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Beauties in Bondage: Cadence Lux
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Beauties in Bondage: Cadence Lux

Cadence Lux
The Psychic 3: Accomplice
The Psychic 3: Accomplice
Time: 29 minutes 43 seconds
A year has passed since Cadence last encountered the bank robber. In that time, she has built a solid reputation working with the police as a psychic to help them track down perpetrators. During an interview, Cadence is asked about "the one that got away", and admits that it still haunts her. She can't work out why her senses always seem to fail her when she is hunting the infamous "bank robber". The interviewer points out that it has been almost a year since he robbed any banks, and she asks Cadence if she thinks he might have stopped. Cadence says that she doubts it. This is one prediction that turns out to be true, because that very night, the bank robber sneaks into her home and grabs her. With a profound sense of deja vu, Cadence soon finds herself out in the woods, naked, handcuffed and gagged, and turned loose in the wilderness. After hours of wandering, she comes to a clearing where she sees a vehicle parked. Thinking she has been saved, she hurries towards it, only to find the bank robber waiting for her. How can her instincts have led her back to him? He doesn't make any sense. Soon, he has Cadence hogtied in the back of the vehicle. After letting her struggle for a while, he finally starts the engine and drives her to his current lair. Here, Cadence finds herself handcuffed and shackled to a bed, still naked, her skin criss-crossed by chains. When the bank robber comes to see her, it soon becomes clear what he wants; he wants her help with future bank robberies. Cadence refuses, and is later alarmed to discover that the bank robber has planted evidence in her house suggesting that she is his accomplice. Horrified, Cadence pleads with him to let her go, but he counters, "Are you sure you want that?" and shows her the articles that indicate she is now a wanted woman!

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Cadence Lux
Unwelcome Visitor
Unwelcome Visitor
Time: 20 minutes 08 seconds
Cadence is busy in her kitchen washing glasses when she hears an unusual sound somewhere in the house. She goes to investigate. Looking around in confusion, she is oblivious to the masked man approaching from behind. He grabs her and presses a chloroform-soaked cloth over her nose and mouth, holding it there until she can no longer resist inhaling and passes out. When she wakes up, she finds herself tied to a chair with the intruder about to gag her. She tries to protest but only has a few seconds before she is silenced. She is left alone in her bonds while the intruder explores the house, looking for whatever takes his fancy. Cadence tries to get free, longing to get to a phone and raise the alarm, but the ropes are too tight and she can't escape. Eventually, the intruder returns and tells her, in a quiet, sinister voice, that he is going to make a few changes before he leaves. First and foremost, he wants to see her wearing a lot less clothes before re-tying her and leaving her to fend for herself.

Now Cadence is naked and tied up on the floor. The intruder pushes a cloth into her mouth before gagging her again, then seemingly departs. Once again, Cadence struggles to free herself but to no avail. Finally, she decides to see help. She makes her way to the back door and tries to open it with her feet, but it's locked. She decides to head for the front door where she is more likely to be spotted by a passerby anyway. She slides through the kitchen and into the hallway. Almost at the door, she stands up to hop the last few steps, intending to opening the door with her bound hands. To her horror, the door opens before she can reach it, and once again she is confronted by the intruder.

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Cadence Lux
Snip & Rip (4K upscaled)
Snip & Rip (4K upscaled)
Time: 12 minutes 35 seconds
Cadence is standing in a grimy old garage, her wrists handcuffs above her head and a gag in her mouth. She has no idea how she got there; the last thing she remembers is being at a party and drinking something that tasted a little strange... then waking up here. She struggles, knowing that there is no way out of the tightly-closed handcuffs. Her level of alarm increases when a masked man enters the garage brandishing a pair of scissors. She watches in horror as her begins to cut off her dress. The scissors are blunt and it takes some time, snipping, tearing, and more snipping, until finally no part of the dress is attached to her. The man takes the remains of the dress off her shoulder and throws it on the floor. Now the scissors move down to Cadence's panties, and she watches helplessly as the man cuts through them, first one side and then the other, pulling them from between her legs and leaving her wearing nothing but heels and stockings. After a while, he retrieves a zip tie and secures her ankles. Clearly, this cute blonde is going to remain his house guest for some time to come.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Cadence Collection: Volume 2
Cadence Collection: Volume 2
Time: 2 hours 28 minutes
1. The Silent Intruder
19 minutes 24 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 910.3 MB
Cadence is relaxing at home, checking her phone before going out for the evening, completely unaware that she will not be going anywhere. A masked intruder sneaks up behind her and grabs her, covering her mouth with his hand. As he pulls a cloth from his pocket and prepares to gag her, Cadence calls out for help and tries to resist having a cloth in her mouth, but there is little she can do.

2. Attorney Client Privilege
49 minutes 43 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,317.8 MB
Cadence is seeing a prospective client in her office, but as soon as he starts asking questions about one of her existing clients, she is obliged to point out that she has a conflict of interest and can't represent him. He demands to be given information about the client, and when Cadence refuses and asks him to leave, it sets in motion a chain of events that lead to her being repeatedly tied up and interrogated for information.

3. The Contentious Inheritance
35 minutes 24 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,673.7 MB
Cadence has inherited almost the entire, substantial estate of her late Uncle Mark. His brother David is to receive very little of the wealth and he is not at all happy about it. He has arranged for Cadence to visit and stay overnight so that they can carpool on the drive into the city the next day for the reading of the will. As soon as Cadence arrives, Dave tries to talk her into sharing some more of the money with him but Cadence refuses, telling him it's not personal, that she is just abiding by her Uncle Mark's wishes.

4. The Fake Hostage
43 minutes 48 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,050.8 MB
Cadence and Asher both have financial woes and discuss a way in which they might bail themselves out of debt. At work, Cadence's boss likes her a little more than he should, and she believes that if she appeared to be taken hostage and held for ransom, that he would pay up. Asher agrees to go along with this idea for a fifty-fifty split of the ransom money. He ties up Cadence so that her wrists and ankles are all secured together, then he films her looked distressed as she pleads for her boss to save her.

Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Psychic: Parts 1 & 2 (MP4)
The Psychic: Parts 1 & 2 (MP4)
Time: 43 minutes 33 seconds
Part 1: After a series of bank robberies where the thief's modus operandi is to take a bank employee hostage to ensure his escape, abandoning them in a remote forested area after making them strip naked, a psychic steps forward to help the police catch this man, claiming that only she has the power to bring him to justice. She is given the location where the robber’s most recent victim was found, and she drives out there to meet up with a detective Miller who will accompany her, for safety reasons.

Cadence meets up with the detective and they chat amicably as he establishes that no one knows exactly where she is, and all seems well until Cadence tries to sense the area. That’s when she realizes that the man standing next to her is not a detective at all. The real Detective Miller has been waylaid, his place taken by the very man she came out here to help identify and track down. The psychic realizes that she has placed herself in a very awkward situation, and wonders why she did not see this coming…

Part 2: We begin with the bank robber reading the local newspaper. He is amused that the police think they have caught the robber, not least by reading that Cadence the Psychic insists that they have the wrong man. How very right she is...

Someone is approaching an isolated house. They let themselves in and find the bedroom. Someone appears to be in the bed. The covers are pulled back to reveal it's just pillows and blankets. The intruder removes a mask to reveal... Cadence. She has tracked down the bank robber at last, but he has outwitted her. Clearly, her visit was anticipated. As she stands there momentarily bewildered, it suddenly dawns on her that this is a set up. Too late: She is grabbed from behind.

Cadence is soon tied to a bed, spreadeagled and helpless. She can't get free. The bank robber enters the room. He cuts off her clothes and strokes a twenty dollar bill over her bare skin, aware that she will get a reading from the note. He makes her tell him the code to the bank vault he is planning to rob the next day. When he says he will not take another bank teller hostage, Cadence gives him the information he wants to spare some poor girl from the ordeal she has experienced, turned loose in the woods, naked, handcuffed, gagged. Much to her dismay, the bank robber that he will have to keep her prisoner until the robbery is over, just to make sure she is not lying about the vault code. Left alone, Cadence struggles against the ropes pinning her to the bed, but she can’t free herself.

The next day, Cadence is cuffed in the bank of a vehicle, naked under a blanket. She hears someone approaching. The bank robber pulls back the blanket, telling her the robber y was a success. He frees her feet and tells her to get walking into the woods. Now she understands - she is the substitute for the bank teller. Once again, Cadence is made to walk into the forest, naked, handcuffed and cleave gagged, to endure this humiliation all over again.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Access To Her Account (MP4)
Access To Her Account (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 27 seconds
Cadence is assailed at home and tied up. The intruder wants access to her bank account but she refuses to give it to him. He cleave gags her and leaves her to consider her situation. He has no plans to let her go until she reveals her access details. While he is waiting for her to give in, he tries gaining access to her account via hacking, but when this fails, he returns and says he will need her help in the office. After she has provided the information the intruder wants, he tied her up again, this time with plastic cuffs and gagged with duct tape. Cadence rolls around on the floor, but there is no way out of the thick plastic cuffs. She is helpless unless the intruder chooses to release her. He is just as likely to depart without freeing her at all.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Psychic 2 (MP4)
The Psychic 2 (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 05 seconds
Someone is approaching an isolated house. They let themselves in and find the bedroom. Someone appears to be in the bed. The covers are pulled back to reveal it's just pillows and blankets. The intruder removes a mask to reveal... Cadence. She has tracked down the bank robber at last, but he has outwitted her. As she stands there momentarily bewildered, it suddenly dawns on her that this is a set up. Too late: She is grabbed from behind.

Cadence is soon tied to a bed, spreadeagled and helpless. She can't get free. The bank robber enters the room. He cuts off her clothes and strokes a twenty dollar bill over her bare skin, aware that she will get a reading from the note. He makes her tell him the code to the bank vault he is planning to rob the next day. When he says he will not take another bank teller hostage, Cadence gives him the information he wants to spare someone else from the ordeal she has experienced. The bank robber keeps her prisoner until the robbery has been implemented, just to make sure she was not lying.

The next day, Cadence is cuffed in the bank of a vehicle, naked under a blanket. She hears someone approaching. The bank robber pulls back the blanket, telling her the robber y was a success. He frees her feet and tells her to get walking into the woods. Now she understands - she is the substitute for the bank teller.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Early Cadence (MP4)
Early Cadence (MP4)
Time: 52 minutes 50 seconds
1. Masked Intruder
Cadence is busy texting on her phone, unaware that a masked man is standing in the open doorway of her house. She realizes something is wrong when a glint of light dances around the room and she turns to see the intruder. Her first thought is to run from the house, but the man pursues her, catching up with her as she tries to run through icy snow in her high-heeled boots. He holds a sword to her throat and makes her return to the house where he secures her wrists and ankles with heavy-duty zip ties. He gags Cadence with duct tape before going in search of the her valuables. In his absence, Cadence works her way to where she left her phone and tries to call for help. Before she can communicate with the person who answers her call, The masked man re-enters the room and takes the phone away from her. Alone again, Cadence slides through to the kitchen to where she knows she has a pair of scissors. She is trying to cut through the zip ties around her ankles when the intruder catches her again, this time taking away the scissors. He gives her a final warning about behaving herself and threatens to tie her up even more if she tries anything else. After he goes back to searching the house, Cadence works her way outside, stands up and hops a few steps, frantically calling out through her gag and hoping the neighbors will spot her and realize she is in trouble before she gets herself into deeper trouble.

2. The Plumber's Scheme
Cadence has been waiting for the plumber to arrive to fix a leaking pipe under the kitchen sink. He is already an hour late! When the doorbell chimes, Cadence exclaims: "Finally!" She does not seem too pleased when she answers the door, not realizing the mistake she is making. She shows the plumber into the kitchen and shows him what needs doing, then goes back into the living room to continue texting on her phone. Unseen by her, the plumber opens his tool box and pulls out some rope and duct tape. He picks up a short length of pipe, creeps up behind Cadence and presses the round end into her back. Making the assumption one would expect, Cadence raises her hands and complies when the plumber starts to tie her wrists together behind her back. Only when he has her lying on the floor with her legs also tied does he show her the pipe, mocking her for believing it was anything more. To Cadence's horror, he asks her if she knows what a hogtie is, then proceeds to demonstrate by putting her in one. He promises to fix the leaking pipe for her, but first he stuffs a handkerchief into her mouth and wraps duct tape around her head. For a while after he gets to work, Cadence stays where she is, finally realizing that her only hope is to get to the front door and maybe summon help. Moving in a hogtie is difficult and it takes a lot of effort for Cadence to move herself along the passageway. She is prevented from reaching the door by the presence of three steps which she can't descend without falling. Before she can try it, the plumber discovers what she is up to. He releases her from the hogtie, lifts her over his shoulder and carries her back into the living room where he sits her on a chair before securing her to it with duct tape. He gathers up his tools, and Cadence can't believe it when he tells her that he will send her the bill! Then he is gone, leaving Cadence tied up, duct taped and gagged.

3. Cadence's Escape Challenge
We have tied up Cadence before and asked her to try to escape, and on that occasion she failed, so we thought we'd give her another chance. This time, she is tied in a slightly different way to normal which includes not being able to put her feet down on the floor completely. Knots that she needs to reach are positioned on the opposite side of her body, so unless she can wriggle her wrists out of the ropes, escape is certainly going to be a big challenge. After spending almost a quarter of an hour tying up Cadence, she is then given the go ahead to try to free herself. Does she succeed? There is a lot of amusing chat during the tying process when Cadence is clearly having fun, despite her growing predicament.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Attorney Client Privilege (MP4)
Attorney Client Privilege (MP4)
Time: 49 minutes 43 seconds
Cadence is seeing a prospective client in her office, but as soon as he starts asking questions about one of her existing clients, she is obliged to point out that she has a conflict of interest and can't represent him. He demands to be given information about the client, and when Cadence refuses and asks him to leave, it sets in motion a chain of events that lead to her being repeatedly tied up and interrogated for information. Initially, the man comes back and subdues Cadence who ends up tied to a chair while he tries to go through the files on her computers. Finding sensitive information is password protected, he becomes more and more agitated. When his back is turned, Cadences manages to move her chair close to another desk and set of the building alarm. The man flees, warning her that this is not over.

The following morning, Cadence is on the phone to the police for a progress report. When it becomes clear that they are nowhere with the case, she tears them off a strip and hangs up, unaware that the man from the previous day is in her house and creeping up behind her with a cloth that he presses over her nose and mouth until she passes out. She is transported in the back of a vehicle, bound and gagged with duct tape. Later, we find her secured to a bed with zip ties, her top missing. Escape looks impossible... until a pair of clippers fall out of the man's pocket and he doesn't notice. Little by Little, Cadence works them along the bed until she can reach them. After struggling with the awkward angles for a while, she is finally able to cut herself free. She runs off into the woods outside the house, believing she has escaped from her captor, even if she is also lost. But things are not going to go well for this attorney; her ordeal is far from over.

As she leans against a tree, exhausted from her hike through the woods, she is unaware that her captor is sneaking up behind her, at least until he reaches around the tree and covers her nose and mouth again. When she recovers, she is back in his basement, stripped down to her bra and panties and tied with her arms behind and elevated, making her bend forward. It’s a very uncomfortable position to be in for any length of time, and by the time her captor comes to see her again, she is more than ready to talk. She gives up the password to access her confidential files, hoping that she will now be allowed to go free. No such luck. She will be sticking around until the man she refused to represent has finished the business he has with her client. She is transferred to a bed where she is hogtied, a slightly more comfortable situation, but clearly her first night in bondage is going to be a long one.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Set Up (MP4)
The Set Up (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 17 seconds
Cadence has decided to commit insurance fraud. After hiding her valuables in the woods, she calls the police to report a burglar who took her jewelry and left her tied up as he made his get away. Grinning to herself, Cadence secures her ankles with vet wrap, gags herself with duct tape, and finally locks her wrists in handcuffs which are in turn attached to the back of a chair with a ziptie. She clearly can't escape and there is no handcuffs key in sight, so the police should buy into her story. When a vehicle turns up outside her house, she is a little confused to see that it is not a police car. Maybe it's a plain clothes detective. When the man enters, however, it quickly becomes clear that he is nothing to do with the police. On the contrary, he is a cell tower engineer who just happened to intercept her call and it was he who responded. He has come to ask her a question: If, as she claims, the burglar tied her up and took her stuff, and given that she is still tied up, how did she make the call to the police? Suddenly realizing the fallacy in her story, Cadence finds herself at an even greater disadvantage. To make things even worse, she left the box of vet wrap on a nearby chair, and the engineer notices and decides to use it on her, making her bondage predicament even worse. Peeling off her gag for a short time, he asks her where she stashed her valuables, and after some resistance, Cadence realizes she has no choice but to tell him, hoping that he will then let her go. Unfortunately, he decides to leave her restrained while he goes in search of the valuables. Will he come back and free her once he finds them? That's anyone's guess.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Restrained & Slowly Stripped (MP4)
The Realtor's Evaluation (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 26 seconds
Cadence has been sent to assess a house that its owner wants to sell, to make sure that everything is up to code before the property is listed. However, as she inspects the various aspects of the property, she finds numerous issues, some of them quite serious. When she reports her negative finds to the owner and refuses to list the property until remedial action has been taken, he becomes agitated and accuses her of being arrogant and condescending. Cadence stands her ground until the man insists that she learn some humility. He makes her kneel down so that he can secure her wrists and ankles with zip ties. Cadence is soon gagged with duct tape to keep her quiet. In the man's absence, Cadence begins working her way towards the back door of the house, hoping to get outside where someone might see her situation and send help. Before she can reach the door, however, the man intercepts her and makes her hop back to the living room. He now uses additional zip ties to put her in a hogtie, preventing her from trying to escape again. She will have to remain a prisoner until she finally agrees to list the man's property as it stands.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Searching For Clues (MP4)
Searching For Clues (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 39 seconds
Cadence is a bounty hunter on the trail of a criminal who has skipped bail. Her quarry, known only as The Man With The White Gloves, has been seen in the area of an old house; specifically, lurking in its basement. Cadence enters and looks for clues to the man's presence, and thinks she is finding the evidence she needs. Suddenly, a gloved hand covers her mouth, she is warned to stay quiet, and is pulled away. In the next scene, we find Cadence tied to a chair with a knotted cleave gag in her mouth, struggling desperately against the ropes binding her in the hope of getting free, and failing. Eventually, she manages to work the gag out of her mouth and starts calling for help, warning the man that this is not over. The Man With The White Gloves returns, annoyed by all the noise. He pushes a cloth into Cadence's mouth, seals it in with a strip of duct tape, and then proceeds to wrap vet wrap around her head some fifteen times, forming a very thorough and tight gag. Silenced now, Cadence resumes struggling. She is tormented by the man leaving a pair of scissors hanging from the ceiling by a rope. She cannot reach them with her hands and can only nudge them with her head, meaning that they are completely useless in aiding her escape. Her captor takes his leave at last, his pursuer well and truly restrained and unable to follow.

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Cali Logan & Cadence Lux
Cali Logan & Cadence Lux: What Do You Want From Me upscaled (4K)
What Do You Want From Me upscaled (4K)
Time: 23 minutes 19 seconds
Just as Cali steps from her car, she is grabbed by Cadence, a woman who engages in identity fraud. She wants Cali's bank card and other personal data, but when Cali resists her, Cadence takes her into the basement and zip ties her to a bed. She extracts information from Cali, such as the PIN for her bank card, then gags her and leaves her tied up while she goes to withdraw some cash, warning her captive that something bad will happen to her if she lied about the number. After Cadence departs, Cali struggles but cannot free herself from the vicious bite of the zip ties binding her wrists and ankles to the bed frame. As luck would have it, one of Cali's neighbors drops by, knocking on the front door of the house and calling out to her. Cali is able to attract his attention and he cuts her free. Cali explains what has happened to her, and says that she lied about her PIN and wants to capture Cadence when she comes back. The neighbor agrees to help her, saying that he has some experiencing with rope tying. When Cadence arrives, the two pounce on her and push her onto the bed. Cali covers her mouth and holds her down while the neighbor ties up this sexy criminal. After Cadence is secured, gagged and helpless, the neighbor decides to tie some rope around the girl's neck and secure it to the bed frame. Cali agrees enthusiastically and helps to tie of one of the ends, promising to feed Cadence once each day on table scraps, and perhaps even per food. The two leave Cadence tightly tied and going nowhere.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Fake Hostage (MP4)
The Fake Hostage (MP4)
Time: 43 minutes 48 seconds
Cadence and Asher both have financial woes and discuss a way in which they might bale themselves out of debt. At work, Cadence's boss likes her a little more than he should, and she believes that if she appeared to be taken hostage and held for ransom, that he would pay up. Asher agrees to go along with this idea for a fifty-fifty split of the ransom money. He ties up Cadence so that her wrists and ankles are all secured together, then he films her looked distressed as she pleads for her boss to save her. Once the video has been recorded, Cadence decides that she ought to be able to get out of the ropes on her own, but despite trying for some minutes, she is unable to get free and is forced to ask Asher to untie her.

When her boss responds to the ransom demand, she is shocked to discover that he has refused to help. The pair believe they need to up their game and make the restraints look more threatening, so this time, Asher ties Cadence to a bed and then films her looking even more distressed. Embarrassed that she could not escape from Asher's first tie, she asks him to leave the room and let her try to get free this time. After some minutes, it becomes clear that she is trapped again, and as embarrassing as it may be, she must call out to Asher and ask him to untie her again.

Once again, her boss is not buying into the scenario the pair have created. They decide to try once more, this time using even more rope to make Cadence look particularly helpless. She is tied to a chair, very securely, and more video of her is recorded. This time, her boss responds almost at once, obviously waiting for the next demand, and he categorically says no. Asher feels that he should have gagged Cadence to add to her dilemma, and he does so with the intention of filming her again for one last ransom demand. Before he gets the chance, however, he receives a text calling him to respond to an emergency - he is a volunteer fireman - and he has to depart at once, not having the time to untie Cadence. He leaves her bound and gagged, promising to return as soon as he can. In the meantime, if she can't get free, Cadence has no choice but to sit there and wait for him to untie her yet again.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Silent Intruder (MP4)
The Silent Intruder (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 24 seconds
Cadence is relaxing at home, checking her phone before going out for the evening, completely unaware that she will not be going anywhere. A masked intruder sneaks up behind her and grabs her, covering her mouth with his hand. As he pulls a cloth from his pocket and prepares to gag her, Cadence calls out for help and tries to resist having a cloth in her mouth, but there is little she can do. The intruder secures her wrists, thighs and ankles with duct tape, wrapping more around her body to pin her arms to her sides. Left alone, Cadence struggles to get free, and when this fails, she works her way to where the intruder has put her cellphone and attempts to make a call to get help. The intruder sees what she is doing before she can place the call, and by way of punishment, pulls the cleave gag from her mouth and replaces it with several strips of duct tape, finally winding some vet wrap around her head to make the gag even more secure. After taking what he wants from the helpless girl, he gives her a little wave goodbye and departs, leaving her to struggle helplessly with her phone tapped to her stomach, completely out of her reach.

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Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux
Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux: Showdown & Reunion Peril together (MP4)
Showdown & Reunion Peril together (MP4)
Time: 68 minutes 42 seconds
Agent Jasmine has tracked her nemesis Cadence, with whom she has a history, to her out-of-the-way crime headquarters. She explores the lair, apparently unoccupied, and finds some evidence of the villainess' presence and of criminal activity. Cadence is around, though, and sneaks up on Jasmine. Restraining her enemy, she details just how angry she is with the woman who broke up her old illegal operations and put her in jail for five years. Jasmine will pay! When she has Jasmine securely bound, she takes delight in reminding her captive of previous occasions when Jasmine was a similarly helpless prisoner. Jasmine responds by reminding her that she was always able to escape. True to form, Jasmine escapes once more when Cadence is distracted by a phone-call about a new 'opportunity' for wrong-doing, Jasmine makes another attempt to take the villainess down. A scuffle ensues but Cadence gets the upper hand. Jasmine is once more bound and gagged, with further taunting from our bad girl. Later, Cadence decides to up the humiliation factor, ordering her captive to strip and then re-tying her. Cadence triumphantly informs Agent St James of her plans to dispose of the beautiful but troublesome thorn in her side. She does not anticipate that Jasmine will escape her bonds once more and, this time, restrain Cadence and then humiliate her. Justice, it seems, is served.

39 minutes 12 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,832.4 MB

Reunion Peril
Jasmine is expecting Cadence, an old school friend, and they are planning to go out to dinner and a night club. Their plans go awry while Jasmine is getting ready, when a man enters the house and says he needs some place to hide. When Jasmine's phone rings, he instructs her to get rid of the caller, but it's Cadence and she is already on her way. When Cadence arrives, she finds Jasmine tied to a chair and gagged. She only has time to ungag her friend before she is grabbed by the intruder. Soon, both girls are tied up side by side. While he is hiding out, the man decides to have a bit of fun with the girls, taking them to the bedroom and making them strip down to their underwear before tying them to the bed. The following morning, he is ready to depart, but not before moving the girls to the basement and tying Cadence to a chair, while Jasmine is tied standing with arms and legs apart.

29 minutes 30 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,385.3 MB

Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: She Didn't Know When To Quit (MP4)
She Didn't Know When To Quit (MP4)
Time: 30 minutes 00 seconds

Cadence is an investigative reporter trying to collect conclusive evidence to put a criminal away. She manages to access his home and his personal office, and begins snooping, trying to access incriminating documents. She is unaware that her presence has been detected, and she is grabbed from behind and overpowered by the very man she's trying to have sent down. She soon finds herself bound with duct tape, binding her wrists, arms, thighs and ankles. She can hardly move, and is even more alarmed when a cloth is pushed into her mouth and further duct tape is used to cover her lips. There seems to be no way out of this, at least until she spots a pair of scissors on a window ledge. After freeing herself, she makes off with several flash drives from the office.

We next see Cadence in her bedroom, reviewing the documents she acquired on her iPad. She did not anticipate that the criminal would track her and burst into the room. He takes her iPad and wants the flash drives back. He leaves Cadence hogtied on her bed, a ballgag in her mouth and a bandage wrapped around her head to make sure she can't call out for help.

Eventually, Cadence frees herself and, the next day, returns to the criminals house, entering through the basement door where she takes photographs of all the women's clothes he has there. His activities crystalize for Cadence who knows that she now has all the evidence she needs. As she is about to leave, however, the criminal catches her again. This time, he secures her with zip ties, pulled tight on her wrists and legs, and even wrapped around her body, pinning her arms. Cadence is again gagged with a cloth in the mouth, but this time the duct tape is wrapped all the way around her head, making it impossible to remove. The man has called a colleague and a van will soon arrive to haul Cadence away, after which she should not be any more trouble.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,399.0 MB

Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Alone At The Store (MP4)
Alone At The Store (MP4)
Time: 15 minutes 18 seconds

Cadence has been hired to work at a seasonal Halloween store. The job is simple enough, and she is not expecting things to take a darker turn, despite the theme of the store. When a man enters and turns the open sign over to display the close side, Cadence asks him what he thinks he is doing. He informs her that he has come to empty the cash register, and he needs to make sure that she won't raise the alarm as soon as he leaves. To achieve this, he makes Cadence handcuff her wrists behind her back and sit on a chair. He proceeds to tie her to the chair with rope and then silence her with a rolled up cleave gag. He opens the register, takes all the cash and departs, leaving Cadence helpless until either a member of the public notices her predicament, or the store owner arrives at the end of the working day.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 714.0 MB
Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux
Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux: Jim's Angels & Essential Training (MP4)
Jim's Angels & Essential Training (MP4)
Time: 59 minutes 56 seconds

Jim's Angels
Jim has a new mission for his two angels, and even though it is dangerous, the girls don't hesitate for a moment to take on their mission. They are to track down and capture a criminal known only as The Fixer. After locating his hideout, the girls enter the property from different access points, hoping to get the drop on their quarry. Unfortunately, they have tripped silent alarms and The Fixer is waiting for them. He grabs Cadence first, and uses her to control Jasmine. He soon has the two girls handcuffed and tied to chairs, facing one another. He now interrogates them, trying to discover how they found him and who sent them. Neither of the angels will give up any information, despite the threats made by their captor. Finally, The Fixer announces that he has to leave for a while, but before he does, he wants to make the girls more comfortable. They end up wearing only their bra and panties and are left hogtied and gagged on a bed, chained together to make movement even more difficult. After struggling fiercely against the ropes, Jasmine manages to free herself and then unties Cadence. She uses a hair pin to pick the padlocks and free them completely. The girls get dressed and lie in wait for The Fixer to return. They are determined to complete their mission for Jim and take this guy down.
32 minutes 08 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,593.2 MB

Essential Training
Cadence has recently been hired by a company that insists that she undergo some hostage training, given the sensitive nature of her job. The company uses an independent contractor for this work, operated by Jasmine and her assistant Rick. Jasmine explains to Cadence that she will tie her up and train her how to escape from her bonds. Cadence looks a little uncertain, but hey, if the company trusts Jasmine and Co., then it should be alright. Once Cadence is tied up, she finds it impossible to free herself even with Jasmine's advice and encouragement. Finally, Cadence hits on a possible solution. She admits that she is more of a visual learner and would appreciate it if Jasmine could let her assistant tie her up so that she can demonstrate how to escape. Jasmine agrees and Rick ties her to a chair. It seems that her new assistant has become very adept at tying because, somewhat embarrassingly, Jasmine discovers that she can't get free. Rick suddenly notices the time and reminds her that they have another job to attend. He says he will deal with it and leave Jasmine there to demonstrate her escape techniques to Cadence. He also remembers that the victim is supposed to be gagged, and her tape each girl's mouth before leaving. Swallowing her pride, Jasmine works her way over to Cadence and unties one of the girl's wrists. After Cadence frees herself, she is in no hurry to release Jasmine. Indeed, she decides to add more rope to worsen the instructor's predicament.
27 minutes 48 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,281.8 MB

Cali Logan, Cadence Lux, Candle Boxxx
Autumn Bodell, Lea Hart, Vonka Romanov & Hannah Perez

Compilation: Naked Bondage: Volume 1 (MP4)
Naked Bondage: Volume 1 (MP4)
Time: 48 minutes 56 seconds

Cali Logan is hogtied with rope and double gagged in the back of a vehicle. It's a bit of a drop if she wants to try to escape.

Cadence Lux has her wrists and ankles secured with zip ties, and is soon gagged by Rick using duct tape. She's definitely not going anywhere.

Candle Boxxx and Autumn Bodell also experience the jobs of zip ties and duct tape, and do their best to escape by hopping into the woods.

Lea Hart is on the wrong side of the law, and the cop arresting her has made her strip before he cuffs and chains her to a chair. She is panel gagged with a ball in her mouth.

Vonka Romanov is naked and suspended in ropes, unable to touch the ground. She also has a ball gag in her mouth to stop her complaining.

Hannah Perez has been made to undress and her naked body has been bound with duct tape. She is silenced with a duct tape gag.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,293.0 MB

Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux
Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux: Showdown (MP4)
Showdown (MP4)
Time: 39 minutes 12 seconds

Agent Jasmine has tracked her nemesis Cadence, with whom she has a history, to her out-of-the-way crime headquarters. She explores the lair, apparently unoccupied, and finds some evidence of the villainess' presence and of criminal activity. Cadence is around, though, and sneaks up on Jasmine. Restraining her enemy, she details just how angry she is with the woman who broke up her old illegal operations and put her in jail for five years. Jasmine will pay! When she has Jasmine securely bound, she takes delight in reminding her captive of previous occasions when Jasmine was a similarly helpless prisoner. Jasmine responds by reminding her that she was always able to escape. True to form, Jasmine escapes once more when Cadence is distracted by a phone-call about a new 'opportunity' for wrong-doing, Jasmine makes another attempt to take the villainess down. A scuffle ensues but Cadence gets the upper hand. Jasmine is once more bound and gagged, with further taunting from our bad girl. Later, Cadence decides to up the humiliation factor, ordering her captive to strip and then re-tying her. Cadence triumphantly informs Agent St James of her plans to dispose of the beautiful but troublesome thorn in her side. She does not anticipate that Jasmine will escape her bonds once more and, this time, restrain Cadence and then humiliate her. Justice, it seems, is served.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,832.4 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Failure To Escape (MP4)
Failure To Escape (MP4)
Time: 32 minutes 29 seconds

Cadence is a girl who has ambitions to be the next Houdini. She has hired a rigger, Dave, to tie her up to see if she can escape. She starts with just her wrists bound and a timer starts, giving her four minutes to free herself. The plan is to increase the intensity of the bondage each time she gets free to see how far she can go. When Cadence fails to escape from a simple wrist tie, Dave begins to wonder if the partnership will ever turn a profit. Next, Cadence is tied with bound wrists above her head and rope around her ankles. After another four minutes, she has once again failed to escape. Becoming short with her, Dave suggests a chair tie. Surely she can manage to get out of a chair tie? A worried Cadence wonders if she is cut out for this kind of thing after all, and as she is tied to a chair, her concern only deepens. When she fails to escape for a third time, Dave decides to gag her to stop her whining and leaves her to get herself out on her own, washing his hands of the whole enterprise. Naturally, Cadence can't escape from this position either, and now there is no one around to release her.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,520.5 MB
Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux
Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux: Reunion Peril (MP4)
Reunion Peril (MP4)
Time: 29 minutes 30 seconds
Jasmine is expecting Cadence, an old school friend, and they are planning to go out to dinner and a night club. Their plans go awry while Jasmine is getting ready, when a man enters the house and says he needs some place to hide. When Jasmine's phone rings, he instructs her to get rid of the caller, but it's Cadence and she is already on her way. When Cadence arrives, she finds Jasmine tied to a chair and gagged. She only has time to ungag her friend before she is grabbed by the intruder. Soon, both girls are tied up side by side. While he is hiding out, the man decides to have a bit of fun with the girls, taking them to the bedroom and making them strip down to their underwear before tying them to the bed. The following morning, he is ready to depart, but not before moving the girls to the basement and tying Cadence to a chair, while Jasmine is tied standing with arms and legs apart.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,385.3 MB

Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Searching For Evidence (MP4)
Searching For Evidence (MP4)
Time: 28 minutes 20 seconds

Cadence is a private investigator who is tracking bitcoin fraud and goes to a house where she thinks one of the fraudsters may live. She pretends to be a real estate agent offering a free evaluation of the house to gain entry. The man at home lets her in after telling him her cover story and she asks to take photos around house to help evaluate. She gets her phone out to pretends to take pictures when the man grabs her from behind, pins her arms and hand-gags her tightly. He was suspicious of her story and contacted the real estate company she claimed to represent, and they have denied knowing her. The man orders Cadence to strip down to her underwear to make sure she is not hiding anything. Cadence strips onscreen until she is just wearing her bra and panties, and is then tied standing against a pole with tape and rope. He asks what she was snooping around for. Cadence ignores the question and tells him he is a scumbag lowlife who is going to jail for a long time. He places a cloth in her mouth and wraps microfoam tape over her mouth and around the back of the pole.

The man says he has special plans for her, that someone will pay plenty of bitcoin for her. He feels inside her bra and finds the flash drive so stole, saying: "So, you know about my little scam. Shame no one else will. Your buyer will be here soon, so time to make you ready for transport. Cadence is now hogtied on the floor with rope, and her bra has been loosened to expose her breasts. Cadence tells him to get fucked and promises to put his ass in jail as soon as she can, but he only laughs again and tells her the client doesn't like that kind of language. He puts a cloth in her mouth and gags her with a knotted cleave gag. Now all she can do is wait for the transport to collect her. She does not have to wait for long.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,325.8 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Undercover Secretary (MP4)
Undercover Secretary (MP4)
Time: 33 minutes 54 seconds

Cadence has been sent in under cover to apply for a job with a small business that appears to be dabbling in illegal trading. Finding the office empty on arrival, Cadence begins searching through drawers, only to be surprised by the owner Dominic who wants to know what the hell she is doing. She tries to pass it off as getting a head start on the business ready for her upcoming interview, but Dominic is suspicious. He says he is going to tie her up and gag her while he investigates who she is. Rather than attempt to leave, Cadence succumbs to this treatment in the interests of securing the job and digging deeper into this man's affairs. He leaves her bound and gagged for several hours, and when he returns, he says that she seems okay at first appraisal, and he lets her go, telling her to report for work early the next morning. Overnight, he finds out a little more about Cadence, and when she shows up for work, he ties her up again and leaves her secured in a hogtie on the floor, gagged once again. Cadence realizes she is in trouble and must escape, but the ropes holding her are so tight.

These sequences were originally part of the trilogy "The Binder's Apprentice".

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Cadence Lux & Keri Spectrum
Cadence Lux & Keri Spectrum: The Scarlet Avenger: Take Down & In Trouble together & enhanced (MP4)
The Scarlet Avenger: Take Down & In Trouble together & enhanced (MP4)
Time: 31 minutes 48 seconds

1. Take Down
Keri is the lynch pin of a smuggling organization, arranging pickups and drop offs, making sure things run smoothly. Her activities have come to the attention of The Scarlet Avenger who has decided it is time to take this woman down. The Avenger sits Keri down on the floor and secures her wrists and ankles with zip ties, leaving her to sit there until she decides what to do with her captive. After a few minutes, Keri goes after a pair of clippers and cuts herself free. She then conceals herself and surprises the Avenger from behind. Keri soon has her tied to a chair and leaves her struggling against her bonds, but the ropes are too tight. She is trapped, helpless, unable to stop the bad guys once again.

2. In Trouble
The Scarlet Avenger is back once more, sneaking into the house of a criminal. The hapless hero is caught from behind and soon finds herself tied to yet another chair. She pulls at her ropes, hoping to find some slack in them but there is virtually none. The man she was out to catch enters the room and begins to taunt her, telling her that from where she is sitting she won't be doing much avenging. After listening to the usual speech about how justice will rain down on his head, he stuffs a cloth into the girl's mouth and ties a rag around her head to make a cleave gag, preventing her from spitting out the cloth. Left alone, The Scarlet Avenger starts moving her chair into another room. There, she spots a phone on the table. Now if she can only reach it...

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,495.6 MB

Cali Logan & Cadence Lux
Cali Logan & Cadence Lux: Naked & Restrained with Cali & Cadence (MP4)
Naked & Restrained with Cali & Cadence (MP4)
Time: 31 minutes 13 seconds

This video contains three forced stripping movies starring Cali and Cadence, each one ending in bondage for one or both of the girls. The bondage component is not the major component of these scenes, but the three stories as a set hold plenty of appeal with these two beauties getting naked. The originals have been enhanced and upscaled to 1080p, and released here because they can no longer be republished elsewhere owing to the appearance of a gun in each scene.
1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,459.7 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Bondage Obsession & Price On Her Head enhanced (MP4)
Bondage Obsession & Price On Her Head enhanced (MP4)
Time: 29 minutes 41 seconds

1. Bondage Obsession
Cadence has an obsession: She needs to be tied up and gagged on a regular basis or she starts to suffer withdrawal symptoms. Having failed to get anyone to take the time to restrain her for almost three weeks, she makes a call to a friend as a last resort. On the phone to him, she is literally saying: "Come tie me up, I'm begging you." To Cadence's delight, her agrees. When he arrives, she gets him to tie her up right away, tying rope around her wrists, elbows, ankles, and thighs. To finish off the bondage, her friend puts her in a hogtie and then gags her with a bandana. He says he has things to do and he will return later to check on her and make sure she is alright. Cadence enjoys the challenge of trying to escape from her bonds, always hoping that she won't succeed. After a long struggle, however, she does manage to gradually free herself. She is about half way there when her friend returns, and she challenges him by saying: "If you want that free dinner as your reward for doing this, you had better make a better job of it." Her friend take sup the challenge, and when we see her later Cadence is tied to a chair with a lot of rope, secured in such a way that no knots are within her reach, and she certainly can't get up off the chair. This time, she is gagged with duct tape, then once again her friend departs with the same promise to check on her later. Cadence sets to work on her new restraints, but it is not long before she realizes that she can't feel any slack in the ropes this time, that she really is trapped and will have to sit there until she is released. She doesn't know whether to be pleased or frustrated by her situation, but either way she has no choice in the matter.

2. Price On Her Head
Cadence has been foolish enough to skip bail and make a run for it over a fairly trivial crime. Her inexperience has made it easy for a bounty hunter to catch her. He has her wrists secured in Tuff Cuffs when he takes her to his home where, it has been arranged, law enforcement officials will show up to collect her. Once indoors, cadence decides to try making a bolt for it, even with her wrists secured, and this earns her some Tuff Cuffs around the ankles. Now she is going nowhere. Her efforts to get away have annoyed the bounty hunter, however, so he decides to gag her to shut her up and then connect her wrists and ankles with a regular zip tie, making her lay on the floor in a tight and very uncomfortable hogtie.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,397.5 MB
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James: Secret Obsessions (MP4)
Secret Obsessions (MP4)
Time: 32 minutes 39 seconds

This story is a back-and-forth between fantasy and reality, between client and professional, ultimately revealing the 'secret obsessions' of both women. Jasmine pays regular visits to a psychologist (Dr. Cadence Lux) because she is concerned about her growing obsession with bondage, not least with imagining Dr. Lux herself stripped down to her underwear and tied up. What she doesn't realize is that Cadence is entertaining a similar fantasy, imagining Jasmine in her bra and panties and tied to a bed, with Cadence cosying up to her and enjoying herself. In a somewhat unorthodox move, Cadence has brought rope to the office, and is going to suggest to Jasmine that she tie up her patient. When the moment comes, however, Jasmine misinterprets the doctor's intentions, believing that the idea is for her to tie up Dr. Lux. Cadence is caught off guard but decides that it can't hurt to let Jasmine explore her fantasies.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,525.3 MB

Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux
Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux: Jim's Angels (MP4)
Jim's Angels (MP4)
Time: 32 minutes 08 seconds

Jim has a new mission for his two angels, and even though it is dangerous, the girls don't hesitate for a moment to take on their mission. They are to track down and capture an assassin known only as The Fixer. After locating his hideout, the girls enter the property from different access points, hoping to get the drop on their quarry. Unfortunately, they have tripped silent alarms and The Fixer is waiting for them. He grabs Cadence first, and uses her to control Jasmine. He soon has the two girls handcuffed and tied to chairs, facing one another. He now interrogates them, trying to discover how they found him and who sent them. Neither of the angels will give up any information, despite the threats made by their captor. Finally, The Fixer announces that he has to leave for a while, but before he does, he wants to make the girls more comfortable. The end up wearing only their bra and panties, and they are left hogtied and gagged on a bed, chained together to make movement even more difficult. After struggling fiercely against the ropes, Jasmine manages to free herself and then unties Cadence. She uses a hair pin to pick the padlocks and free them completely. The girls get dressed and lie in wait for The Fixer to return. They are determined to complete their mission for Jim and take this guy down.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,500.8 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Risky Business enhanced (MP4)
Risky Business enhanced (MP4)
Time: 17 minutes 23 seconds

It's a risky business when you fire someone for misconduct because you never quite know how they are going to react. Some get upset and storm out, while others say nothing and seem to take it well... at least until you get home and find them in your house. Cadence arrives after a long day at the department store when the man she fired just a few days earlier tells her exactly what he thinks of her. He makes Cadence remove all of her clothes - her jacket and sweater, her skirt, her stockings, her bra and her panties, leaving her completely naked. Feeling that she has not been humiliated anywhere near enough yet, he makes her to lock her own wrists in handcuffs, behind her back. Her then orders her to lay down so that he can secure her ankles together with a ziptie. He uses a second ziptie to link the handcuffs and the tie around her ankles, placing Cadence in a tight hogtie. Finally, he retrieves her discarded stockings and uses them to gag her, pulling them very tight. Satisfied that she can't possibly escape, the ex-employee leaves, promising to return later in the evening to spend more time with her. After he departs, Cadence struggles futilely but cannot escape.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 818.6 MB
Tilly McReese & Cadence Lux
Tilly McReese & Cadence Lux: The Scarlet Avenger Remastered (MP4)
The Scarlet Avenger Remastered (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 32 seconds

Cadence becomes The Scarlet Avenger in her spare time, righting wrongs and putting the bad guys in jail. She is after a drug dealer today in the form of Tilly McReese. The Scarlet Avenger sneaks up behind the girl while she is on the phone hammering out the terms of her next consignment, unaware that The Scarlet Avenger is listening to every word. When she ends the conversation, Tilly feels a hand clamp over her mouth. Turning, she sees who it is and knows she is in trouble. Even so, she challenges The Scarlet Avenger, trying to talk her into not interfering, but there is no way a do-gooder like this is going to turn a blind eye. To keep Tilly on ice until the cops arrive to pick her up, The Scarlet Avenger wraps her up in scarlet duct tape - wrists, ankles, calves, thighs, hips, waist and chest, pinning the girl's arms against her body. To silence Tilly's protests, The Scarlet Avenger gags her with tape, then drags her into the living room to await the arrival of the police. Tilly writhes about on the floor as her captor sits watching her futile struggles with a smile on her face. When Tilly tries to kick her, the Scarlet Avenger joins her on the floor and torments her, unleashing her vindictive side and tarnishing her pure as the driven snow image. This is one avenger you don't want to mess with.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 868.6 MB

Tilly McReese, Madison Swan, Jade Indica
Violet, Cadence Lux and Hannah Perez

Tilly McReese, Madison Swan, Jade Indica, Violet, Cadence Lux and Hannah Perez: Restrained & Stripped Set (MP4)
Restrained & Stripped Set (MP4)
Time: 75 minutes 00 seconds

Six complete movies combined into one file. Some of the titles have been upscaled, and several have only appeared previously as forced stripping videos.

  1. Tilly McReese - Up For Auction
  2. Madison Swan - Held & Humiliated
  3. Jade Indica - Clothing Adjustment
  4. Violet - Helplessly Watching
  5. Cadence Lux - Snip & Rip
  6. Hannah Perez - Restrained & Stripped

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 3,506.4 MB
Cadence Lux & Hannah Perez
Cadence Lux & Hannah Perez: The Scarlet Avenger Returns Remastered (MP4)
The Scarlet Avenger Returns Remastered (MP4)
Total Time: 26 minutes 24 seconds

The Scarlet Avenger is back and hot on the trail of another wrong doer. This time that wrong doer is Hannah Perez and she knows someone is after her but she is not sure who. We join her as she arrives home and hurries nervously from vehicle to house. Once indoors, she goes straight to the window to see if she was being followed, unaware that her nemesis is already in the house and creeping up behind her. When a gloved hand is clamped over her mouth, she knows the game is up. When she sees she is up against the Scarlet Avenger, Hannah begins to plead for another chance, but this pillar of right and rectitude is not interested in hearing Hannah's excuses. That said, the Scarlet Avenger is not above having a little fun with her victims while they wait for the authorities to arrive. As soon as she has Hannah all tied up and gagged, she engages in a little groping for self-gratification.

Now it is time to call in the police, but The Scarlet Avenger is unable to get a signal on her phone. She leaves Hannah alone while she goes in search of reception, and naturally Hannah starts wrestling with her bonds in the hope of getting free and escaping justice. To her surprise. she does manage to loosen the ropes binding her wrists and quickly unties herself. Once free, she waits for the avenger to return, grabs her, overpowers her and ties her up. Now Hannah is free to make her escape, leaving her nemesis bound and gagged for the authorities to find.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,236.3 MB
Cali Logan & Cadence Lux
Cali Logan & Cadence Lux: What Do You Want From Me enhanced (MP4)
What Do You Want From Me enhanced (MP4)
Time: 23 minutes 17 seconds
Just as Cali steps from her car, she is grabbed by Cadence, a woman who engages in identity fraud. She wants Cali's bank card and other personal data, but when Cali resists her, Cadence takes her into the basement and zip ties her to a bed. She extracts information from Cali, such as the PIN for her bank card, then gags her and leaves her tied up while she goes to withdraw some cash, warning her captive that something bad will happen to her if she lied about the number. After Cadence departs, Cali struggles but cannot free herself from the tight zip ties binding her wrists and ankles to the bed frame. As luck would have it, one of Cali's neighbors drops by, knocking on the front door of the house and calling out to her. Cali is able to attract his attention and he cuts her free. Cali explains what has happened to her, and says that she lied about her PIN and wants to capture Cadence when she comes back. The neighbor agrees to help her, saying that he has some experiencing with rope tying. When Cadence arrives, the two pounce on her and push her onto the bed. Cali covers her mouth and holds her down while the neighbor ties up this sexy criminal. After Cadence is secured, gagged and helpless, the neighbor decides to tie some rope around the girl's neck and secure it to the bed frame. Cali agrees enthusiastically and helps to tie of one of the ends, promising to feed Cadence once each day on table scraps. The two leave Cadence tightly tied and going nowhere, unable to move in case she tightens the rope around her neck.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,088.9 MB

Cadence Lux & Juliette March
Cadence Lux & Juliette March: Cadence's Escape Challenge 2021 (MP4)
Cadence's Escape Challenge 2021 (MP4)
Time: 29 minutes 39 seconds
It has been a long time since Cadence was presented with an escape challenge, and this time Juliette March is the one tying her to a chair, and somewhat expertly too. The tie up takes a while, not least because some adjustments have to be made - some of the ropes are too tight! Eventually, Cadence is thoroughly secured and told to start trying to free herself. She is able to make no progress at all, and is stuck there until Juliette lets her out. How long will be it before that happens? I think Juliette had too much fun to just let her captive go.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,382.4 MB
Cadence Lux, Juliette March & Jasmine St James
Cadence Lux, Juliette March & Jasmine St James: The Tanning Spa (MP4)
The Tanning Spa (MP4)
Time: 40 minutes 20 seconds
Jasmine is the owner of a new tanning spa establishment called The Ancient Oaks Spa. To attract customers, she is running a 75% off promotion which also includes a Halloween theme. Cadence sees the advertisement on-line and goes to the location of the spa, only to find that it is very remote with no other buildings in sight. A little nervous, she calls her friend Juliette and tells her where she is, just in case. When she goes to the door of the establishment, however, she is greeted by a cheerful woman all decked out in a cape and leathers. Everything seems fine. Cadence enters and strips down to her underwear ready for the spa bed, and is shown the way by Jasmine. Only when she enters the room does she realize that something is wrong: There is no tanning bed, only an ordinary bed equipped with handcuffs and shackles. Cadence tries to back away, but Jasmine propels her onto the bed and manages to cuff her. When Cadence tries to call for help, Jasmine pushes a ball gag into her mouth to keep her quiet. Jasmine then proceeds to grope her new captive, admitting that the business is nothing more than a front to attract clients like her to use as playthings.

Later, concerned for her friend, Juliette turns up at the spa and asks about her friend. Jasmine greets her warmly and invites her in, explaining that cadence is enjoying an extra-long session on account of the huge didscount being applied to the price. Juliette is lulled into a false sense of security until she too is shown to the room where Cadence is being held prisoner. Jasmine makes Juliette climb onto the bed next to her friend where Jasmine ties her up, placing her in a hogtie and using a cleave gag to shut her up. Jasmine plays with her new acquisitions for a while, but after she leaves, Juliette manages to get free and finds a key to unlock Cadence.

The two girls creep through the house until they find Jasmine on the phone trying to lure yet another unsuspecting person into her lair. When she ends the call, Cadence and Juliette grab her, strip her down to her bra and panties, then drag her to the bedroom where she is locked in the cuffs and shackles. Cadence tape gags Jasmine's mouth before she and Juliette depart. They little realize that Jasmine has a handcuffs key tucked in her bra for just such an emergency. As soon as she frees herself, she goes after the girls. She finds them trying to start cadence's car, but Jasmine has previously sabotaged the engine. She pushes the two girls back into the house and ties them to chairs. Angry that they almost escaped, she decides she doesn't want to keep them, but will sell them on to a contact she knows for a hefty profit.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,895.8 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: A Breath Of Fresh Air (MP4)
A Breath Of Fresh Air (MP4)
Time: 5 minutes 15 seconds
Cadence has been taken captive and has been held prisoner for some days. Her captor decides to take her out for a breath of fresh air. Keeping the girl tightly secured with duct tape, wrapped around her wrists, ankles, thighs, shoulders and waist, he cradle carries her out into the back yard, placing her on a chair at the edge of the forest. All is well until Cadence decides to lash out with her feet as her captor passes, trying to kick him in the shins. This angers the man who, from this point on, carries her over his shoulder, a far less comfortable position. After she has suffered this for a few minutes, he tells her he is taking her back to her room, and that this is the last time she will see the sun in a while.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 245.0 MB

Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Your Choice (MP4)
Your Choice (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 29 seconds
Cadence has been asked to visit her boss at home because he needs to talk to her about something. He claims it is to avoid embarrassing her at the office, because the topic he wishes to discuss is evidence of her embezzling funds. Cadence tries to deny this at first, but confronted by irrefutable evidence, she admits to her wrong doing. The boss tells her that he can fire her and report her crime to the authorities, which may ultimately involve jail time, or he says he is willing to overlook her transgression if she will allow him to tie her up and gag her. Cadence hesitates, wondering what best to do. Her boss tells her it's her choice, but she needs to decide quickly. Rather than be fired and face time in prison, Cadence agrees to let him tie her up and gag her. She watches uneasily as he binds her wrists and ankles and ties her to a chair, finally silencing her with two strips of black duct tape over her mouth. He takes some photographs of her tied up, claiming he wants to keep these as a memento, but perhaps also as insurance against future misconduct. When he receives a text from the office asking him to go in to deal with a situation, he leaves Cadence restrained, telling her to use the time to think over her conduct.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Restrained In Leather enhanced (MP4)
Restrained In Leather enhanced (MP4)
Time: 18 minutes 11 seconds
Cadence has been caught on video stealing jewelry, but only one security guard has seen it. Rather than report her, the guard decides to give Cadence a chance to pay for her crime in another way. He wants to tie her up! Cadence reluctantly agrees, saying this will be a once-only thing in exchange for the man's silence. She looks worried as he ties her wrists together behind her back before passing the rope between her legs and wrapping it around her thighs. When he ties a knot in the rope over her stomach, the passes the ends around her neck and knots them again, Cadence realizes that there is no way in the world she will be able to reach it to untie herself. The guard proceeds to tie rope around her ankles and thighs, then he gags her with a strip of duct tape. He lowers her down onto the floor and ties her elbows together, restricting her movement even more, then finished off by placing the poor girl in a hogtie. Now she can only squirm in discomfort, completely unable to move her hands. Cadence starts to wonder if this is too high a price to pay to stay out of jail, and wishes she had let the guard turn her in instead. Frustrated by her helplessness, Cadence begins to cry, wondering how long she is going to stay tied up in this seriously uncomfortable position.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Creeper Returns (MP4)
The Creeper Returns (MP4)
Time: 19 minutes 05 seconds
The Creeper has been away for some five years, but he is finally back with his new victim. At the end of his first date with Cadence, he expresses a wish to see her again, but her reaction, while outwardly positive, suggests that she won't be doing that. The Creeper tries to make her stay with him a while longer, and when she resists, he grabs hold of her and reaches into his glove box for a cloth already laced with chloroform. He presses the cloth over Cadence's nose and mouth until she passes out. He drives her to his home, carries her limp form into the house and removes her clothes. To make sure she doesn't run when she wakes up, he zipties her wrists and ankles. Cadence becomes aware of what is going on and initially tries to reason with him, but he is clearly obsessed and not listening to her. When she starts to call out for help, The Creeper grabs some duct tape and shuts her up. He lies on the floor next to her and strokes her hair and naked body, whispering that everything will be alright, that she will eventually come to feel the same way. In the meantime, he can't have her trying to leave, she he adds another ziptie and connects her wrists and ankles, making escape impossible.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Running Into Trouble (MP4)
Running Into Trouble (MP4)
Time: 30 minutes 38 seconds
Cadence is out jogging in the rain, enjoying the peace of the countryside and unaware that her life is about to change. She passes a man sitting in a Jeep, and realizes that he has climbed out of the vehicle and is running after her. He catches up to her, grabs her, and with his hand covering her mouth to keep her quiet, drags her back to the Jeep and loads her in the back. He quickly duct tapes her wrists and ankles, also using the tape to gag her, then he drives her to his lair. Here, Cadence is made to put on a sexy dress before she is tied to a chair and photographed. The photos are being sent to her parents with a demand for a very large sum of money, if they want to get their daughter back.

Time passes, and with no response from Cadence's parents, a change of plan occurs. Cadence, now in a short red dress, is hogtied on a bed and photographed again, this time for potential buyers. Left alone, Cadence is able to escape from her bonds and makes a run for it, though in her high heels, running is not really an option. She is recaptured and tied with her arms over her head in the man's basement. Her ankles and bound and a cleave gag is applied to keep her quiet. The man departs to await the arrival of a buyer for his prize. Cadence, meanwhile, is unable to free herself this time, and is compelled to await her fate.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Bondage Web Complete (MP4)
The Bondage Web Complete (MP4)
Time: 101 minutes 49 seconds
The Bondage Web: Taken (31 minutes 21 seconds)
Cadence is working late at the office. The char lady brings her a coffee to keep her going before she heads home. Cadence drinks it as she continues going through her papers. Suddenly, she feels very tired. The room seems to be spinning. She falls forward. Suddenly, the room is gone. When she returns to the world, she finds herself in the back of a vehicle. Her wrists and ankles are bound, a cleave gag is in her mouth and a hood is over her head to ensure she cannot see where she is being taken. When the vehicle stops, the hood is removed and Cadence is forced to get out and hop towards a building. Inside, she is told to lie down on a bed and cuff her ankles and one of her wrists. Her captor secures the other wrist. When she begins calling for help, he sticks duct tape over her mouth then leaves her alone. Later, much later, Cadence is given a key to release the cuffs, and is then to forced to take off her clothes and put on some sexy lingerie. It seems her captor has more plans for her.

The Bondage Web: Trapped (22 minutes 53 seconds)
Cadence has been forced to put on lingerie supplied by her captor, and is then made to stand with her arms outstretched and legs apart as he ties her to a pair of poles, creating a web of rope holding her in place and preventing her from sitting down (tying is not shown). Once his captive is secure, the masked man wraps microfoam tape around Cadence's head, covering her mouth once, twice, three times. Now she can't even speak. Compelled to stand like this in her high heels, Cadence's feet start to ache and she repeatedly lifts one foot and then the other to take the strain off her legs. Some time later, her captor makes her put on a new dress and hogties her on the bed, a cleave gag in her mouth to subdue her moans. Cadence struggles hard with the ropes, and while it takes a long time, she eventually manages to free her hands. She unties her legs and finds a way outside. There are several vehicles standing on the grass. If just one of them is open, has keys inside, she could get away. While she is trying to doors, however, her captor appears behind her, grabs her and presses a cloth over her nose and mouth. Cadence fights back until she is compelled to take a breathe, then her world swims out of focus. Her escape attempt has failed.

The Bondage Web: Peril (31 minutes 20 seconds)
Following her failed escape attempt, Cadence is now in trouble. Because her captor is going out for a while, he wants to make very sure that an unattended Cadence does not escape again. After making her remove her dress, leaving her in her lingerie, he tells her to sit on a chair perched on a rubber mat. The mat rests on a metal sheet, an ominous addition. Cadence has her wrists and ankles secured with plastic cuffs before she is gagged with duct tape. Before departing, her captor attached two electrical leads to the metal sheet and then turns on the power, electrifying it. Now if Cadence should work her way off the may, she will receive a huge jolt of electricity. Alone now, she sits still, afraid to makes anything more than small movements for fear of electrocution. She undergoes the stress of having to sit in this position for an extended period of time, actually wanting her captor to return and remove her from this perilous situation. When he finally does return and shut off the power, Cadence sags with relief. The man cuts her free and orders her to strip off completely in preparation for a night tied to a bed. As unlikely as escape is, should she succeed, she will find it much harder to navigate through darkness in the nude. To ensure that she does not disturb her captor during the long night, she is again gagged with duct tape to ensure her silence. Cadence is starting to feel that this nightmare may never end.

The Bondage Web: Chained (16 minutes 15 seconds)
After a night spreadeagled naked on a bed, Cadence is now allowed to dress herself once more. Her captor has to go to work and will be gone for the entire day, so to ensure that Cadence does not succeed in escaping again, he chains her to a chair, using padlocks to hold her firm. Her wrists are cuffed behind the back of the chair, the handcuffs held in place with a zip tie. Even her ankles are wrapped in chain. To put the finishing touches to her discomfort, Cadence then has a bitgag pushed between her teeth. The prospect of sitting like this for hours is terrible, but there in nothing Cadence can do about it.

Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: A Bad Time To Come Home (MP4)
A Bad Time To Come Home (MP4)
Time: 41 minutes 25 seconds
Cadence has been out with friends and arrives home without the slightest inkling that an intruder lurks in her house. At least, not until he grabs her from behind, duct tapes her wrists together behind her back, and picks her up to carry her through to her living room. Here, he tapes her ankles and thighs, and when she starts to call for help, pushes a cloth into her mouth and wraps microfoam tape around her head, sealing in the cloth and shutting her up. When Cadence attempts to reach her phone to call for help, she is placed in a hogtie on the floor, again using duct tape.

The intruder finds a bag while searching for valuables, a bag containing some of Cadence's toys. She looks on in dismay as he unpacks the bag, producing handcuffs, ball gag, bit gag, chains, and ankle cuffs. He wants to put these on her and cuts away the duct tape binding her legs and wrists. Soon, Cadence is secured like a prisoner ready for transport, but all the intruder wants is to watch her walk up and down in the restraints, and sit on his lap. Finally, he demands to know where the safe is hidden. Cadence claims there is a safe in the basement, so he makes her walk to the basement stairs. Before she is compelled to try descending the stairs in her restraints, however, she admits that she was lying.

Disappointed that he can't find any valuables, the intruder decides it is time for him to leave. Before departing, he decides to tie Cadence to a chair to stop her moving around and possible soliciting help. She is bound with ropes and cleave gagged. He places his hands on her thighs as he tells her she will be alright, that someone will find her... and then he is gone. Cadence struggles with the ropes but they are tight, and there seems little hope of escape.

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Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux
Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux: The Relic Remastered plus Bonus Video (MP4)
The Relic Remastered plus Bonus Video (MP4)
Time: 39 minutes 53 seconds
This remastered version is 1.5 minutes longer than the original.

Dave is a thief who has acquired an ancient relic on display at a local museum for the week. He knows the cops will come looking and is anxious to shift the piece; what he does not expect is for three of the museum's employees to track him down. He sees them arrive via CCTV and stop some distance from his house, getting out of their car and fan out. Evidently, they are planning to approach the house from different directions to optimize their chances of gaining access. Dave calls his employee Pete and asks him to round up the girls, then bring them to the house for interrogation. Pete manages to pick off the girls one by one, carrying them to the same spot in the woods before tying them up and gagging them. As the girls recover, they find their ankles secured in a hobble tie. Pete makes them to stand, links their waists with a rope to make them walk in single file, then wraps a rope around the lead girl's neck to act as a leash. He leads them through the woods towards the house, and the girls have no choice but to stumble along and desperately try not to fall. As they near the property, Pete hears a vehicle nearby and ties the leash rope to a tree which he goes to check that the coast is clear. The girls seize the opportunity to make an escape attempt. They untie the waist rope of the girl at the back and she hobbles away through the woods to get help. As her returns, Pete sees her and gives chance, lifting her up and bringing her back to her colleagues. He reattaches the waist rope and leads the girls into the house.

A little later, they are sitting on the floor lined up against a wall, and both Dave and Pete are asking them questions. It seems the girls were actually trying to recover the relic for the museum. The two men are amused. Dave sends Pete out to move the girls' car out of sight, and when he returns he is carrying dresses. The car owner seems to carry some spare wardrobe around with her, and Pete decides that they can put this to good use; by making the girls change into the dresses and enhance their sexuality, perhaps they will be able to interest the buyer in more than just the relic. The girls are made to change their clothes in front of the two men, and then suffer the indignity of being tied up and gagged again. This time they are bound in a lotus position and unable to move more than a few inches. In a while, Dave receives a text from the buyer saying that he will take the girls too. All three are placed back in hobble ties and marched around the house to the big white van waiting to whisk them away, probably never to be seen again

The bonus video was filmed immediately after The Relic and shows the girls in the same dresses. They are about to go out to dinner with some friends, but an intruder (played by the same bad guy as before) delays them and makes them strip naked and then sending them out to dinner without their clothes.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Can Cadence Escape (MP4)
Can Cadence Escape (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 08 seconds
An enhanced version of "Cadence's Challenge", we see Cadence trying to escape from all the ropes securing her to a chair. The knots that she needs to reach are positioned on the opposite side of her body, so unless she can wriggle her wrists out of the ropes, escape is certainly going to be a big challenge. After spending almost a quarter of an hour tying up Cadence, she is then given the go ahead to try to free herself. Does she succeed?

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Cadence Lux & Laci Star
Cadence Lux & Laci Star: Rebinder Remastered (MP4)
Rebinder Remastered (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 14 seconds

Cadence and Laci are dressed for work, bartending at a local nightclub, though neither of them is in the mood to go. Just as they discuss this, an intruder enters the room and tells them not to worry, that they don't need to go to work after all. Laci recognizes the man as The Binder, a man who broke into her house months before and tied her up, along with her friend Autumn. She had assumed The Binder had since been caught and was off the street, but obviously he is still at large. He makes the girls kneel and then ties them up one after the other, one in a hogtie and one secured to a chair. He leaves them alone for a while during which they talk to one another through their gags, clearly frustrated by the situation. Things get worse later when The Binder returns and takes them down to the basement where he has prepared two pairs of handcuffs for them, secure to a pole by a zip tie. The girls are forced to put their wrists in the cuffs and The Binder locks them in place. He secures their ankles with zip ties and finishes the job by coiling some rope around them, an unnecessary precaution but he seems to be enjoying himself. The girls are gagged once again, and with the girls tied and locked without hope of escape, The Binder departs.

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Cadence Lux & Laci Star
Cadence Lux & Laci Star: The Bodyguard enhanced (MP4)
The Bodyguard enhanced (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 29 seconds

Laci has been targeted by a criminal gang who wants to grab her and hold her for ransom. Because of this, she has been assigned a bodyguard in the form of Detective Cadence Lux. Laci enjoys horse riding and insists on continuing with her activities, despite Cadence's requests for her to stop and keep herself safe. Laci playfully suggests that Cadence might like to be her permanent personal bodyguard, her expression suggesting that she is attracted to Cadence. When Laci heads out to the stables, Cadence knows she has no choice but to follow her to keep an eye on the hapless girl. After watching Laci drive away, Cadence re-enters the house to get her car keys, but before she realizes what is happening, a masked man ties her up and compels her to call Laci, instructing the girl to come back to the house on the pretext that she has received another message. Laci returns some minutes later and is quite annoyed at being called back. When she finds Cadence bound and gagged on the floor, her irritation evaporates and she kneels down beside the detective, ungagging her before trying to kiss her. Cadence warns her that they are in danger but Laci pays no attention. Moments later, Laci is grabbed and tied up alongside her bodyguard. When the masked man leaves the room for a few minutes, Laci works her way over to Cadence and starts making out with her. The detective looks at the girl in disbelief, chastising her for not untying her when she had the chance. The bad guy returns with some cloth and cleave gags both girls, then carries them one at a time to the detective's car, placing them on the back seat ready to drive to a new location from which he will issue his ransom demand.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Lost Case (MP4)
Lost Case (MP4)
Time: 26 minutes 50 seconds

Cadence plays a lawyer who has lost a copyright infringement case for her client, and he is very unhappy with the outcome. When Cadence visits him at home to discuss a new strategy to have the judgement overturned, the client accuses her of spinning things out purely to make more money out of him. Cadence naturally denies this, saying she believes they have a really good chance of getting a new hearing, but the client is no longer listening. He moves behind Cadence and clamps a hand over her mouth to shut her up, pressing a finger against her back to make her think he is armed. He ties Cadence's wrists together behind her back, makes her kneel, stuffs a cloth into her mouth and gags her with silver duct tape. Cadence is then pushed down onto the floor and placed in a hogtie. She struggles for a while but is unable to find any knots to undo, leaving her trapped and helpless. Things get worse when her client returns to say he wants to tie her up in a different position, this time involving handcuffs and duct tape, with her seated on a chair. This time, Cadence is cleave gagged before her client touches one of her breasts and slides a hand up her thigh, promising more of the same after her has made some phone calls to secure himself another lawyer.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Bondage Web: Chained (MP4)
The Bondage Web: Chained (MP4)
Time: 16 minutes 15 seconds
After a night staked out naked on a bed, Cadence is now allowed to dress herself once more. Her captor has to go to work and will be gone for the entire day, so to ensure that Cadence does not succeed in escaping again, he chains her to a chair, using padlocks to hold her firm. Her wrists are cuffed behind the back of the chair, the handcuffs held in place with a zip tie. Even her ankles are wrapped in chain. To put the finishing touches to her discomfort, Cadence then has a bitgag pushed between her teeth. The prospect of sitting like this for hours is terrible, but there in nothing Cadence can do about it.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Bondage Web: Peril  (MP4)
The Bondage Web: Peril (MP4)
Time: 31 minutes 20 seconds
Following her failed escape attempt, Cadence is now in trouble. Because her captor is going out for a while, he wants to make very sure that an unattended Cadence does not escape again. After making her remove her dress, leaving her in her lingerie, he tells her to sit on a chair perched on a rubber mat. The mat rests on a metal sheet, an ominous addition. Cadence has her wrists and ankles secured with plastic cuffs before she is gagged with duct tape. Before departing, her captor attached two electrical leads to the metal sheet and then turns on the power, electrifying it. Now if Cadence should work her way off the may, she will receive a huge jolt of electricity. Alone now, she sits still, afraid to makes anything more than small movements for fear of electrocution. She undergoes the stress of having to sit in this position for an extended period of time, actually wanting her captor to return and remove her from this perilous situation.

When he finally does return and shut off the power, Cadence sags with relief. The man cuts her free and orders her to strip off completely in preparation for a night tied to a bed. As unlikely as escape is, should she succeed, she will find it much harder to navigate through darkness in the nude. To ensure that she does not disturb her captor during the long night, she is again gagged with duct tape to ensure her silence. Cadence is starting to feel that this nightmare may never end.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Bondage Web: Trapped (MP4)
The Bondage Web: Trapped (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 53 seconds

Cadence has been forced to put on lingerie supplied by her captor, and is then made to stand with her arms outstretched and legs apart as he ties her to a pair of poles, creating a web of rope holding her in place and preventing her from sitting down (tying is not shown). Once his captive is secure, the masked man wraps microfoam tape around Cadence's head, covering her mouth once, twice, three times. Now she can't even speak. Compelled to stand like this in her high heels, Cadence's feet start to ache and she repeatedly lifts one foot and then the other to take the strain off her legs.

Some time later, her captor makes her put on a new dress and hogties her on the bed, a cleave gag in her mouth to subdue her moans. Cadence struggles hard with the ropes, and while it takes a long time, she eventually manages to free her hands. She unties her legs and finds a way outside. There are several vehicles standing on the grass. If just one of them is open, has keys inside, she could get away. While she is trying to doors, however, her captor appears behind her, grabs her and presses a cloth over her nose and mouth. Cadence fights back until she is compelled to take a breathe, then her world swims out of focus. Her escape attempt has failed.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Bondage Web - Taken (MP4)
The Bondage Web: Taken (MP4)
Time: 31 minutes 21 seconds
Cadence is working late at the office. The char lady brings her a coffee to keep her going before she heads home. Cadence drinks it as she continues going through her papers. Suddenly, she feels very tired. The room seems to be spinning. She falls forward. Suddenly, the room is gone. When she returns to the world, she finds herself in the back of a vehicle. Her wrists and ankles are bound, a cleave gag is in her mouth and a hood is over her head to ensure she cannot see where she is being taken. When the vehicle stops, the hood is removed and Cadence is forced to get out and hop towards a building. Inside, she is told to lie down on a bed and cuff her ankles and one of her wrists. Her captor secures the other wrist. When she begins calling for help, he sticks duct tape over her mouth then leaves her alone.

Later, much later, Cadence is given a key to release the cuffs, and is then to forced to take off her clothes and put on some sexy lingerie. It seems her captor has more plans for her.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Contentious Inheritance (MP4)
The Contentious Inheritance (MP4)
Time: 35 minutes 24 seconds
Cadence has inherited almost the entire, substantial estate of her late Uncle Mark. His brother David is to receive very little of the wealth and he is not at all happy about it. He has arranged for Cadence to visit and stay overnight so that they can carpool on the drive into the city the next day for the reading of the will. As soon as Cadence arrives, Dave tries to talk her into sharing some more of the money with him but Cadence refuses, telling him it's not personal, that she is just abiding by her Uncle Mark's wishes.

Dave is not willing to let it go at that. He overpowers Cadence and ties her up. Expecting her to be difficult, he has line up a number of ways to torture her into submission. The first method is to have her hogtied face down on top of a bench, her thighs and waist tied to the bench itself. Dave then places a board containing rows of sharp spikes under Cadence's face, preventing her from resting her head. He says he will not remove the spikes unless she changes her mind. He chooses this moment to inform her that he now wants all the money, not just a percentage of it. Despite her perilous situation, Cadence holds out, refusing to yield to her uncle's demands.

Next, Dave tried dunking her head in a sink full of cold water, submerging her face again and again and forcing her to hold her breath. Still Cadence will not give in and sign over her inheritance. It's getting late, so Dave decides to leave his niece perched on a stool for the night, tied in such a way that she can't lie down. Despite having to endure a very long and tortuous night, Cadence is still holding her own. Given that the girl is so stubborn, Dave sees nothing else for it but to make her disappear. He stakes her out in the woods and sprays a chemical on her stomach to attract coyotes, then leaves her there while he heads off to keep the appointment with his brother's lawyers. While they will not sign the estate over to him right away, but eventually, when no one is able to find any trace of his neice, he will finally get the money.

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Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Watch Cadence Being Tied Up Remastered  (MP4)
Watch Cadence Being Tied Up Remastered (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 59 seconds
Remastered from the original recording and exported at 1920x1080 pixels.

You get to watch Cadence being thoroughly and tightly tied to a chair. Cadence, wearing a sexy black dress and boots, as well as thigh high stockings, accepts the challenge to try to escape once the tying is finished. As rope and rope is added, she starts to lose confidence and even looks a little pensive. Finally, only the gag remains, and three thick pieces of silver duct tape are stuck over her mouth and cheeks, muting anything she might have to say. Cadence begins to struggle with her bonds, but she quickly discovers that she has little latitude to move and can't reach any important knots. Photographs as well as video are taken as she works to free herself, but after ten minutes of trying she has made no progress at all. Is Cadence going to admit defeat? Well, yes she did. Did we untie her right away? Hmm, we did untie her, but very, very slowly.

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Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux
Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux: The Final Problem (MP4)
The Final Problem (MP4)
Time: 43 minutes 52 seconds

The third part of the trilogy of clips where Jasmine is an investigative reporter who is grabbed by a human trafficking ring. She escapes numerous times but they always reacquire her. After several failed attempts to transport her to her destination, she is brought back to the house where she was first held to await the arrival of Jennifer, the head of the organization. When Jasmine tries to escape again, she comes face to face with Cadence, a woman she has come across before, a small time thief. To Jasmine's surprise, Cadence turns out to be the infamous Jennifer. Tired of the reporter's disruptions to her business, Cadence takes her back into the house where she chastises her bungling help before stripping Jasmine down to her bra and panties and groping her. Cadence ties up Jasmine and is still tearing the men off a strip when they grab her, strip her down to her panties and tie her up too. Tired of her attitude, they have decided to sell her along with Jasmine and double their profits, not least because Cadence plans to cut them out anyway. The two women are tied to the bed with Rick decides to have a little fun before wishing the girls "bon voyage".

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Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux
Jasmine St James & Cadence Lux: Essential Training (MP4)
Essential Training (MP4)
Time: 27 minutes 48 seconds

Cadence has recently been hired by a company that insists that she undergo some hostage training, given the sensitive nature of her job. The company uses an independent contractor for this work, operated by Jasmine and her new assistant Rick. Jasmine explains to Cadence that she will tie her up and train her how to escape from her bonds. Cadence looks a little uncertain, but hey, if the company trusts Jasmine and Co., then it should be alright. Once Cadence is tied up, she finds it impossible to free herself even with Jasmine's advice and encouragement. Finally, Cadence hits on a possible solution. She admits that she is more of a visual learner and would appreciate it if Jasmine could let her assistant tie her up so that she can demonstrate how to escape. Jasmine agrees and Rick ties her to a chair. It seems that her new assistant has become very adept at tying because, somewhat embarrassingly, Jasmine discovers that she can't get free. Rick suddenly notices the time and reminds her that they have another job to go to. He says he will deal with it and leave Jasmine there to demonstrate her escape techniques to Cadence. He also remembers that the victim is supposed to be gagged, and her tape each girl's mouth before leaving. Swallowing her pride, Jasmine works her way over to Cadence and unties one of the girl's wrists. After Cadence frees herself, she is in no hurry to release Jasmine. Indeed, she decides to add more rope to worsen the instructor's predicament.

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Cadence Lux, Autumn Bodell & Laci Star
Cadence Lux, Autumn Bodell & Laci Star: The Binder's Apprentice enhanced - Part 1 (MP4)
The Binder's Apprentice enhanced - Part 1 (MP4)
Time: 34 minutes 37 seconds

The police have never been able to gather enough evidence against the man they suspect of being The Binder, despite keeping him under constant surveillance. Part of the problem is that he has not been active of late, having suffered an injury which slows him down. The women of the area might breathe a sigh of relief at this news, were it not for the fact that The Binder now has an apprentice. In the opening scene, Dominic Boyle, a successful businessman, is in an argument with Kim, his personal assistant of several years. She says she is quitting because she is tired of having him tie her up all the time, making her stay late at the office. When he says he was planning to fire her anyway, she storms out of the office, slamming the door. A few moments later, a knock comes on the door and Boyle it is Kim having forgotten something, but instead he is startled to see the very man he worships - The Binder himself! When the old man gives his consent for Boyle to take over his activities until he recovers from his illness, the younger man is overwhelmed and promises not to let his mentor down. Boyle sets to work the very next day by enter the house of Autumn Bodell and her housemate Laci, two of the Binder's past victims. We join him just as he finishes placing the girls in hogties and gagging them, taking a few photographs for his album before departing. The girls struggle desperately to get free, and after a while Autumn thinks to retrieve her cellphone from her purse and call Cadence Lux, one of the detectives assigned to The Binder case.

Noise reduction using "Neat"

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Cadence Lux, Autumn Bodell & Laci Star
Cadence Lux, Autumn Bodell & Laci Star: The Binder's Apprentice enhanced - Part 2 (MP4)
The Binder's Apprentice enhanced - Part 2 (MP4)
Time: 34 minutes 19 seconds

Autumn and Laci are relaxing after their bondage ordeal of the morning, wondering how Cadence is doing. Laci points out that they have not heard from her and they wonder if things are going well for the detective. They don't hear any sounds of someone entering the house, but suddenly the Binder's Apprentice is with them again, and now he is armed in order to control them. He is annoyed to find the two women free of their bonds, and is even more convinced now that someone is helping them, probably his new, nosy secretary. But she will have to keep: for now, he has something else he must do. He is determined to carry on and not let The Binder down. He orders Autumn and Laci to take off their clothes and produces new outfits from his bag for them to wear. Once the girls have dressed themselves in the new clothes, the Binder's Apprentice ties each girl's hands behind her back, securing the ends over the stomach to stop her reaching the final knot. Once both are bound, he sits them back to back and ties their ankles and knees. He then wraps rope around their chests and waists, pinning them back to back so that they can't untie one another. The girls keep protesting at this treatment, warning the Binder's Apprentice that the police are watching, that he will get caught. To shut them up, he gags them both before producing his camera and taking yet more photographs for his personal album. After he leaves, Autumn and Laci struggle with their bonds but they are unable to get free. All they can do is wait and hope that Cadence is alright and will come to check on them.

Noise reduction using "Neat"

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,584.2 MB

Cadence Lux, Autumn Bodell & Laci Star
Cadence Lux, Autumn Bodell & Laci Star: The Binder's Apprentice enhanced - Part 3 (MP4)
The Binder's Apprentice enhanced - Part 3 (MP4)
Time: 34 minutes 51 seconds

When Cadence arrives for work on her second day, she enters to find Boyle not dressed in his suit but in a black commando-looking outfit with heavy boots. She asks what is going on, and he says that he knows what is going on, that she is a cop trying to entrap him. He holds Cadence up and makes her change out of her clothes into a dress he has selected for her. Cadence has no choice but to obey. The change complete, Boyle, now in his role of the Binder's Apprentice, makes her lay down on the floor where he ties her up and places her in a hogtie. He cleave gags her with a red cloth, matching the colour of her dress, then tells her he has a client to see, and that he'll be back to deal with her later. Left alone, Cadence spends a lot of time trying to get free but without success. After lying there trapped for hours, she finally hears someone coming. It is not the Binder's Apprentice, but Autumn and Laci who have grown worried about her and come to check up on how she is doing. Autumn removes Cadence's gag, and Cadence asks the two women to untie her quickly because they have to get out of there before the Binder's Apprentice comes back. The girls have barely started loosening the ropes when they hear the sound of a door opening and closing. Rather than be discovered, they quickly re-gag the protesting Cadence and flee from the room to hide elsewhere in the building. When the Binder's Apprentice enters the room, he immediately spots the loose rope around Cadence's ankles. He arms himself and quickly leaves in search of the intruders he knows must still be nearby.

Noise reduction using "Neat"

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,617.2 MB
Cadence Lux, Autumn Bodell & Laci Star
Cadence Lux, Autumn Bodell & Laci Star: The Binder's Apprentice enhanced - complete (MP4)
The Binder's Apprentice enhanced - complete (MP4)
Time: 104 minutes
All three parts of this story together and enhanced to HD. Noise reduction using "Neat". 1920x1080 pixels
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Sales Rep (MP4)
The Sales Rep (MP4)
Time: 45 minutes 55 seconds

Cadence is a rep selling sportswear door to door. She visits the house of some old guy who is obviously not a viable customer, so she asks if he has a wife. That is her mistake. He says he has and invites her in, asking her to show him the various sports outfits before he goes to fetch his wife. But is transpires that he has no wife. What he wants is to make Cadence try on each of the outfits, and while she is wearing each one, he plans to tie her up. So begins Cadence's extended nightmare as she is forced to undress and try on outfit number one before being hogtied on the floor. She almost escapes, but the old guy intercepts her and ties her up and ball-gagged in his garage, having been made to change into the second outfit. There is no escape this time, and Cadence has to stand there waiting to be untied. When she is, she is made to strip and put on the next outfit before being tied to a chair and cleave gagged. Now it appears she has run out of outfits, so when the old guy ties her to his bed for some fun later on, she is wearing only her panties. How could things possible get any worse?

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,110.4 MB

Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James
Cadence Lux & Jasmine St James: She Who Dares Wins (MP4)
She Who Dares Wins (MP4)
Time: 44 minutes 49 seconds

Cadence and Jasmine are associate professors at a University, and together they have made a significant discovery which will earn one of them a tenured position. The problem is that only one tenured job is available, and each girl is convinced that her name appears first on their scientific publication, making it the one most frequently quoted and therefore most likely to earn tenure. Cadence believes she provided the most input for the work and believes her name should appear first, but Jasmine disagrees. Always one to be proactive, Jasmine decides she will put on a sexy suit with a short skirt and go talk to the Dean, increasing her chances of being the selected candidate. Cadence decides that enough is enough. Clearly, she must take drastic steps in order to win the position over her ambitious colleague. She overpowers Jasmine, tying her to a chair before she, Cadence, changes into her own sexy suit with a short skirt ready to present herself to the Dean. Before she colleague can depart, however, Jasmine gets free and returns the favor, placing Cadence in a tight hogtie with a ballgag stuffed into her mouth. So begins an afternoon where each girl keeps breaking free from restraints and overpowering her colleague. Which of them will reach the Dean's office first is anyone's guess.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,073.3 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Cadence Collection (MP4)
The Cadence Collection (MP4)
Time: 55 minutes 05 seconds

1. The Plumber
Cadence has been waiting for the plumber to arrive to fix a leaking pipe under the kitchen sink. He is already an hour late! When the doorbell chimes, Cadence exclaims: "Finally!" She does not seem too pleased when she answers the door, not realizing the mistake she is making. She shows the plumber into the kitchen and shows him what needs doing, then goes back into the living room to continue texting on her phone. Unseen by her, the plumber opens his tool box and pulls out some rope and duct tape. He picks up a short length of pipe, creeps up behind Cadence and presses the round end into her back. Making the assumption one would expect, Cadence raises her hands and complies when the plumber starts to tie her wrists together behind her back. Only when he has her lying on the floor with her legs also tied does he show her the pipe, mocking her for believing it was anything more. To Cadence's horror, he asks her if she knows what a hogtie is, then proceeds to demonstrate by putting her in one. He promises to fix the leaking pipe for her, but first he stuffs a handkerchief into her mouth and wraps duct tape around her head. For a while after he gets to work, Cadence stays where she is, finally realizing that her only hope is to get to the front door and maybe summon help. Moving in a hogtie is difficult and it takes a lot of effort for Cadence to move herself along the passageway. She is prevented from reaching the door by the presence of three steps which she can't descend without falling. Before she can try it, the plumber discovers what she is up to. He releases her from the hogtie, lifts her over his shoulder and carries her back into the living room where he sits her on a chair before securing her to it with duct tape.

2. Blonde Assassin
Cadence is an assassin who has been tired to take out some trash in the form of Dave King, head of a drug cartel and a target for his competitors. Cadence, dressed in street clothes to blend in, enters Dave's house through the basement and ascends the stairs. She looks around as she goes but fails to spot him hiding in a recess. He sneaks up behind Cadence and disarms her. Partly for the fun of it and partly to check her for any concealed items, he orders Cadence to take off her clothes. Cadence wants to argue with him but he has her covered and she knows he won't hesitate to dispatch her, so she strip until she stands before him naked. He makes her kneel down then locks a pair of handcuffs on her wrists. He then fores her down onto the floor and zip ties her ankles, using a second zip tie to connect ankles and cuffs until Cadence is trapped in a tight hogtie. No longer willing to listen to what she has to say, Dave gags the girl with duct tape and then departs to make arrangements for her removal, leaving Cadence to struggle helplessly in her inescapable bondage.

3. Snip & Rip
Cadence is standing in a grimy old garage, her wrists handcuffs above her head and a gag in her mouth. She has no idea how she got there; the last thing she remembers is being at a party and drinking something that tasted a little strange... then waking up here. She struggles, knowing that there is no way out of the tightly-closed handcuffs. Her level of alarm increases when a masked man enters the garage brandishing a pair of scissors. She watches in horror as her begins to cut off her dress. The scissors are blunt and it takes some time, snipping, tearing, and more snipping, until finally no part of the dress is attached to her. The man takes the remains of the dress off her shoulder and throws it on the floor. Now the scissors move down to Cadence's panties, and she watches helplessly as the man cuts through them, first one side and then the other, pulling them from between her legs and leaving her wearing nothing but heels and stockings. After a while, he retrieves a zip tie and secures her ankles. Clearly, this cute blonde is going to remain his house guest for some time to come.

4. On the Run
Cadence is on the run from the police. With the law closing in, she dashes into a house hoping to be able to hide there for a while, but no sooner has she entered when a man challenges her, asking what she thinks she is doing in his home. When a police woman knocks on the front door, she pleads with the man not to give her up, promising that she has not done anything bad. The man is in two minds about whether to tell the police woman about her or not, but with an inkling of a plan forming in his mind, he answers the door and tells the police woman he has not seen the suspect they are looking for. When he returns, Cadence thanks him profusely, asking if she can just stay a short while until the police have gone. The man points out that he has just committed perjury by lying to the cop for her, and in wants something in return. Cadence looks worried, wondering if the man is after sexual favors, but he says all he wants to do is tie her up for a while. Cadence looks at him anxiously and asks him to promise that he won't hurt her once she is bound. He duly promises and she allows him to bind her with ropes, then cleave gag her with a cloth. Helpless now, Cadence is distressed when the man leaves the room, saying he will be back later. How long is she going to have to lie there in a tight hogtie. She might have been better off letting the police catch her after all!

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,337.3 MB
Cadence Lux & Sinthia Bee
Cadence Lux & Sinthia Bee: Left Helpless (MP4)
Left Helpless (MP4)
Time: 20 minutes 25 seconds

Arriving home from a day out, Cadence and Sinthia come face to face with an intruder in their home. He makes Cadence tie up Sinthia using police-quality plastic cuffs, securing her wrists and ankles. Cadence is then compelled to put her friend in a hogtie by using a zip tie to connect wrists and ankles. Now Cadence must lie down next to Sinthia, whereupon the intruder ties her up in exactly the same way. All that remains is to silence the two women - a cloth is pushed into the mouths and duct tape is stuck over the lower half of the face. The intruder goes about his business of committing a robbery while the women struggle helplessly against their restraints. Sinthia remembers that she has left a pair of scissors on the floor of the feed cupboard and painfully works her way into the kitchen to retrieve them. Hampered by her  cuffs having been pulled very tight, Cadence slowly follows her. They try to use the scissors to cut themselves out but it proves a lot harder than it appears. They pause to rest, but before they can try again, the intruder enters the room with a bag full of cash and valuables and picks up the scissors, leaving the women completely helpless on the kitchen floor.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 946.1 MB

Cali Logan & Cadence Lux
Cali Logan & Cadence Lux: Don't Keep Me Tied Up Remastered (MP4)
Don't Keep Me Tied Up Remastered (MP4)
Time: 25 minutes 20 seconds

Cadence has had her eye on Cali for quite some time but never quite manages to strike be in the right place at the right time to meet her and perhaps strike up a conversation. Finally, in frustration, Cadence decides to take a more direct approach. One winter's morning she hides herself on the back seat of Cali's Jeep and waits for her to emerge from her house to go to work. Finally, Cali appears and Cadence crouches right down to avoid being seen. An unsuspecting Cali climbs into the driver's seat and is about to start the engine when a cloth is pressed over her nose and mouth. She pulls at the hand only it there but her assailant is too strong. The strange-smelling chemical on the cloth makes Cali lose focus and the world about her begins to swim. Her efforts to fight off her assailant weaken until she falls completely limp. Satisfied with her handiwork, Cadence lifts the comatose girl from her vehicle and carries her into her house. She ties Cali's wrists, thighs and ankles with rope, and just as she is pulling her into a hogtie, Cali slowly recovers. At first she is dazed and confused, hardly able to grasp what is going on. By the time the truth hits her it is too late to even struggle. Cadence ties rope around Cali's chest and arms, making her very secure before going out for a while. Naturally, she can't risk Cali calling for help if anyone should come to the door so she gags her victim before departing. Cali struggles hard but is unable to escape from her bondage. When Cadence returns, she removes Cali's gag to let her have a sip of water, and then re-gags her before reapplying the cloth to her nose and mouth until her captive is sleeping again. Next time Cali wakes she finds herself tied to a chair. Cadence is standing behind her and reaches over to grope her breasts, humiliating her...

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,174.2 MB
Cadence Lux, Niki Lee Young & Laci Star
Cadence Lux, Niki Lee Young & Laci Star: Keeping Things Uniform Remastered (MP4)
Keeping Things Uniform Remastered (MP4)
Time: 22 minutes 46 seconds

Cadence and Niki are both in front of the mirror checking their makeup before heading out to work, when a knock comes on the door. Cadence answers, and a blonde woman (Laci) forces her way into the house and pushes Cadence back into the living room to confront a startled Niki. Laci orders both of them to get down on the floor, and amid their questions about what is going on and why, Laci proceeds to tie them both up and place them each in a hogtie. She gags them both with duct tape, saying she will be back to deal with them later. Cadence and Niki struggle against their restraints. Niki manages to get out of the hogtie and is busy helping Cadence when an angry Laci returns. She finishing untying Niki and tells her to take off her uniform. Laci tries Niki's uniform on but the blouse is too small, so she then unties Cadence and orders her to strip too. Now that she has what she wants, Laci sits her two victims in chairs and ties them up again, this time making the ropes nice and tight. She departs wearing one uniform and carrying the other without ever explaining what she is up to. Cadence and Niki work on their bonds but this time they can't work the ropes loose. They are stuck sitting there in bra and panties waiting for someone to find and rescue them.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,060.6 MB
Cadence Lux & Tilly McReese
Cadence Lux & Tilly McReese: The Crooked Accountant Remastered (MP4)
The Crooked Accountant Remastered (MP4)
Time: 23 minutes 02 seconds

Cadence has been Tilly's accountant for a number of years, but lately Tilly suspects that Cadence has been siphoning money from the business account into her own. Tilly finally confronts her accountant about this misappropriation of funds, and she is very serious. Cadence denies stealing from Tilly and looks shocked when Tilly binds her wrists arches her outside to her vehicle. Laying on the back seat of the vehicle, wrists and ankles in zip ties, cadence can only wonder what Tilly has in store for her. At Tilly's house, she forces cadence to go on-line and reverse all the transactions she has made. When this task is complete, Tilly re-secures her accountant, now ex-accountant, with zip ties, putting her into a brutal hogtie, and then gagging her with duct tape. Tilly goes out leaving Cadence to struggle, in futility she believes. However, Tilly is not experienced at this sort of this and has left her clippers on the seat of her chair. Spotting these, Cadence tips the chair over and is able to cut herself out of the zip ties. She goes off to retrieve some rope and then lies in wait for Tilly's return. When Tilly enters the room and sees cadence gone, she moans in dismay. A second later, she is terrified as cadence threatens her from behind. Before long, Cadence has the girl tied up with ropes, also in a hogtie, and gagged with tape. cadence then settles down to recover all the money from the reversed transactions while Tilly lies on the floor beside her, helpless and unable to intervene.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,066.2 MB

Cadence Lux & Juliette March
Cadence Lux & Juliette March: A Dangerous Trespass (MP4)
A Dangerous Trespass (MP4)
Time: 24 minutes 54 seconds

Cadence and Juliette are on their way to a function and they are running late. The only way to make up time is to get to the main highway by cutting across the property of a crazy old fuck named Bob. They both view him as very sketchy and normally keep well away from him, but on this one occasion, they make the decision to cross his land, following a grassy track that goes right past his house. They think they are going to get away with it when Bob steps in front of the car, making them stopped. Bob is armed and he looks pissed. He orders the girls to get out of the car, circle round to the front and place their hands on the hood. To their horror, he lifts each girl's skirt and pulls down her panties. He makes each girl put her panties panties in her mouth before he seals them in with duct tape. Forced to put their hands on their heads, the girls are marched through the woods to a second property where Bob allows them to remove their gags. They plead with him to let them go, but worried the girls have seen something they should not have, he refuses. Instead, he makes them strip before tying them up in a hogtie, then re-gagging them. Bob calls someone, apparently a man who calls the shots, and explains about the two girls. He is told to keep them there until the other man arrives, then a decision will be made about what to do with them. Alone at last, the girls struggle frantically to get out of the ropes binding their wrists and ankles, but they are tight and the knots are out of reach. Trespassing on Bob's land has turned out to be the worst decision they ever made.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,148.5 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Flashing Blade Remastered (MP4)
The Flashing Blade Remastered (MP4)
Total Time: 12 minutes 50 seconds

This movie has been remastered from the original recording, presented here in 1920x1080 pixels and with a bit rate of 6 Mbps (the original was 1280x720 pixels with a bit rate of 4 Mbps). Color and white balance have both been adjusted, and sound has been augmented.

Cadence is busy texting on her phone, unaware that a masked man is standing in the open doorway of her house. She realizes something is wrong when a glint of light dances around the room and she turns to see the intruder. Her first thought is to run from the house, but the man pursues her, catching up with her as she tries to run through icy snow in her high-heeled boots. He holds a sword to her throat and makes her return to the house where he secures her wrists and ankles with heavy-duty zip ties. He gags Cadence with duct tape before going in search of the her valuables. In his absence, Cadence works her way to where she left her phone and tries to call for help. Before she can communicate with the person who answers her call, The masked man re-enters the room and takes the phone away from her. Alone again, Cadence slides through to the kitchen to where she knows she has a pair of scissors. She is trying to cut through the zip ties around her ankles when the intruder catches her again, this time taking away the scissors. He gives her a final warning about behaving herself and threatens to tie her up even more if she tries anything else. After he goes back to searching the house, Cadence works her way outside, stands up and hops a few steps, frantically calling out through her gag and hoping the neighbours will spot her and realize she is in trouble before she gets herself into deeper trouble.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 596.8 MB
Niki Lee Young, Cadence Lux & Laci Star
Niki Lee Young, Cadence Lux & Laci Star: All Planned Out Enhanced (MP4)
All Planned Out Enhanced (MP4)
Total Time: 28 minutes 47 seconds

This video has been reprocessed the original recording to create a 1920x1080-pixel version with a bit rate of 6 Mbps. Color and white balance have both been adjusted, the picture has been sharpened and sound has been augmented.

Original description: Cadence and Laci are lying on the floor bound and gagged, seemingly taken captive and kept prisoner. At first, both girls appear to be trying to escape their bonds, but after a few minutes Laci begins taking a lot of interest in Cadence, kissing her and touching her with her bound hands. Cadence tells her to get off, saying through her gag that they need to get out of there before the man who grabbed them comes back, but Laci seems in no hurry at all. Things take a new turn when Laci manages to get free but doesn't untie Cadence. Instead, she begins groping and kissing her friend despite Cadence's disbelieving protests. While this is going on, the man who tied them up returns with Niki, apparently a third victim. He ties Niki's ankles and then re-ties Laci, re-applying her gag and then gagging Niki. The three women are left alone, and soon Laci begins kissing and touching Cadence again. When Niki helps Laci to escape her bonds for a second time, Cadence tries to warn her not to let Laci go since she won't untie them. Sure enough, Laci climbs on top of Cadence with an amused Niki looking on. It is not long before Laci helps Niki out of her ropes and both women start to kiss and caress Cadence, as well as one another. Cadence can't believe what is going on and repeatedly asks to be untied. Only now does it transpire that her two friends have set her up, that it was all planned out - they were the ones who paid the man to grab all three of them purely to get Cadence into this situation. The fun continues until Niki points out that she and Laci have somewhere else to be. They both go and get ready to go out, leaving poor Cadence tied up and gagged, promising to come back and have more fun with her later. Cadence struggles desperately but she seems to have been more thoroughly tied up than her friends and cannot get free. Some friends they turned out to be!

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,339.7 MB

Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux
Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux: Lost Girls enhanced (MP4)
Lost Girls enhanced (MP4)
Total Time: 24 minutes 31 seconds
This video has been reprocessed the original recording to create a 1920x1080-pixel version with a bit rate of 6 Mbps. Color and white balance have both been adjusted, and sound has been augmented.

Hannah is busy berating her partner Bub when the two see a car approaching along their potholed driveway. They see two girls (Cali and Cadence) inside the vehicle, almost certainly lost, and decide to have some fun with them. They go to greet the girls, ostensibly to give them directions, then Hannah suddenly holds them up and forces them to climb out of the car. While Bub keeps the girls covered, Hannah zip ties their wrists. She is about to secure Cadence's ankles when Cali makes a run for it. Hannah gives chase and drags the girl to the ground, promptly zip tying her ankles to make her stay put. She then returns to Cadence and finishes the job by securing her ankles too. She instructs Bub to carry Cadence indoors and then come back to collect Cali. Inside, the girls soon find themselves tied to chairs and gagged. They struggle with their bonds, gag talking to each other and hoping to get free before the crazy couple comes back to torment them, but it's too late. Hannah sends Bub off to the hardware store to get some supplies for the weekend. Once he leaves, Hannah admits that she just needed to get rid of him for a while because she hates sharing. She begins to grope and kiss her prisoners, clearly having a wonderful time with them. The two girls escape, overpowering Hannah, and make a run for it. Hannah's partner catches them and brings them back, tying Hannah up along with them since her ability to control herself and her prisoners is no longer viable in their relationship.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,136.1 MB
Cadence Lux & Laci Star
Cadence Lux & Laci Star: Undercover Hooker Remastered (MP4)
Undercover Hooker Remastered (MP4)
Total Time: 20 minutes 31 seconds
This movie has been remastered from the original recording, presented here in 1920x1080 pixels and with a bit rate of 6 Mbps (the original was 1280x720 pixels with a bit rate of 4 Mbps). Color and white balance have both been adjusted, and sound has been augmented.

Laci has been soliciting on street corners and Cadence has been working as an undercover cop to catch her. Cadence has followed Laci home from "work" to arrest her not only for soliciting but also on suspicion of selling controlled substances. Pushing her way into the house, Cadence handcuffs Laci and frisks her before going in search of whatever illegal substances the girl may be hiding. With Cadence out of the way, Laci manages to pick the locks on the handcuffs and creeps into the bathroom where she has another substance that she pours onto a cloth. She creeps up behind cadence who is still in the middle of her search and clamps the cloth over her nose and mouth. Cadence struggles, growing weaker as she inhales until her body is completely limp. Laci ties her up, finishing the job as Cadence starts coming to. Laci says she needs to search her in case she is carrying anything illegal, and begins to feel and grope the undercover cop. Unsatisfied, Laci gets some scissors and cuts of Cadence's clothing, saving the panties for last. She stuffs these into Cadence's mouth, sealing them in with several strips of duct tape. Cadence is then placed in a hogtie which, Laci tells her, is only fitting for a pig. Laci then begins to enjoy herself with the stricken cop until her boyfriend calls to ask where she is. Anxious not to keep him waiting, Laci says farewell to Cadence and departs, leaving the naked girl struggling in tight and inescapable bondage.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 953.9 MB
Cadence Lux, Vonka Romanov & Jasmine St James
Cadence Lux, Vonka Romanov & Jasmine St James: Deal Breaker (MP4)
Deal Breaker (MP4)
Total Time: 38 minutes 49 seconds

Dave has made a lucrative movie deal with a foreign dignitary of middle eastern origins, but the only way the dignitary is willing to go forward with negotiations is if he gets three American girls to clinch the deal. He has even picked them from the social media profiles: their names are Jasmine, Cadence and Vonka. Dave dispatches his assistant, Asher, to track down the girls and bring them to the house where the dignitary will send his men to collect them. At the start of the movie, we see Asher leading the three girls through the snow, their hands bound behind their back to maintain control of them. Jasmine decides to make a break for it but does not get far before she slips and falls in the snow. While Asher is securing her legs to prevent her running again, Cadence and Vonka run back the way they came, hoping to use Jasmine's distraction to escape themselves. Once Jasmine is secure, Asher gives chase and quickly catches up to the two girls. He carries them back together, one over each shoulder. he links the ropes used to lead them to make escape a little harder before picking up Jasmine and carrying her to the house where the boss lives. The other two girls try to escape again, but this time they are hampered by the additional tie. Asher catches them for a second time, throws Vonka over his shoulder and makes Cadence walk beside him.

With all three girls safely delivered, Asher unties them at Dave's behest and makes them change their clothes, dressing them to look more seductive for the buyer. The girls are then photographed before Asher places them all in hogties. A cloth is stuffed into each girl's mouth and secured there with a cleave gag. While the two men are busy with sending the photos, the girls all struggles against their bonds. After a few minutes, Cadence manages to free her hands. She releases the other two girls and they all make a run for it. As they open the door to the outside world, however, they find Asher standing on the other side, and he is armed. He makes the girls walk back to the living room, then while Dave keeps them covered he ties all three of them to chairs. To shut them up, the girls are gagged again, this time with knotted cleave gags. Now the ropes are a lot tighter, and struggle as they may, none of them are able to get loose. Their level of distress increases when a gloating Asher comes to tell them that the buyer is happy with the choice of girls and has closed the deal. He promises them a trip to somewhere very warm, very soon.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,798.0 MB

Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Shackled Walk (MP4)
Shackled Walk (MP4)
Total Time: 9 minutes 54 seconds

Cadence has been arrested and is being transported to a penitentiary. She is still in her leather street clothes as she is handcuffed, shackled and secured with a waist chain, connected to her cuffs and shackles. Instead of walking her straight to a car to transport her, the man dealing with her walks her into the woods where he gropes her thigh and breasts, asking her if she would like to enjoy a few more hours of freedom out in the woods with him. When Cadence refuses, she is marched to the car. Because she didn't cooperate with her captor, he decides that she can ride in the trunk instead of on the back seat of the car. Poor Cadence just can't win.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 459.5 MB
Compilation: Girls in Handcuffs 7 (MP4)
Girls in Handcuffs 7 (MP4)
Total Time: 65 minutes 11 seconds

This compilation contains 13 excerpts from our video library, each lasting approximately five minutes.
  1. Lost in the Woods - Kendra James
  2. Shackled Walk - Cadence Lux
  3. Moment of Crisis - Vivian & Veronica Pierce
  4. Stopover - Jasmine St James
  5. Please Let Me Out - Vonka Romanov
  6. Shoplifter - Rachel Adams
  7. You Should Not Have Come Here - Jamie Daniels
  8. Prisoner Transporter - Dakkota Grey
  9. ICE - Monica Jade
  10. The Perverted Cop's Next Victim - TerraMizu
  11. Hit & Run - Autumn Bodell
  12. Jasmine Needs To Be Punished - Jasmine St James
  13. Anything To Save Her Sister - Lana Luxor

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,924.1 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Suck On It (MP4)
Suck On It (MP4)
Total Time: 14 minutes 14 seconds
Cadence has been grabbed by a man who simply wants to hold her as a captive. More than that, he wants to have some fun with her. His first act is to force her to remove her sweater and skirt, leaving her wearing only bra and panties. He secures her hands behind her back with plastic cuffs, then secures her ankles in the same way. He indicates a rubber penis gag her has strapped to a pole, and tells Cadence to make her way over to it, get up on her knees and start sucking it. Cadence really doesn't want to do this, but with an armed man hovering over her, she knows she has no choice. She does as she is told, sucking on the rubber cock gag as if it were the real thing. When she chokes on the taste of it, her captor presses on the back of her head, making her suck the thing properly, in and out, in and out. Cadence is made to keep doing this until her captor feels it would be good for her to have the rubber penis constantly inside her mouth. He unbuckles the gag from the pole, pushes the rubber penis into her mouth and straps it tightly, making it impossible for the girl to spit it out. He orders her to return to the bed and lie down where she can wait for his further attentions. Secured bound in the plastic cuffs, Cadence cannot hope to wriggle free. Nor can she get the rubber cock out of her mouth. Her captor has already told her she should see it as a dry run for the real thing later on. Can she please wake up from this nightmare now!

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 656.3 MB

Jessica, Sinn Sage, Cadence Lux, Jasmine St James & Amber Wells
Jessica, Sinn Sage, Cadence Lux, Jasmine St James & Amber Wells: The Cult enhanced (MP4)
The Cult enhanced (MP4)
Total Time: 57 minutes 16 seconds
Filmed in the autumn of 2014, The Cult was assembled from a series of four different shoots. It was exported at 1280x720 pixels, the standard resolution of the time. I looked at completely reconstructing this story from raw data to re-release it, but then discovered just how many layers of work went into creating it. Everything gelled so perfectly that I decided not to mess with it. Instead of starting from scratch, the best quality Quicktime copy was imported into Final Cut Pro where the pixels were stretched to 1920x1080, the picture was sharpened, and both color and audio were enhanced. Noise reduction software cleaned up the picture where needed, resulting in a nice-looking product, presented here in MP4.

Original description: Jessica's car has broken down on a quiet country road. She has no cellphone signal, so in order to get help she has to walk. She finds her way to a remote house and knocks on the door. No one answers. Normally, Jessica would not have persisted, but she had seen no other properties and is completely stranded. She tentatively tries the door. To her surprise, it is unlocked. She pushes the door open a little way, calling out "Hello?" Once again, there is no response. She walks into the house and finds herself in a room with the skeleton of a man seated in a chair, surrounded by the skeletons of various creatures. This strange sight makes her uneasy and she starts to think that entering the house was a mistake. She is about to turn and leave when a gloved hand clamps over her mouth and she feels an arm snake around her waist. She struggles and tries to cry out in alarm but the sound is stifled by the clamping hand. A chilling, sepulchral voice speaks in her ear: "You should not have come here. Don't struggle." Forced down onto the floor, Jessica gets her first look at the dark acolyte who has captured her. She is almost too terrified to move as he produces rope from beneath his cloak and begins to tie her wrists together behind her back, warning her: "If you want to live, don't struggle." Later in the day, Jessica's friend Sinn Sage arrives looking for her, having found her abandoned car close by. She too falls victim to the dark acolyte and is tied to a chair and gagged. Later, she is taken to an old abandoned building where she sit alongside Jessica, both of them bound and gagged. The next day, Cadence, a nosy reporter looking for a story about the Cult of Asmonday, is also grabbed and made a prisoner. Now there are three women ready for the sacrifice; only one more is required in order for the ritual to make Asmonday flesh to be performed. The fourth is supplied when Detective Jasmine St John arrives in search of the missing women. The Dark Acolyte ties her up but she manages to get free and is about to escape to get help when she comes face to face with Amber, the High Priestess.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 2,144.0 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: I'll Do Anything You Want (MP4)
I'll Do Anything You Want (MP4)
Total Time: 21 minutes 51 seconds
As Cadence climbs into her car ready to drive to work, a man walks up along side her vehicle and reaches in through the open window, pressing a cloth over her nose and mouth. Cadence tries to fight off the attack, but after taking a single breath she has no time to do anything. When she recovers, she finds herself lying face down on a bed, her wrists and ankles tied, and unable to straighten her legs. She is hogtied! She begins to struggle, calling for help, but this only brings the attention of the man who grabbed her. Hoping to forestall him doing her any harm, Cadence tells him, "I'll do anything you want." He unrolls a strip of duct tape and presses it over her mouth to keep her quiet, while making note of her offer. He leaves for a short time, during with Cadence renews her struggles. Where are the damned knots? All too soon, the man returns and cuts her free. She is forced to stand and remove her top and skirt, revealing her bra and panties. She is allowed to leave her thigh high stockings on. She is made to sit on a chair and handcuff her wrists. Her captor brings a load of rope and ties her body to the chair before gagging her again. Cadence wonders how long this torment is going to go on.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 848.2 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: I'll Do Anything You Want - conclusion (MP4)
I'll Do Anything You Want - conclusion (MP4)
Total Time: 9 minutes 04 seconds
Having been held captive for quite some time already (hogtied, and then tied and handcuffed to a chair, both in "I Will Do Anything You Want"), Cadence finds herself lying back on the bed, now with an arm binder strapping her arms behind her back, and with straps locked around her ankles. The ankle straps are attached to the bedframe with a pair of handcuffs to ensure that Cadence cannot climb off the bed. Her captor gags her and leaves her there for the night. Cadence struggles, trying to wriggle free, but the arm binding and ankle cuffs are tight. There is little hope of escape.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 349.1 MB

Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: An Unexpected Turn (MP4)
An Unexpected Turn (MP4)
Total Time: 14 minutes 21 seconds
Cadence is visiting a new boyfriend on his birthday, and as a treat she begins performing a sexy strip tease for him. What she does not know is that he likes bondage, and by the time she is naked he has decided he would like to tie her to the bed. Cadence thinks this should be fun and agrees to let him. Once she is secured, however, events take an unexpected turn. The new boyfriend walks away and exits the house, leaving Cadence tied to the bed naked, legs apart, showing everything. Is this a prank? Does he intend to return with some friends and humiliate her? She has no idea. All she does know is that she can't get the ropes off her wrists and ankles. (This was filmed as a POV video so the guy does not appear or say anything. Consequently, the tying is not done on screen, and there is no gagging).

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 554.3 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Do As You're Told
Do As You're Told
Total Time: 24 minutes 26 seconds
Cadence is at home exchanging texts on her phone when she receives a call from an unknown caller. She generally ignores these, but on an impulse, she answers it. The caller tells her something that makes her believe this is a prank call. She looks amused when the caller apparently threatens to blow up her greenhouse. Calling his bluff, Cadence tells him to go ahead and do it. There is a flash of light and a rumble of an explosion, and Cadence gasps in shock. When the caller tells her that her house is next unless she does exactly as she is told, Cadence becomes suddenly compliant. She looks very distressed when the caller instructs her to remove all of her clothes. Her anxiety increases still more when he sends her to her front porch to collect a box he has left there for her. Inside, she finds a pair of handcuffs and some ankles shackles, and it is clear that the caller wants her to chain herself up naked. Cadence dreads what might come next, but realizes she has no choice and obeys the instructions given to her. After a while, a man lets himself into her home. She knows who it must be. She hopes that he has come to release her, but instead, he connects her handcuffs and shackles together, placing her in a hogtie. He gags her with duct tape, explaining that she is just his type and that he plans to have a lot of fun with her.

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 942.2 MB
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Captured Cadence
Captured Cadence
Total Time: 13 minutes 29 seconds
Cadence has been grabbed by someone who just wants to have her around. He has her in the back of his car, her wrists cuffed behind her back. We join Cadence in her distress as she is made to get out of the car and walk towards the property to which she has been taken. Inside, her captor commands her to stand still as he comes up behind her bearing a cloth soaked in chemicals. He presses it over her nose and mouth, and because Cadence is still handcuffed, she can't reach up to pull the man's hand away. Soon, she is compelled to inhale and promptly sinks to the floor. The man now removes the handcuffs and starts to undress his captive. We cut to where Cadence is sitting naked on a chair, her wrists, forearms and ankles all taped to the chair. We witness her captor gag her with duct tape before wrapping additional tape around each of her wrists, pinning them even tighter to the arms of the chair, making sure she cannot pull free. Awake again, Cadence begins to struggle, but the tape is sticking to her skin and will not move. She can't get out of her tape bondage; she can't even close her legs to even attempt to protect her modesty. She is exposed, vulnerable and helpless. (Cadence kindly agreed to let us use real duct tape to bind her to the chair).

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 518.3 MB

Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: The Witness
The Witness (MP4)
Total Time: 43 minutes 15 seconds
Cadence is coming home from a fancy event when she is pulled over by an off-duty cop. The officer comes up to her window to let her know she was speeding. The cop says he "smells something suspicious and illegal" and he asks her to step out of the car. Cadence is handcuffed before the cop looks inside her car, checking her driver's license (which has expired). He frisks her to make sure she is not concealing any weapons and then marches her back to his car. Cadence starts to complain about being harassed but the cop doesn't care. When she is seated in his car, he applies shackles to her ankles. Since Cadence won't stop complaining, her pushes a ball gag into her mouth, saying he is glad he is officially off duty and driving his own vehicle, which means he does not have to conform to all police guidelines.

Before they even starts driving, the cop receives a call that Cadence is actually a key witness for a case against a mob boss and that she needs to go into protective custody immediately. To make sure she won't be spotted, the cop makes Cadence lie down on the back seat. When the arrive at the safehouse, Cadence is assisted out of the car and walked to the house in her legirons. The cop leads her around the house, showing her where everything is, before releasing her and letting her relax in a bedroom. She needs to be up bright and early to go to court. Not wanting to testify, Cadence tries to sneak out of the safe house, but the cop catches her and ties her up in ropes, leaving her in a hogtie, a very uncomfortable way to spend the night.

In the morning, the office comes in and wakes her up. He unties her legs so she can walk, but leaves her upper body tied. He tells her they are off to the courthouse to see the judge. She tries to mumble through her ballgag that she needs clothes, but he tells her not to worry as they will give her something when they arrive. On the way to his car, the cop tells her she does not need to worry about clothing for court since she is not going there. The mob boss has paid off the cop to deliver Cadence direct to him. Realizing the danger she is in, Cadence knees the cop in the groin and makes a run for it into the woods. Still bound and gagged and wearing high heels, how far will she get before the cop finds her?

1920x1080 pixels - MP4: 1,666.7 MB
Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux
Cali Logan, Hannah Perez & Cadence Lux: The Relic
The Relic (MP4)
Total Time: 26 minutes 27 seconds
Dave is a thief who has acquired an ancient relic on display at a local museum for the week. He knows the cops will come looking and is anxious to shift the piece; what he does not expect is for three of the museum's employees to track him down. He sees them arrive via CCTV and stop some distance from his house, getting out of their car and fan out. Evidently, they are planning to approach the house from different directions to optimize their chances of gaining access. Dave calls his employee Pete and asks him to round up the girls, then bring them to the house for interrogation. Pete manages to pick off the girls one by one, carrying their limp forms to the same spot in the woods before tying them up and gagging them. As the girls recover, they find their ankles secured in a hobble tie. Pete forces them to stand, links their waists with a rope to make them walk in single file, then wraps a rope around the lead girl's neck to act as a leash. He leads them through the woods towards the house, and the girls have no choice but to stumble along and desperately try not to fall. As they near the property, Pete hears a vehicle nearby and ties the leash rope to a tree which he goes to check that the coast is clear. The girls seize the opportunity to make an escape attempt. They untie the waist rope of the girl at the back and she hobbles away through the woods to get help. As her returns, Pete sees her and gives chance, lifting her up and bringing her back to her colleagues. He reattaches the waist rope and leads the girls into the house.

A little later, they are sitting on the floor lined up against a wall, and both Dave and Pete are asking them questions. It seems the girls were actually trying to recover the relic for the museum. The two men are amused. Dave sends Pete out to move the girls' car out of sight, and when he returns he is carrying dresses. The car owner seems to carry some spare wardrobe around with her, and Pete decides that they can put this to good use; by making the girls change into the dresses and enhance their sexuality, perhaps they will be able to interest the buyer in more than just the relic. The girls are forced to change their clothes in front of the two men, and then suffer the indignity of being tied up and gagged again. This time they are bound in a lotus position and unable to move more than a few inches. In a while, Dave receives a text from the buyer saying that he will take the girls too. All three are placed back in hobble ties and marched around the house to the big white van waiting to whisk them away, probably never to be seen again.

Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Control Freak
Control Freak (MP4)
Total Time: 13 minutes 48 seconds
Cadence has control issues - she always wants to have the last word, always needs to be in charge. The situation is so bad that she has started seeing a psychiatrist in the hope of getting her domineering traits under control. The psychiatrist makes an unusual suggestion - he tells Cadence that she needs to complete relinquish control to someone else periodically, and a unique way to do that is to restrain her. He offers to tie Cadence up with ropes, then gag her to stop her complaining about it and trying to get the upper hand. Reluctantly, Cadence agrees to give bondage a try. She is not too sure about having her arms crossed behind her back, or about having the rope binding her wrists together being passed around her neck. When she is asked to sit in a lotus position and has her ankles secured to keep her there, Cadence starts to grow concerned about this manner of treatment for her condition. Concern grows to anxiety when a ball gag is forced into her mouth, shutting her up and forcing her to drool. Where is her control now? It's doubtful that this remedy will do anything to help Cadence, but it does give her shrink a break! (1920x1080 pixels - 5 Mbps bitrate - WMV: 535.3 MB; MP4: 533.0 MB).

Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Novice Reporter
Novice Reporter
Time: 14 minutes 53 seconds
Cadence is a novice reporter who has a contact she believes is taking her to meet some men who have snatched a well known politician, and they want to speak to a journalist to make their demands. Cadence knows this is a risk but she is a young reporter looking for any opportunity to boost her career. When she climbs into the contact's car, he asks her if she knows the rules. Cadence says that these were explained to her very clearly; that she has to be blindfolded and handcuffed for the journey to ensure that she does not know where she is being taken. When the arrive at the hideout and Cadence's blindfold is removed, she looks around bewildered - there is no one there. She asks her contact where the men and the politician are, but he merely smiles and says, "There is no one else. It's just you and me." Cadence begins to panic as it becomes clear that she is the victim, and that he contact plans to hold her for ransom. After all, her father is the owner of the newspaper group she works for. He zip ties Cadence's ankles and lays her on the floor. He places her in a hogtie and ball gags her until he is ready to make the ransom call. Cadence struggles but without hope of freeing herself from handcuffs and zip ties. When her contact re-enters the room, he has a phone and he is talking to someone. It soon becomes clear that it is Cadence's father; he removes the girl's ball gag and tells her to speak to her dad. Cadence quickly explains that she is tied up and begs her father to pay up. She is then ball gagged once more. Later, when her contact is ready to go to bed (the ransom exchange is not until tomorrow), he ties Cadence to a chair and cleave gags her so that she may spend a slightly more comfortable night.
Cadence Lux
Cadence Lux: Hit & Run
Hit & Run
Time: 14 minutes 08 seconds
A man arrives at Cadence's front door because, he claims, she scraped his car the previous day and then drove off. Cadence looks so dismayed and asks how he found her. He explains that he read her license plate as she drove away and then asked a cop friend of his to look up her details. He says he has come to collect Cadence's insurance details. Cadence pulls a face and admits that her insurance recently lapsed. She offers him $500 in compensation but the man shakes his head, informing her that the estimated cost of repair is over $2,000. Cadence admits that she does not have that kind of money, so the man asks her for payment in kind, in the form of letting him tie her up. When Cadence tells him, "No way is that happening," the man reaches for his phone to formally report the accident to the cops. Cadence pleads with him not to do that, admitting this would not be her first offense. The man is not surprised. Since she can't pay him, Cadence comes to terms that the bondage suggestion is her only option. "But," she says, "I would be helpless. You could do anything you want to me." The man responds, "Yes." Cadence looks concerned but does not resist when the man begins tying her wrists together behind her back. After a few minutes, he has her in a tight hogtie, and then he gags her with duct tape. With Cadence helpless at his feet, the man decides to sit and watch her struggling for a while. After only a minute, however, his phone beeps. It turns out that he is a fireman and he has been called to attend a fire. Since it's an emergency he has no time to untie Cadence, but promises to return later to let her go. Cadence muted protests through her gag are ignored, and soon she is alone desperately trying to free herself from the hogtie the man has placed her in. The ropes are tight and there doesn't seem to be much hope of escaping. She will have to resign herself to staying tied up and gagged until he returns for her.
Cadence (with Cali)
Cali & Cadence: What Do You Want From Me?
What Do You Want From Me?
Time: 23 minutes 19 seconds
Just as Cali steps from her car, she is grabbed by Cadence, a woman who engages in identity fraud. She wants Cali's bank card and other personal data, but when Cali resists her, Cadence takes her into the basement and zip ties her to a bed. She extracts information from Cali, such as the PIN for her bank card, then gags her and leaves her tied up while she goes to withdraw some cash, warning her captive that something bad will happen to her if she lied about the number. After Cadence departs, Cali struggles but cannot free herself from the vicious bite of the zip ties binding her wrists and ankles to the bed frame. As luck would have it, one of Cali's neighbors drops by, knocking on the front door of the house and calling out to her. Cali is able to attract his attention and he cuts her free. Cali explains what has happened to her, and says that she lied about her PIN and wants to capture Cadence when she comes back. The neighbor agrees to help her, saying that he has some experiencing with rope tying. When Cadence arrives, the two pounce on her and push her onto the bed. Cali covers her mouth and holds her down while the neighbor ties up this sexy criminal. After Cadence is secured, gagged and helpless, the neighbor decides to tie some rope around the girl's neck and secure it to the bed frame. Cali agrees enthusiastically and helps to tie of one of the ends, promising to feed Cadence once each day on table scraps, and perhaps even per food. The two leave Cadence tightly tied and going nowhere, unable to move in case she chokes herself.

Cadence Lux
Cadence: Price On Her Head
Price On Her Head
Time: 10 minutes 36 seconds
Cadence has been foolish enough to skip bail and make a run for it over a fairly trivial crime. Her inexperience has made it easy for a bounty hunter to catch her. He has her wrists secured in Tuff Cuffs when he takes her to his home where, it has been arranged, law enforcement officials will show up to collect her. Once indoors, cadence decides to try making a bolt for it, even with her wrists secured, and this earns her some Tuff Cuffs around the ankles. Now she is going nowhere. Her efforts to get away have annoyed the bounty hunter, however, so he decides to gag her to shut her up and then connect her wrists and ankles with a regular zip tie, making her lay on the floor in a tight and very uncomfortable hogtie. (This video would have been longer but Cadence really was locked down tight and getting extremely uncomfortable so we stopped a little sooner than planned. It seems the bad guys are just not mean enough here at BiB!).
Cadence Lux
Cadence: Cadence's Challenge
Cadence's Challenge
Time: 27 minutes 12 seconds
We have tied up Cadence before and asked her to try to escape, and on that occasion she failed, so we thought we'd give her another chance. This time, she is tied in a slightly different way to normal which includes not being able to put her feet down on the floor completely. Knots that she needs to reach are positioned on the opposite side of her body, so unless she can wriggle her wrists out of the ropes, escape is certainly going to be a big challenge. After spending almost a quarter of an hour tying up Cadence, she is then given the go ahead to try to free herself. Does she succeed? (There is a lot of amusing chat during the tying process when Cadence is clearly having fun, despite her growing predicament).
Cadence Lux & Keri Spectrum
Cadence & Keri: Take Down
Take Down
Time: 18 minutes 30 seconds
Keri is the lynch pin of a smuggling organization, arranging pickups and drop offs, making sure things run smoothly. Her activities have come to the attention of The Scarlet Avenger who has decided it is time to take this woman down. She sneaks up behind Keri while she is on the phone and pinches her neck in such a way that it temporarily paralyzes her. Now Keri can only move if the Avenger moves her, like a puppet on a string. The Avenger sits Keri down on the floor and secures her wrists and ankles with zip ties, leaving her to sit there until she decides what to do with her captive. After a few minutes, Keri's paralysis begins wearing off. Being of a cautious and well-prepared nature, Keri has a pair of clippers stashed in a drawer nearby. She quietly works her way to the cabinet and maneuvres herself until she can get the drawer open and retrieve the clippers. This accomplished, she cuts herself free and then conceals herself to await the Scarlet Avenger's return. When the Avenger enters the room and finds Keri gone, she hesitates in momentary confusion and is then lost. Keri sneaks up behind her and presses a cloth over her nose and mouth, pulling her down to the floor until she lies limp in Keri's arms. Cut to where Keri has tied the Avenger to a chair. She has clearly taken her time because the rope work is elaborate and secure. As the Avenger comes round, she tries to put a brave face on things, at least until Keri gags her and leaves her alone while she goes off to attend to business. The Avenger sits struggling against her bonds, knowing that she needs to get free if she is to intercede at the port where the latest shipment is coming in, but the ropes are too tight. She is trapped, helpless, unable to stop the bad guys once again.

Cadence Lux & Keri Spectrum
Cadence & Keri: Airs & Graces
Airs & Graces
Time: 15 minutes 51 seconds
Keri is a cleaner in the employ of Cadence, a wealthy young woman who is both arrogant and condescending. When she arrives home, she expresses surprise at actually finding Keri washing the floor, saying that she doesn't usually do the work she supposed to. When Keri tries to protest, Cadence informs her that she has found another cleaning lady who will work for less pay and whose reputation for getting the job done precedes her. Keri, having had enough now, marches over to her bag and, with her back to Cadence, pours a clear liquid onto a cloth and turns to face her employer. Cadence is in the act of chastising her for wasting time rummaging in her bag when Keri grabs her and presses the cloth over her nose and mouth. She fights but Keri is too strong, and very soon the girl is overwhelmed. When she begins to recover, she finds Keri tying her up. She can't believe it and begins to protest. This earns her three strips of duct tape over her mouth before Keri finishes tying her. Keri tells her that she is going to stay like this until (a) she reinstates her, and (b) triples her salary. Cadence shakes her head to signify "no", and so the waiting game begins.
Cadence Lux & Cali Logan
Cali & Cadence: Tied Up For Their Own Good
Tied Up For Their Own Good
Time: 17 minutes 00 seconds
Cali and Cadence have been visiting a neighbour for a small birthday party and they are the last to leave. They are trying to say goodnight to their host but they can't seem to concentrate and are making all kinds of random remarks. Clearly they are too intoxicated to drive. The host is worried that they may have an accident and that technically he would be responsible, so he tries to talk them into staying the night. The girls insist that they'll be fine, that it's only twenty minutes down the road, but their host is not willing to let them take the risk. He takes their car keys away from Cadence and insists that they stay. When the girls say they will walk home instead, without coats on a winter's night, that's bad enough, but when Cali says they will hitchhike and pulls up her dress to show how she will get a driver to stop, their host has had enough. He goes to fetch some rope and sets about tying the girls up to make them stay. The girls think this is a joke and have a really good laugh about it, at least until their wrists and ankles are bound and their host is still adding more rope to restrain them. They start insisting that he let them go or they will call the police and report him for stopping them driving, even if they would be DUI. They protest and make so much noise that no one in the house will not get any sleep unless they shut up, so their host stuffs a cloth into each girl's mouth and gags them both with duct tape. He wishes them a good night and leaves the room. Cali and Cadence, now somewhat sobered up by their predicament, struggle with their bonds and try to untie each other, determined to get on the road. It soon becomes clear, however, that untying themselves is going to prove quite a challenge, and they may have no choice but to spend the night there after all.
Cadence Lux
Cadence: Scarlet Avenger in Trouble
Scarlet Avenger in Trouble
Time: 15 minutes 14 seconds
The Scarlet Avenger is back and on the track of another no-gooder. She enters his house thinking to take him off-guard, only to find that he was waiting for her. He sneaks up behind her and presses a cloth over her nose and mouth. She struggles but to no avail; the chemical has done it's work. As she comes to, the first thing The Scarlet Avenger sees, albeit out of focus, is her own thighs wrapped with rope. As she tries to flex her limbs, she realizes she has been tied up. She pulls at her ropes, hoping to find some slack in them but there is virtually none. Then, the man she had been out to catch enters the room behind her and begins to taunt her, telling her that from where she is sitting she won't be doing much avenging. After listening to the usual speech about how justice will rain down on his head, he stuffs a cloth into the girl's mouth and ties a rag around her head to make a cleave gag, preventing her from spitting out the cloth. Left alone, The Scarlet Avenger starts moving her chair (an office chair with wheels) around the room, trying to reach the door handle, but there is no way. She wheels herself through into another room and spots a cell phone sitting on the table. If she can only get to it! She struggles to move the wheels using her high-heeled boots, then realizes that she propel herself much better if she goes backwards. With some effort she manages to reach the phone and is in the act of calling for help when it slips from her numb fingers onto the floor. With no way to reach it, the Avenger's future is not looking too rosy.

Cadence Lux
Cadence: Blonde Assassin
Blonde Assassin
Time: 11 minutes 33 seconds
Cadence is an assassin who has been tired to take out some trash in the form of Dave King, head of a drug cartel and a target for his competitors. Cadence, dressed in street clothes to blend in, enters Dave's house through the basement and ascends the stairs. She looks around as she goes but fails to spot him hiding in a recess. He sneaks up behind Cadence and disarms her. Partly for the fun of it and partly to check her for any concealed items, he orders Cadence to take off her clothes. Cadence wants to argue with him but he has her covered and she knows he won't hesitate to dispatch her, so she strip until she stands before him naked. He makes her kneel down then locks a pair of handcuffs on her wrists. He then fores her down onto the floor and zip ties her ankles, using a second zip tie to connect ankles and cuffs until Cadence is trapped in a tight hogtie. No longer willing to listen to what she has to say, Dave gags the girl with duct tape and then departs to make arrangements for her removal, leaving Cadence to struggle helplessly in her inescapable bondage.
Cadence Lux
Cadence: On the Run
On the Run
Time: 13 minutes 55 seconds
Cadence is on the run from the police. With the law closing in, she dashes into a house hoping to be able to hide there for a while, but no sooner has she entered when a man challenges her, asking what she thinks she is doing in his home. When a police woman knocks on the front door, she pleads with the man not to give her up, promising that she has not done anything bad. The man is in two minds about whether to tell the police woman about her or not, but with an inkling of a plan forming in his mind, he answers the door and tells the police woman he has not seen the suspect they are looking for. When he returns, Cadence thanks him profusely, asking if she can just stay a short while until the police have gone. The man points out that he has just committed perjury by lying to the cop for her, and in wants something in return. Cadence looks worried, wondering if the man is after sexual favours, but he says all he wants to do is tie her up for a while. Cadence looks at him anxiously and asks him to promise that he won't hurt her once she is bound. He duly promises and she allows him to bind her with ropes, then cleave gag her with a cloth. Helpless now, Cadence is distressed when the man leaves the room, saying he will be back later. How long is she going to have to lie there in a tight hogtie. She might have been better off letting the police catch her after all!
Cadence Lux & Hannah Perez
Cadence & Hannah: The Scarlet Avenger Returns
The Scarlet Avenger Returns
Time: 29 minutes 24 seconds
The Scarlet Avenger is back and hot on the trail of another wrong doer. This time that wrong doer is Hannah Perez who has been peddling class B substances at work. She knows someone is after her but she is not sure who. We join her as she arrives home and hurries nervously from vehicle to house. Once indoors, she goes straight to the window to see if she can spot whoever has been following her, unaware that her nemesis is already in the house and creeping up behind her. When a gloved hand is clamped over her mouth, she knows the game is up. When she sees she is up against the Scarlet Avenger, Hannah begins to plead for another chance, but this pillar of right and rectitude is not interested in hearing Hannah's excuses.
When we say pillar, that's not quite accurate. The Scarlet Avenger is not above having a little fun with her victims while they wait for the authorities to arrive and take her prisoner off her hands. As soon as she has Hannah all tied up with her scarlet rope and gagged with her scarlet bandanna, she is not above a little groping for self-gratification, but we forgive her because of all the good she does.
Now it is time to call in the police, now that the work of catching the criminal is actually done, but The Scarlet Avenger is unable to get a cellphone signal. She leaves Hannah alone while she goes in search of reception, and naturally Hannah starts wrestling with her bonds in the hope of getting free and escaping justice. To her surprise. she does manage to loosen the ropes binding her wrists together behind her back and quickly unties herself. Aware that she may only have moments before The Scarlet Avenger returns, Hannah hurries to the bathroom cabinet and withdraws a bottle containing one of those naughty class C substances and pours it only a cloth. She lies in wait behind the front door; any second now...

Cadence Lux & Tilly McReese
Cadence & Tilly: The Crooked Accountant Remastered
The Crooked Accountant Remastered (WMV)
Time: 22 minutes 55 seconds
Cadence has been Tilly's accountant for a number of years, but lately Tilly suspects that Cadence has been siphoning money from the business account into her own. Tilly finally confronts her accountant about this misappropriation of funds, and she is deadly serious. Cadence denies stealing from Tilly and looks shocked when Tilly binds her wrists behind her back with a zip tie, gags her with duct tape and marches her outside to her vehicle. Laying on the back seat of the vehicle, wrists and ankles in zip ties, cadence can only wonder what Tilly has in store for her. At Tilly's house, she forces cadence to go on-line and reverse all the transactions she has made. When this task is complete, Tilly re-secures her accountant, now ex-accountant, with zip ties, putting her into a brutal hogtie, and then gagging her with duct tape. Tilly goes out leaving Cadence to struggle, in futility she believes. However, Tilly is not experienced at this sort of this and has left her clippers on the seat of her chair. Spotting these, Cadence tips the chair over and is able to cut herself out of the zip ties. She goes off to retrieve some rope and then lies in wait for Tilly's return. When Tilly enters the room and sees cadence gone, she moans in dismay. A second later, she is terrified as cadence threatens her from behind. Before long, Cadence has the girl tied up with ropes, also in a hogtie, and gagged with tape. cadence then settles down to recover all the money from the reversed transactions while Tilly lies on the floor beside her, helpless and unable to intervene.
Cadence Lux & Tilly McReese
Cadence & Tilly: The Scarlet Avenger
The Scarlet Avenger
Time: 18 minutes 08 seconds
Cadence becomes The Scarlet Avenger in her spare time, righting wrongs and putting the bad guys in jail. She is after a drug dealer today in the form of Tilly McReese. The Scarlet Avenger sneaks up behind the girl while she is on the phone hammering out the terms of her next consignment, unaware that The Scarlet Avenger is listening to every word. When she ends the conversation, Tilly feels a hand clamp over her mouth. Turning, she sees who it is and knows she is in trouble. Even so, she challenges The Scarlet Avenger, trying to talk her into not interfering, but there is no way a do-gooder like this is going to turn a blind eye. To keep Tilly on ice until the cops arrive to pick her up, The Scarlet Avenger wraps her up in scarlet duct tape - wrists, ankles, calves, thighs, hips, waist and chest, pinning the girl's arms against her body. To silence Tilly's protests, The Scarlet Avenger gags her with tape, then drags her into the living room to await the arrival of the police. Tilly writhes about on the floor as her captor sits watching her futile struggles with a smile on her face. When Tilly tries to kick her, the Scarlet Avenger joins her on the floor and torments her, unleashing her vindictive side and tarnishing her pure as the driven snow image. This is one avenger you don't want to mess with.
Cali Logan, Cadence Lux & Hannah Perez
Cali, Cadence & Hannah: Court Martial enhanced
Court Martial enhanced
Time: 15 minutes 59 seconds
Hannah (who is ex-military and is to be court martialed for selling of secrets to a foreign government) is tied to a chair and struggling. Military Police Cali and Cadence enter the house since Hannah failed to show up for the hearing. The MPs find Hannah bound and gagged. Cali goes to look around while Cadence tries to free Hannah, but the girl is secured with zipties, making it hard for Cadence to make any headway. Outside, Cali looks for any signs of the intruder, but does not see him creep up behind her. He presses a cloth over her nose and mouth and Cali sinks to the ground. Inside the house, Cadence is having not luck freeing Hannah, and is now becoming concerned about Cali who has been gone too long. Leaving a distressed Hannah still zip tied, Cadence goes in search of her colleague. While she is trying to revive Cali, the intruder steps out from behind their Jeep. Cadence tries to run but the intruder is too fast. He catches her, presses a cloth over her nose and mouth and holds on to her until she has been subdued. When the MPs recover, they find themselves handcuffed to hooks in the ceiling via zipties, and they are gagged. Next to them, seated on the concrete floor and secured to a pole, is Hannah. The three struggle against their restraints but there is simply no way out.

Cadence Lux
Cadence: Broken Promise
Broken Promise
Time: 16 minutes 19 seconds
Cadence has been tied up by a burglar who is currently raiding her possessions. So far, he has only duct taped her wrists an mouth, promising not to let her go when he has finished if she doesn't give him any trouble. Cadence agrees and sits waiting patiently. Eventually, the burglar returns and ungaga her. Cadence says that she did everything the man wanted, and would he please untape her wrists now. It should hardly come as a surprise to her when the burglar breaks his promise. He says he doesn't want her to call the police as soon as he leaves, so he adds more duct tape rather than removing any. He tapes her ankles, thighs and waist, the latter pinning her to the chair back. The man runs out of black duct tape so he hunts around it the kitchen drawers and finds rolls of red and blue tape. He wraps some of the red around Cadence's uppers thighs and around her calves, then uses the blue to attach her chest to the chair. Observing that her blouse now looks a little time, he opens the top two buttons to allow her to "cool off". Finally, he departs leaving Cadence heavily taped up and unable to free herself. She wonders how long she will have to sit there before someone comes around and finds her.
Cadence Lux
Cadence: Snip & Rip
Snip & Rip
Time: 12 minutes 37 seconds
Cadence is standing in a grimy old garage, her wrists handcuffs above her head and a gag in her mouth. She has no idea how she got there; the last thing she remembers is being at a party and drinking something that tasted a little strange... then waking up here. She struggles, knowing that there is no way out of the tightly-closed handcuffs. Her level of alarm increases when a masked man enters the garage brandishing a pair of scissors. She watches in horror as her begins to cut off her dress. The scissors are blunt and it takes some time, snipping, tearing, and more snipping, until finally no part of the dress is attached to her. The man takes the remains of the dress off her shoulder and throws it on the floor. Now the scissors move down to Cadence's panties, and she watches helplessly as the man cuts through them, first one side and then the other, pulling them from between her legs and leaving her wearing nothing but heels and stockings. After a while, he retrieves a zip tie and secures her ankles. Clearly, this cute blonde is going to remain his house guest for some time to come.
Cadence Lux
Cadence: Bondage Addiction
Bondage Addiction
Time: 20 minutes 05 seconds
Cadence has an addiction; she needs to be tied up and gagged on a regular basis or she starts to suffer withdrawal symptoms. Having failed to get anyone to take the time to restrain her for almost three weeks, she makes a call to a friend as a last resort. On the phone to him, she is literally saying: "Come tie me up, I'm begging you." To Cadence's delight, her agrees. When he arrives, she gets him to tie her up right away, tying rope around her wrists, elbows, ankles, and thighs. To finish off the bondage, her friend puts her in a hogtie and then gags her with a bandana. He says he has things to do and he will return later to check on her and make sure she is alright. Cadence enjoys the challenge of trying to escape from her bonds, always hoping that she won't succeed. After a long struggle, however, she does manage to gradually free herself. She is about half way there when her friend returns, and she challenges him by saying: "If you want that free dinner as your reward for doing this, you had better make a better job of it." Her friend take sup the challenge, and when we see her later Cadence is tied to a chair with a lot of rope, secured in such a way that no knots are within her reach, and she certainly can't get up off the chair. This time, she is gagged with duct tape, then once again her friend departs with the same promise to check on her later. Cadence sets to work on her new restraints, but it is not long before she realizes that she can't feel any slack in the ropes this time, that she really is trapped and will have to sit there until she is released. She doesn't know whether to be pleased or frustrated by her situation, but either way she has no choice in the matter.

Cadence Lux
Cadence: Wages of Sin
Wages of Sin
Time: 18 minutes 17 seconds
Cadence has been caught on video stealing jewellery, but only one security guard has seen it. Rather than report her, the guard decides to give Cadence a chance to pay for her sins in another way: He wants to tie her up! Cadence reluctantly agrees, saying this will be a once only thing in exchange for the man's silence. She looks worried as he ties her wrists together behind her back before passing the rope between her legs and wrapping it around her thighs. When he ties a knot in the rope over her stomach, the passes the ends around her neck and knots them again, Cadence realizes that there is no way in the world she will be able to reach to untie herself. The guard proceeds to tie rope around her ankles and thighs, then he gags her with a strip of duct tape. He lowers her down onto the floor and ties her elbows together, restricting her movement even more, then finished off by placing the poor girl in a hogtie. Now she can only squirm in discomfort, completely unable to move her hands to reach any of the knots holding her. For Cadence, the wages of sin are too high a price to pay, and she now wishes she had let the guard turn her in instead. Frustrated by her helplessness, cadence begins to cry, wondering how long she is going to stay tied up in this seriously uncomfortable position.
Cadence Lux
Cadence: Someone Please Help Me
Someone Please Help Me
Time: 10 minutes 49 seconds
Cadence is being kept prisoner and she just can't get free of the ropes binding her wrists and securing her to a chair. She sees you watching her and begins to plead for your help, asking you to untie her before her captor comes back. She asks you to hurry, but it's too late. Her captor has heard her talking and he arrives with a cloth soaked in a chemical to make her sleep. He presses the cloth over her nose and mouth, and once she is forced to breathe, Cadence's eyes begin to lose focus and she soon lapses into darkness. When she wakes, she again begs you to help her, but she doesn't get far before her captor brings a handkerchief and a gag. Cadence begs him to to gag her, both he pushes the handkerchief into her mouth and secures a cloth over her mouth to stop her spitting it out. When she still refuses to calm down, the soaked cloth is re-applied to her mouth and nose until she is subdued once more. Cadence wakes for a second time and struggles against her bonds, mmmphing through her gag in frustration. After a while, she attracts the attention of her captor yet again. He removes the gag and she spits out the handkerchief just before he presses a cloth over her nose and mouth for a third time.
Cadence Lux
Cadence: Risky Business
Risky Business
Time: 17 minutes 29 seconds
It's a risky business when you fire someone for misconduct because you never quite know how they are going to react. Some get upset and storm out, while others say nothing and seem to take it well... at least until you get home and find them in your house. Cadence had just sat down after a long day at the department store when the man she fired just a few days earlier clamped a hand over her mouth and tells her exactly what he thinks of her. He forced Cadence to stand up and remove all of her clothes - her jacket and sweater, her skirt, her stockings, her bra and her panties, leaving her completely naked. Feeling that she has not been humiliated anywhere near enough yet, he forces her to lock her own wrists in handcuffs, behind her back. Her orders her to lay down and traces a line around her breasts and down to her crotch, then he makes her roll over so that he can secure her ankles together with a ziptie. He uses a second ziptie to link the handcuffs and the tie around her ankles, placing Cadence in a tight hogtie. Finally, he retrieves her discarded stockings and uses them to gag her, pulling them very tight. Satisfied that she can't possibly escape, the ex-employee leaves, promising to return later in the evening to spend more time with her. After he departs, Cadence struggles futilely and begins to cry.

Cadence Lux
Cadence: Watch Cadence Being Tied Up
Watch Cadence Being Tied Up
Time: 24 minutes 02 seconds
You get to watch Cadence being thoroughly and tightly tied to a chair. Cadence, wearing a sexy black dress and boots, accepts the challenge to try to escape once the tying is finished. As rope and rope is added, she starts to lose confidence and even looks a little pensive. Finally, only the gag remains, and three thick pieces of silver duct tape are stuck over her mouth and cheeks, muting anything she might have to say. Cadence begins to struggle with her bonds, but she quickly discovers that she has little latitude to move and can't reach any important knots. Photographs as well as video are taken as she works to free herself, but after ten minutes of trying she has made no progress at all. Is Cadence going to admit defeat or will be elect to keep trying?
Cadence, Laci, Autumn & Kim
Cadence, Laci, Autumn & Kim: The Binder's Apprentice: Part 1
The Binder's Apprentice: Part 1
Time: 34 minutes 40 seconds
The police have never been able to gather enough evidence against the man they suspect of being The Binder, despite keeping him under constant surveillance. Part of the problem is that he has not been active of late, having suffered an injury which slows him down. The women of the area might breathe a sigh of relief at this news, were it not for the fact that The Binder now seems to have an apprentice. In the opening scene, Dominic Boyle, a successful businessman, is in an argument with Kim, his personal assistant of several years. She says she is quitting because she is tired of having him tie her up all the time, making her stay late at the office. When he says he was planning to fire her anyway, she storms out of the office, slamming the door. A few moments later, a knock comes on the door and Boyle it is Kim having forgotten something, but instead he is startled to see the very man he worships - The Binder himself! When the old man gives his consent for Boyle to take over his activities until he recovers from his illness, the younger man is overwhelmed and promises not to let his mentor down. Boyle sets to work the very next day by enter the house of Autumn Bodell and her housemate Laci, two of the Binder's past victims. We join him just as he finishes placing the girls in hogties and gagging them, taking a few photographs for his album before departing. The girls struggle desperately to get free, and after a while Autumn thinks to retrieve her cellphone from her purse and call Cadence Lux, one of the detectives assigned to The Binder case.
Cadence, Laci & Autumn
Cadence, Laci & Autumn: The Binder's Apprentice: Part 2
The Binder's Apprentice: Part 2
Time: 34 minutes 31 seconds
Autumn and Laci are relaxing after their bondage ordeal of the morning, wondering how Cadence is doing. Laci points out that they have not heard from her and they wonder if things are going well for the detective. They don't hear any sounds of someone entering the house, but suddenly the Binder's Apprentice is with them again, and now he is armed in order to control them. He is annoyed to find the two women free of their bonds, and is even more convinced now that someone is helping them, probably his new, nosy secretary. But she will have to keep: for now, he has something else he must do. He is determined to carry on and not let The Binder down. He orders Autumn and Laci to take off their clothes and produces new outfits from his bag for them to wear. Once the girls have dressed themselves in the new clothes, the Binder's Apprentice ties each girl's hands behind her back, securing the ends over the stomach to stop her reaching the final knot. Once both are bound, he sits them back to back and ties their ankles and knees. He then wraps rope around their chests and waists, pinning them back to back so that they can't untie one another. The girls keep protesting at this treatment, warning the Binder's Apprentice that the police are watching, that he will get caught. To shut them up, he gags them both before producing his camera and taking yet more photographs for his personal album. After he leaves, Autumn and Laci struggle with their bonds but they are unable to get free.

Cadence, Laci & Autumn
Cadence, Laci, Autumn & Kim: The Binder's Apprentice: Part 3
The Binder's Apprentice: Part 3
Time: 35 minutes 01 seconds
When Cadence arrives for work on her second day, she enters to find Boyle not dressed in his suit but in a black commando-looking outfit with heavy boots. She asks what is going on, and he says that he knows what is going on, that she is a cop trying to entrap him. He holds Cadence up and makes her change out of her clothes into a dress he has selected for her. Cadence has no choice but to obey. The change complete, Boyle, now in his role of the Binder's Apprentice, makes her lay down on the floor where he ties her up and places her in a hogtie. He cleave gags her with a red cloth, matching the colour of her dress, then tells her he has a client to see, and that he'll be back to deal with her later. Left alone, Cadence spends a lot of time trying to get free but without success. After lying there trapped for hours, she finally hears someone coming. It is not the Binder's Apprentice, but Autumn and Laci who have grown worried about her and come to check up on how she is doing. Autumn removes Cadence's gag, and Cadence asks the two women to untie her quickly because they have to get out of there before the Binder's Apprentice comes back. The girls have barely started loosening the ropes when they hear the sound of a door opening and closing. Rather than be discovered, they quickly re-gag the protesting Cadence and flee from the room to hide elsewhere in the building. When the Binder's Apprentice enters the room, he immediately spots the loose rope around Cadence's ankles. He arms himself and quickly leaves in search of the intruders he knows must still be nearby.
Cadence Lux
Cadence: Spy Games
Spy Games
Time: 23 minutes 55 seconds
Cadence is an air force officer who is also a spy selling secret plans to interested parties. We begin with the arrival of a buyer who has been given a specific response to a test question, to make sure he is who he claims to be. When he passes the test, Cadence hands over an SD card containing the plans, and gifts the camera to the buyer as a thank you for the box of money he is about to hand over. What the buyer does not know is that the plans on the SD card are fakes, and that the camera contains a microbomb which cadence plans to detonate once he is a safe distance from her house. After he departs, we see Cadence activate the device and press the button, smiling as she utters the words: "Bye Bye, Mr. Spy." Cadence immediately gets on the phone to another potential buyer, offering the same plans for the same amount of money; no harm in getting paid twice, she reasons. While she is talking on the phone, she is unaware that the first buyer is standing behind her listening to every word she says. When she hangs up, he grabs her, explaining that he learned long ago to distrust gifts. He says he found the microbomb and disarmed it, and now he wants the genuine plans. Cadence refuses to cooperate, so he placed her in a tight hogtie and shows her a small gelatin-coated capsule. He says it contains a deadly poison, and that if ingested, the victim would die an agonizing death. He wraps the capsule inside a handkerchief, bunches it up and thrusts it into cadence's mouth, adding an over-the-mouth gag to prevent her spitting it out. He warns her that her saliva will soak through the handkerchief in a few minutes and activate the capsule, so if she wants to live she had better reconsider about handing over the real plans...
Cadence Lux
Cadence: The Cult: Part 3 (MP4)
The Cult: Part 3 (MP4)
Time: 10 minutes 15 seconds
Cadence is an investigative reporter following up on reports of strange disappearances in the area, and rumors of the existence of a satanic cult. She knocks on the door of the isolated house and asks what appears to be an old world butler if he knows anything about the alleged cult. He says not, but invites her in to interview his master. He shows Cadence to the room with the skeletons and departs. Typical of a reporter, Cadence cannot help but photograph the strange tableau. She does not hear the dark acolyte creep up behind her. This times, he bears a chemically-soaked cloth which he presses over her nose and mouth, taking no risks with a member of the press. Cadence recovers in a while and is at first confused because she can't move. Then she becomes aware that she is tied up, and that someone is tying her ankles together at that very moment. She immediately begins to protest, saying that her editor knows where she is. The dark acolyte cups her face in his hand and tells her; "I'm going to leave you here for a while to tire yourself out, then I'll take you to the missing women." Cadence realizes she has become part of something dark and dangerous, but it's too late to drop the story now.

Cadence Lux & Beverly Bacci
Cadence & Beverly: Hosed Down
Hosed Down
Time: 12 minutes 05 seconds
The down side of sleeping your way to a promotion is that the company passes over an older, more experienced member of staff in favour of you. Cadence discovers this to her peril. Her piss-off colleague Beverly is furious that she has been sidelined by a girl barely more than half her age, and decides it time for some payback. She takes Cadence to a friend's house out in the woods, her wrists bound and duct tape covering her mouth to keep her quiet. Beverly marches her around the back of the house and down onto the lawn where she ties Cadence's ankles together. Beverly produces a hose pipe which is fed by water from a deep well. She hoses the bound girl with freezing cold water, making her whimper through her gag and she rolls around trying to avoid the icy jet. Beverly is relentless however and keeps the hose trained on the girl until she is exhausted. Finally, Beverly stops the torture but leaves without untying her colleague, leaving Cadence shivering and struggling to free herself.
Cadence Lux & Beverly Bacci
Cadence & Beverly: Never Pick Up a Hitchhiker
Never Pick Up a Hitchhiker
Time: 33 minutes 17 seconds
Beverly is driving home when she encounters a girl (Cadence) hitchhiking. The girls seems to be limping so Beverly stops to pick her up. Cadence climbs into the car expressing her gratitude and explaining about her twisted ankle, and Beverly offers to drive her to her home just a few miles away to attend to the girl's injured foot. All is going well until Cadence pulls a bottle of water from her backpack and something falls on the floor which causes Beverly grave concern. She is about to stop the car and tell the girl to get out when Cadence holds up Beverly and orders her to drive her to the woman's house. Beverly tries to reason with Cadence, pointing out that she is too young to be starting a life of crime, but the girl just tells her to shut up. When Beverly won't stop talking, Cadence orders her to stop the car. She forces Beverly to produce her wallet, and Beverly thinks she is about to be robbed. instead, cadence looks at her driving license to get her address. She then orders Beverly to get out of the car and get into the back. Here, Cadence quickly zip ties the woman's wrists and ankles, gagging her with duct tape her before closing the hatch door. Cadence then gets behind the wheel and drives the car herself. A little later, they arrive at Beverly's house. Cadence frees her prisoner's ankles, but while Cadence is retrieving her backpack from the car, Beverly makes a run for it. Cadence catches her and marches her back down the driveway and into the house. Here she puts Beverly in a hogtie and uses her for a footrest while she drinks a can of soda taken from the fridge. Cadence locates Beverly' safe and forces her to give up the combination, enabling Cadence to steal the woman's money...
Cadence Lux & Laci Star
Cadence & Laci: Rebinder
Time: 21 minutes 05 seconds
Cadence and Laci are dressed for work, bartending at a local nightclub, though neither of them is in the mood to go. Just as they discuss this, an intruder enters the room and tells them not to worry, that they don't need to go to work after all. Laci recognizes the man as The Binder, a man who broke into her house months before and tied her up, along with her friend Autumn. She had assumed The Binder had since been caught and was off the street, but obviously he is still at large. He makes the girls kneel and then ties them up one after the other, one in a hogtie and one secured to a chair. He leaves them alone for a while during which they talk to one another through their gags, clearly frustrated by the situation. Things get worse later when The Binder returns and takes them down to the basement where he has prepared two pairs of handcuffs for them, secure to a pole by a zip tie. The girls are forced to put their wrists in the cuffs and The Binder locks them in place. He secures their ankles with zip ties and finishes the job by coiling some rope around them, an unnecessary precaution but he seems to be enjoying himself. With the girls tied and locked without hope of escape, The Binder departs to another house and another victim.

Cadence Lux & Laci Star
Cadence & Laci: Object Of Her Affections
Object Of Her Affections
Time: 22 minutes 19 seconds
Cadence has admired Laci for some time but Laci always gives her the cold shoulder. Having finally had enough, Cadence decides to advance the situation. On Laci's afternoon off, she sneaks into the girls house, creeps up behind her and presses a cloth over her nose and mouth. Laci thrashes around trying to escape but Cadence holds on to her until she relaxes. Cadence retrieves the ropes she has brought along with her and sets about tying up Laci, starting with the girl's wrists. While Cadence is working on tying her ankles, Laci begins to stir and groan. When she realizes what is happening, Laci tries to pull away but Cadence is quickly on her. Cadence tells Laci she had better start liking her company because she is planning to keep her like this for some time. Cadence fulfills her desires by caressing and kissing Laci, running her tongue up the girl's neck and face and telling her house she feels. When Laci continues trying to wriggle away, Cadence ties rope about the girl's knees to make moving harder, then continues lavishing affection on the object of her desires. After a while, cadence decides Laci is still too mobile and ties her to a chair, making it easier to grope and kiss her. When Cadence's phone rings and she is called away to see a friend, she gags Laci with duct tape to prevent her raising the alarm with her neighbours, telling the girl she will only be gone a few hours. Laci struggles but Cadence has tied her too well and she must simply wait for her to return.
Cadence Lux & Laci Star
Cadence & Laci: Naked Fear
Naked Fear
Time: 15 minutes 19 seconds
Cadence and Laci arrive home chatting happily about the party they've been to when they come face to face with a man in their living room. Much to their horror, he makes them both strip off and then commands Cadence to secure Laci's wrists in front of her with a zip tie. He does the same to Cadence before cleave gagging both girls and ordering them to march outside, stark naked. In the garden, he zip ties their wrists to the frame of a swing chair, then applies another zip tie to each girls legs. He whacks the bare butts with a zip tie before leaving them on their own. Unable to escape, the two girls struggle in futility, aware that their only means of rescue - for someone to visit and find them - will be accompanied by the humiliation of being found naked. As the wind picks up and the girls start to shiver with the cold, they huddle together for warmth.

Cadence Lux & Laci Star
Cadence & Laci: The Bodyguard
The Bodyguard
Time: 16 minutes 29 seconds
Laci has been targeted by a criminal gang who wants to grab her and hold her for ransom. Because of threats she has received, Laci has been assigned a bodyguard in the form of Detective Cadence Lux. Laci enjoys horse riding and insists on continuing with it despite the danger, and in spite of Cadence's requests for her to stop and keep herself safe. Laci playfully suggests that Cadence might like to be her permanent personal bodyguard, her expression suggesting that she is attracted to Cadence. When Laci heads out to the stables, Cadence knows she has no choice but to follow her to keep an eye on the hapless girl. After watching Laci drive away, Cadence re-enters the house to get her car keys, but before she realizes what is happening, a masked man overpowers her and ties her up. He forces her to call Laci and instruct the girl to come back to the house on the pretext that she has received another threat. Laci returns some minutes later and is quite annoyed at being called back. When she finds Cadence bound and gagged on the floor, he irritation evaporates and she kneels down beside the detective, ungagging her before trying to kiss her. Cadence warns her that they are in danger but Laci pays no attention. Moments later, she too is grabbed and tied up. When the masked man leaves the room for a few minutes, Laci works her way over to Cadence and starts making out with her. The detective looks at the girl in disbelief, chastising her for not untying her when she had the chance. The bad guy returns with some cloth and cleave gags both girls, then carries them one at a time to the detective's car, placing them on the back seat ready to drive to a new location and issue his ransom demand.

Cadence Lux
Cadence: The Plumber
The Plumber
Time: 18 minutes 09 seconds
Cadence has been waiting for the plumber to arrive to fix a leaking pipe under the kitchen sink. He is already an hour late! When the doorbell chimes, Cadance exclaims: "Finally!" She does not seem too pleased when she answers the door, not realizing the mistake she is making. She shows the plumber into the kitchen and shows him what needs doing, then goes back into the living room to continue texting on her phone. Unseen by her, the plumber opens his tool box and pulls out some rope and duct tape. He picks up a short length of pipe, creeps up behind Cadence and presses the round end into her back. Making the assumption one would expect, Cadence raises her hands and complies when the plumber starts to tie her wrists together behind her back. Only when he has her lying on the floor with her legs also tied does he show her the pipe, mocking her for believing it was anything more. To Cadence's horror, he asks her if she knows what a hogtie is, then proceeds to demonstrate by putting her in one. He promises to fix the leaking pipe for her, but first he stuffs a handkerchief into her mouth and wraps duct tape around her head. For a while after he gets to work, Cadence stays where she is, finally realizing that her only hope is to get to the front door and maybe summon help. Moving in a hogtie is difficult and it takes a lot of effort for Cadence to move herself along the passageway. She is prevented from reaching the door by the presence of three steps which she can't descend without falling. Before she can try it, the plumber discovers what she is up to. He releases her from the hogtie, lifts her over his shoulder and carries her back into the living room where he sits her on a chair before securing her to it with duct tape. He gathers up his tools, and Cadence can't believe it when he tells her that he will send her the bill! Then he is gone, leaving Cadence tied up, duct taped and gagged.

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