovers in a very different location where a man is busy tying her to a chair. Hannah tries to speak, to reason with this man, but he has wrapped a whole load of microfoam tape around her head, sealing her mouth shut. All she can do is struggle but since her wrists and ankles are already bound, there is little she can do to resist his attentions. He applies rope around her chest, pinning her to the chair. Satisfied that Hannah is secure, her captor goes away to get his phone and call her father to demand a large ransom for her safe return. Hannah struggles, trying to free her wrists, but the ropes are right and unyielding; she is really in trouble. The man returns already in conversation with her father. He holds the phone close to Hannah's head and she mmmphs through her gag, her words completely unintelligible. The man says this will have to do as proof of life and walks away as he issues threats about returning Hannah in little pieces if the money is not paid. Hannah redoubles her efforts to get free but it's hopeless. She will have to sit and wait for the ransom to be paid.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 633.5 MB
Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James
Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James: Changing Fortunes Remastered (MP4)
Changing Fortunes Remastered (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 17 seconds

Remastered from the original recording. Noise reduction using "Neat".

Hannah and Jasmine are both actresses working on the same film. They both auditioned for the lead role and Hannah landed it, seriously upsetting Jasmine who had her heart set on playing the lead. She is furious at Hannah that Jasmine grabs her after the work day is over, ties her up and drives her to her house in the country. She pulls Hannah from the car and marches her inside, despite Hannah making an attempt to get away. Jasmine ties Hannah's ankles together and then sets about cutting off her clothes out of spite. She keeps going until Hannah is completely naked, then frees her feet and marches her back outside where she places her in a hogtie on the lawn, leaving her there for anyone to see should they happen by. Hannah struggles with her bonds and eventually gets free, gathers up the rope and lets herself into the house at the back. She creeps up behind Jasmine who is busy sending texts on her phone. Jasmine hears her at the last second and jumps up, so Hannah lands her a punch on the jaw and Jasmine goes down. When she recovers, Hannah is half way through tying her up. Only now does Hannah admit that she has had a crush on Jasmine for a long time and only auditioned for the film to be close to her. She never expected to get the lead role and would gladly have given it up for Jasmine, but no longer. Now everything is spoiled after the way Jasmine treated her. Abandoning all attempts to reason with Hannah, Jasmine begins to insult her, calling her a crazy bitch. Hannah gags her ex-friend to silence her before departing, leaving Jasmine to struggle on the floor.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,170.0 MB
Amber Wells, Hannah Perez & Beverly Bacci
Amber Wells, Hannah Perez & Beverly Bacci: Terrible Traps (MP4)
Terrible Traps (MP4)
Time: 51 minutes 44 seconds

1. Deadly Trap
Five years ago, Amber was a key witness in a trial that sent Lily Michaels to prison. Now, Lily wants revenge. She forces her way into Amber's home and overpowers her, tying her up (wrists & ankles at first, then gagging her and placing her in a hogtie). She torments Amber for a few minutes before saying she has to leave for a while to make preparations in the basement. Amber struggles desperately to free herself, afraid of what this psychotic woman may do to her. After a while, Amber is able to reach a critical knot and manages to get loose. She runs from the house but does not get far before Lily comes after her. Lily calls for Amber to stop, and glancing back Amber can see that she is armed. Amber squats down and uses the precious few seconds she has to scrawl a short message in the snow. Lily orders her back into the house and down to the basement. There, Amber is horrified to see the contraption Lily has assembled. Attached to the top of a pole and pointed at the stool where Lily forces Amber to sit is something perilous that makes Amber sit very still indeed. Lily ties Amber up again as she stares into the muzzle, daring not to move as Lily attached string to the garage door handle, passing it around the trigger before wrapping the other around Amber's neck. She warns Amber not to move or she may set off the trigger. Lily, gloating now, explains that she wants revenge but she can't be the one to shoot Amber, hence this elaborate device to ensure that Amber's husband will do the deed for her when he arrives home and opens the garage's inner door. Grinning with satisfaction, Lily climbs the stairs to take her leave while the helpless Amber looks on. Will her partner inadvertently blow her up, or will her message in the snow be seen in time?

Price of Dishonesty
Beverly is a thief who takes advantage of the situation at parties where she can slip away unseen for a few minutes and steal jewellery from bedrooms. On this occasion, however, she has miscalculated; she is attempting to rob the same household twice, but the man who threw the party is on to her. He enters his bedroom as she is loading valuables into her purse and catches her red-handed. He says he plans to teach Beverly a lesson for stealing from her so-called friends. He handcuffs her to a chair and leaves her there until the party is over. By the morning, Beverly is tied to a stool and terrified to move - string is fastened around her neck and attached to the trigger of a gun mounted on a stand in front of her. The hammer is already cocked so the slightest pressure will make the weapon discharge. As he cleave gags her, the man tells her that she needs to sit very still, and that she must sit there all day until he comes home from work. Only then will he decide whether or not to summon the police, or keep her prisoner for further punishment. He wants to ensure that she fully pays the price for her dishonesty. After he leaves for work, Beverly starts carefully working on her bonds. She is tightly tied and progress is very slow. Hours pass and she is almost falling asleep. Several times she catches herself before she puts too much tension on the string attached to her neck. Finally, she manages to free her hands and untie the string from her throat. After she releases herself from the stool, she hurries out of the house, cursing the fact that she must abandon her purse.

Lethal Assassin
A known industrial spy has stolen some highly sensitive documents from a company which does not want their contents to be made public. The company has an assassin to recover the stolen documents and then dispose of the problem. Hannah arrives at the spy's house, and as soon as he answers the door she forces her way inside, threatening and demanding to know where the stolen papers are hidden. The spy involuntarily betrays the hiding place, or so it seems, and Hannah crosses to the cabinet where he glanced, keeping him covered all the way. She is trying to keep an eye on him as she opens the drawer, and so she is caught off guard when a jet of gas erupts from its interior, hitting her in the face. Hannah staggers back, her vision blurring, firing a shot in the hope of hitting the spy, but she misses and falls to the floor, sinking quickly into oblivion. When Hannah recovers, she finds herself tied to a chair with the spy standing over her, gloating about her incompetence. When she mouths off at him, he cleave gags her with a black cloth and says he is going to devise a novel way to dispose of her, rather than simply filling her with lead. While he is gone, Hannah struggles frantically in an attempt to free herself but the ropes are too tight and she can't escape. When the spy returns he informs her that everything is ready for her, and he begins to untie her left wrist. Minutes later, Hannah is marched outside with her hands tied behind her back, dragged round the side of the house and into the garage where a noose has been prepared for her. The spy places the noose around Hannah's neck and pulls it tight before positioning a stool in front of her. He pulls on the rope, tightening the noose still further and forcing her to step up onto the stool in her high-heeled boots. He ties the rope off to a nearby pole and then binds Hannah's legs together, making it even harder for her to maintain her balance. Even the rope pulling tight around her neck is not enough to shut her up completely, so the spy sticks two strips of black duct tape over her mouth to silence her. He tells Hannah he will be back later, much later, warning her that she had better not lose her balance or fall asleep. After he leaves, Hannah tries desperately to free her hands, and the effort causes her to sway precipitously from side to side. In frustration, she struggles harder and suddenly, she loses her balance and accidentally kicks the stool away, leaving her feet hanging in mid air! Is this the end for the assassin?

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,395.7 MB

Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Arresting Officer Remastered & Bonus Video (MP4)
Arresting Officer Remastered & Bonus Video (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 04 seconds

State Police Officer Hannah Perez has been sent to bring in a perpetrator who has an outstanding warrant for his arrest. When he tries to shut the door in her face, she pushes her way into the house to confront him. It's not long before things go horribly wrong for Officer Hannah. Two versions of this story were filmed, one where Hannah is overpowered and bound with zipties, the other where the perpetrator makes her remove her clothes before slapping her in her own handcuffs. In the second version, poor Hannah is led out into the snow, handcuffed and naked, and left there. Both videos have been remastered and enhanced.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,247.5 MB
Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: You Can't Keep Me Here Remastered (MP4)
You Can't Keep Me Here Remastered (MP4)
Time: 34 minutes 51 seconds

Remastered from the original recording, this new edit is 1920x1080 pixels and is several minutes longer than the original.

Hannah has been snatched by a man intent on keeping her prisoner for an indefinite period of time. He opens his car trunk to reveal his captive, bound with rope and cleave gagged, before lifting her out and cradle carrying her to his basement. Here, he stands her in front of a noose and tightens it around her neck. He adds a rope to Hannah's wrists and then pulls her arms up behind her, shortening the noose rope for good measure. When he leaves her unattended, Hannah gets to work on the ropes binding her wrists. She struggles with them for some minutes and then manages to slip one hand free. She ungags and unties herself as quickly as she can and makes a fun for the safety of the woods. She does not get far before she hears the sound of running feet closing behind her. The man has discovered her escape. She tries to run faster in her high-heeled boots but she is no match for her assailant. He grabs her and drags her to the ground, quickly zip-tying her wrists and ankles before stuffing a cloth into her mouth and sealing it in with duct tape. He picked her and and throws her over his shoulder, carrying her back along the woodland path to the house. Back in the basement, he lowers his zip-tied victim onto a bed and leaves her there. This time, is seems than will be no escape; the ties are too tight and Hannah feels she has no chance of getting out of them; not, that is, until she spots a pair of clippers on the floor near the bed which her captor has carelessly left within her reach...

As Hannah jumps into her captor's vehicle, she believes she might actually escape this time, but she reckoned without the devious nature of the man. She is startled when his voice comes from behind her, and once again she is forced back to the basement where she has already been kept tied up twice. Given her propensity for getting free, her captor decides that he needs to make escaping much more difficult for her and orders her to take off all her clothes. Hannah looks horrified but she has no choice other than to obey. Once she is naked, her captor begins securing her wrists behind her back with duct tape. He does stop there - her winds tape around her waist and shoulders, her calves and thighs, and finally around her head to gag her. He sits and watches Hannah struggle for a minute, then scoops up her clothes and takes them away with him. Even if she manages to get herself out of all that duct tape, she will have a hard time running away naked and barefoot. Hannah does indeed struggle to free herself, but this time her attempts are hopeless.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,612.2 MB
Jasmine St James & Hannah Perez
Jasmine St James & Hannah Perez: Justice Girl vs The Dark Avenger
Justice Girl vs The Dark Avenger
Time: 30 minutes 57 seconds
In the first scene the Headmaster has called the mathematics teacher, Hannah, to his office for a private talk. In meetings, Hannah has vehemently opposed the Headmaster's research project to develop a mind control drug for the government. She has convinced the school's Director that what the Headmaster is doing is dubious at best, and the Director has only allowed it to continue, albeit reluctantly, because of the size of the grant it has received. The Headmaster now asks Hannah why she is so against the project and tries to change her views, pointing out that the world needs a new serum for mind control to keep the more dangerous elements of society in check. Hannah says that she sees his work as an infringement of human rights and cannot condone it. She says she has had enough and is going to talk to the school's Director to persuade him to put a stop to the Headmaster's research once and for all. As she turns to leave, the Headmaster panics hits her over the head from behind and she falls to the floor. When Hannah recovers, she finds herself tied to a chair. She struggles to get free to no avail. The headmaster enters the room with a bottle of fluid and a syringe. He tells Hannah that he knows her secret identity, that she is in fact The Dark Avenger. Hannah denies this so he holds up a photograph of Hannah in the costume without a mask, filmed by a hidden camera in Hannah's office. The Headmaster tells her that after she is given his experimental mind control serum, she will work for him. Hannah says "never" and struggles to get away, but she is helpless to resist. The serum takes effect in a matter of seconds, and when asked by the headmaster if she will obey him, Hannah says she will. The Headmaster then tells her that she must assist in his plans to remove the Director from office by tarnishing his reputation. Hannah is to plant some compromising photographs in the Director's home and, after he anonymous tips off the local authorities, she must burst in to his house as The Dark Avenger and reveal the evidence to the world. Everyone will believe the superheroine and the Director will be removed from office. Hannah agrees to do this, unable to resist the control of the serum.

Unfortunately for the Headmaster, there is a student who is on the Director's side: Justice Girl. She has been watching the Headmaster for some time, her suspicions aroused by his secretive behaviour. She follows The Dark Avenger to the Director's home and watches her enter the house with a large envelope in her hand. After a few minutes, The Dark Avenger emerges without the envelope. Justice Girl enters the house and searches for the envelope. She finds it and discovers inside the compromising photographs of the Director with one of the school's female students (the photos are fake, but they will be enough to cast doubt and have him removed from office). Justice Girl is about to leave the room with this evidence when she comes face to face with The Dark Avenger, who returned after seeing Justice Girl enter the house. Justice Girl challenges The Dark Avenger, waving the envelope at her and asking her what she is doing. The Dark Avenger is known as a force for good, so why would she try to destroy the reputation of a good man? By way of an answer, The Dark Avenger attacks Justice Girl and the two get into a serious fight (3-minute sequence). However, The Dark Avenger is not fighting with her usual skills - she touches her brow because she has a headache, a side effect of the mind control serum. She tries but cannot fight its influence and continues battling with Justice Girl. Finally, Justice Girl pulls off The Dark Avenger's mask and is shocked to discover that it is her mathematics teacher, Professor Perez. Her surprise incapacitates her for a few seconds, during which time the headmaster sneaks up behind her and presses a cloth to her nose and mouth.

Justice Girl wakes to find herself is tied to a chair. The Headmaster instructs The Dark Avenger to wait until he is well away from the house and can establish an alibi for his whereabouts, then he wants her to burn it down with Justice Girl inside. The Dark Avenger struggles with this but is compelled to obey. When the Headmaster has departed, The Dark Avenger torments Justice Girl and finally unmasks her. When she recognizes Jasmine, one of her students. Learning the identity of her opponent helps Hannah to overcome the mind control serum a little more, and she starts to question what she is doing. Instead of setting the fire, she makes a move to untie Justice Girl. The Headmaster, aware that the serum has not been effective on The Dark Avenger, has quietly returned. He moves up behind The Dark Avenger, cloth in hand. "How disappointing," he mutters. "Clearly, my serum needs more work. But I can hardly continue my research with you two meddlers in my way." He ties up The Dark Avenger then goes out to his car and returns with a device that will solve all of his problems. "How long shall I give you?" he asks the girls while setting the timer. The headmaster decides that ten minutes should be enough and leaves. The Dark Avenger and Justice Girl both struggle to get free in time to avoid being blown up.


Hannah Perez & Monica Jade
Hannah Perez & Monica Jade: Dark Times Remastered (MP4)
Dark Times Remastered (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 58 seconds

Hannah reprises her role as the Dark Avenger. This time she is on the trail of Monica, woman who works in a government building and has been selling documents and blueprints on the black market. While Monica has been suspected of this and even investigated, the authorities failed to prove a case against her. The Dark Avenger takes the law into her own hands and apprehends Monica, tying the woman up so that she can search the house for the latest set of missing confidential documents. She is unable to find them and returns to interrogate Monica. Surprisingly, Monica gives up their location without a fight. When Hannah goes to check, she opens a door and a jet of gas blows into her face. The world around her starts to swim and she drops to the floor, crawling back towards Monica. Darkness engulfs her before she can make it. Monica, who has been working on her bonds, finally manages to free herself. She produces some zip ties and secures the Dark Avenger's wrists and ankles, then lifts her onto a chair and ties her to it with rope. Hannah is gradually recovering but she is still disorientated. Monica immediately begins to taunt her as she makes a phone call to a friend whom she knows wants to take down the Dark Avenger. He says he will come right over. Monica decides to make Hannah even more enticing for him when he arrives, so she partially unzips Hannah's catsuit and exposes her breasts, knowing that her friend would really like that. She then sits texting as Hannah struggles frantically with her bonds. At the end, we hear the male friend arrive and Hannah's eyes widen with alarm as he approaches.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 977.9 MB
Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James
Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James: Avenging Angel Remastered (MP4)
Avenging Angel Remastered (MP4)
Total Time: 19 minutes 48 seconds

Remastered in HD. Hannah works for an insurance company and she has been cheating retired people out of a percentage of their pension for some time. Charges have been brought against her by the police but she is very good at covering her tracks and nothing could be proved. When the law fails, it is time for the Avenging Angel (in the angelic form of Jasmine in a catsuit) to step in and right the wrong. She overpowers Hannah just as the girl is trying to leave for work, securing her wrists and ankles with heavy duty zip ties, the kind used by law enforcement. Hannah is indignant and protests her innocence, but Jasmine does not believe a word of it. She decides to humiliate Hannah, in repayment for the way she has humiliated her clients, and she uses a pair of scissors to cut off all of Hannah's clothing, leaving her stark naked. To shut Hannah up, Jasmine stuffs a cloth into her mouth and then gags her with the pair of leggings she has just cut off the girl's legs. Jasmine says she is now going to search the house for the evidence the police need to finally bring her to justice. In her absence, Hannah struggles frantically but there seems to be no way out of those very tight zip ties. Still zip tied, naked and gagged after some time, and her her shoes taken away, Hannah sees no obvious prospect of escape. In a desperate attempt to free herself, she slides into the kitchen and starts checking drawers. She is unable to reach the cutlery drawer, but perhaps there is something else she can use? She searches and finally discovers a small, multi-purpose knife. With a lot of effort, she is finally able to cut through the zip ties holding her wrists and can then reach the drawer with the scissors to free her legs. She has no sooner liberated herself when she hears the sound of a door creak - Jasmine is returning. (The final ten minutes of the original have not been included owing to poor picture quality).

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 923.1 MB
Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Help Me Quit Remastered (MP4)
Help Me Quit Remastered (MP4)
Total Time: 30 minutes 50 seconds

Remastered in HD. Hannah has a big problem: She has tried repeatedly to stop smoking but she just doesn't have the self-discipline. In desperation, she visits her friend Dave and tells him: "At this stage I'm willing to try anything. Just tie me up." Dave is a little surprised but he agrees to help out a friend. He ties Hannah's wrists behind her back and then her ankle. He says he has some correspondence to catch up on and he will leave Hannah to her own devices for a while. It does not take long before Hannah's nicotine craving returns with a vengeance so she calls out for attention. When no one comes, she decides she will hop to her car and get the cigarettes she has stashed in the glove box. She manages to get outside but before she can reach the car Dave catches her. He picks her up and puts her over his shoulder to carry her back indoors. Hannah is now becoming objectionable as her craving really takes hold, so to keep her quiet Dave stuffs a cloth in her mouth and ties a cleave gag around her head. To stop Hannah making another bid for the car, he decides to put her in a hogtie. Hannah is furious and manages to get the gag out of her mouth. She is now abusive and rude so Dave stuffs the cloth back into her mouth and tightens the cleave gag. Dave keeps Hannah tied up all night, and the next day has her sit on a chair so that he can tie her up again. Hannah's attitude has now changed from abusive to pleading. As Dave ties her up, she begs for just one cigarette, or even just one drag. Her pleas are ignored but she won't give up, so Dave gags her once more, this time with three layers of duct tape. Firmly tied to the chair, Hannah is going nowhere and will simply have to continue with this cold turkey until her cravings subside, even if it takes a week!

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,436.4 MB

Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Highest Bidder enhanced (MP4)
Highest Bidder enhanced (MP4)
Total Time: 24 minutes 53 seconds

This video has been reprocessed the original recording to create a 1920x1080-pixel version with a bit rate of 6 Mbps. Color and white balance have both been adjusted, and sound has been augmented. This is also the custom version of the video and contains an extra BTS sequence at the end.

Hannah has been snatched and is to be sold to one of a group of interested buyers, whichever one turns out to be the highest bidder. We join the action as Dave and Raimondo arrive at the house with Hannah bound and gagged on the back seat of their car. Raimondo lifts her out and carries her indoors, laying her on the floor. They have an hour before the most enthusiastic buyer is available so Raimondo uses a cloth to put her to sleep for a while. The two men then lift Hannah onto a chair and tie her to it. After a while, Hannah recovers and starts struggling again. It seems the man making the highest bid for Hannah wants to see her in a black leather jacket as well as her own red one; he also wants the jacket unzipped far enough to display her ample breasts. Raimondo frees Hannah's hands and makes her change jackets. During this change, Hannah tears the duct tape from her mouth and begs to be released. This proves to be a mistake - Hannah soon has a pair of panties thrust into her mouth and wraparound duct tape is used to gag to silence her. Dave takes photos as Raimondo zips and unzips Hannah's jacket, concluding with the jacket being unzipped to the waist so that Hannah's breasts are fully exposed. The men depart to upload the photographs for the bidder to view, leaving her bound and gagged. In their absence, Hannah manages to free her hands. She quietly unties herself and flees from the house, the hard-to-remove her gag still in place since it is more important to get away that to waste time trying to get it off.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,157.3 MB
Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux
Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux: Lost Girls enhanced (MP4)
Lost Girls enhanced (MP4)
Total Time: 24 minutes 31 seconds
This video has been reprocessed the original recording to create a 1920x1080-pixel version with a bit rate of 6 Mbps. Color and white balance have both been adjusted, and sound has been augmented.

Hannah is busy berating her partner Bub when the two see a car approaching along their potholed driveway. They see two girls (Cali and Cadence) inside the vehicle, almost certainly lost, and decide to have some fun with them. They go to greet the girls, ostensibly to give them directions, then Hannah suddenly holds them up and forces them to climb out of the car. While Bub keeps the girls covered, Hannah zip ties their wrists. She is about to secure Cadence's ankles when Cali makes a run for it. Hannah gives chase and drags the girl to the ground, promptly zip tying her ankles to make her stay put. She then returns to Cadence and finishes the job by securing her ankles too. She instructs Bub to carry Cadence indoors and then come back to collect Cali. Inside, the girls soon find themselves tied to chairs and gagged. They struggle with their bonds, gag talking to each other and hoping to get free before the crazy couple comes back to torment them, but it's too late. Hannah sends Bub off to the hardware store to get some supplies for the weekend. Once he leaves, Hannah admits that she just needed to get rid of him for a while because she hates sharing. She begins to grope and kiss her prisoners, clearly having a wonderful time with them. The two girls escape, overpowering Hannah, and make a run for it. Hannah's partner catches them and brings them back, tying Hannah up along with them since her ability to control herself and her prisoners is no longer viable in their relationship.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,136.1 MB
Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: The Therapist Remastered (MP4)
The Therapist Remastered (MP4)
Total Time: 38 minutes 17 seconds
This video has been re-edited and remastered from the original recording, presented here in 1920x1080 pixels and a bit rate of 6 Mbps (the original was 1280x720 pixels with a bit rate of 4 Mbps). Color and white balance have both been adjusted, and sound has been augmented.

Hannah has been having bad dreams. Let's call them what they are - nightmares. She dreams that a shadowy figure, whose face she can never see, keeps tying her up. Worried by these dreams, Hannah makes an appointment to visit a therapist and talk to him about what may be going on with her. Taking an afternoon off work, Hannah consults David Price, a therapist with a seemingly good reputation, and she recounts her dreams in some detail. As she speaks, we are transported back to the events themselves. In Hannah's first dream, she is tied up with her wrists connected to her ankles and microfoam tape has been wrapped around her head, sealing her mouth shut. Hannah struggles but is unable to free herself. Then the shadowy figure appears and circles around her as she struggles. She squirms in desperation as the man reaches a hand towards her and grabs hold of her breast, squeezing it as the lies there helpless. Hannah's panic causes her to wake up, and we see her sitting up in bed, startled but at the same time relieved that it was all just a dream.

Back in the therapist's office, Hannah begins to recount her second dream. In this one, Hannah finds herself tied to a chair, the evidence of painters and decorators having been in her home. Could one of them be responsible? She can't remember. Hannah pulls at her bonds, but there are so many ropes pinning her to the chair that she can barely move. She can see a pair of scissors resting on the table behind her; they would be her salvation if only she could reach them, but she simply can't. Then the shadowy figure appears before her once more, and as he draws closer Hannah's panic rises up and again, once more her from her nightmare.

The therapist offers to place her in an entranced state so that he can get at the root cause of her problem, and Hannah agrees. When she is under, however, the therapist, rather than trying to help her, orders her to kneel down at his feet. She complies and he immediately begins to bind her wrists with rope. He secured her ankles and is just completely a tight hogtie when his phone rings, breaking the spell and bringing Hannah back to the present. It takes her a few seconds to realize what is happening, then she calls out for help. Anxious to ensure that his colleagues in adjacent offices do not hear her cries for help, the therapist quickly stuffs a cloth into her mouth and seals it in with duct tape pressed again Hannah's lips and cheeks. She struggles to resist as her therapist applies still more rope to her body, restricting her movements almost completely, Satisfied that she is not going anywhere, the man goes out for lunch, leaving his patient squirms on his office floor with the promise of more therapy later.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,776.3 MB

Carissa Montgomery & Hannah Perez
Carissa Montgomery & Hannah Perez: Epiphany Remastered (MP4)
Epiphany Remastered (MP4)
Total Time: 67 minutes 25 seconds

Epiphany is presented here in dimensions 1920x1080 pixels. Both color and white balance have been adjusted, the picture has been sharpened and sound enhanced.

Original Description: Hannah and Carissa are at home in their living room having just finished a long day at work. They start to chat about what kind of weekend plans they should make when an unknown man who had been hiding in their house all day emerges and makes them put their hands up. He hands Carissa some rope and tells Hannah to lay down on the floor so that Carissa can tie her up - wrists, ankles, thighs. He then makes Carissa lay down beside her friend and he ties her in the same way. Left alone, the two women whisper to one another, wondering why this guy waiting in their house for them to come home from work instead of simply robbing them. What does he want? They decide to try to untie one another, but the intruder returns before they get very far. He hogties them both to restrict their movements still further, then gags them. Alone again for a few minutes, the women gag talk and again try to free one another, but now it is almost impossible because the knots they need to reach are covered up. Instead of being afraid, the two women start to relax, both experiencing the epiphany that they like seeing one another in bondage. More than like, it is positively arousing. They move close to one another and even kiss a little before the intruder comes back again and explains his purpose. It seems that both Hannah and Carissa work for a company which periodically has large sums of money on the premises, and today happens to be one of those days. He demands to know which of them is most familiar with the firm's security system. The women debate briefly but Hannah has to admit that this would be her. The intruder unties her, saying that she must come with him to assist in the robbery...

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,035.2 MB
Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James
Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James: Skiptracers Remastered (MP4)
Skiptracers Remastered (MP4)
Total Time: 30 minutes 18 seconds

Skiptracers has been re-edited and remastered from the original recording, presented here in 1920x1080 pixels and a bit rate of 6 Mbps (the original was 1280x720 pixels with a bit rate of 4 Mbps). Color and white balance have both been adjusted, and sound has been augmented. The effects near the conclusion of the story have been changed. This version is over 2 minutes longer than the original edit, and contains 45 seconds of bloopers at the end.

Original description: Italian criminal Raimondo has escaped from justice in his native Italy and has taken refuge in the property in the United States owned by a business contact. Raimondo plans to lie low until things cool down back home. He is unaware that two skiptracers (bounty hunters) are on his trail. The girls work for different agencies and both are hoping to collect the 10% commission for bringing him in. Jasmine is watching the house and sees the Italian emerge from the front door to collect a newspaper. She emerges from hiding and is is about to move in on him when Hannah, who sneaked up behind her, holds her up and puts her out of commission using duct tape. Hannah's plan is to pretend to be an escort sent by the owner of the property to entertain Raimondo during his forced isolation. She slips on high heels as a bound and gagged Jasmine watches. Hannah goes to the front door and introduces herself. Raimondo is very pleased to see such an attractive woman on the doorstep and invites her in. Once inside, he immediately tries to make advances to Hannah, but she slows him down by asking for a glass of wine. Outside, Jasmine reaches for a concealed cutter in her jacket pocket and beings slicing through the duct tape retraining her. Once free, she makes her way around to the back of the house and gains entry via the basement. Upstairs, Hannah now has the drop on Raimondo and is about to arrest him when Jasmine pounces on her, and the two fight. Raimondo takes advantage of the confusion and gets the drop on both of them. He forces Jasmine to zip tie Hannah's wrists behind her back, then he does the same to Jasmine. Raimondo then calls Dave, his business contact, and explains that they have a big problem. When Dave arrives, the two men tie the girls with more rope then march them to the basement where they are further restrained. Before leaving, Dave says they need to get rid of all the evidence and sets a timer to blow up the property. Left alone, the rival skiptracers work together to free one another. They are in a panic because the time is counting down and they may only have seconds left. They manage to free their legs and run from the house with hands still bound and duct tape still covering their mouths. It not a moment too soon - an explosion rips through the basement, knocking the two girls off their feet. They survive, but it is a very close call.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,017.9 MB
Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: But It Was Only A Traffic Violation
But It Was Only A Traffic Violation (MP4)
Total Time: 18 minutes 50 seconds
Hannah is pulled over by a cop and asked to step out of her vehicle. Without explaining why he stopped her, the cop instructs Hannah to place her hands on the side of the van, following which he frisks her, even putting his hands between her thighs for a moment. Hannah turns to face him and asks if she committed some traffic violation. We move to later when the cop has Hannah handcuffed and is marching her into the basement of his own home. Hannah is confused and asks what is going on as the cop makes her sit on a chair, pulling her arms behind the back of the chair, her wrists still cuffed. Hannah looks on in horror as the cop produces some rope and begins tying her to the chair. She is torn between challenging him and potentially making things worse for herself, and letting the situation play out, assuming it must come to an end soon. She asks the cop if this is standard procedure, and he replies, "What do you think?" Now warning bells are going off for Hannah. She is in trouble and she is already retrained and unable to do anything about it. She tries to reason with the cop as he keeps adding more and more rope around her body, but he refuses to give her a clear explanation. Finally, he announces that he must get back to work and gags her to keep her quiet while he is gone. After he leaves, Hannah looks around, saying through her gag, "Oh my God. Where the hell am I?" She tugs at the handcuffs tightly gripping her wrists but there is no way to pull them off. She is trapped, tied up and gagged in a cop's home, seemingly all over a traffic violation. What the hell is going on? 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 723.1 MB

Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux
Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux: The Relic
The Relic (MP4)
Total Time: 26 minutes 27 seconds
Dave is a thief who has acquired an ancient relic on display at a local museum for the week. He knows the cops will come looking and is anxious to shift the piece; what he does not expect is for three of the museum's employees to track him down. He sees them arrive via CCTV and stop some distance from his house, getting out of their car and fan out. Evidently, they are planning to approach the house from different directions to optimize their chances of gaining access. Dave calls his employee Pete and asks him to round up the girls, then bring them to the house for interrogation. Pete manages to pick off the girls one by one, carrying their limp forms to the same spot in the woods before tying them up and gagging them. As the girls recover, they find their ankles secured in a hobble tie. Pete forces them to stand, links their waists with a rope to make them walk in single file, then wraps a rope around the lead girl's neck to act as a leash. He leads them through the woods towards the house, and the girls have no choice but to stumble along and desperately try not to fall. As they near the property, Pete hears a vehicle nearby and ties the leash rope to a tree which he goes to check that the coast is clear. The girls seize the opportunity to make an escape attempt. They untie the waist rope of the girl at the back and she hobbles away through the woods to get help. As her returns, Pete sees her and gives chance, lifting her up and bringing her back to her colleagues. He reattaches the waist rope and leads the girls into the house.

A little later, they are sitting on the floor lined up against a wall, and both Dave and Pete are asking them questions. It seems the girls were actually trying to recover the relic for the museum. The two men are amused. Dave sends Pete out to move the girls' car out of sight, and when he returns he is carrying dresses. The car owner seems to carry some spare wardrobe around with her, and Pete decides that they can put this to good use; by making the girls change into the dresses and enhance their sexuality, perhaps they will be able to interest the buyer in more than just the relic. The girls are forced to change their clothes in front of the two men, and then suffer the indignity of being tied up and gagged again. This time they are bound in a lotus position and unable to move more than a few inches. In a while, Dave receives a text from the buyer saying that he will take the girls too. All three are placed back in hobble ties and marched around the house to the big white van waiting to whisk them away, probably never to be seen again.

(1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate - MP4: 1,223.4 MB).

Hannah Perez, Cali Logan, Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
Cali Logan, Hannah Perez, Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James: The Relic: Parts 1 & 2
The Relic: Parts 1 & 2 (MP4)
Total Time: 51 minutes 04 seconds
Dave is a thief who has acquired an ancient relic on display at a local museum for the week. He knows the cops will come looking and is anxious to shift the piece; what he does not expect is for three of the museum's employees to track him down. He sees them arrive via CCTV and stop some distance from his house, getting out of their car and fan out. Evidently, they are planning to approach the house from different directions to optimize their chances of gaining access. Dave calls his employee Pete and asks him to round up the girls, then bring them to the house for interrogation. Pete manages to pick off the girls one by one, carrying their limp forms to the same spot in the woods before tying them up and gagging them. As the girls recover, they find their ankles secured in a hobble tie. Pete forces them to stand, links their waists with a rope to make them walk in single file, then wraps a rope around the lead girl's neck to act as a leash. He leads them through the woods towards the house, and the girls have no choice but to stumble along and desperately try not to fall. As they near the property, Pete hears a vehicle nearby and ties the leash rope to a tree which he goes to check that the coast is clear. The girls seize the opportunity to make an escape attempt. They untie the waist rope of the girl at the back and she hobbles away through the woods to get help. As her returns, Pete sees her and gives chance, lifting her up and bringing her back to her colleagues. He reattaches the waist rope and leads the girls into the house.

A little later, they are sitting on the floor lined up against a wall, and both Dave and Pete are asking them questions. It seems the girls were actually trying to recover the relic for the museum. The two men are amused. Dave sends Pete out to move the girls' car out of sight, and when he returns he is carrying dresses. The car owner seems to carry some spare wardrobe around with her, and Pete decides that they can put this to good use; by making the girls change into the dresses and enhance their sexuality, perhaps they will be able to interest the buyer in more than just the relic. The girls are forced to change their clothes in front of the two men, and then suffer the indignity of being tied up and gagged again. This time they are bound in a lotus position and unable to move more than a few inches. In a while, Dave receives a text from the buyer saying that he will take the girls too. All three are placed back in hobble ties and marched around the house to the big white van waiting to whisk them away, probably never to be seen again.

It is now several months later and Cali Logan has managed to escape from her captors. She has enlisted the help of fellow curator Jasmine St James, she returns to the house where the old man and his henchman live. She plans to find the missing relic, if it is still there, and then call the authorities to have him arrested. It's not the best way to proceed of course, but Cali wants a chance to interrogate the old man to find out where her colleagues are now. They enter the house at the basement level and start searching for the artifact when the old man discovers them and fires a tranquilizer dart at each of them. The girls sink to the floor, fighting the effects but only for a few seconds. When the wake, they find themselves tied up and ready to be marched off into the woods where they will be disposed of.

Linked by rope and with their ankles hobbled, the girls are led into the forest and finally told to sit down. The old man is about to shoot them both when he gets a phone call warning him that the other two girls have also escaped. Realizing the authorities will soon arrive in force, he decides that he needs hostages to help secure his escape. He makes the girls get up and leads them back to the house. Back in the basement, Cali is made to tie the still hobbled Jasmine to a chair, then she is secured to a pole using plastic cuffs on her wrists and ankles, a scarp wrapped around her neck to prevent her sliding down the pole and sitting. When the old man departs, Jasmine moves her chair closer to Cali in the hope that the latter will be able to reach the ropes binding Jasmine's wrists and untie her.

1920x1080 pixels
Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Perils Of Hitchhiking - Part 1
Perils Of Hitchhiking - Part 1 (MP4)
Total Time: 29 minutes 05 seconds
Hannah is standing on the side of a road trying to thumb a ride when a van pulls up and the driver offers her a lift. She gratefully accepts and climbs in. The driver hands her what appears to be a sealed bottle of drink which she also accepts. Hannah drinks some of the bottle's contents as the van speeds along, then suddenly starts to feel very odd and sleepy. Next thing she knows, the van is stationary and she is handcuffed, chained and shackled to the passenger seat. The driver is behind her, touching her hair, sounding please that he has found a new victim. He has to go out for supplies and cleave gags Hannah before he goes, making sure she can't attract attention. Alone, Hannah struggles desperately against her metal restraints, but there is no hope of escaping from them. When the driver returns, he makes Hannah fall asleep before releasing her and dragging her onto the floor of the van. He peels off her clothes, down as far as her bra and panties. When Hannah recovers this time, she is no longer in her own clothes, but dressed in a blouse, a short tight skirt, pantyhose and heels. Her wrists and ankles and been secured with plastic handcuffs this time, and they are tight! Duct tape has been pressed over her mouth to keep her quiet, and the driver enjoys feels her legs and her breasts as she squirms helplessly in his grasp. After a while, he explains that he is going to have to move the van somewhere new, that it is dangerous for him to stay in one spot for too long. After freeing Hannah and making her change into a short silver dress he has obtained for her, he thwarts her as she makes an escape attempt, lifts her up and throws her onto his bed at the back of the van. While Hannah struggles desperately to get away, the driver tightly ties her up with rope (all performed on-screen), putting her in a hogtie to stop her getting down off the bed, and pushing a ball gag into her mouth to keep her quiet. He starts the van and the journey to somewhere new begins.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,123.4 MB

Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Perils Of Hitchhiking - Part 2
Perils Of Hitchhiking - Part 2 (MP4)
Total Time: 25 minutes 28 seconds
We rejoin Hannah as she lies hogtied on a bed in the back of a van in motion. As the driver continues taking her to somewhere new, sun streams in through the front windows of the vehicle and illuminates Hannah as she struggles. When she rolls too near the edge of the bed, some four feet off the floor of the van, the driver stops and moves her farther back to stop her falling. Eventually, the journey ends and Hannah is forced to change clothes yet again. This time she is in a clingy sweater and a leather mini skirt. The driver ties her to a fold out chair, securing her legs so that only her toes touch the floor, making it hard for her to move around. He stuffs a cloth into her mouth and wraps microfoam tape around her head to gag her. Because they are miles from anywhere, the driver leaves the side door of the van open for her to get some fresh air while he goes off for a while. In his absence, Hannah manages to shift the chair into a position where she can saw at the ropes binding her wrists on the edge of some plywood. It takes a while, but finally the ropes start to loosen and part. Freeing herself, Hannah discovers that the driver carelessly left something very dangerous behind. Hannah closes the van door, arms herself and waits. When the driver returns and opens the door, Hannah empties the clip into him and runs to freedom.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 981.9 MB
Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Perils of Hitchhiking - complete
Perils of Hitchhiking - complete (MP4)
Total Time: 54 minutes 20 seconds
Hannah is standing on the side of a road trying to thumb a ride when a van pulls up and the driver offers her a lift. She gratefully accepts and climbs in. The driver hands her what appears to be a sealed bottle of drink which she also accepts. Hannah drinks some of the bottle's contents as the van speeds along, then suddenly starts to feel very odd and sleepy. Next thing she knows, the van is stationary and she is handcuffed, chained and shackled to the passenger seat. The driver is behind her, touching her hair, sounding please that he has found a new victim. He has to go out for supplies and cleave gags Hannah before he goes, making sure she can't attract attention. Alone, Hannah struggles desperately against her metal restraints, but there is no hope of escaping from them. When the driver returns, he makes Hannah fall asleep before releasing her and dragging her onto the floor of the van. He peels off her clothes, down as far as her bra and panties. When Hannah recovers this time, she is no longer in her own clothes, but dressed in a blouse, a short tight skirt, pantyhose and heels. Her wrists and ankles and been secured with plastic handcuffs this time, and they are tight! Duct tape has been pressed over her mouth to keep her quiet, and the driver enjoys feels her legs and her breasts as she squirms helplessly in his grasp. After a while, he explains that he is going to have to move the van somewhere new, that it is dangerous for him to stay in one spot for too long. After freeing Hannah and making her change into a short silver dress he has obtained for her, he thwarts her as she makes an escape attempt, lifts her up and throws her onto his bed at the back of the van. While Hannah struggles desperately to get away, the driver tightly ties her up with rope (all performed on-screen), putting her in a hogtie to stop her getting down off the bed, and pushing a ball gag into her mouth to keep her quiet. He starts the van and the journey to somewhere new begins.

The journey goes on and on as she lies hogtied on a bed in the back of a van in motion. Sun streams in through the front windows of the vehicle and illuminates Hannah as she struggles. When she rolls too near the edge of the bed, some four feet off the floor of the van, the driver stops and moves her farther back to stop her falling. Eventually, the journey ends and Hannah is forced to change clothes yet again. This time she is in a clingy sweater and a leather mini skirt. The driver ties her to a fold out chair, securing her legs so that only her toes touch the floor, making it hard for her to move around. He stuffs a cloth into her mouth and wraps microfoam tape around her head to gag her. Because they are miles from anywhere, the driver leaves the side door of the van open for her to get some fresh air while he goes off for a while. In his absence, Hannah manages to shift the chair into a position where she can saw at the ropes binding her wrists on the edge of some plywood. It takes a while, but finally the ropes start to loosen and part. Freeing herself, Hannah discovers that the driver carelessly left something very dangerous behind. Hannah closes the van door, arms herself and waits. When the driver returns and opens the door, Hannah empties the clip into him and runs to freedom.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,093.7 MB
Hannah Perez, Carissa Montgomery & Autumn Bodel
Hannah Perez, Carissa Montgomery & Autumn Bodel: Codes of Misconduct: Part 1 (enhanced)
Codes of Misconduct: Part 1 (enhanced)
Total Time: 30 minutes 13 seconds
Originally released in 2014, this three part story has been enhanced by reprocessing at 1920x1080 pixels, with color and sound improved. Now you can see these women being tied up and gagged in much better definition. Only available in MP4 format.

Original description: Carissa is snooping around the office of her ex-partner, perpetrator of many successful home invasions. Having betrayed him in the past she now wants to team up with him again to fight a common enemy. When the man finds her in his office, his first act is to tie her up to secure her and make sure she can't get the drop on him. Carissa insists that she has vital information about Hannah, a new private detective who seems to be planning to pool resources with Autumn, their old nemesis. Unsure if he should trust this treacherous woman, the man gags her and goes to pay a visit to Hannah to find out if she is really on his case. Left alone, Carissa manages to push the gag out of her mouth but she can't free herself from the ropes holding her to a chair. The home invader enters Hannah's office just as she is concluding a phone conversation with Autumn, agreeing that the two should meet to compare notes. The moment she hangs up, Hannah finds herself face to face with the bad guy himself. The intruder ties her wrists and elbows, then makes her get down on the floor where is also tied her knees and ankles. When Hannah lies to him about where she keeps her notes, the intruder gags and blindfolds her and carries out his own search. Finding what he needs, he places Hannah in a hogtie and departs. Half an hour later, he arrives home and returns to Carissa, untying her now because she told him the truth and helped him out. However, he still does not trust her one hundred percent and keeps a watchful eye on her. At almost the same moment, Autumn shows up at Hannah's office and finds the girl bound and gagged on the floor. As Autumn unties her, Hannah tells her what happened. Clearly, they must join forces to defeat this resourceful and dangerous criminal.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,172.1 MB

Hannah Perez, Carissa Montgomery & Autumn Bodel
Hannah Perez, Carissa Montgomery & Autumn Bodel: Codes of Misconduct: Part 2 (enhanced)
Codes of Misconduct: Part 2 (enhanced)
Total Time: 30 minutes 39 seconds
Originally released in 2014, this three part story has been enhanced by reprocessing at 1920x1080 pixels, with color and sound improved. Now you can see these women being tied up and gagged in much better definition. Only available in MP4 format.

Original description: Autumn returns home from work the following day and heads to the kitchen, only to be confronted by the home invaders. Carissa keeps Autumn covered while her boss ties Autumn to a chair. With Autumn securely bound, a phone his held to her head and she is instructed to lure Hannah to her house, or else. Autumn complies and is then gagged. When Hannah arrives, Autumn appears to be alone and, after knocking, Hannah lets herself in. She calls out and hears a muffled cry. Hannah enters the kitchen to discover Autumn in trouble and realizes the bad guys have got to her. She starts to untie Autumn but seems unduly fascinated by the ropes which are holding Autumn to the chair. While Autumn urges her to hurry up and untie her, Carissa and her boss enter the room. Hannah is ordered to sit down next to Autumn and then she too is tied up and gagged. Determined to find the data Autumn has collected on their activities, the invaders go to search the house. Autumn and Hannah work on freeing one another, although Hannah does not seem too inclined to want to get free. She seems to be enjoying her bondage, something which puzzles and annoys Autumn. After a long struggle, the two manage to release one another. Now they have the job of locating the criminals' hideout and finally catching them without getting caught themselves.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,184.5 MB
Hannah Perez, Carissa Montgomery & Autumn Bodel
Hannah Perez, Carissa Montgomery & Autumn Bodel: Codes of Misconduct: Part 3 (enhanced)
Codes of Misconduct: Part 3 (enhanced)
Total Time: 52 minutes 39 seconds
Originally released in 2014, this three part story has been enhanced by reprocessing at 1920x1080 pixels, with color and sound improved. Now you can see these women being tied up and gagged in much better definition. Only available in MP4 format.

Original description: Safe in their hideout, the home invader and his accomplice Carissa are discussing their situation. It is clear that they must deal with the two inquisitive detectives once and for all. The home invader concocts a plan which involves Carissa luring Hannah to the house by posing as a reporter who needs help, using a southern accent to disguise her identity. The only thing is, he wants to make sure Carissa looks like a victim when Hannah finds her, so he ties her up and gags her. Later, when Hannah arrives, Carissa is lying on the floor with her back to the girl so she doesn't recognize her. When she turns Carissa over Hannah realizes her mistake, but it's too late - the bad guy is right behind her, and he's armed. Hannah is tied to a pole and made to call Autumn before he gags her, luring her to the hideout as well. Carissa has now been freed and seems to have earned her partner's trust at last. He leaves her alone to guard Hannah, but this proves to be a mistake. Carissa's urges take her over as she begins to grope Hannah, removing the girl's gag and kissing her on the lips. Hannah is almost seduced by all this attention and does not resist. After a while, Carissa suggests that she might like to change into a new outfit, something selected from Carissa's own wardrobe. Hannah agrees and Carissa brings her a dress and some new heels to wear. She unties Hannah and the girl changes in front of her. Knowing that Autumn is on her way, and anxious that her partner should not return to find Hannah free, Carissa ties her to a chair and re-gags her. It is not long before before Autumn finds Hannah bound and gagged. she knows something is very wrong, but before she can act, she too is taken by surprise by Carissa and is tied to a chair next to Hannah. Carissa cannot resist a little more intimacy with Hannah, much to Autumn's disgust, but she soon regrets it when her partner finds her "making out" with one of the captives. It's deja vu! Realizing that he cannot trust Carissa after all, she is now tied to the pole. Autumn and Hannah are placed on the floor and hogtied (all off camera), then finally all three women are gagged and blindfolded before the home invader departs, leaving them to struggle helplessly.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,036.3 MB
Hannah Perez, Carissa Montgomery & Autumn Bodell
Hannah Perez, Carissa Montgomery & Autumn Bodell: Codes of Misconduct: complete (enhanced)
Codes of Misconduct: complete (enhanced)
Total Time: 113 minutes 31 seconds
Originally released in 2014, this three part story has been enhanced by reprocessing at 1920x1080 pixels, with color and sound improved. Now you can see these women being tied up and gagged in much better definition. Only available in MP4 format. Available as a single purchase from the first time. Enjoy almost two hours of tying and bondage with three very sexy women.

1920x1080 pixels

Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Interrogating Hannah
Interrogating Hannah
Total Time: 15 minutes 04 seconds
Hannah has been a very naughty secretary. She has downloaded sensitive data to a flash drive and concealed it in her office, planning to take it home with her and sell the information on. Unfortunately for her, her actions were caught on security cameras, and now she is in big trouble. In the basement of the building, Hannah has been tied up with her arms above her head and her legs tied together. Her boss offers her a chance to avoid interrogation by telling him where the drive is hidden, but Hannah says she has no idea what he is talking about. The boss brings in his security guard and instructs him to interrogate the girl, by whatever means necessary. That means turns out to be tickle torture. Bound hand and foot and unable to get away, Hannah must endure having her ribs, armpits and knees tickled. She does her best to pull away from her tormentor but escape is impossible. After a while, the boss decides that this is not working and orders that Hannah be tied to a bed with most of her clothes removed, exposing more flesh and making her more vulnerable to probing fingers. She is now tickled in earnest. She squirms and howls and pleads for it to stop, but until she is willing to give up that flash drive, the torture will only continue - armpits, nipples, ribs, knees, and feet.

1920x1080 pixels - 700.8 MB
Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Psychopath
Total Time: 27 minutes 28 seconds
Young women have been disappearing for months and no one is any the wiser as to who is responsible. No one ever sees the girls again and the authorities assume the worst, that they have a on the loose. Some of the media even refer to him as SK. There are patterns: the girls are always dressed in sexy clothes, often in leathers, so in a desperate attempt to catch him, Detective Hannah Perez is sent under cover to lay a trap. Her backup is staying way back to avoid spooking SK if he shows up. Hannah's instincts buzz when she sees one particular guy cruise slowly by but he does stop, as if he too can sense that something is wrong. His rear license plate is illegible, so Hannah jumps in her car and follows him. She tells her team what she is doing, but before long her cell signal grows patchy, and by the time the suspect stops she has no signal at all. Hannah is worried that if SK has been spooked, he may flee if she leaves to get backup, so she decides to risk going in alone. She enters the house ready to fire and begins going from room to room, looking for the occupant she knows must be there. She leaps out of her skin when he suddenly appears behind her. Her protection falls to the floor as she struggles to pull away the cloth pressed over her nose and mouth. Her world begins to swim and her thrashing around subsides until she is motionless on the floor, aware of nothing.

When the world starts to re-enter her consciousness, she realizes fairly quickly that something is wrong. She can barely move. Something cold is embracing her body. As her vision clears, she sees the suspect sitting in a chair nearby, watching her, smiling complacently. Hannah tries to move and suddenly, her predicament comes into sharp focus. She is handcuffed, shackled and chained to a chair with a dozen padlocks. Escape is completely impossible. She has fallen into the trap this set for her, and she wasn't even able to tell her backup where she was. She can see her phone on a nearby table and it is clearly switched off, so no one is going to be able to locate her, out here in the woods, isolated. With her fate uncertain but almost certainly bad, Hannah tries to bluff it out, telling the SK he is in so much trouble for taking a cop. She cringes as the comes close to her, sniffs her hair and whispers in her ear, "You're the one in trouble." Unable to resist his attentions, Hannah can do nothing as he repeatedly gags her, first with a panel gag with a rubber penis, then stuffing a cloth into her mouth and wrapping tape around her head, and finally tightly cleave gagging her. She can't protest as he feels her breasts, or when his fingers probe between her thighs. He torments her by almost giving her food and water, and then withholding them. Hannah tries to maintain her bravado as she was trained to do for just such an eventuality, but little by little her composure begins to slip as the torment continues, and she eventually finds herself on the verge of tears. When the SK finally announces that he needs to get some sleep before he heads out that night to stalk his next victim, he lays Hannah's chair down on its back and tells her to relax, because he has not finished with her yet. She struggles, pulling against the chains but at the same time knowing that it's no good.

Behind the scenes: While the edited time for this movie is around 37 minutes, there were plenty of delays getting all the chains on Hannah, plus a number of retakes to get the scenes right. In total, Hannah was cuffed and chained up for two hours. She handled it remarkably well, and as long as we fed her during her breaks, she was fine with being restrained for so long. She's such a professional!

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Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Arresting Officer
Arresting Officer
Total Time: 11 minutes 08 seconds
State Police Officer Hannah Perez has been sent to arrest a perpetrator who has an outstanding warrant for his arrest. When he tries to shut the door on her she pushes her way into the house to confront him. He backs away from her as she gives him instructions to turn around and place his hands behind his back. Instead, he makes a dash for a drawer where he might well have something dangerous concealed. Hannah tries to grab him but in the struggle he manages to disarm her. Now with the upper hand, he closes off her airways until she stops moving. Realizing that he has assaulted a police officer and that there is no way back now, he decides to secure her wrists and ankles with zip ties and gag her with clear duct tape, linking everything together in a tight hogtie. He wants to make sure the cop can't free herself and summon backup while he goes out to dig a hole for her in the back yard. Hannah struggles desperately but there is no way out of all those tightly-closed zip ties. Is this the end of her career, or can she possibly get to the cellphone she can see on the coffee table?

Hannah Perez & Maci Wilde
Hannah Perez & Maci Wilde: Going Dark
Going Dark
Time: 14 minutes 33 seconds
Agent Hannah Perez has been zip tied to a chair and is being interrogated by Agent Maci Wilde, the latter a specialist in extracting information. She wants to talk to Hannah about going dark for three weeks during her most recent mission for the CIA. Maci wants to know if she has turned double agent, but Hannah refuses to talk, telling her colleague that she cannot divulge any information about her activities at the present time. Maci has other ideas, and when Hannah refuses to cooperate, she produces a taser and counts down before its use, giving Hannah a final chance to talk. Hannah looks very anxious but still remains silent. Time and time again, Maci applies the taser to her subject, gradually increasing the voltage until, finally, Hannah's eyes close and she drops into an exhausted sleep. Maci, concerned that Hannah may come to and disrupt another interrogation she is about to perform in the next room, she tape gags Hannah to keep her quiet. When Hannah recovers, she starts trying to get free before Maci returns, but zip ties are almost impossible to slide of. Hannah pulls and squirms trying to gain some traction, but nothing is working and Maci may return at any moment.
Hannah Perez & Maci Wilde
Hannah & Maci: Sorry You Missed Your Shift
Sorry You Missed Your Shift
Time: 28 minutes 05 seconds
Maci and Hannah are just leaving to start their shift at the spa, but as they climb into their truck and Maci starts the engine, a cloth is pressed over her nose and mouth from behind. Hannah starts and cries out, and quickly finds herself staring into a muzzle. As soon as Maci is comatose, the same cloth is used on Hannah until she too slumps motionless in her seat. When Hannah comes to, she sees a man sitting in their living room and she jumps in panic. He gives her some rope and tells her to tie up her friend. Hannah wakes Maci and apologizes for what she is being forced to do, then binds her wrists, ankles and knees. Hannah is then instructed to sit in a chair, and in a matter of minutes she is tied to it. Both she and Maci and gagged with duct tape. The man tells them he is sorry they missed their shift, but keeping them home was necessary so that others could take their places. He leaves the girls alone but promises to return in the morning to untie them. Hannah and Maci have no intention of staying tied up and gagged all night so they set to work trying to free each other. Hannah tries to untie Maci's wrists and Maci tries to free Hannah's legs, but they are unable to make any progress with the ropes. They are well and truly trapped!

Hannah Perez
Hannah: Restrained & Stripped
Restrained & Stripped
Time: 13 minutes 05 seconds
Hannah has been taken captive and is being held in a cellar. She is standing with her wrists cuffed above her head and a duct tape gag covering her mouth. When her captor enters with a pair of scissors, Hannah looks on helplessly, guessing what is to come next. The man cuts away her sweater and then her skirt, leaving her in just her underwear. He does not stop there, however; he cuts the straps on her bra and removes it, cuts away her pantyhose and then snips the narrowest parts of her thong panties, leaving her wearing nothing but the tattered remains of her pantyhose and her shoes. She is not even allowed to keep these; the man removes her shoes and pulls off the fragments of pantyhose, leaving poor Hannah totally naked. Satisfied with his evil work, he leaves her to stand there with everything exposed.

Hannah Perez, Candle Boxxx
Carissa Montgomery & Autumn Bodell

Candle, Hannah, Carissa & Autumn: The Heist
The Heist
Time: 49 minutes 38 seconds
Candle and Hannah have been hired to carry out a heist on an up-market hotel where wealthy guests stay and deposit their valuables and cash in the hotel safe during their visit. To gain access during the night shift without attracting attention, the girls need to match the hotel staff uniform. The easiest way to do this is to grab a couple of employees as they leave work and relieve them of their clothes. They grab Carissa and Autumn as they exit the back of the hotel, bundling them into a car. They arrive at a remote house and the two captives are marched into the living room, wrists bound together behind their backs, gagged and blindfolded. Candle and Hannah ties them to chairs and leave them, not needing their clothes until the start of their next shift.
After a while, Candle and Hannah return and untie their captives, ordering them to remove their uniforms. They change into these and give Carissa and Autumn different clothes to wear. They they march their prisoners down to the basement and tie them to chair again, leaving them bound and gagged while they head off to rob the hotel safe. In their absence, Autumn and Carissa work on their bonds and eventually break free. They consider calling the police, but they are so angry and the two women who grabbed them that they decide to take matters into their own hands. Carissa also points out that she gave the thieves an incorrect code, so if they do return they are going to be pissed.
Later, Candle and Hannah do indeed return, having nearly been caught. Hannah jumps out of the car and goes to check on the prisoners while Candle parks up. They not plan to torture their prisoners to make them give up the correct code for the hotel safe. As Hannah enters the house, however, Candle grabs her, pinning her arms to her seide. Carissa gags her and the two women quickly tie her up and lie in wait for her accomplice. The same fate befalls Candle as she enters the house, and soon both criminals are bound and gagged. Carissa and Autumn are just starting to have some fun with their prisoners when the man who hired Candle and Hannah to commit the crime enters unobserved. He gets the drop on the two hotel workers, forcing them to lie down on their stomachs. He ties them up and places them in hogties, then gags them with bandannas. He removes the gags from Candle and Hannah, telling them he is appalled at their lack of professionalism and that he has no further need of them. He does need the hotel uniforms however, and makes the girls take them off. He allows them to dress in their original clothes before placing them in hogties beside their victims, then leaves all four women bound and gagged.
Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James
Hannah & Jasmine: Can They Get Free?
Can They Get Free?
Time: 36 minutes 32 seconds
Hannah and Jasmine have both submitted to being firmly tied up to see if they can escape after the tying process is finished. The tie up takes almost 25 minutes, during which the girls are not allowed to start struggling. Once they are given the go ahead, it soon becomes clear who is not going to be able to get herself free. The girls are dressed in leather jackets and sexy short skirts, a visual feast as they are carefully restrained.
Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James
Hannah & Jasmine: I Need Information
I Need Information
Time: 12 minutes 56 seconds
Jasmine has designs on robbing a bank but she needs inside information about the bank's security. She grabs a bank clerk as she is leaving work and we join them as Jasmine is driving her to an isolated house where the owners are away on vacation. Jasmine gets her prisoner out of the car and unties her, then demands to know about security guard, codes, procedures, anything that might be useful in planning her robbery. When Hannah refuses to provide the information, Jasmine becomes angry and pushes the girl to the ground. She tells her that if she won't help, then she, Jasmine, will help herself. She orders Hannah to take off all her clothes, intending to wear the girl's suite to get her past security, remarking that the two of them look similar and guards often don't pay attention. Hannah is forced to strip outdoors, handing over all of her clothes, including her bra and panties, to Jasmine. Once her prisoner is naked, Jasmine marches her into the house where she had already prepared a chair and two pairs of handcuffs, just in case the bank clerk wouldn't cooperate. She attaches the nude Hannah to the chair then steps out of her own clothes and into Hannah's, telling her that she had better hope Jasmine has success in the robbery. If she gets caught, there will be no one to come back and free Hannah. As Jasmine departs, Hannah panics and pulls at her restrained wrists, but there is no way for her to get free. If Jasmine does not return, she will have to wait for someone else to find her, and since she is naked, that encounter will be very embarrassing indeed.

Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James
Hannah & Jasmine: They Know Too Much
They Know Too Much
Time: 22 minutes 49 seconds
Hannah and Jasmine have been working for the same company for four years, and both are aware that the boss has been embezzling funds from the employees' 401k. They finally decide that something must be done about it since the boss shows no signs of letting up, so they resolve to go at once and report the matter to the authorities. They are approaching Hannah's car when their boss intercepts them, and he is armed. He says he knows what they are about to do and he can't allow them to jeopardize everything for him at this late stage - he needs to make only one more transfer to a South American bank and then he will be leaving the country. He says he must keep the girls out of the way until he can leave. He forces Hannah to bind Jasmine's wrists behind her back and then does the same to her. He marches them back into Hannah's house and resumes tying them up - ankles, thighs, and then a hogtie for both of them. When the refuse to shut up, he duct tapes each girl's mouth with four strips of tape, two straight across the cheeks and the remaining two in a cross to really silence them. He then takes his leave, promising to send them a postcard from Rio de Janeiro. When he is gone, the girls struggle to free each other but the ropes are very tight and the knots are hard to reach. The realize they may be stuck like this for hours, perhaps even days.
Hannah Perez
Hannah: Tying Up Hannah
Tying Up Hannah
Time: 29 minutes 22 seconds
Although we have worked with Hannah many times, we have never tied her up and specifically given her the challenge of trying to escape. The first fifteen minutes of this clip show Hannah being tied up while she is chatting about her time in the industry and how she feels about being bound and gagged. There's plenty of humor and she is increasingly restrained and she starts wondering if she even stands a chance of getting free. When the time comes to gag her she has a choice of duct tape or ball gag, and she chooses the latter. Then the struggling begins with Hannah working hard on the ropes binding her wrists. She doesn't realize how far out of reach all the knots are and keeps working on folds in the rope that feel as if they might come undone. As an afterthought, her elbows are tied together, although not with the elbows actually touching. This makes things more difficult for her as she attempts to wriggle her wrists free but without any luck. As the time passes and it becomes clear that she can't get out, she asks if she can have a pair of scissors. Not an option, alas. In conclusion, Hannah looks straight into the camera and asks to be untied, please. She looks so cute all tied up that it is very tempting to leave her there, and just for a little while we did.
Hannah Perez
Hannah: Snatched
Time: 13 minutes 13 seconds
Hannah has been snatched by a man without telling her why he wants her. We join her as she is being transported in the back of his van, full of junk because that's where he often sleeps. Hannah's wrists and ankles are tightly secured with double-loop plastic zip ties, completely inescapable. Her mouth is sealed with white duct tape. As her captor drives her for miles, she struggles to get loose and then starts kicking the side door of the van. She is told to quite that, the threat implicit that something bad will happen to her if she doesn't. At last the van stops and the driver climbs out, opens the door at the back and lifts Hannah out. At first he cradle carries her, but because she keeps struggling her puts her down and then throws her over his shoulder, carrying her into his house. Here, he places her on the floor and disappears. Hannah squirms in a hopeless attempt to escape until he returns with a conventional zip tie and uses it to connect her wrists and ankles, placing her in a tight hogtie. Now Hannah can hardly move, so she can do nothing when her captor starts to feel her thigh and her breasts, just a little warm up for what may be coming later. He leaves her alone again, one breast exposed, unable to pull her sweater back down into place. This is one predicament where Hannah can find no way out.

Hannah Perez
Hannah: The Gift of Giving
The Gift of Giving
Time: 15 minutes 07 seconds
Hannah finds herself in a situation where she has been trussed up and left on someone's doorstep as a Christmas gift. Adam, the man who lives in the house, is surprised to find her there and carries her inside. Hannah is asking him what is going on, explaining that she did not sign up for this and keeping someone captive is illegal. However, Adam doesn't see it that way at all, remarking that she is one present he does not want to unwrap. Indeed, he decides that those who gifted her to him forgot to tie off a bit properly so he retrieves some rope and ties her even more securely than she already is. Hannah complains again, telling him not to tie on even more rope. To stop Hannah complaining about her situation Adam cleave gags her with a black cloth. But, she continues to talk through the gag, demanding to be untied and warning him that her agency will come looking for her. She also tells him in no uncertain terms: "I'm not having sex with you, guy!" Feeling a little bit sorry for her, having to stay tied up under the tree until Christmas morning, Adam brings her a chocolate egg to sustain her. Hannah looks at it and asks, "Is that all I get?" Nevertheless, she eats the egg and even picks up a piece of it off the carpet before she is re-gagged. Later, after she starts single Christmas carols through her gag to annoy him, Adam brings Hannah some water, ungags her and lets her drink. Because she just won't be quiet he decides to gag her again. He has also decided that it might be better to put her at the foot of his larger, real Christmas tree and carries her across the room to place her there. In a final festive gesture, Adam finds a large red stocking and places it over Hannah's head and shoulders, leaving her writhing in the dark. (There is certainly some humour in this little festive story, and we can only hope that you too know someone who enjoys the gift of giving and leaves you a tied up girl on your front step for Christmas).
Hannah Perez
Hannah: Just Because I Want You
Just Because I Want You
Time: 24 minutes 08 seconds
Hannah has been taken by a man who refuses to give her an explanation of why he has snatched her. He grabbed her simply because he wants her and plans to keep her for himself, and if that means keeping her tied up all the time then so be it. First of all, he ties Hannah to a chair, gagging her with silver tape to stop her asking questions and trying to persuade him to let her go. Later, he offers her a drink of water, and when he re-gags her he switches to pink duct tape. Girls look cute in pink, right? Hannah struggles hard for some time and manages to loosen the ropes around her thighs, but everything else is still holding her firmly against the chair. Seeing that she is starting the process of getting herself free, or at least trying to, her captor decides it might be better to put her down on the floor and secure her more tightly. Before re-tying her legs, however, he pulls off her boots and slips heels that he has chosen onto her feet. Hannah protests but there is little she can do to stop him. Satisfied, her ties her ankles and thighs again, then secures fresh rope around her arms and body (her wrists have remained bound throughout), then connects this to her ankles, making her lay on the floor in a hogtie. He also decides on another change of gag, opting this time for some microfoam surgical tape which he wraps all the way around Hannah's head, gagging her very effectively. Now he has her and she isn't going anywhere. He retreats a contented man, while poor Hannah can only struggle helplessly, unable to reach any knots, unable to escape.
Hannah Perez
Hannah Perez: Self-Bondage Gone Wrong
Self-Bondage Gone Wrong
Time: 15 minutes 28 seconds
Hannah is preparing for a fun evening with her boyfriend. While on the phone to him, she secures a collar around her neck which she has attached to a pole with a ziptie. She has attached handcuffs in the same way, and locks her wrists in these above and behind her head. She is just closing the second bracelet when the phone slips from under her chin and lands on the floor at her feet, along with the handcuffs key. Hannah starts to panic and tries to continue the conversation with her boyfriend, hoping to ask him for help, but the call has been lost. A minute later she receives a text message asking "Where are you?" which she can reach by controlling the phone with her toe, but she can't do anything more. Locked in the handcuffs, Hannah realizes she is in trouble and quite helpless, so in the faint hope that someone will hear her she starts to call out for help. A few minutes later it seems as if all her problems are over; a man comes to the door, looks in through the window and then enters. Hannah is so relieved as she points out where the handcuffs key is resting on the floor, but the man merely regards her. He asks her if she did this to herself, and somewhat embarrassed Hannah is forced to admit that she did. She asks the man to let her go, but instead he decides that he will steal Hannah's valuables, starting with the cellphone at her feet. When she starts to object, he finds some duct tape and gags her with it. He then raids Hannah's stash of zipties and secures them around her ankles, thighs and waist, the last of them attaching her to the pole, as if she needed to be any more attached to it! The man heads off up stairs to see what else Hannah has that might interest him, leaving her to struggle in helpless futility.

Hannah Perez
Hannah: Hush Money
Hush Money
Time: 16 minutes 32 seconds
Hannah is a blackmailer with a number of "clients". The one she is facing down today, Dave, has already paid her a lot of hush money to prevent her revealing the fact that he has been employing illegal workers. The problem now is that Dave's finances have taken a turn for the worse and he can't meet Hannah's latest demand. Ruthless as ever, the blackmailer tells him this is very unfortunate and that he had better find a way to pay up, or else. She makes herself at home and even asks Dave to make her some tea. He complies, but Hannah does not realize there is something more than just tea in the cup. After a minute, she starts to feel woozy and slides down in her chair asleep. When she recovers, she finds Dave tying her up, binding her tightly and securing her in a hogtie. She warns him that this really is not a good idea, and so he stuffs a cloth into her mouth and gags her with duct tape. Hannah struggles frantically with her bonds but she can't loosen them. Things have gone horribly wrong for her. Later, she discovers just how badly wrong. Dave, with nothing to lose, has taken Hannah down to his basement where she sees he has set up a noose. She tries to pull away but she can't stop him putting it around her neck. With zip ties securing her wrists and ankles, Hannah is powerless to stop him. He cleave gags her before sitting on the basement stairs with the other end of the rope in his hands, and then he pulls on it, making Hannah's life very uncomfortable indeed.
Cali Logan, Cadence Lux & Hannah Perez
Cali, Cadence & Hannah: Court Martial enhanced
Court Martial enhanced
Time: 15 minutes 59 seconds
Hannah (who is ex-military and is to be court martialed for selling of secrets to a foreign government) is tied to a chair and struggling. Military Police Cali and Cadence enter the house since Hannah failed to show up for the hearing. The MPs find Hannah bound and gagged. Cali goes to look around while Cadence tries to free Hannah, but the girl is secured with zipties, making it hard for Cadence to make any headway. Outside, Cali looks for any signs of the intruder, but does not see him creep up behind her. He presses a cloth over her nose and mouth and Cali sinks to the ground. Inside the house, Cadence is having not luck freeing Hannah, and is now becoming concerned about Cali who has been gone too long. Leaving a distressed Hannah still zip tied, Cadence goes in search of her colleague. While she is trying to revive Cali, the intruder steps out from behind their Jeep. Cadence tries to run but the intruder is too fast. He catches her, presses a cloth over her nose and mouth and holds on to her until she has been subdued. When the MPs recover, they find themselves handcuffed to hooks in the ceiling via zipties, and they are gagged. Next to them, seated on the concrete floor and secured to a pole, is Hannah. The three struggle against their restraints but there is simply no way out.

Hannah Perez
Hannah: Groped Prisoner
Groped Prisoner
Time: 18 minutes 48 seconds
Hannah is being held captive by two men who are waiting for a response to their ransom demand. While they wait, one of them decides to have a little fun with their hostage. He gropes her breasts, pulling down rope and dress to expose her nipples. He runs his hand up between her thighs while Hannah sits squirming, trying to pull away but helpless to stop him. He exposes the tope of her stockings which only excites him more, and he grabs both of her breasts and holds them in his hands as Hannah struggles helplessly. He even removes her duct tape gag so that he can kiss her through his mask. When has has finally had enough fun, he leaves and his partner enters the room. Hannah fears the worst, but to her surprise this man pushes a handkerchief into her mouth and gags her with a scarf before releasing the straps securing her wrists behind the chair. Hannah immediately begins to untie the rope around her thighs, but she does not get far before her second captor pushes her to the floor and ties her wrists together behind her back, connecting the rope to her ankles to place her in a hogtie. Seeing that his over the mouth gag has not worked very well, the man removes it and Hannah spits the handkerchief out onto the floor. This was a bad choice because the man merely picks it up and stuffs it back into her mouth before re-tying the scarf, this time forcing it between her teeth, preventing any possibility for Hannah of spitting out the handkerchief again. Left alone, Hannah writhes on the floor trying to get free, but the ropes are so tight and she can't reach any of the knots. Escape is clearly impossible.
Hannah Perez
Hannah: Compulsory Purchase
Compulsory Purchase
Time: 14 minutes 54 seconds
Hannah is a representative of Welps Development and she is tackling a land owner who is the only holdout preventing the company from being able to build a massive new housing estate. The man has already rejected countless offers from the company and is tired of dealing with them. When Hannah refuses to take no for an answer and follows the man around the back of his house, he finally loses his temper and clocks her one on the jaw. While Hannah is comatose, the man gets some rope and begins tying her up. As Hannah comes to, she finds herself partially bound and more rope is being applied. She struggles and rages at the man, but he merely clamps a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. When she still refuses to shut up, he covers her mouth with duct tape and winds the tape around her head, sticking it to her hair and pulling it tight until she is no longer able to articulate any clear sounds at all. When Hannah is already secure, the man decides to bind her elbows and tie off the rope to her ankles, keeping her in a hogtie. He tells her; "I brought plenty of rope so I might as well make use of it." Hannah tries to resist but she is essentially helpless now. The man leaves her on his back lawn to struggle, planning to keep her there for some time until the developers learn to leave him alone. Hannah pulls at the ropes in an effort to get free but it's hopeless; the ropes are too tight. The only things she can think to do is roll herself around to the front of the house in the hope that some passer-by will see her and come to her rescue. It's a pretty remote spot though, so there is not much hope of that happening.
Hannah Perez
Hannah: Forced to Strip Before Being Ziptied
Forced to Strip Before Being Ziptied
Time: 13 minutes 22 seconds
Hannah's GPS unit has lost its signal and she has no idea where she is. She has been driving along quiet roads and passing very few houses. As luck would have it, she finds another house and sees a man out on the driveway. She stops to ask him directions back to the main highway, but instead of helping her, the man insists that either she stays or she eats lead. She feels her luck has truly run out when the man orders her to switch off the vehicle's engine and throw the keys out of the window. She looks at him in horror when he next orders her to take off all her clothes. Hannah panics, desperate to get away, but she dare not try to make a run for it. Reluctantly, and pleading the whole time as she starts to take off her dress. The man becomes angry as she procrastinates, making her remove the dress completely. Now it is apparent that she is wearing thigh high stockings, and clearly the man's interest is piqued even more. She has no choice but to remove her shoes and peel off her stockings. She holds out as long as possible but in the end, she is compelled to remove her panties. Totally naked and terrified as she considers what might happen to her now, she almost sobs when the man hands her a zip tie and orders her to secure her right wrist to the steering wheel. Hannah has to obey, and can do nothing when the man comes around to her size and zip ties her left wrist, followed by her ankles. He then backs away, savoring the moment before leaving her alone for a while, promising to return soon to have some fun with her. After he departs, Hannah struggles desperately to free herself but the zipties are totally unforgiving. If only she could get to her phone, but then again, it probably wasn't getting any reception either. She is trapped and completely naked, vulnerable and at the mercy of some crazy old hillbilly. Is there any chance of rescue?

Hannah Perez
Hannah: Lethal Assassin
Lethal Assassin
Time: 16 minutes 15 seconds
A known industrial spy has stolen some highly sensitive documents from a company which does not want their contents to be made public. The company has an assassin to recover the stolen documents and then dispose of the problem. Hannah arrives at the spy's house, and as soon as he answers the door she forces her way inside, threatening and demanding to know where the stolen papers are hidden. The spy involuntarily betrays the hiding place, or so it seems, and Hannah crosses to the cabinet where he glanced, keeping him covered all the way. She is trying to keep an eye on him as she opens the drawer, and so she is caught off guard when a jet of gas erupts from its interior, hitting her in the face. Hannah staggers back, her vision blurring, firing a shot in the hope of hitting the spy, but she misses and falls to the floor, sinking quickly into oblivion. When Hannah recovers, she finds herself tied to a chair with the spy standing over her, gloating about her incompetence. When she mouths off at him, he cleave gags her with a black cloth and says he is going to devise a novel way to dispose of her, rather than simply filling her with lead. While he is gone, Hannah struggles frantically in an attempt to free herself but the ropes are too tight and she can't escape.

When the spy returns he informs her that everything is ready for her, and he begins to untie her left wrist. Minutes later, Hannah is marched outside with her hands tied behind her back, dragged round the side of the house and into the garage where a noose has been prepared for her. The spy places the noose around Hannah's neck and pulls it tight before positioning a stool in front of her. He pulls on the rope, tightening the noose still further and forcing her to step up onto the stool in her high-heeled boots. He ties the rope off to a nearby pole and then binds Hannah's legs together, making it even harder for her to maintain her balance. Even the rope pulling tight around her neck is not enough to shut her up completely, so the spy sticks two strips of black duct tape over her mouth to silence her. He tells Hannah he will be back later, much later, warning her that she had better not lose her balance or fall asleep. After he leaves, Hannah tries desperately to free her hands, and the effort causes her to sway precipitously from side to side. In frustration, she struggles harder and suddenly, she loses her balance and accidentally kicks the stool away, leaving her feet hanging in mid air! Is this the end for the assassin?

The clip ends with an amusing outtake when Hannah makes an abortive attempt to kick the stool away. Contains: gassing, cleave gag, chair tie, noose, duct tape gag, girl in peril.

Hannah Perez
Hannah: Zipcuffs
Time: 11 minutes 54 seconds
Hannah has been seized by a man waiting for her to arrive home. Her assailant marches her into the kitchen as Hannah pleads with him not to hurt her. He warns her not to try anything stupid as he slips zipcuffs around her wrists and tightens them. He makes her kneel down and then attached zipcuffs to her ankles. Hannah is not helpless and can do nothing to stop the man lowering her to the floor and gagging her with duct tape. He promises to come back and deal with her soon, and after his departure Hannah begins to seriously struggle, trying to find a way to get the zipcuffs off her wrists and ankles. She tugs at the cuffs around her ankles but of course they don't slacken at all. Growing angry and frustrated, Hannah opens some cupboard doors looking for something - anything - which might cut through the thick plastic cuffs, but she finds nothing. She continues to struggle but gradually subsides into despair as it is borne in upon her that she will not be able to escape before her assailant returns.
Hannah Perez
Hannah: Being Held
Being Held
Time: 17 minutes 01 seconds
Hannah is being held prisoner, tied to a chair a loads and loads of rope which prevents her from moving much at all. As we join her in her predicament, her captor is adding rope around her waist and chest, pinning her ever more tightly to the back of the chair. Hannah says she can hardly breathe but the tying continues regardless. Finally, Hannah is cleave gagged with a bandana and left alone for a while. She struggles desperately but can't get free of her bonds. After a while, her captor returns with a bottle of water. He removes her cleave gag and asks her if she wants to drink. She says yes, looking very anxious for a few mouthfuls of water. When her captor deems she has had enough, he re-gags her, this time with duct tape. Again, Hannah is left alone. She resumes trying to get free, but with so many ropes pinning her to the chair and holding her legs and arms, she can't make any progress. She is going to stay a captive for as long as the guy wants to keep her.

Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James
Hannah & Jasmine: Double Trouble Remastered
Double Trouble Remastered
Time: 24 minutes 52 seconds
Jasmine's husband Tom is having an affair with his secretary Hannah. While Jasmine is away on a business trip, Tom and Hannah spend the night together at Tom's house. The scene opens the following morning when Hannah is on her way to work when she receives a call from Tom, who went to the office early to attend an important meeting, to say that he has left some essential paperwork behind, and asks Hannah to go back for it. Hannah lets herself into the house and goes in search of her purse, unaware that Tom's wife Jasmine is back early from her business trip and is even now pulling into the driveway. Jasmine looks at the car parked outside the house and does not recognize it. When she gets to the front door she finds it unlocked and decides to return to her car for some protection. Jasmine finds Hannah in her bedroom riffling through the papers on the desk, and demands to know what is going on. Hannah explains that she is Tom's secretary and that he sent her to collect some papers he'd forgotten to take to work that morning. Jasmine doesn't know Hannah and is not at all sure this woman is who she claims to be. She keeps Hannah covered as she calls Tom's cell, but it keeps going straight to voicemail. She leaves a message asking Tom to call her. Jasmine is extremely tired after an all-night flight and can't stay awake much longer. Rather than risk letting Hannah go and have it turn out that she is in fact a thief, Jasmine decides to tie her to a chair to keep hold of her until she hears from Tom. With Hannah securely tied up and gagged to stop her protesting at this outrageous treatment, Jasmine returns to her bedroom, lies down on the bed and goes to sleep. While she sleeps, a real burglar enters the house...
Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James
Hannah & Jasmine: Price to Pay
Price to Pay
Time: 17 minutes 57 seconds
Hannah has made a terrible mistake without realizing there will be a price to pay for her actions. She has slept with Jasmine's boyfriend and Jasmine is absolutely furious about it. She has grabbed Hannah and driven her to her home. The movie opens with Jasmine pulling Hannah from the back of her car, wrists zip-tied and duct tape stuck over her mouth to keep her quiet. Jasmine marches her captive indoors and cuts away the zip tie, then orders Hannah to undress. When Hannah takes off her top, Jasmine instructs her to put it back on and take it off the way she did for her boyfriend. Hannah is terrified of her angry captor and does her best to follow her instructions, however bizarre. Finally, Hannah is completely naked. Jasmine zip ties her wrists and ankles, then connects them with a third zip tie, leaving Hannah very uncomfortable. Jasmine then starts to torment the girl, not least with a little game of Russian Roulette.
Hannah Perez
Hannah: Trapped in Tape
Trapped in Tape
Time: 10 minutes 09 seconds
Hannah has tried to sell insurance to a man who is sick and tired of being pestered by such people. He decides to teach her a lesson. He takes her into his basement and uses duct tape to secure her wrists to the pole above her head, then winds duct tape around her body and legs until she is virtually immobilized. He gags her with the tape too, wrapping around her head and the pole to stop her moving. He leaves Hannah to stew for a while, leaving her feeling helpless and vulnerable with her skirt unzipped all the way to her hip.

Hannah Perez
Hannah: Glimmer Of Hope
Glimmer Of Hope
Time: 14 minutes 20 seconds
Hannah has just discovered an intruder in her house. To stop her raising the alarm, he forces her to kneel down, cross her ankles and put her hands on her head. He locks handcuffs around her wrists, securing her arms behind her back. Lowering her all the way to the floor, he next applies a zip tie to her ankles, then loops a second zip tie through a link in the handcuffs chain and connects it to the tie around her ankles, putting Hannah in a tight hogtied position. Finally, he cleave gags her and leaves her to struggle while her robs her. Hannah sees him use some clippers to trim the ends of the zip ties, and knows her has dropped them onto an armchair. She wriggles across the floor to the chair and with some effort, manages to reach up and get the clippers. Before she can free her ankles with them, the intruder returns having realized his oversight. He takes the clippers away, leaving Hannah still securely bound. But there is still a glimmer of hope. Hannah remembers leaving her cellphone on the window ledge. She wriggles her way across the room until she is position directly below where she believes it is located. She cranes her head up far enough to confirm it is still there, but struggle as she may there is just no way she can reach it with her hands zip tied so close to her ankles. Accepting defeat at last Hannah flops down onto the floor, still struggling with her bonds but knowing now that it's futile; that escape is simply impossible.
Hannah Perez & Carissa Montgomery
Stripped Of Their Assets
Stripped Of Their Assets
Time: 23 minutes 24 seconds
Hannah and Carissa arrive home from a day out to find an intruder in their house. Unwilling to let them go free and raise the alarm, he makes them take off all their clothes. He then gives Carissa some rope and forces her to put Hannah into a tight hogtie. With one girl secured, the intruder sets about tying up Carissa until she too is secured in a hogtie. Next he gags both women with duct tape and blindfolds them. Gathering up both their clothes and the items he has stolen from their home, he departs leaving two naked girls struggling on the floor. It takes a long time but eventually Carissa is able to free Hannah's wrists. She begins untying Carissa, then decides she ought to call the police. With her ankles still bound, she hops into the kitchen ans uses the phone while Carissa continues to struggle with her bonds.
Hannah (with Monica)
Hannah & Monica: Stripped, Cuffed & Taped
Stripped, Cuffed & Taped
Time: 18 minutes 52 seconds
Hannah and Monica are just relaxing at home, exchanging girl chat before going out for the evening, when the front door of their house opens and closes. The girls look startled and call out to discover who's there. When a masked intruder enters the room, they jump up in panic, raising their hands and pleading with him not to hurt them. He orders the two girls to strip off their clothes, and aware that they have no choice they reluctantly comply. Once they are naked, the intruder gives Hannah a pair of handcuffs and instructs her to secure her friend's wrists together behind her back. He then makes Hannah handcuff herself, first looping the chain around Monica's cuffs so that the girls are compelled to stand back to back. The intruder orders them to sit on the floor and then proceeds to wrap duct tape around their shoulders, waists, thighs and ankles. He gags each girl with the duct tape to keep her quiet. He leaves them alone while he searches the house for valuables, during which time they struggle helplessly, completely unable to escape from their bonds. When the intruder returns, he duct tapes their ankles together to restrict their movements even more, making it impossible for them to reach the key to their handcuffs which he has left on the occasional table beside them. The intruder finally departs with his spoils, leaving his two naked victims in an inescapable predicament.

Hannah Perez & Jasmine St James
Tie Them Both Up Remastered
Tie Them Both Up Remastered
Time: 31 minutes 02 seconds
Hannah and Jasmine are returning home from the cinema. As they walk into their kitchen, they are confronted by a man who holds them up. The girls raise their hands, looking frightened and trying to reason with the man. Instead of telling them anything, he throws rope to Hannah and orders her to tie up her friend. The girls protest but they have no choice but to do as they are told. Hannah ties Jasmines hands behind her back, then secures her ankles and knees before being made to gag Jasmine with duct tape. Hannah is now compelled to tie her own ankles together, and her knees before she is told to roll over and put her hands behind her back. The man binds her wrists and gags her with tape. Not yet satisfied, he ties Jasmine's elbows together before doing the same to Hannah. Finally, he joins their ankles and arms to stop them moving around. He departs, leaving the girls to struggle to untie each other. (All tying and untying is done on screen. By the way, the title on the movie is Tie Her Up instead of Tie Them Both Up, but we have used the former before and don't want to cause any confusion).
Hannah Perez & Carissa Montgomery
Dishonest Waitresses
Dishonest Waitresses
Time: 10 minutes 11 seconds
Waitresses Hannah and Carissa have dipped their fingers into the cash register one too many times and the boss has caught them stealing from him. Rather than involve the police, he decides on a more personal form of punishment. He has taken the girls to the woods near his weekend retreat, their wrists are zip tied and their mouths gagged with duct tape. He is leading them through the woods on a leash, a length of rope connecting the two girls by the neck. He takes them to a quiet spot where he makes them sit down, then secures them back to back with duct tape wrapped around their bodies. Finally, he lays them down and tapes their ankles together too before leaving them to think about their criminal activities. Because their wrists are bound with zip ties, the girls cannot untie one another. All they can do is lay there until the boss decides they have been punished enough.
Hannah Perez & Carissa Montgomery
Not So Safe House
Not So Safe House
Time: 19 minutes 03 seconds
Carissa is an FBI Agent who has been assigned to protect Hannah, a witness turning State's evidence in exchange for immunity from prosecution. As the gravity of her situation sinks in, Hannah is getting cold feet about testifying and wants out, but Carissa is not going to let Hannah get away from her. She takes the girl to a safe house in the trunk of her car, keeping her secured with zip ties to ensure that she doesn't try to escape. Freeing Hannah's feet, Carissa marches her into the house and then zip ties her ankles together again. Hannah objects at this treatment, and growing a little tired of her charge, Carissa gags her with duct tape and then opens the girl's jacket to reveal her breasts. Carissa sits working on her iPhone as Hannah struggles on the floor. When Carissa falls asleep, Hannah makes her way to a drawer in the kitchen where she saw Carissa hide the scissors she used earlier. After freeing herself, Hannah sneaks up on Carissa in an attempt to get the woman's weapon. Carissa senses her presence and a brief fight ensues with Hannah getting the upper hand. She forces Carissa to strip off all her clothes then ties her up with zip ties. Hannah changes into Carissa's suit in order to pass for an agent if security notices her leave the house. After gagging Carissa, Hannah makes her escape, leaving the agent to struggle helplessly until one of her colleagues comes to relieve her.

Hannah Perez
What's He Going To Do With Me?
What's He Going To Do With Me?
Time: 12 minutes 03 seconds
Hannah has accidentally been a witness to something she should not have seen. As we join her, she is already lying bound and gagged on the floor and listening to the man who grabbed her; he is talking on the phone, and whoever is on the other end is not happy. The man says he knows they can't leave any witnesses, that he will have to dispose of her, but he doesn't know what to do with the body. His partner must have suggested the crawl space under the house because the man says he doesn't know if it is big enough, that he will go take a look. When he exits the house, Hannah struggles frantically with her bonds and manages to free her hands. She unties herself in a mad panic then runs outside, heading for the woods at a run. The man calls out behind her and she hears a loud popping sound. A moment later, she grabs her butt. Something hit her. A dart. She feels woozy and immediately begins to stagger, then falls to the ground. The man carries her back into the house, and when she wakes she finds herself securely tied to a chair and gagged. Will she manage to escape again or is it curtains?
Hannah Perez
She's a Keeper
She's a Keeper
Time: 10 minutes 37 seconds
Hannah is being held prisoner, and her captor is marching her into the woods by some rope attached to the chain of the handcuffs securing her wrists behind her back. Hannah is already gagged and can only grunt her protests as she staggers across the woodland floor in her high heels. Her captor pushes her up against one of the trees and ties the length of rope around the trunk and to a branch out of Hannah's reach. He quickly ties her ankles together with rope then goes back to the house. Hannah struggles hopelessly until her returns with still more rope which he loops around her neck then winds up and down her body, pinning her to the tree. He finally leaves her alone, content in the knowledge that he'll be keeping this one a prisoner for a very long time.
Hannah Perez
Realtor's Nightmare
Realtor's Nightmare
Time: 21 minutes 08 seconds
A seemingly prospective house buyer is being shown around a property by realtor Hannah. The house has been listed for some time but is not shifting owing to its remote location and lack of cellphone reception. The client does not seem to see these issues as a problem. The realtor explains that there is a maid, still engaged by the present owners, who comes in once a week to clean, and that this is her day. She shows the client around, going through the usual spiel hoping to make a sale. After the tour, the client hands Hannah a list of questions. She begins to read them and is a little disconcerted by some of them, such as "Is the basement soundproofed?" The final question on the sheet asks about Hannah's availability, and she explains that she is about to go on vacation and so won't be available next week. The client seems gratified rather than put out by this news, which Hannah also finds a little strange - until she looks up to see what he is pointing at her. She drops her paperwork and raises her hands, looking horrified. The client makes her kneel and he proceeds to tie her up and gag her. It transpires that he is looking for a remote property to hide out for a while, and since Hannah is the only person who knows he is there, he can't let her leave. He goes out to look around the rest of the property, leaving Hannah bound and gagged on the floor. She struggles valiantly to free herself, even sliding her way through to the kitchen to look for a knife or some scissors to cut herself free. She is in the middle of searching when someone knocks on the door and a female voice calls out "Hello?" Hannah cries out through her gag and the maid rushes in. She ungags Hannah who explains the situation in a whisper. The maid unties her and the two flee the house before the client returns.

Hannah Perez
Zipped Up in Her Car
Zipped Up in Her Car
Time: 9 minutes 45 seconds
Hannah has zip ties around her wrists, ankles and knees, and she is gagged with several layers of black (gorilla) duct tape to keep her quiet. She is inside her car and will soon be driven somewhere by the man who grabbed her. Hannah struggles to free herself, even though she knows there is not wriggling out of zip ties. She tries taking off her shoes in the hope of being able to slide her feet through the tie around her ankles, but she has no luck. Finally, desperate to get away, she puts her shoes back on and opens the car door, clambering out with the intention of hopping away. She only manages to hop a few yards before she loses her balance and lands in the grass. She might have got back on her feet to hop again, but her captor shows up and says he is ready to drive her away now, and he grabs her arm ready to lift her back into the car. The movie ends on Hannah's forlorn expression.
Hannah Perez
She Should Have Left the Laundry
She Should Have Left the Laundry
Time: 18 minutes 08 seconds
Hannah is carrying her last load of laundry down to the basement before going out. She is on the phone to a friend who is urging her to get going because she is running late. Hannah just wants to put the last load of towels in before she changes out of her office clothes and joins her friends. Just as she is heading back towards the basement stairs, a masked man grabs her and presses a cloth over her nose and mouth. Hannah struggles desperately but the fight quickly drains out of her and she sags to the floor. The masked man takes her cellphone away then carries her to a chair, sitting her down and adjusting her limp form before he starts tying her up. Hannah recovers when her hands are already tied behind her back and rope is being applied to her body. She struggles and wants to know what is going on. She sounds frightened, panicked, and can't believe it when the man says in a low voice something about thinking she knows who her friends are. Despite her every cry to be released, the man continues applying rope to her body until she can hardly move. He concludes by gagging her and placing a time bomb on a pedestal behind her, setting the timer to count down from fifteen minutes and then departing. Hannah struggles desperately to free herself but the ropes are too tight. As the minutes count down, she works her way closer to the pedestal and manages to knock the bomb onto the floor. Slipping off her shoes, she uses her stocking-cover toes to halt the countdown. Now all she has to do is get free, but the ropes are holding her so firmly she may have to simply wait for someone to find and rescue her... and hope that the next person she sees is not the masked man returning.
Hannah Perez
Accommodating a Convict
Accommodating a Convict
Time: 26 minutes 03 seconds
Hannah is returning home and is on the phone with a friend who warns her that a criminal has escaped from jail. Police have warned everyone in her area to stay at home and lock their doors. Hannah boasts that she's not worried; if the convict comes to her home, she says, she'll shoot him with her revolver. When she enters the house she hears a noise and goes to the drawer where the revolver is kept, only to find it gone. She starts to panic and in her confusion does not see the man approaching behind her. She is hand-gagged by an escaped criminal who tells her not to move, and that she was very kind to leave a weapon in a place where he could find it so easily. He learns from her that her husband is out of town for a few days and that she's not expecting any visitors. So begins Hannah's ordeal as she is first front-hogtied while the convict raids her husband's wardrobe for clothes, then she is forced to cook for him with her hands still bound and a gag in her mouth. He invites her to join him in the meal but Hannah says she cannot eat. At last the convict is ready to leave and puts Hannah in a conventional hogtie on the floor to prevent her calling the police when he is gone. He changes her gag, pushing a cloth between her teeth and duct-taping it in place. Hannah struggles but can't get free and resigns herself to having to wait for someone to find her. Then, to her horror, the convict returns saying that the police are everywhere and that he will have to wait until night to make good his escape. He relaxes and leaves Hannah tied up at his feet. Later when he is ready to make a second attempt at escaping, he takes Hannah to her basement, sits her on a stool and handcuffs her to a pole. He secures a collar around her neck and ties her ankles to the stool before finally gagging her again.

Hannah Perez
Hannah Can't Go to Work
Hannah Can't Go to Work
Time: 14 minutes 39 seconds
It seems Hannah has been causing trouble at work. As secretary to the new CEO, she has been making waves about a new, rather shady venture he has engaged the company on. Worried that she might say something inappropriate at the board meeting, and afraid to fire her in case she blabs to the press, the CEO has arranged for a man to prevent Hannah coming into the office on the day of the meeting. The external contractor, as he is known, decides the best way to keep Hannah away from work is by keeping her tied to a chair and gagged to stop her complaining. For a while he has fun with her, wheeling her around on her home office chair, turning her around, and tightening down a few ropes. Finally tired of the game, he goes into another room leaving Hannah to struggle. Since the contractor has handcuffed her wrists and attached the cuffs to the chair with a cable tie, there is virtually no hope of getting loose. It looks like Hannah won't be making that meeting after all.
Hannah Perez
Hannah Has Been Snatched
Hannah Has Been Snatched
Time: 14 minutes 26 seconds
Hannah has been kidnapped off the street, tied up and gagged with duct tape and transported in a Jeep. She has been driven to a remote spot and the driver has left her in the back of his vehicle where she struggles to get out, desperately trying to free herself from the ropes holding her. She has no luck because the ropes are tight and the knots are all out of reach of her probing fingers. After a while the driver returns, lifts her out and throws her over his shoulder. He carried her to his house as she struggles helplessly on his shoulder. Inside, he lays Hannah on the floor and warns her to stay put. Hannah continues trying to escape from her bonds but it's no good. All she can do is lay there and wonder about her fate.

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